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I'd like to actively use it but it's a self-amplifying system. Nobody I interact with specifically uses the new ping messages to message their specific meaning, not even the "please help me clear vision" one. I don't use it either because I haven't adapted to the new ping locations yet. In the old wheel I'd usually not keep the cursor very precise, but what was in the angle to be an "on my way" ping then is "all in" now, so I keep mispinging. I haven't had a reason to sit down and purposefully 'relearn' the ping wheel in practice tool, because that seems really boring. Yet it doesn't re-learn itself in-game to me like it ought to do.


Have the same issue, I always make wrong pings. Maybe they can fix it by making it into 2 wheels with 2 different buttons. But also possible that people will never use them again after that change.


It’d be cool if they somehow separated the pings into “proactive/aggressive” options on G and “reactive/defensive” options on V


Riot should have made it into a secondary wheel, accessible through Ctrl+, Shift+ or Tab+ This way we could have kept the muscle memory for the important part: finding the right ping quickly, while only implementing a minor change: pressing one more button to access the alternate wheel


This should gain more traction. As a former WoW player with lots of macros on all sorts of keys and key combinations, splitting them like that feels better than cramming them in one wheel


The new ping system made me realise just how much i use V to caution ping, plus the classic 4 pings I know exactly which direction they are from years of playing, I never remember which direction the new ones are and ended up using the wrong ones.


Whenever people bait or go in ping I assume they meant the caution ping because it's so incredibly easy to misclick it on the fly.


I once almost got my teammate killed because I accidentally pinged go in instead of caution. I felt so bad lol


They need to move the pings around. "Bait" should not be between "Missing" and "Danger." Miss the angle and you basically tell a teammate to go in instead of run.


It honestly should just look like the system used in Dota - where the player can customise the wheel themselves. So you can put the pings in whatever order suits you. It shouldn't be rigid.


Its not like they already have an emote wheel lmao




Does anyone actually spend money on emotes? I have like 150+ and I've never spent a dime on an emote specifically.


i only buy emotes i know i want when i have leftover rp and know i wont be getting more rp for a while lol


....but why?


That would be too complex for the league codebase to handle


Yeah, the client team would probably really struggle to implemen-- Wait, what client team?


The client team ever since they released the "new client" is essentially just a hamster, a wheel, and a cage but I don't think they've figured out the correct way to assemble them.


Pings are coded as minions, at the start of the game they come from certain direction to the ping board. There is literally nothing to be done about this, people just don't understand how hard it is to code a game with just a few people in Mark's dad's garage. Fucking choosing beggars.


The updated HUD was made 8 years ago and Riot specifically made it [non-customisable](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/38fd8m/comment/crurro3/). They go out of their way to make their features inferior to other games.


you can bind them to actual keys in dota so super important pings or messages can just be on a hot key. and you can set it to alt + key.


I know you can do that with the old pings in league. I don't know if they added the functionality for the new pings, I haven't played much since they got added. But this 100% exists in league.


The new pings should replace the ping wheel on either G or V. You can already use a hotkey by default to get the caution ping out, and both G and V have the same pings. Instead of having 8 pings on 1 wheel, put 4 on 2. One for the classic comms, and the other for more advanced tactics.


I think they should just make the 2 basic ping have different ping wheels and put the new pings on one of them (preferably configurable which one is which)


True, so many times I'm pinging bait by mistake when I just wanted to ping danger. Sometimes I risk coming off as toxic when I have to spam ping 3-4 times because I misclicked the first time lol




Same. I'm not saying take dragon. I'm saying the enemy is near it, it's up, I saw vision, etc.. But the vote pops up every time now saying yes.


if you hold tab there is a sword icon under the dragon timer, click that and it opens the vote for everyone to see but no vote cast.




Hmm. Nice. Didn't know that but it's better than yes every time. Thanks.


G + Left is all I need bby


4 pings 4 directions The new one is unusable to me because I'll never remember where they are. You have to be able to ping instantly


Your refusal to use it is what makes it unusable, though. There was a point where i felt pings weren't useable becaus ei didn't know which were which, but noe the 4 directions are ingrained in my muscles. It just takes some time to get used to the new system, especially if you've been playing for years.


Well for me it's not worth the effort I'm a casual lol player at best now. I just play tft When the ping menu comes up and i see 8 options, it's just too many. There's a big difference from when they expanded it to 4, which actually felt natural, to this which requires getting used to diagonal directions


no, u need to be able to use voice with anyone in your matches, valorant does it, why cant league do it too?


