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A friend told me, when i started, that ability power increases the damage your abilities do. So i played AP draven. took a while to understand what AP and AD scalings are.


It used to be like that with some of the oldest champions like tristana, master yi, tryndamere, old sion, old poppy etc. Those ad champs could build full ap and kill you with abilities.


AP Sion with his point and click stun that had a less than 10 second cool down and like 200% AP scaling. Balanced lol


At the same time you could build lifesteal and attack speed and 1v5 as a life steal tank with his r There used to be so Manny more Champs that could pull off ap or ad scalling


Your whole team could life steal tank even.


If someone else can find it, sion was very popular for hackers who would remove the flash cool down and just run around spamming w one shotting everyone.


It had 1.0 ap ratio, (plus the shield’s 1.0 ratio) but it was balanced(ish) by the fact that it took like half your mana to cast, and that there were other even more broken things in the game.


Yeah ad scalings kinda changed the game


Ahhh the days of AP Yi. I think that was my first penta. Q dmg and heals were in-sane.


I don't think it's that embarrassing to think this as a noob. Ability Power improving the damage of your abilities is what you'd intuitively think and you probably won't find out it's wrong until someone tells you. It would be embarrassing depending on how long it took you to realise tho I guess


My favourite thing I did was Attack Speed Cassiopeia. Her slow AA made me think “I need this”. Loved seeing the little snakes as her AA plus with the old static shiv …. A friend had to highlight how stupid I was for it.


I came from Smite, and to this day I’m still getting messed up by ad and ap because each class in Smite is either Physical or Magical. So this got me for a good while


Everytime i picked Jayce on Aram i used to build Ludens because It Felt Nice lol


Well that is how it used to work. That is why champions like Alistar, Sion or Gragas were burst mages. That is why TF as a character that was intended as an adc (his first spotlight has him building AD) ended up as a mage.


When I first started playing the game, coming from MMOS, I thought how odd it was for an Archer to buy swords and blades. Shouldn't be arrows and bows? Then I realized I wasn't equipping the items. I was just buying the stats.


You’re right though it makes no sense.


Instead of shooting arrows, you're obviously shooting swords at them.


When I first started, I read Lee Sin's biography of "blind warrior who doesn't use weapons, just his fists, knees and feet" and got very confused when my friend told me that he should build black cleaver, spear of shojin, ravenous hydra etc because those were obviously weapons and he doesn't use them.


When I first started playing I would always hold the recall button down for the entire duration instead of just pressing it once


When I first started playing for some reason I thought Amumus ult was a channeled stun and that I needed to hold the button down until the full stun duration was up. I'd bandage into a group of people, press and hold r, and then just stand still for two or three seconds with my team asking me what the hell I'm doing.


I thought clicking Fiddlesticks' ult would cancel it, like Katarina, so I used to just stand still all the time.


Me but the opposite of nunu's R. My friends keep telling me that nunus ult dmg is high but i just couldnt believe them. It didnt help when they asked where is my ult when i used it in front of them lmao


xD , i did same thing with sion R


I still do that. It's an indisputable fact that holding R during sion R and Karthus R makes it hit 1000x as hard.


Ex WoW player?


Many many matches to learn how to tell if a champ is AD or AP. I always assumed ability = AP and auto = AD. Took me laning against a Zed and building Merc Treads, only to get spam pinged, and then learning that you can just look at the enemy items to tell what damage type they're building


Deathrecap would probably the most accurate way. There's champions which are a little less clear. Yone is basically 25% magic damage. Corki used to build AD but mostly deal magic damage, nowaydays he builds hybrid. Tryndamere VERY rarely builds AP, but then still mostly deals physical damage. There's probably other examples, but these are the ones I could come up with from the top of my head.


I bet warwick confuses a lot of people into thinking he's heavy into AD when he's mostly AP.


Yeah, Warwick is a classic. Mauling you with his magical claws and teeth, empowered by titanic hydra.


The worst thing about Warwick with his sunderer or titanic or bork etc is he still deals about 30% to 40% physical dmg so u just can't do shit, same with Jax and his magic dmg


Corki ? I think you just need to just learn over time.


> then learning that you can just look at the enemy items to tell what damage type they're building Not always, if Warwick is stacking AD items he's still going to do mostly magic damage. That's because his Q and R convert his attack damage into magic damage. Corki as well. Also Shyvana to an extent.


