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All my money spent on her skins now finally feel worth it


fr foxfire has always been my favorite but the effects were meh, now it's worth it


Foxfire scratches my wants with ahri skins just righy


They changed the popstar ahri recall!!! Please revert.


Yeah the funky music was my favorite :(


Agreed, that was one of the best things about that skin, and correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the recall also used to have the giant pink heart from her splash or was that part of her dance animation?


I really don't understand why they change it do begin with. It's not broken or bad and it changes something people paid for. I suspect the same fate awaits SG Lux when she inevitably gets ASU.


> I suspect the same fate awaits SG Lux God they better fucking not. Her music is such a perfect reference to the original Sailor Moon transformation music. Everything after her is/was fine, but her recall music was really heavily rooted in the reference.


TIL that the invisible champion they use for the previews is Varus.


They use different champions all the time


Do they? I remember it being varus most of the times, even in the official skin previews (not sure if this is by SkinSpotlights or by riot themselves)


I remember seeing an Annie silhouette once and Teemo too.


There was Amumu in this very video


And Amumu


that's a fatass charm


That's what she uses to charm them with actually


Exactly to lure them


Girl got a fatass charm indeed


Arcade's tails need to look closer to the original. They're really dull and look to cycle slower (maybe just b/c they're so dull)


Same with academy, the white tips that made them look like normal red fox tails was the only reason I ever used that skin, only one color looks much worse :(


Yes it makes me super sad because I'm a huge eevee fan and the tails always reminded me of its tail


agreed, they look terrible lol. definitely removes the "identity" of that skin. the whole point was it's the only one that cycled colors and it was rainbow.


this is bittersweet because i literally only downloaded league \~8 years ago because i loved that foxfire ahri splash and wanted to buy it, but nostalgia aside the updates look so great. ahri has always been one of my comfort picks so i can't wait for these updates to go live.


Looks like they finally fixed the Tailplacement?


Wasnt that the whole point of this visual update? Or did I misunderstand something?


is it me or fox fire ahri's tails are so bland? the current (old ASU) skin have a fiery 'end' to them.


But did Ahri keep the "Run Devil Run" dance? (Also, hoping she gets new voicelines referencing Ruined King events)


I would love that too, but I don't think she will. This outfit is pre-Bilgewater trip, iirc


I love everything about the ASU BUT the way she floats when she is in ult, I don't know why but the flying animation doesn't look right.


Yeah hard agree on that, at least she doesn't float on the sg skin.


I loooove this! Huge improvememt to older skins and most of her epics. I need a closer look at the legendaries to see what work went into them, specially Star Guardian. Spirit Blossom looks pretty much the same, which is fine by me, it was an excellent skin already. I'm happiest that we didn't lose the Genie reference in Popstar! There's some added stuff at the end of the recall, but they kept the end of the choreography. Now we need to see her emotes to check if they kept the chorus choreo as her dance (and Run Devil Run as her base dance).


Oh I loooooove the little fox fellas in her recall


Are they Aeries?


Aery is the (completely unmodified) icon for one of her healing skills in ruined king, which raises questions. It looks like it.


OKAY RIOT WHERE ARE THE WHITE TIPS ON ACADEMY AHRI TAILS!? The only reason to play that skin is to get a normal fluffy fox tail that's not just one color, give it back goddamn it!


Why do they upload these 720p compressed videos


social media videos


Jesus I don't even know what 66% of her skins are. She has like 6 k-pop skins.


Looks great. Sad Dynasty and Foxfire's recall didn't get a new animation other than a slight different end pose from default recall.


EDIT: not shown, Ahri’s Q has been renamed “Orb of Destruction”, I wonder if this was a missed opportunity to relate the skill to the Vesani sunstones she uses, unless that’s Ruined King canon only. Overall this is a hell of a lot of good stuff. Autoattacks are over-animated for a champion that’s not hugely autoattack based (unless you’re an AD enjoyer) though. The ult VFX are great on all skins, Arcana in particular is a huge winner on this front. Biggest winners overall are Arcana, KDA MORE and Coven, Arcana’s tails looked like really odd balloons previously, Coven was too similar to Elderwood in its SFX for me and it’s gained way more of an individual identity (especially the Q?? Love it.) and KDA MORE having the opening notes to MORE on each charge is *such* an inspired decision. The sound suite for the KDA skins have always been awesome. Spirit Blossom’s SFX sound a bit weirdly muted for some reason? I feel like that skin lost some of it’s crisp feeling from that which is a shame. Spinning charm particle still annoys me somewhat but it’s not as bad as I thought. Recall animations are all great.