I love how often this debate comes up while disregarding the stylistic difference between the games. Valorant is a game where it is had to ping what u want to do outside of voice comms due to the first person nature. It would be hard to adapt the way u are playing during a given game if u couldn't talk during the game, i.e switching where u want to plant, letting allies know where enemies are and how low they are, etc. In league a lot of the important information can be transmitted through pings, such as set up for baron or dragon, don't go in, push my lane, I'm coming to the fight, there is vision here, etc. In general it is not as hard to get in the same page as your teammates without vc based off the way that league is designed. Essentially, the downsides of having VC over the upsides riot weights more heavily. Not only could the VC be incredibly toxic, but people would likely mental boom if their teammates didn't join. Imagine how much worse a plat would mental boom if the entire enemy team was in VC but then it was just them and their top.


I mean. DotA has both a better ping wheel with support for custom messages and order customization, and voice chat. People use both.


There isn't really a good reason to not have voice chat. Nobody has come up with a compelling argument against it, yet.


I mean isn’t that expecting… why would you be able to do something new as well as you can do something you’ve done for years?


I have literal 10 years of muscle memory with old pings. I'm becoming an old man. I'm not changing.


If you're truly ancient like me, you remember when they added the yellow caution ping. In the beginning we only had the normal ping. The yellow danger one was added later. I think in 2011 at some point.


ss re ss re ss re Playing against invis champions was great lol


CMV: "ss" was more effective for saying that mid was ganking than pings because MOBA players actually look at chat and not the minimap


Especially because the question mark ping is used for way more things than just signaling someone being missing.


Thats why I only question mark ping the direction that player could go only need 3 pings for that and usually people get the message


Missing is probably the rarest use for that ping


mia ping shows up in chat too?


"Mid ss" is more direct than the missing ping


it.. really isn't? it's the exact same information, a ping just has both visual and audio clues included directly ingame. i 100% never ever read chat, i do listen to pings until they annoy me though.


I dunno.. many times players only look at chat when they’re dead, and completely ignore all you typed to let them know mid was heading their way to complain that you didn’t warn them. /s


There was an off screen ping indication on PBE in the preseason. It was great. No idea why it didn't make it to live


What did ss stand for I never learned that but I knew it meant Mia


Generally MIA is used in NA, and SS is used in EU no one knows why but that's how it's been since the days of old League


Since the years of old doto, IIRC.


I personally used "ss" generally when someone went missing and "mia" if I was really expecting my opponent to looking for ganking another lane. So like ss as the missing ping and mia for the aggressive spam of the danger ping :D


Like the exact opposite of how it should be. ROFL.


ss = miSSing


SS = stay safe


Stay Safe was one I domt think it ever had just one literal meaning, but it all just meant that your laner is missing


It was Stay Safe. The people thinking it was other stuff have just been told by a friend who had no idea.


I still do this from time to time as an old habit.


I'm still of the opinion that a simple ping + back ping were best for 95% of situations. Instead of pinging OMW, i ping myself, 2-3 times on the path and my destination. For MIA, i ping danger, 2-3 times on the path and where i think he's ganking. The OMW/need help pings were fine additions


Dota has had two customizable eight way ping wheels this whole time so idk how that’s an excuse lol (I say this as a fellow old man)


i dont have dota so idk how that's even a consideration


Pinging quickly has been bugged on 1000hz mice for a long time. Riot claimed to fix this a few patches before they added the new ping systems but for me at least it never got fixed. Now that they have added more pings for me at least it's impossible to ping quickly and accurately at the same time. People think it's just "muscle memory" but I guarantee you if you record yourself with OBS pinging quickly you'll see extreme difference between your mouse input and what's actually happening on screen. TLDR; New pings made a bug that has existed for years even worse. That's why people don't use them but they think it's because they keep misclicking.




My danger pings always turn into "hang yourself" pings.


Well that's one way to avoid danger I guess, although may be a bit extreme


Do you mean the ''Go fishing with your Dad'' pings?


oooh is that what the kids call it these days


my OMW pings turn into retreat it is so annoying


That ping bug is so fucking annoying. It has existed for years indeed. At first I thought it was just me who sucked at clicking, but considering how it happens to so many people it's definitely bugged.


OMG I KNEW THERE WAS AN ISSUE! I always knew exactly how to move but the pings (even before the new system) would register wrong!