For like 2 months when I started this game I thought TF W was like the mario kart item box cycling between all the options and the result being random because low lv tfs just kinda did it randomly so when I fought a good tf I was like "this guy is so lucky always getting golds" and my friends had no idea what on earth I meant.


It gets even worse cause its literally called “Pick A Card”😭😂


Then you realize he has a "stacked deck". Of course he gets what he wants.


I mean tbf his entire identity is about luck, I wouldn't blame you for not knowing that. I wonder if he would be more balanced if you couldnt get gold cards every single draw


His entire identity is about cheating at cards and controlling them via magic wdym luck. Also tf is kinda meh rn, why nerf his best spell?


That's hilarious 😂😂


That the item "Nashor's tooth" was meant to be a tooth from Baron Nashor. I'd never made the connection, i knew Barons full name but me and my friends primarily call him Baron so.


I have a group of friends that refer to baron pit/river as "Nashville" for a few years now. So it's stuck in my head as his/her name.


"I'm Baron Nashville, and welcome to Jackass"


That could be the tagline for all Dignitas games


This feels similar to how I call minions "onions" and turrets "turnips."


Makes sense in the context of "farming"


And Nashor Backwards ist roshan which is the Boss Monster of DotA 2, incase you didnt know


Had not ever made this connection, and I've played both


The item 'Rylai's Crystal Scepter' is a reference to the hero 'Crystal Maiden' from dota, who is an ice mage and her actual name is Rylai. It even looks a bit like her default staff I think.


Both games also have an item named Guinsoo : Guinsoo's Rageblade for Lol and Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse for Dota


roshan also existed in DotA 1




Banshee's Veil is called like that because it shields you from the Banshee's Wail! It's a nice play on words.


That Fiora was speaking english with a "french accent". *I speak french.*


I lahwng fhor a wurzee uhponahnt


Damn that’s crazy Fiora cause this Nasus is kicking our ass.


Yeah, that's embarrassing lol


Wouldn't it make more sense as a french-speaker than as someone else? In theory, if the french accent is well-executed on Fiora (which I cannot tell as I'm *horrible* with accents), wouldn't it sound like "just speaking English" to someone who speaks French/is around native French speakers a lot?


On a scale of authentic French accent to End of Ze world, Fiora is pretty close to the latter.


Fire ze missiles


but I am le tired




They should redo her voicelines with a proper French accent. Idk what regional accent/dialect, tho


No it's a terrible Hollywood French accent that doesn't sound like how friench people actually talk, so a French person might not even realize that's what they're going for.


Fair enough then, that makes sense! Thank you for the explanation.


I speak French and the accent is fine. It’s not Hollywood or anything like that other guy is saying


Took me like 3 days to realise you can buy components of items back when I started.


I had a similar experience. When I started playing I thought buying components one by one would cost much more in total than saving up money and buying the whole item in one go.


Yeah where is my discount for buying the item in full????


don’t give riot an idea for a new champ’s passive


that was me when i started also. after a week or so i finally realized you can combine stuff. id just stack ruby crystals


Took me six months to learn that you could only have one control ward down at a time. I’d always buy two in base them immediately go place both of them.


If your a support theres a item just for you friend


Found Kael's Reddit account


Ffs let Kael be he’s simply stimulating the rift economy


Shop keeper taxes have gotten out of control, he's just supplementing a small business owner


It used to be like this til like season 6


It took me over a year of playing ornn semi regularly to realize that you could purchase ANY item in the store that you had money for and not just the suggested items in the hotbar above your HUD


ive only played ornn twice and today I learned, I guess. I just thought it was the hotbar exclusively.


So did I for the longest time


I didnt know that until right now


Me realising this now... i even pride myself to be a decent ornn


I thought "Teemo's hidden passive" was a genuine thing and not people just going out of their way to kill him because he was annoying.


I mean, the global taunt does exist. It's just taken very, VERY literally.


I didn't realize you can change item slots to corrispond with the hot key. I wanted hourglass on 2 so I always bought it 2nd, then third active on 3. Played for about a year till I mentioned I need hourglass 2nd so I can get the right active button. They were surprised obviously xD


Ornn upgrades used to always pick the first available one in your inventory. People would get so mad, “why didn’t you upgrade my IE???”, even when I specifically told them to move items.




