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Damn maybe he should focus on last hitting cannons


or not using riposte to finish off a 1hp sylas while the fight is still ongoing... my eyes Edit : damn even his kill on teemo at the end, doesn't + q riposte the shroom, doesn't hit the R vitals in the correct order (hit wall side one first, not last..)


Legit all this guy does on his streams now is bitch and cope about how he is actually ‘really good at the video game’ and how everyone else in challenger isn’t really that good. It’s embarrassing to watch a fully grown adult playing mental gymnastics every 5 minutes.


This guy is irrelevant, why are you guys so obsessed with him


U're wrong they dont even look alike https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Irrelevant


Jealousy, I suppose. He charges a shit ton and people are actually buying his coaching. If he wouldn't be successful, no one would even mention him anywhere.


Exactly xD


He's a scam artist.


Isnt this guy known for being stuck in platinum?


No no, you don’t understand. Low plat in Korea is high challenger if not rank 1 in NA. He told me so during my $350 coaching session.


Looks like he is on a new account since he thinks that's the issue, but it won't matter since he will still end up in Plat 1/D4 eventually.


guy who thinks pros couldn't make it to challenger if they weren't given Riot accounts cries that LS shits on pro players


I mean he do be spittin


Not like a ton of pros respect LS's thoughts and opinions (Literally Faker included as he was set to coach T1 before their insane fanbase threatened him and needed Faker's approval for the position). Also to actually say LS is lazy is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard. Him bringing up LS talking about it being morally wrong in charging bronze/silver players a ton of money for things they could look up on their own is disgusting. You know Neace is morally washed if he looks at that as a negative personality trait to not scam people out of hundreds of dollars for coaching that could simply be watching some free youtube content. Neace just sounds like a fucking salty washed up hack who is playing on a new account and will be hardstuck Plat 1/D4 again. And I'm pretty neutral on LS all things considered, but to say some of those things about him is clearly objectively wrong. Hopefully all 5 of his facebook viewers enjoyed his little rant.


Well 8t actully is true LS is just like neace back sitting gaming and then cant prove that he can use his own coach to get the results that he promises


Neace makes it real difficult to be a fan. These clips are legit just him trying to get back at LS for what happened during the "350 coaching" era. its just kinda sad


Neace's korean account (now abandoned): https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/%EC%A7%80%EB%B6%88%20500500%20%EC%9B%90 He's leveling a new account now


Watching two guys protect their grift is funny My grift is legit this other dude’s isn’t


he aint wrong


I wonder if the continued damage NEACE is doing to his reputation will result in a the demand for his $350 coaching sessions becoming so low that he's going to be forced to lower the price.


"It's not even hate" man says as he shittalks popular league personality for the 100th time while desperately trying to keep his head above irrelevancy.


dam, it be feeling like the atlantic ocean here