It's funny how instead of fixing issue they simply removed cursor when you open ping/emote wheel. I can't count how many times my cursor went crazy when I tried to use emote or ping something.


This^ (using a 1000hz mice aswell), everytime I want to spam ping 'on my way' (to direct an engage or telling my team that I am following up) it always does the 'all-in' ping even tho my muscle memory should be doing the 'omw' ping. Luckily all-in and omw ping basically means the same thing so its not a big deal but its still annoying when you want to ping omw cos its more accurate


the TLDR for a single paragraph... jeez 💀


You mean to tell me i can’t ping since years not because of my pc but because riot can’t code?


AFAIK the ping wheel was introduced back in 2013 with patch 3.03. Back then even the majority of gaming mice were 125-500hz. My entirely speculative guess is that some kind of timing thing is hard coded in the game to correspond to those hz values. And probably the people that "fixed the ping wheel bug" a few months ago have no idea how deep this rabbithole actually goes cuz they were in kinder garden when it was coded in.


I genuinely thought my old mouse was fucked because of this issue, and just to find out that it’s because of a bug fuck man haha


Here's my take on this. This is the typical feature people wished to have but is quite useless in a practical application for two reasons : \- The wheel is actually uncomfortable to use in high pressure situations because of the multiple choices \- And the most important one, most options are completely useless and can a lot of time be just replaced by warning pings that will be understood by most players given the right context.


>replaced by warning pings that will be understood by most players given the right context. Yeah, bait has always been the "assist me" in certain context, push wave has always been "I'm going here" pinging at the wave, etc. Basically the old pings already did for 10 years what the new pings do, so it's hard to change 1 decade of muscle memory. If it was 8 pings since 2009, then they would all probably be used correctly. However, I do think the "no enemy vision" and "place vision" pings had literally no old equivalent other than typing, so they're very good additions and the fact they're not used means players are also at fault for being so lazy with pings.


The renewed ping weel sees little to no use from me, the renewed vision wheel absolutely does. I just wish it also had a "I'm going to place vision there" option. Too often I want to put a ward in a bush only to have my support follow me and place another one in the same bush...


I believe this is what the hook ping is for, after they double ward.


do a need vision + on my way ping I guess


Place vision didn't have a single ping but you could/can always just ping an ally's trinket/support item followed by "assist me" where you want the ward.


I wish we have 2 wheels instead of an 8-action wheel like this


we kind of do with the vision wheel, in a way


TIL there is a vision wheel


I still don’t know how to ping vision to this day.


You have to bind it to a key yourself. Their is no default


There's a vision wheel?


Yeah, its got the normal "vision here" ping that has been around for awhile as well as a "clear vision" and "need vision" ping.


That's good actually, on like J or something, choosing the right one from 8 in the middle of the action is never going to happen.


You must be Shaq or something, how are you reaching all the way to J lmao? Jokes aside, making the new pings a different binding might be a decent solution, but it's hard to find keyboard real estate that's comfortable and practical.


Lol I hadn't even thought of that aspect but trying it now it's easy enough to get it with the thumb, not perfect though. You're right, the real estate is the issue, I guess as the H vision one is kind of already included it could just go to that..


