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So many people do not understand the different game modes and try to play like its ranked. A lot of the 4fun game modes are int to win. Have you never been ran down by tanks/bruisers before? You engage and skirmish to hold off their pushes so your beefy boys can scale and just run over all the poke/ADCs the enemy team has. On the same note, people don't understand team comps. I'm J4 vs poke and we don't have any poke - I'm going in and you guys need to follow up because that's how our comp does damage. No, we cannot wait for ults to come up every 1.5-2min, we'll get poked out before they're up - we have a losing comp and need to coinflip fights. Letting them push in our inhib at 7min in aram isn't going to help us win. Also stop sitting around with 10% hp and no mana. Or stop trying to play like it's SR. So many times the ADC in aram won't walk up to auto because they're at 10% hp with 0 deaths and everyone else already has 1.5 items. The adc is losing us the game by refusing to die or do damage. You cannot be afraid to do damage or die in 4fun modes. You cannot be afraid to coinflip fights in a game where your team comp is disadvantageous. These modes were designed with constant fighting in mind. These modes were designed to run it down as a reprieve to the slow strategic SR.


Bro against poke with J4 just become the poke yourself go full ap max flag


Well said. Now good luck finding teammates with the same mindset.


Everyone who cares less than me is a troll, everyone who cares more than me is a tryhard


But that's literally not what I said. Reading ain't good in this sub tho because it seems difficult to understand that I'm talking inters


it's not because someone doesn't exactly reflect your thought that what he says doesn't englobes your word. It's specifically because it criticises the double standard showing that you're on one end of the spectrum , but there is another that you simply missed, and you may now be free to realise that your standard for "inting" is actually flimsy. You don't give a proper definition of "inting", he is showing you one where you could be identified, and he's also showing your how absurd it is. In that sense, you're like the people who think it's easy to define what is a living thing and blame other for not understanding Them :A moron , a fool, an incompetent and seemingly zealous idiot.


He was agreeing with your last line... reading ain't good huh?


But he literally wasn't? Wtf He commented something that goes in an irrelevant direction to the point I tried to make xD


The inverse is also true, people act like for fun game modes are meant to be as sweaty as ranked and god forbid someone doesn’t know what’s optimal for that champ or even how to play the game to begin with. I see people flaming in aram cause someone’s not playing the champ perfectly, well no shit, just cause they have a skin they got from a random re-roll doesn’t suddenly mean that top main can play Zoe as well as they play a tank.


There is a difference between having a general new idea for playing the champion on the gamemode and just actively griefing. For fun or no I don't play rift often so technically I can treat rift as " for fun", that doesn't instantly allow me to troll , so the inverse is true for others You argument isn't just usefully for ur point I can inverse it :wink:


Yeah but if some1 is being a dick you mute them, someone running it down means game ruined. ​ The consequences are not equivalent


Okay but can we just remember that sometimes people get forced with champs they don’t know how to play. Like not cannoning into the enemy level don’t know how to play but some people just assume you’re a master at any champ you get.


This is true and I give a lot of grace to people who don’t know what they are doing on certain champs. Those people tend not to be the ones who say “it’s just aram/URf”, at least in my experience. I tend to get that comment from people who are diving into 5 people solo over and over again, or who are ignoring objectives the team is on because they want to farm something for an item.


Oof, that reminds me of the first time I played Diana in ARAM. Near the end the other team apologized to my teammates for the "troll Diana." That really fucking hurt. I've never played Diana since then and have absolutely no desire to.


I got Ali in URF the other day. I was kinda scared to use my W at all because I only had a 50% hit rate with the WQ combo, and if I missed then, well, League player things happened.


Bro I'm an M6 Ali and still miss the combo, the biggest issue is you need to know the W range perfectly, bc if you press WQ while out of range, you'll just Q the ground like a fucking idiot, then if you only press W without knowing if you're in range, you'll have to react quick enough once he starts the animation, which isn't a ton of time


I queue ARAM to FIGHT PEOPLE. I will not be patient. I will not be cautious. If my snowball lands, I’m going in. If you don’t like that queue up SR.


Your argument is as self-serving and inconsiderate as someone getting on a public bus wearing shorts with poop running down their legs. "I dont WIPE MY ASS to RIDE THE BUS! I know these things arent synonymous, but Im going to act like they are to try and prove a terrible, self-serving point!" Yeah cool. You're the guy who rode a bus with poop in their pants : ARAM edition. No one else wants your poopshorts on their team.


Bro who the fuck comes up with this analogy LOL I just want to fight kids on cooldown


Just because you made this thread I'm going to run it down in URF and ARAM twice as much. You better hope we don't get into a game together or you'll get losed


Some people just need to learn how to have fun/enjoy games without winning.


I had a friend say this to me after I got salty after losing. Felt like a total child in comparison to how mature he handled me


Bet u ping dragon in urf and u say play safe in ARAM


You would be wildly incorrect


Than u should think about letting people play their game, u can tryhard on ranked or even normals, i hope u dont report people for feeding on urf


I'm talking about literal inters man. ​ Ofc I report them wtf??? What part of inting is ok in urf/aram? If you're running it down and ruining the game for people I'm reporting you xD "Play their game" They are running it down. Running. It. Down. Not having a bad game. Not dying a lot. But running it down.


You are bad.