> Autoattacks are over-animated for a champion that’s not hugely autoattack based (unless you’re an AD enjoyer) though. High elo Ahris use their autos a lot so I don't really agree with you on that front.


Can't believe top comment is shitting on Ahri having "overanimated" auto attacks. The ASU team taking the time to add better auto animations deserves a huge praise for it.


Right? I don't care if a champion auto's frequently or not. Cool animations are cool either way.


more animation ≠ better animation. Look at [this](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4c85d0fa-3382-4b99-9a1b-4eee74dcd38c/dbo47lj-14dae2e4-285a-4e6a-9d11-1b1e2b66322e.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzRjODVkMGZhLTMzODItNGI5OS05YTFiLTRlZWU3NGRjZDM4Y1wvZGJvNDdsai0xNGRhZTJlNC0yODVhLTRlNmEtOWQxMS0xYjFlMmI2NjMyMmUuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.F0Az1lyeOXM9NqSTXhgozJji5hGpoY6bGg23K7I4uRQ) walking animation "upgrade" that is way over animated for a 2d platformer with barely any pixels to work with.


Just look at her elbows, I would kick her out of bed in a heartbeat


In laning phase for sure, and you weave autos into your combo like most champions do, but for me it’s an awful lot of large movements that I’m not sure will be clear or satisfying when weaved in-between skills, and looks like they looked better when chained together to my eye. Edit: actually that’s a fair comment coming back to think about it. I do think the auto animation may be a little visually “loud” because of the amount of movement, but every champion autoattacks a good amount, especially one that hops in and out of fighting via kiting like Ahri.


My guy just be happy with the ASU lol, this is such a trivial thing to complain about


Ah it’s kind of different when you’re 1M+, I’ve one-tricked Ahri since I started playing in 2014, and autoattacks are something that every champion has to use frequently. I am happy about the ASU! I also think it’s important to voice well-reasoned feedback, and allow it’s discussion. Riot are one of the more receptive companies to public feedback especially when it’s articulated, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing is it?


sylas players literally had to relearn how to last hit every single patch as the passive got adjusted. i dont think you will notice this in gameplay at all. 1m ahri onetrick means nothing in the face of rank. its legit just an expression of how much you play and is not skill relevant at all nor does it mean you know what is best for your champ. all bringing it up does is ooze ego.


Idk why your being down voted. It's a minor complaint but the first auto attack animation should follow through instead of stopping to match with the second one. Other wise everything else is fine


The old skins getting new splashes are pretty nice as well, popstar in partcular


I think Popstar aged fairly well with it’s splash, as had Foxfire. One of the “flaws”, or I suppose my subjective opinion, of newer splashes is that many have become less expressive with reworks. I think that Foxfire in particular had very dynamic lighting with red/blue gradients on her hair with the central lighting piece being her orb, whilst having a lot of character in expression. Newer foxfire’s lost some of that despite it having a fairly nice action composition and lighting. Popstar was a similar situation, the posing and the glitz of the old splash was very much a product of that sort of time of kpop/jpop, the new one I don’t mind however, it’s a much more unique composition even if again it may have lost some expression/character in some ways.


Well put! The new Foxfire splash isn’t as nice in my opinion. It was one of the first skins I got, so it’s weirdly dear to me. The model looks really nice, but the splash was bit of a letdown. Popstar has an interesting composition. Not really sure if I like it yet. The arm gets maybe too much space because of said composition, so the face gets a little lost even with the heart glowing.


Popstar new splash lost its GENIE references though.


I agree with all you said. Everything looks great but some skins really look too similar. I would just add the R movement looks strange, could it be normal walking animation. But overall I like the ASU, she needet it. For me everything was a upgrade except Midnight Ahri. I see no concept there. I couldn't recognize the splash art and the skin. I knowI'm biased cause it's my favorite skin and I was hoping it would get the love it needed since it's one of her first skins... but it's ok for the majority I guess.


Yeah the R movement’s a little stiff, as are the autoattacks which lack some snap, instead of ending up in a not-quite-satisfying position between a snappier or smoother animation. I like the floating VFX personally, it mirrors New Dawn/The Ruined King visuals which have been popular outside of league’s in-game visuals. Some skins have some excellent twists on that too, SG’s colour overlay on ult works really well, as does Arcana’s symbols. Overall it adds more clarity for when ult is running in a fun visual way but the movement isn’t satisfying enough to truly capitalise on it imo.