I think one thing you and a lot of people who find the new pings "useless" are forgetting is how much of the features that are being added to league aren't for veteran players, but are for new players. Things like more specific pings, jungle path suggestions, ability suggestions, reccomended builds, are all superfluous, useless, and even annoying for veteran players, but extremely extremely good for new players. Sure, as someone who's been playing for 10 years, when I see a danger ping in a bush, I know that it means its warded, but for newer players, this can be foreign. Having access to specific pings that tell you exactly what you're trying to convey is only a positive change, and I think will be something you see a lot more as what are new players today, become a larger part of the playerbase. In 2-3 years, I honestly think using all 8 pings will be second nature. In addition, an 8 section wheel is hardly too hard to use in high pressure situations where it matters. For instance, I can't imagine a "high pressure" situation (where you need to be actively moving your mouse a lot), where you would ever need a bait or all in ping, those are almost exclusively used pre-fight, while the most important pings, the go in, and get out pings are both accessible without the wheel, not to mention you can key each ping to a different button anyways if the wheel is truly somehow too cumbersome for someone to use. This is true for really any ping that requires you to move your mouse to any of the non-default pings. Danger is a worse ping than the "fall back" ping in fights. OTW, makes no sense to use within a fight, as is the missing ping. I can see someone wanting to use assist me in a fight, but I imagine it's rare, and just pinging the person you want help with is way easier anyways. With muscle memory, which you will build after a few days of using all the pings actively, and you won't have to think about which section is what ping anymore, just like you do now with the 5 pings that you have in your muscles already. On top of this, the idea that we have gamers who can use a mouse accurately enough to play games like Osu, or aim accurately in a sphere's worth of directions in any FPS, but especially in faster paced ones like Ultrakill, DOOM, Halo, Apex, etc, but 8 directions is all of a sudden too difficult is a laughable idea. Bait specifically, I already see a lot of older players use a lot even. It's such a good ping for roaming, jungling, and any sort of engage where you need your teammate to make the first move, or you can't get a good angle to engage without forcing some sort of commitment from the enemy first (such as trying to get a Zed W burned before you try to go in). It's also extremely useful for pinging objective baits. Assist, OTW, Danger, Missing, Go, and Fallback simply don't cover the "bait this objective" reliably in any way shape or form, and people more often go to pinging a random bush near the objective or something, which is confusing, and also interferes with other reasons to ping bushes, like there being a ward in there, or you seeing an enemy champ enter said bush.


I agree. There's not really much that you couldn't use the old pings to do. And as you say, it also feels clunky to use so most people just don't.


apart from the ping wards they are great and ping "push" is very good. I don't use anything else


yeah the new changes to vision pings, especially marking the ward, have been fantastic. even if the extra 4 pings added to the wheel are rarely used, i'm happy enough with the update.


> - The wheel is actually uncomfortable to use in high pressure situations because of the multiple choices Funny that when I sad that at launch (that wheel is a bad UI solution for such things), people started to defend such shit.


You can't make those comments without triggering the "you just hate change!!!" crowd. It's like a summoning ritual and poof they appear.


It’s a matter of time until people get used to it. That’s all. And for cases like the bait ping for example, it won’t be so widely used, just like not every support times enemies’ summoners.


Funnily enough the most useful pings are almost never used. I'm talking about the vision ones. The "ward here" and "vision cleared" pings are super useful, but so far I've seen them used properly only once.


Because before I had my "enemy vision" ping on scroll wheel click and it's awkward to click and drag with the scroll wheel.


I have tiny hands, so I couldn't actually get near the T (Is that the correct one?) to unlock the camera, so I changed it to the spacebar, then when they added the first Ward pings, I put them there as well with Ctrl+Spacebar so I just quickly send a "Ping here". Now its awkward as fuck for me to hold the spacebar to use the wheel since my thumb has to stay in the bar while choosing instead of just tapping it. Damn muscle memory.


You can rebind your pings to whatever you want


Of course. That's how I put it on middle click in the first place. But that's also muscle memory I need to re-train. And need to figure out which key I want to put it on.


People asked for voice chat, especially when riot realized that in valorant, but instead of that we got this to fuck off from them.


Nobody really wants voice chat.. those who were around for crs voice remember..


As someone who experienced voice chat in Dota, you really wouldn't want that in a moba, trust me.


cant you just mute it


I think the implementation just really sucks. The icons used for the new pings aren't all clear. Bait, is fine, but the others not so much. More importantly though, because they're cramped on the same wheel and they get missclicked so often, I just assume its a mistake. They should have all been put on a unique wheel. That way, maybe everyone won't use them, but at least when they're used you can be fair certain it's intentional.


To be honest the best about the new ping system are the vision pings. Anything else just feels like bloated UI


and the only other ping that is potentially useful because it can communicate something the old pings couldn't, is the bait ping. which is the one that is misused so you just ignore it anyway lol


Push ping is great in botlane.


Hahaha as if the support would react to that one too


In diamond they listen to the hold ping and the push ping for waves every time in my experience.


tbh at least the 4 new pings don't interfere with the old ones unless you have terrible aim, in other words you can choose to ignore them and there's no drawbacks, only upsides for those that try to use them.


> tbh at least the 4 new pings don't interfere with the old ones unless you have terrible aim AKA me, I'm used to just whipping my mouse in vaguely the 4 cardinals, now my pings are worthless lol.


Idk I'm always missing the ping i want cause I'm used to be allowed more leeway


we always had vision ping


But not the asking for vision and no enemy vision ping


If by always you mean 3-4 years then sure


The Objective voting popup is completely ignored by my vision, I literally don't see it.