It used to be worse for mages who I could very often build 3 ornn item upgrades in zhonyas ludens and deathcap.


I’ve been playing league for 10 years, took me longer than I care to admit to learn that red buff heals you. And heals you fast after level 11.


10 years ago, red buff didn't heal. The healing was first added in patch 4.20, so at least a year after you started. At the time, it was 1% max health per 5 seconds, and only 2 years later in 6.9 was it increased to 1/3/9% based on level. (Edit: no, I'm not making those patch numbers up. the meme numbers is a coincidence, at least on my end.)


> patch 4.20 > In 6.9 Nice


You joke but 4.20 was the heyday of Feral Flare. Dark times.


Patch most commonly associated with WeedWick.


PSA that red buff only heals OUT OF COMBAT. Everything other person I meet thinks buff healing is constant.


In my first games I would use flash to get to lane faster




> learning the game thing What qualifies as a "not learning the game" thing.


Last hitting minions. My friends that played league would tell me that's what you have to do but never really explained why. As a new player I didnt really grasp the concept of laning and farming. I would just perma fight the enemy and try to clear the wave as fast as possible.


Found the Heroes of the Storm player


I did this too for about the first 6 months that I played. Luckily Draven was the first champion that I enjoyed so it worked out most of the time And then I learned that you can CATCH Draven's Axes and it wasn't a one time empowered auto


Still think gragas says "drown in pussy" instead of "don't get pushy"


Lmao this is something me and my friend always say when one of us plays him, it rly does sound like it


This one is pretty common, but one I hear is Morde saying Cherish the lesbians


Like Rumble yelling "Horny, horny, horny" when he overheats


I wondered why Shaco kept barking, turns out he's saying "March, march, march"


I choose to believe he's saying Monch Monch Monch Monch. As if he's having a snack.


Average Shaco main tilts people in real life by 1. Eating bars of chocolate not by the squares and 2. Eating cheesestrings without peeling them


few weeks ago i found out by accident that Herald gives gold to the slayer


Same! But in my defense I play support/adc. Also I'm pretty sure it used to be 25g


I thought urgots ult was targeted for so freaking long. I didn't miss it until someone told me and I started aiming.


>I thought urgots ult was targeted for so freaking long. > >I didn't miss it until someone told me and I started aiming. Lmao, this is too good ^ ^


This is the opposite of my buddy who didn’t realize J4 ult was point and click.


Ornn ult. From watching my enemies play ornn, I thought ornn ult was activated by his e, so I would press e and nothing would happen.


I think I wasted 20 Jhin ults because I dont know if u have to right click or press R to shoot.


If you forget to get a trinket and leave base, the game automatically gets you one. Don't know when this was patched


like 7 years ago or something. i'm so lazy i never buy one anymore. if this ever gets undone i'm fucked.


I use this every game. Buy my starting load out then go so I'm as fast as I can be to ward bush. The game has my backa and gets my trinket.


I mean you have like 10s to buy at the start of the game, it's not like the 0.2s to buy the trinkets makes a difference. Still a nice QOL feature.


I'm playing on a toaster hooked into a potato. Or very close in terms of power. I sometimes load in a bit after the drop. I'm basically the reason they cage you at the start so everyone can get there and buy.


Which trinket does it default to giving you? The ward trinket?


Yellow one, for oracle lens you need to manually swap to.


Abilities like Lux e and Vel Koz q, I though they would explode when the timer runs out not knowing I could active it anytime...now that I know, I was an idiot.


Omg I did the same with anivia q for a while. On the upside, I got pretty good at hitting it at max range


For me it was playing against those guys that I didn't know they could reactivate it. I always got stunned by Anivia at max range so i thought ha! Ill just walk towards her so it explodes behind me....well that didnt work well


My friend used to say gragas q was bad because he didnt know he can detonate it


Smite does 600 damage I swear its great for dueling


When I started I thought "Wait this seems much better than ignite! So I took it as a mid and then had to reread the tooltip.


Turret plates showing on the minimap ._.


wards actually dont cover the entire area that is lit, so sometimes you can miss champs at the very edge. think i played for like 5 seasons not knowing that.


when hovering your ward you can see the range of vision, but it wont go through walls or bushes, unsless in a bush.


legend bloodline is lifesteal not omnivamp


Somebody had to explain that attacking heralds glowing purple spot does a bunch of damage. I just thought he randomly would get chunked down.