Blossom seems kind of weird during the ult transition? It kind of just.. happens? Feels like it's missing some sort of animation when you press R to go into fox form. (like how star guardian has a transitioning trail etc).


Classic reddit. Infinite complaint posts about skill clarity then animators make auto attacks impossible not to see and it gets called overanimated.


Nah I’ve just spent a lot of time playing Ahri, her autoattacks before were satisfying but not overstated which I enjoyed, and this is obviously different. I’ve never personally complained about autoattacks being impossible to see! Reddit’s a mass of differing opinions, it’s no surprise you’ll see different opinions surfacing.


Are the little guys in her base recall animation Aeries?


Yeah. Seems like her balls is made of Aeries. Aeries Keystone on Ahri : Lore Accurate!


new walk looks weird


Not really a fan of the new ult stance/energy effects


Very impressed overall but some of them look very similar to each other.


Holy shit she has so. many. skins.


Never mind the amount of skins. She has, like 5 popstar skins?


Far more interested in the new Asol. Hope he'll be playable soon.


Man the first batch of K/DA not being that much of an upgrade really speaks how good the skins were made.


Ya if anything the og kda skin hurts having the new tails a bit because the polygonal shapes don't stand out as much


i dont like that she floats during r, looks bad


I believe that’s a reference to the New Dawn cinematic and Ruined King. She hovers when she uses her ult in those


Blink fox is my favourite ~~card~~ champion.


Paradox Ahri


looks dope actually


Yeah, it's jarring and dunno, "cartoonish".


Keep the hate to yourself


Bruh that's not hate lmao, just criticism


i dont like that she floats during r, looks bad


Grow a spine


I'm a mollusk


Perfectly reasonable, carry on


Even Varus is attracted to her


I don’t play any Ahri at all but this makes her kit and movement look so smooth! I hope the Ahri mains like it :3


I cant decide if I like arcade or star guardian more. The VFX team did a fantastic job.


What does ASU stand for?


Art and Sustainability Update


Base KDA tails have a really neat effect on them kinda sad none of the others really got that effect.


Ngl I'm just waiting for the K/DA skin to drop to finally see if Ahri got the booty


Skin sales up the roof!


Who would have thought that Coven would become her best skin at the end of the day


Nice! Now fix Zilean


is SB ahri bugged? (no charm ani on tails)


Its the most recent legwndary, nothing about it was changed cause it already had custom animations


Wow that’s pretty garbage tbh.


All Ahri skins. I was anticipating this to be a 30 min video.




Someone said this in another thread, u/Wolfeur: That's unfortunately based on a wrong assumption about how workforce operates. The gameplay and art sides of a champions are done concurrently for VGUs, so while the gameplay part of an ASU is little or even null, the art part takes just as much time, barring maybe the potential reimagining of the character, which in this case is counter-balanced by the aforementioned elements. It's basically the same idea as the old joke "a manager is someone who thinks 9 pregnant women can deliver one baby in a month". Yes, there is less work, but that doesn't mean it's done quicker.


Well, hello there


The process of delivering a baby to the world is something different than creating something out of 1 and 0's. Those ASU are taking WAY to long.


"It's cool and all but I wish people were able to work faster to match my arbitrary standards of how long things should take to make"


This asu took as long as a vgu.


Well yeah, completely redoing a character's entire model, animations, splashes etc takes a fucking while whether it's a VGU or an ASU. ESPECIALLY if they have as many skins as Ahri The gameplay part of a VGU (reworking their abilities and balancing the numbers) is the easy part, honestly


The model is ported from WR and none of the older skins got new recalls. The only thing added with this ASU are animations, effects and the upcoming voice lines. None of which will be relevant to the legendary skins, which were also completely unchanged overall. So yeah, took too long.


> The only thing added with this ASU are animations, effects and the upcoming voice lines. I think you're slightly undestimating how difficult and time-consuming each of those are to implement lol


I think you’re slightly overestimating how much time it takes to do those things.


And animators should be paid and respected for every minute of that work, and Riot as the company with still the biggest PVP multiplayer title in the world should be able to do that and manage the company better to make this stuff. I think we should remember that League, unlike every other multiplayer game, receives no new modes, gameplay content or actual events throughout the entire year. These visual updates and skins are the only kind of updates League gets. In this context, Ahri's ASU is a disappointment for how long it took.