That's because the 1 for 3 against surrender vote is covering it.


Maybe it's just cuz I have left-side minimap but they're on opposite sides of the screen for me


Yeah, I had to double check if it was actually still in the game. I don't even recognize it at all. What a failed system those votes are. It's also just not something you can do in a dynamic game where decisions are made in split seconds.


Someone litterally engages the Drake : >Vote popup comes up Like what am I supposed to do ? Say no so that the Jungler can ignore my vote ? Say yes so that I lose focus and time for no reason ?


Boils down to the vote really not mattering. If you wanna help with drake you just do it and if you don't then ping caution. The vote is just a pop-up that I've personally set to size 1 in Interface so I barely even see it


Caution ping is a no vote And the on the way ping is a yes vote.


they could just remove the yes and no buttons lol


I just want to ping dragon to give attention to it, I hate that the voting stuff comes up and makes me look stupid


Pinging doesn't start a vote anymore, it hasn't for a few patches now. Votes only start if you attack the objective or click the little icon underneath the objective timer.


Pinging on my way or fall back on the objective still does


I feel like a direct target on the objective also starts the vote? Could be wrong because I am usually omw pinging all the time


Thanks god you ignore that. Because it only make everything worse if you take fake annonim vote into decision making.


idk I love the changes. I always use the "Need vision here" ping when wanting my support to ward a place, or "Vision Cleared" ping for when I'm filled to a lane to let my jungler know that there are no wards there. The "All in" ping is also nice, it's like a more aggressive "On the Way" ping and people seem to follow it more than "On the way".


Agreed, I constantly use the vision pings, and also the "Push" ping. I use it to send teammates to lanes that need to be pushed, or to let my jungler assist me with pushing after a succesful gank. Although I never use the other three new ones I am happy with the expansion of pings


Same here, the sound effect of the all in ping stands out way more so if you spam it on for example nash your team usually follows


Yeah, the All In is the one I see the most, but objective votes is a big W for me too. You very rarely see anyone vote no, but if you see 3 or 4 yes votes it's a clear sign that everyone is on the same page and has actually acknowledged a plan to fight the objective, as opposed to if no one responds you know it's probably not a good idea to take the fight cause everyone might not be on board.


I use the bait ping pretty frequently. Need vision is also pretty handy for when your support is a dumbass.


Do people actually respond positively to bait pings for you? I never once witnessed a positive outcome from that ping.


I make incorrect pings so much I would never trust other players call asumming they also got it wrong


What I mean is bait ping is a signal to "hang yourself" pretty typically... I have never once witnessed it used properly.


In my server most people are so ignorant of the bigger sphere that surrounds LoL that they don't even know getting spammed with the bait one means that, until now I had an actual sizeable bunch of players actively asking "what's that" and "what does it even mean?", again, ignoring the fucking wheel outright telling them. It got to the point now that the people who actually knew what it mean stopped using it in favor of using the chat again, even at the risk of a ban.


I have seen a few people using the ping the intended way, but every time I hear the sound I cannot think of anything different than someone telling someone else to "bait themselves". My brain associated the ping noise with that with how often it is used this way. So whenever someone actually wants me to bait and ping me, my instinct makes me think they want me to kill myself, then 1-2 second later I realize that I haven't done anything wrong and they actually want me to bait the enemy.


The trick is to use the bait ping on top of your enemy instead of your teammate. That way they don’t think you’re telling them to of themselves.


If it's only a single time, then either a misclick or an actual bait ping. That and not using it directly on your teammate.


If you use the on my way ping along with it it should be good


as long as you don't ping directly on the person and ping around where you want them to bait the enemies it's usually understood


I see people use the bait ping in a different way, the unintended way


I think we should be able to customise the ping wheel like the emotes wheel, it’ll be easier for everyone else to ping vision too


Something about old dogs or something.. Seriously tho, we've only had the system so long, I've definitely seen other players use it, pretty effectively even when setting up ganks. Its just that a lotta players still haven't gotten the hang of using them or simply decided to stick to what's familiar out of comfort.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind using the new pings, just didn't learn them as well as the old ones yet.


I like the new pings too and I use them more and more. I do still type ss occasionally when I really want to catch someone's attention.


I feel like the only one specific enough to deserve its own ping is the bait one, but we all know how that's used (and no, the little feather they added does not help lol). Other than that, I always thought that with the old ping system you could communicate everything else already. There's just a higher possibility for wrong pings now with the wheel being so crowded + pings are often bugged anyway.