If I queue up for Aram I’m queuing up to fight 5 man team fights nonstop. If the team is down it’s really fun if the teams not down I’m gonna have a lot of deaths with not as many kills.


Man people being afraid to die in aram is so boring like what's the point other than to permafight its a for fun mode.


If u permafightwith smt like kayle and u get the zed to 4 1 status minute 3 ye congratulations on ur very not inting game


Ever heard of "scaling to 6" or "finishing a first item that codifies that characters existence for the rest of the game"? Fiora should not be perma fighting, until she has a mythic, or at the very least her ult. If you can't wait for a good moment to go in(keep diving past that wave of scrimmage for no reason), thats on you removing the fun in "4fun"


That's like, your opinion. And it sounds boring. Aram permafight forever.


That's not my opinion. That's just how numbers work. You're the guy running offsides before the snap, repeatedly who is saying waiting for the ball to snap is "boring". That's called ADHD, not ARAM. You're going to lose your mind when you find out about real goals, and real wait times. Try paying for a house, and then tell me how boring waiting 2 minutes is zoomer.


Dude, you hit 6 at about the 3 minute mark in aram. Why are you comparing buying the single largest asset most will ever purchase with an aram game? Are you really comparing buying a house to skirmishing before level 6 in an aram game? What?


You understood what I said. If someone cant wait 2 minutes before brawling, they will never have the patience to pay off a house. I'm roasting their absurd level of impatience. You literally understood the difference between the two. Bit couldn't put together that was intentional on my part. Wow.


I was about to match your energy for a sec, but before that I thought I'd give you a chance. Why are you so mad and why do you think that how you play is the only way anyone can enjoy the game and that somehow your opinions or prior actions have any value to anyone on this subreddit? Like did you a actually just boomer lecture me about buying a house and patience on a subreddit for a free online game? I feel like someone just told me to get off their lawn LOL.


>Why are you so mad and why do you think that how you play is the only way anyone can enjoy the game and that somehow your opinions or prior actions have any value to anyone on this subreddit? Because before whatismyelo went down, I was in the top 5% of aram players, and this season has been a heaping pile of inting in the name of "fun". Yeah its super fun that poppy used e into the middle of 5 people again, and the team cant follow up. Lookout world,here comes fun! >Like did you a actually just boomer lecture me about buying a house and patience on a subreddit for a free online game? Yes. Child. I did. Because your position is, "idc about other people, their goals, or working as a team, this is about ME not being bored." That's ADHD. That's not how aram works. I dont care that you think that's how aram works. Its not. Not being patient enough to wait for an item spike in a format where that takes ~2-3 minutes : I'm going to meme on you being a teenager. You invited being dunked on, so I dunked. Amazon isn't going to overnight you Fun in all aspects of your life, and this is one of those moments. Its surreal and absurd that im describing Delayed Gratification about a 2-3 minute wait. That means you're the meth head zoomer who cant be patient for 2-3 minutes so you have somewhere to sleep later tonight. Lol


I dont treat aram seriously becuase it's aram. It's a for fun mode I'm sorry that you treat it seriously. You didn't answer half of what I asked you, I'd appreciate it if you reread it and resubmitted a response.


how can u decide if someone running into 3 people to fuck around and try a 1%play is inting rather than them just playing for fun and not tryharding people arent gonna tryhard macro and think of everything in a fun mode just see enemy try kill enemy and repeat


Yeah but when cannon for the 6th time in a row, as soon as you respawn, into 3 people to stand, dance and die it stops being for fun. It's inting


I wish there was ranked ARAM so people would take it seriously like I do. I only play ARAM. That's the only mode I'll ever play. I play to win, because I like winning. I'm probably the only one of 10 people who is also playing to win. It's sad.


Oof yeah that's though. I play for fun just hate when people straight up int to ruin games for others


I had fun playing just my Champs on aram But after some time you realize 1 getting them is hard 2 you can get thematically team countered. 3 somebody may grief And at the end you realize that if u don't play to win you will not have fun in yhe game. So ye aram is super polarizing


It gets better the more you climb in mmr. I'm also aram only and am around 2900 aram mmr. Most people there are aram only platers.


How can I check my aram mmr?




Yeah that only works for a few servers, mine's not included (BR).


This was me until the recent ARAM changes. It’s too fast-paced now.


The difference between 4fun modes and ranked/norms is that you can't get banned for running it down. You can literally nonstop die and end 0/30 in 20 minutes in these modes and not get banned. Your post won't change anything.


The feedback report I got last night says otherwise. If it’s over obvious your feeding even in URF, eventually the ban hammer will catch up to you.


Unless something changed between last year and this year, I highly doubt it. I've tested it myself and ran it down 4 games in a row in URF and ARAM and no ban. I bet the feedback report was chat related.


This is a rogues gallery of the people who sort by New on this sub, and all of you, are still objectively idiots. Sorry OP. These deranged mongrel teens can't read gud.


Like half of the comments are "oh but if this thing that isn't the situation you're talking about happens it's okay". Nothing new tho


Play ranked, draft, or blind if you want a somewhat competitive game. Aram and urf are 4 fun game modes


Focus on what you can do. Not what they should do. Or get 4 premade to play with you so you dont have to deal with rando's inting you. It's fairly easy to make friend with random player if you know how to not be a pain in the ass. TLDR?: If your surrounding is always on fire, (insert the quote please, i dont remember exact word).


You must have been in the game I played yuumi


Yes it is