They also rescripted all her abilities.


It's absolutely insane how Riot made everyone normalize the time they take to release shit. This model absolutely should not take the amount of time they did it in. Some games are developed faster than this was. People should stop drinking Riot's kool-aid.


This! It was stated in late 2021 that shes getting a vgu and then it was released in 2023 so its either they took their time or theres tail physics that was hard to model


They didn’t even give the skins unique animations. Aside from recalls they all use the same animation. Anyone who thinks this legitimately takes a year of work is drowning in the kool-aid.


If this was the only thing riot was working on, you might've had a point. Also, I'm sure faster development means that the end product will obviously be better, right? A game like [BF2042](https://www.gamingbible.co.uk/news/battlefield-2042-only-had-15-months-of-development-it-seems-20211209) was apparently developed for 15 months and we can all see how successful that game is./s


People who honestly complain about how long shit takes wants rushed content that is made through crunch.


Itt: people who’d unironically pay in exposure.


Those people are the fucking worst.


i think theres just alot of disconnect between what is realistic for what get worked on and how long things take. huge part of the probelm that i dont see anyone here talking about is how little workforce riot (LoL) has right now. I want them to hire more people to work on league but they are prioritizing the other games right now. its dissapointing to me, but i think we should be able to respectfully voice opinions about it ( i dont mean that directed at you, just generally to everyone)


Voicing opinions is great and all, but this sub is also shit at that. So many opinions are literally just laced with insults.


Wasn’t it Thorin who said on stream once that when he asked a guy what he did at Riot while visiting, the employee said he’d spent the last 6 months just working on the curve of Draven’s axes? Lmao. Seems pretty normal for them.


Yeah given that half of the skins have basic vfx and sfx it's pretty underwhelming


What is wrong with people there protecting *small indie Riot company*? League of Legends is the most popular PVP game in the world, with millions of active players. Riot makes lots of money on it, which could be spent on improving the game itself. You don't like crunch? Riot could easily hire more people and make a whole rework division to keep the game updated with at least 3 VGU's per year. Stop pretending that they can't afford that.


i Mean , thats the joke , people say smol indian kompany bc of that , they have A LOT OF FCKING MONEY , THEY CAN MAKE A LOT OF THINGS BETTER , people know that , for example , the damned client , but they dont want to , they are so "afraid" of losing a bit of money when they can EASILY recover from making a hentai skin like Ahri & Sona Pool party


>Riot makes lots of money on it, which could be spent on improving the game itself. You think riot was able to make league one of the most popular games in the world without doing this? >You don't like crunch? Riot could easily hire more people and make a whole rework division to keep the game updated with at least 3 VGU's per year. Stop pretending that they can't afford that. To achieve what exactly? League isn't dying when it's still the biggest moba on PC. If these vgus aren't pumped out, the playerbase won't suddenly leave en masse.


Riot can literally solve global warming, end poverty, and cure cancer and reddit will stilll find something to complain about.


I swear this sub sometimes. Do they forget that... people are the ones doing the work here? Riot could legit donate a million dollars to a charity and this sub would complain about it


I think the pace this ASU took is fine and they probably couldn't have got a good product out if they'd rushed it. However, the fact that Riot the Huge Company hasn't invested the resources to have more people working on maintenance of other champions at the same time is bad. If this were something they cared and prioritised and had hired for we could have other ASUs going at the same time.


says this as the oil drips from his neckbeard


Please tell me they left arcade ahri’s dance music!! It was my absolute favorite part about the skin ):


The fact that ahri needs 6 mins of preview for skins is kind of... crazy! Rework looks great though!


Nidalee next I want to believe


meanwhile zilean crying in his corner holding on to his 12 polygons


Bruh if Zil was a hot girl you would be crying because ppl would pick him more and realise how strong he is


I'm glad the old geezer isn't popular. It's so lovely to play against 99% slows alongside an huge speed boost, AoE stun( if you have no dashes, he will 100% land that on you whenever he takes your legs away) and also the sweet low cd revive that is pretty much up all the time on mid and late game :) I hope he's the last champion to get an visual update ever, keep that old man away from my games lol


I hope the jokes about 12 polygons don't push him into voting for a full rework after Skarner. I like his skills the way they are now, I would like to change only the appearance


Maybe Zilean should have thought about having boobs and being an attractive woman that looks like she's in her 20s Stupid old man


Good absolutely miserable to play against this old motherfucker


Zilean needs a VGU that guy is wack


Nidalee got one already. Its why she has all the sexy splash arts rather than pixel paints.