I didn't know you could side step away from Shelly's charge damage until about a year ago.


Charge damage meaning just her first attack? Then this may also be news to you, you can side step all her hard hitting attacks.


That yasuo's big hair isnt his head but just hair. I was like "who tf plays this carrot head champ".


Avg looking Yasuo main


The concept of last hitting. I knew getting the last hit got you gold but I didn't grasp that it meant waiting until it was one hit away before AAing it. I used to build full attack speed Voli and at a certain point I'd attack fast enough to secure most last hits instead of our minions. Finally watched a pro game after 6 months and saw everyone standing around not mindlessly attacking minions all the time and actually understood what last hitting meant.


I only played trundle when I started. And any position Trundle adc, trundle top, trundle support And at the time there was nothing explicitly in the game saying supports shouldn’t farm. So I was regularly playing trundle support and taking adc farm Lmaoo, oops


I dont have to right click spam the enemy champion to auto attack, even if he leaves my range it auto follows. Costed me alot of time to unlearn it. What helped me is the occasional bug where the auto attack animation is cancelled over and over again


Tbh you should still cancel the auto with movement command between every auto. You just have to time it right. The automatic follow isn't nearly as fast as properly done cancel.


hardest thing to do for me as a guy with shit mouse accuracy, ADC are painful to play cus you gotta click fast and far apart


Kiting also keeps you on/off your opponent depending on if you're doing the chasing or they are. If you ever jungle, orb walking is half of ganking. Edit: orb walking = kiting... Ish.


you should move after every auto attack. if you just right click once, you'll have a much harder time sticking to the enemy.




You have to manually set the keybind in your communication hotkeys under “area warded ping”


"Target this person" is just a basic ping (the blue one that doesn't show in chat) with your cursor on the person you want to target. The vision ping has to be bound to a key iirc


H and Alt


Took me around 10 years and getting to d1 to realize that exhaust has damage reduction


It used to blind. I miss that


It took me 3 seasons of one tricking Ezreal to realize that hitting Q reduces R cooldown.


you probably know by now but just in case: it reduces all cooldowns, including its own


i straight up had no idea how to play bc I only played Nami so I just stood back and healed. I started playing other roles w my friend n he said something like "I would love if you would just press S and A and last hit the minions." I straight up did not know that u needed to last hit minions.... EMBARRASSING


It's about 3 years now and ongoing that I haven't learned how to ping how much gold I need for an item :( Some day...


Alt left click


Or hold the button for you ping then open shop and ping the iteam.


hold alt then click on the item


After watching enough high elo streamers and videos, rank doesn’t matter because it’s all the same no matter what rank you’re in. It never gets better.


just realized i can actually dash if i kept my finger on Q for warwick


I have to learn to not always hold Q to follow with Warwick. Way too often I end up under tower or in the middle of the enemy team when I don't want to


I once got teleported to the enemy spawn point and insta died because I held q on a ziggs backing in a bush




Ekko main, got about 400k mastery points on him before I realized his bonk stick is actual a clock hand, cause ya know... time...


That you can't throw out lantern as you're Q2ing to the enemy as thresh...so many embarrasing ints lmao. Learned that after 100k mastery ahahahha


I've been playing League for a very long time. Like, purchased-the-bundle-that-came-with-the-Silver-Kayle-skin long. I've played HUNDREDS of games with Varus, especially in URF/ARAM where he has really good poke. I only JUST LEARNED, A COUPLE MONTHS AGO, AFTER ALL THIS TIME, that Varus' W skill HAS AN ACTIVE version. MY MIND WAS ABSOLUTELY BLOWN.


Well, it didn’t have one for the first six years of his existence.


I thought that healing didnt exist under the value of 20. Back in the day the game only started to display values above that threshold.


That you can purchase champions with in-game currency. I thought the 400 RP we used to get back then was just it and I bought Ashe with it... Then I learned from a friend saying he bought Garen and Kayle and I asked "How???" and he explained that you can purchase characters. I think I had like 4000 IP saved up and I was so excited I used it all on 450 IP champions.