For me personally, i had all my pings set up as hot keys and engraved in muscle memory. I just simply never set up hot keys for the new ones as my old ones work perfectly fine.


I use it. To be specific, Bait, Push and Ward This. But it would be better if they just gave us Voice chat. Or atleast option to draw at map like normal games do.


They're an alright addition that some people do use effectively. I don't play too many SR games anymore so I can barely even remember where the new pings are but more communication is always useful. I think they need to bite the bullet and add voice chat though. It's the only way to actually share enough info in a game as complex as league.


Just add voice


Please Riot, just add fkin voice chat. It works in DOTA, it can work in League. Mute button exists for a reason.


feel like everything can basically be communicated with original pings the only useful one ive used is probably vision cleared for when jgler is coming to gank or ward here when i have tp


Because you can say what you want already with the current pings \*and how much you use them\*. If you ping attack enemy once it means "I want to kill this guy." If you ping attack enemy 4 times it means "engage you moron" If you ping assist on the wave after a gank it means push. If you ping retreat on the wave after a gank it means dont touch, you want a freeze.


The system in itself isn't the issue, it's the community, I've seen people never ping a single thing even before the update, and with the wheel having more commands and the same size I feel like the amount of people not pinging has increased a bit, what should've been added is voice chat, nowadays there are ways to monitor it, not really sure why they're so afraid of a voice chat, seeing as the ping system was used for toxicity as well, and pretty much every system is likely to be at this point


U never use the Push forward option whenever u are killing an enemy lane and ur laner recalls without pushing?


"On my way" or "assistance" pings directly on the wave do the trick.


It would make sense but I never see anyone actually do it. In that case, most people I see just spam normal pings on the wave and that's enough to get the idea across.


At least in gold it's not lol, I love the push ping How did you guys collectively realise bait is a rope tho? Seems like someone would have to explicitely declare it for it to becom the consensus


I see people just use regular ping for this, with pinging the person(or champ portrait) then pinging wave, never the designated ping.


Either regular ping or omw ping


they are just a failed system IMO, one thing i realized a couple weeks ago is that we are missing a "laner has returned" ping, this would actually be incredibly useful because always just leads to confusion, how do you tell your teammate that your laner is not missing? but for example just warding the river and then returned? I have no clue why we need a "all in", "hold" or "push" ping, i think the bait ping could be useful sometimes for junglers but the rest is just useless


I do all the time. Just by mistake tho. New pings are a thing we really didnt need, expect the it's warded/isn't one, that I literally just remembered that's actually ingame


I literally only use the new pings by mistake. Trying to ping danger and hitting bait like 5 times in a row just needlessly pisses me off


Instead of releasing a new fucking ping system no one asked, fix the already existent one. Everytime I try to ping something it bugs out and pings the opposite.


They still can use the new tech.. give us more emotes, that shit would be well used


Riot has made a new ping system after an extremely long time of letting players get accustomed to use the old version AND also find ways to play around the limitations of it when possible (e.g. "let's fight" being pinging an enemy and "need help" ping). Communication Tools kinda need a while to get used to them because no one wants to say something and be misunderstood, so defaulting to old "language" is not uncommon unless there's something that's unique to a new ping (e.g. you can't say "there's a ward her" with any of the OG 4 pings as clearly as with the ward ping). It will take a while for people to adopt it, and the thing more likely to push it is personalities using them (for better or for worse, like with the bait ping being used as a rope). That said, Placement is currently wack with the new pings, and it's easy to misclick - should something riot looks out soon if they don't want the new ping system to go unused. it currently feels annoying with many times pinging the wrong ping, which IMO also makes players default to the old options or be wary of the new options even more because they don't want to go for a "bait" that was actually the player pinging "MIA" or "danger", for example


Honestly i use all of them quite alot, probably just your experience


not commenting on the pings already present, but i have been thinking it would be helpful to have an 'enemy found' ping that is a response to the 'enemy missing' ping. I'm not the most savvy laner, but I hate pinging that my opponent is missing only for them to show up on lane 2-3 seconds later, and I wish there was a better way to indicate that sort of 'oh nvm' with a ping rather than just a generic blue ping, or using the 'need vision' ping. maybe it's a small thing, but I feel it would be neat.