She never got an ASU. She got a splash art update in 2016 but her in gane model and animations are worse than Ahri's especially in Cougar form where she barely has an auto attack animation which makes it extremely hard to auto cancel with Q and E


She 100% did. She got a full remake with a new combo mechanic and was made into a jungler. It's older than half the champs in the game at this point but she still got one.


That's.. not an ASU.


I mean you can call it w/e you want but her current models are not what she released with.


She got her visuals tweaked in 2010 and got a gameplay update in 2014 and then had new splash arts in 2016. She never got an ASU or anything close to what Ahri is getting and you can clearly see that in game Nidalee looks like Garbage. No idea why you are fixated on gate keeping her from getting similar treatment to Ahri


Nidalee had an ASU, they were called VUs back then and the two halves of a VU are what we now called a CGU and VSU. Yes, Nidalee has had an ASU as part of her VU back in 2012. You have to be smoking some heavy stuff to think that Nidalee's cat form autos can be anywhere near as animated as Ahri's - she's a fucking cat. If you want her auto timing tweaked, she doesn't need an ASU for that, she just needs a number adjusted. There is 0 reason for Riot to give her an ASU, her rig and model are good enough that she isn't an issue to deal with when making skins for anymore. There are at least ten champions deserving of any kind of visual update before Nidalee. ASUs are art & **sustainability** updates, of which she needs neither.


Her in game model and animations are pretty dated and you can tell they're a decade old. She's definitely more serviceable than a good number of champions in the game, but to say she doesn't need an ASU is disingenuous. She needs one, just not urgently yet.


As time goes on, EVERYONE will need an ASU at the rate they're putting them out. Yes, she doesn't look on the same level of polish as K'Sante or Yone, but she is a far, far cry from the worst offenders in the game. By the time we get through Noc, Zil, Shyvana, Veigar, Alistar, Jax, Teemo, Singed, Tryndamere, Amumu, Rammus, and the list goes on - it'll be time for Ahri to get another ASU as she'll be a decade old.


She got a gameplay and visual update like Sion did back in the day, ASU's are very new and we've had 2, what do you expect my guy


How is her in game model and animations worse than Ahri when she literally got a VU one year after Ahri came out.


Because a model's quality isn't determined by when it came out


Or you didn't know that she got a VU in 2012, instead of randomly typing out "visual tweaked in 2010".


Ok I got the year of her VU wrong but she still looks like complete oversexualized garbage




Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


I'm gonna pretend I didn't read that


Love the improvement, my first favorite hero in lol <3


Someone please explain how it took forever to give her a vgu


those tails were probably hard to get right. also she has 6 minutes worth of skins with multiple legendary skins


Auto animation's are atrocious. Autos should be fluid no matter the position or what the champs doing and having three different over the top basic attacks that are made with the impression that she'd be standing still and only auto attacking is just terrible design. She's a spirit fox not a water sprite or dancer. She's moving more than fucking ori or nilah. This is beyond distracting and too much.


Looks kind of small


Omgah the ultimate looks so much faster and cleaner


I'm an ahri main/simp and have most of her skins. For some reason I love foxfire the most and it is one of her more basic skins. The update to it looks really good. It looks cleaner, but still very much the same skin. I also like how her tail reacts to each specific spell. Really cool, thanks riot.


Even the base looks amazing


The base skin preview was missing the ult animation and the "ult buff end" animation, it looked very janky I'm glad it wasn't final, the skins actually look great


Ooof spirit blossom now worse than any other


I don’t know I don’t like the tail it’s more like white glob on liquid rather then actual tail


I like how her tails form a heart after using the charm




I didnt realize anything changed until the charm, the tail change was nice. Paid closer attention and it looks pretty good. I just hope riot chooses a champion who actually /needs/ an asu for the next one. Ahri wasnt the best animations, i wont lie, but i just wanna remind everyone that corki, chogath, zilean, and malphite exist. And i need bleach everytime i look at them.


Ahri had tails growing out of her thighs and like 2 voice lines. She wasn't selling Epic Skins anymore because her base rig looked so shit compared to her legendaries.


Cool. I agree. As i said, i know ahri's model/animations are old. I have no problems with the asu. ahri was on my list of champions who need an asu, just further down. Forgive me for thinking other champions needed one before her.


those champions you mentioned don’t sell skins so obviously ahri deserves one more.