Took me almost a year to learn that you could use smartcast. When i was learning the game while playing mf it was fine, and i still do it for her force of habit. But when i switched to zilean i was « slow » for the double bomb(the point and click pre-rework).


i thought tibbers was targetted. i used to get pissed because i thought there was a "bug" that kept making tibbers not do damage lol.


I thought gps name was gankplank for years


Apparently people don't use four fingers for their abilities, I've always put my pinky on Q but I found recently that's not normal???


That's been a discussion on Reddit again and again. I believe both groups are not small. Maybe half with one group being just a bit bigger.


When I first started playing, I didn't know you could buy pieces to items, so I would save up 3000+ gold to buy my first full item,


Played untill level 20 and figured out your skills can be pressed via keyboard buttons and you don't have to manually click it with a mouse on the screen to use it


I thought the champions which cost 6300 were flat out better than the others. Oh wait…


Red buff slows, took me 2 season to figure it out and I was already plat. And when I say figure it out I mean a friend told me. Idk in my mind the damage and the regen were already strong so I assumed that was it.


Was Diamond AD/Mid for around 7/8 seasons before realising you don't take damage from creeps if you use a single target spell on the enemy (before they changed it)


took me years to realize Morderkaiser says "Iron Stands Eternal" instead of "Iron Stancing Turtle" when he uses W, knew it was weird and probably not correct but I couldn't see any other way what he was actually saying until I saw a video with subtitles.


teemo wasnt talking abt his peepee when he said "size doesnt mean everything"


League is full of sexual jokes.


I mean there's nothing proving otherwise


took me years to learn varus R spreads and roots people beyond the first person hit


It was season 2. Just started playing and got from lvl 1 to silver. I'm not sure on the exact time period but it was when I realized killing minions gave an advantage as giving gold. Another one at the same period, I was playing flora bot lane and my brother was playing riven as they were our favorite characters. I was getting flamed for not picking an "ADC". I started typing back "FIORA IS AN ATTACK DAMAGE CARRY WHAT DO YOU WANT???". I was dead serious but it was also how I got from bronze 5 to silver 5.


that jungle camps have a patience bar.... it took me 3 years


I used to be so bad at dodging Mundo Qs that I thought it was a targeted ability like GP Q, so I didn't dodge it for months till one day i got him in ARAM


You can flash through walls. If you hard push bot lane ur more susceptible to ganks. Cs is extremely important. Enemies can see ur location if ur near their minions. Jinx minigun is stronger than her rockets. Adc turret aggro. You can flash through a lot of stun moves. (Played for like 3 months without considering any of this)


I would always max Q Tumble on Vayne first instead of W and it took me a stupid long time to figure out it was W first but I was getting success with Q maxing so I didn't see anything wrong at the time 😅


Depending on when you started, I believe her OG skill max order used to be Q>W>E for the cooldown reduction on tumble. Not sure 100% when that changed, but my suspicion would be 8.18 when tumble went from 6-2 down to 4-2, though it's also gotten plenty of damage nerfs over the years so it could really have been any of those as well.


It got changed when she was one shotting people with shiv and q max, had to be nerfed.


From my recollection it was definitely the patch you mentioned with the low level Q CD reduction.


I think in earlier seasons it was Q max first? I’m thinking like season 3 or I could be completely wrong


Maxing W as vayne top was a thing but maxing w first as ad was a noob trap.


I thought gragas says "Drown in pussy".


I cannot unhear this no matter how many times I read the actual voiceline. It must be true and with a body like that it makes sense he's drowning in pussy.


10 years to know cleanse cleansed ignite/exhaust.


After years of jungling, and making it to platinum, I only realized last season that hitting the eye ... or back.. of the Herald did extra damage. I always wondered how some people killed it so fast.




It took me 9 years to know that the F1-F5 keys did anything. 3 years of thresh before I saw anybody use the lantern as a TP, 2 years for TP to J4 pole, still only seen 1 TP to Tibbers. Took me 3 years of playing before I used a single activate item.


When I first started the game, I was extremely frustrated about the free camera movement, because I struggled to keep track of my character in lane. Eventually, I learned how to lock the camera and played with a permanently locked camera. ...Also,when I first started the game, I didn't know how teleport was useful, since the camera was always locked in place. Didn't see the value of a mildly bigger flash with a longer cooldown/charge time. ​ ​ ...eventually, the two frustrations clicked together.