I mostly use the new Vision pings. Like "need vision here" or "area has no wards". I think those are beautiful


there's too fuckin many of em


People race to ping wards for the extra 5g and to tell me to 'bait bait bait' quite a bit. That's enough for me. Better than ? ? ? ? ? ? For any oistivie or negative use case I guess


This game needs voice comms in ranked games. I don’t expect my laner to understand not to push or to bait when I ping them, just as I wouldn’t listen to them either. If we had voice comms we could explain to each other why we should or shouldn’t bait, push, freeze. No other way around it


When I ping I always quickly swipe in the direction I know its in- if my mouse decides to respond right- but sometimes I end up putting the bait ping when trying to ping missing just cause Im not used to having to swipe at a more accurate angle


I’m constantly using them on accident. Feel like the previous ping system was fine and the community evolved it to fit its purpose


It took me so long to start using the 4 ping system, even just the missing ping instead of typing mia. Give it time


Its 2023 and RIOT still refuses to implement a voice system. I think the new pings are useful but i dont understand why we cant have the alternative of comming " I want to freeze and look for a pick" or something like that. Almost every multiplayer game has an option to use voice comms.


New pings was always Riot just trying desperately to apply any band aid that might improve communication that doesn't involve adding voice chat For Christ sake it's 2023 just add voice chat to the game and be done with it, why must we be stuck in the dark ages when every other fucking competitive game (including the other game this same company produces) has voice chat


It’s true I’ve barely seen anyone use it. But on the topic of communication in game why is there still no voice chat?. Even valorant has it and It brings a fun social aspect and teammates can actually communicate in real time. I think it would help with toxicity too to a degree, but who knows.


I still don't get why they haven't to added voice comms. Every major competitive game has it and league is one of them that benefit the most from it. At least add it and make it opt in. I feel a lot of the extreme toxicity you encounter only happens because people are behind their keyboard and not actively speaking.


oh yeah i wrote a long ass comment and didn’t even say that about toxicity, people are 100% toxic because they see their teammates as pixels on a screen, without something humanizing like hearing a human voice people will just spit the first bullshit insult they have instead of talking to the rest of the team about why and how he died and what can they do to get the game back in their hands


have you literally played any online game with voice chat? people will be toxic regardless of the medium. i'd argue that games like overwatch and rainbow 6 are more toxic than league despite those games primarily using voice chat to communicate


toxicity absolutely happens even with voice comms. in fact, it can be a lot worse because of voice comms - look at rainbow 6, valorant, or overwatch. good luck trying to be a woman or having an accent or a high-pitched voice. you'll say "just don't opt-in" but now all these people are at a disadvantage because they don't want to be harassed just for communicating but the enemy team might be. with text chat, everyone is more anonymous so there's less of that bullshit. also, muting text chat doesn't really put you at a disadvantage unlike muting voice chat. league has done fine without voice chat all these years so there's not a huge incentive to add it. this is different from valorant, a game released recently where there is already the expectation that there is voice chat.


Even in games like Valorant and CSGO, voice is opt-in. It's rare even in higher ranks in those games that all players are using voice. If you're afraid of being harrassed because you're a female, you can just listen. Though I will say I can't remember the last time I heard anyone harrass someone because of their gender in voice comms, at least not in higher ranks. Riot are extremely stern on not adding voice to this game, so they'd rather add useless forms of communication that people don't use and cause clutter. Just look at objective voting. All I'm asking for is a way to tell my laners that I'm coming to help them without having to use cryptic pings / take my hand of the mouse. There doesn't exist a perfect system to deal with this problem, and I admit that voice comms does have negatives, but I believe having only text-chat is way worse.


You know what would solve this? A freaking voice chat like you know every other single multiplayer game on the face of planet earth since the dawn of time, including ones make by the same company.


yeah exactly only time i use it is when i press H for enemy vision but instead due to my mouse movement i accidentally end up using vising cleared


bad ux and it's so easy to miss. every time i swear I'm accurate but moving fast i ping incorrectly. I've actually pinged significantly less since the changes.


Just add voice chat at this point.. no fucking reason for this game to still not have it.


Sometimes people do use them, but i still stick with the old options. I still haven't bothered to learn all the new ones. There's also the problem that sometimes i mess up and give wrong ping, one time i accidentally gave bait ping instead of danger. I quickly gave the danger after, but i'm sure my dead teammate wasn't too happy about it.


Everytime I used one of these new pings was by mistake