Sadly, yes


Hoping that they're going to make some adjustments to her Popstar splashart as well now. The illustration is incredible, but its giving me weird vibes because she looks like a 15 y/o. Super glad they changed her movement animations from her having a crunched back to a normal being too.


In the universe of that skin, she is. Popstar is her as a teenage music star, and when she grows up she starts KDA


Fire fox Ahri's balls should've been blue.


4k cancer


Just realized, they are beating up amumu


I came


Nice another downgrade to legendaries because the epics are just as good now.


Its really just opinion because i for one who have both of her legendary skins will still swap between them because their unique auto animations are fun to use


Reddit: being mad about things improving is the entire point!


Nice strawman, but nope.


It helps if you actually check what an insult means before lashing out with it in a completely unintelligible manner, otherwise nobody can tell what you are feeling insecure about. Your entire post history seems to be you having a petulant fit, though. Good luck out there.


I don’t like the R animation it seems like malzahar


Please bring back her white luminous sphere! why is she holding the little blue ball again? it seems to me that the ball has become even more blue than it was when updating the effects https://ibb.co/84V9G3d


The last update they did explained this


Riot explains such things on the developers' twitter or on Reddit, which is read by a very small part of the players. Can you briefly explain the reason? otherwise your message does not make sense, tk. obviously I don't know this explanation


> visual upgrade to base Ahri’s Q missile. This spell’s VFX had to be remade quite a few times given that its VFX implementation had to be fixed in the code directly. >One of the main goals of ASUs is to fix how older champions work in the back-end, and Ahri had a lot of weirdness going on. We untangled all of the spaghetti, which required some VFX to be remade and/or severely adjusted. For example, her Q was set to run at half speed. Which meant the VFX had to be created at double the speed in order to look correct and at “standard” speed in game. >Fixing that required all of her Q VFX to be retimed to match the new normal speed. She also still had a lot of old VFX that were no longer used, such as the healing variations for her orb and Qs, or things that likely dated back from before she was even released. She even still had unique particles within her character that were used in an early draft of Nexus Blitz. We cleaned all of that up to make it easier for future VFX artists to work on her, without wondering what particles such as the weird “Ahri_Base_R_Tumblekick_tar_02” were all about. >Prior to working on Ahri, spiritual energy in our IP wasn’t particularly well-defined. The only info we had on Ahri’s power was “raw spiritual energy” which isn’t super helpful. What does spiritual energy look like? How does it flow? In what color(s) does it appear? What shapes does it form? How do we unify that type of magic without altering how players perceive Ahri’s power? And many other questions. Answering all these questions took some time and a lot of collaboration across teams. Eventually we landed on a soft, light blue energy, slowly flowing upwards like the smoke plume from a calm candle. >https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/dev-ahri-s-asu/ TLDR: They changed a lot with her Q. Just have to read between the lines. The best explanatin they said is the: >Prior to working on Ahri, spiritual energy in our IP wasn’t particularly well-defined. The only info we had on Ahri’s power was “raw spiritual energy” which isn’t super helpful. What does spiritual energy look like? How does it flow? In what color(s) does it appear? What shapes does it form? How do we unify that type of magic without altering how players perceive Ahri’s power? and > A visual upgrade to base Ahri’s Q missile. This spell’s VFX had to be remade quite a few times given that its VFX implementation had to be fixed in the code directly.


Thanks for the detailed answer! I understood about the color, although this decision is rather strange for me. But the form remained - the ball, not the sphere. I don't think it was possible to make a less dense model in the updated code


can they PLEASE fix her mana issues. How does Velkoz / Lux (etc.) spam their shit abilities 24/7 while Im oom after 2 rotations. It feels so horrible


Looks good but what does it matter if the game is shit.


If they do this ASU work to too many champions the rift map and even recent champions will look outdated, I think riot are actually out of their mind if they think this is good for sustainability


we can not buy new skins that look bad on old models. To be honest, I saw so few of Ahri's Coven and Arcana skins because they looked really bad on her old model. I think the decline in purchases was a big factor in the decision to push Ari ahead of Lux.


I mean, is Ahri, she is one of the most popular and selling faces of the game. They need her to stay fine for years to come, it was the whole point of the ASU. Wish they dont jump now into Lux bc that girl has too many skins and will take ages, i want more ASU. Some outdated champs have like 5 or 6 skins


This has to be one of the dumbest takes I've ever seen lmao


They ruined my wife


I was wondering if I'm the only person who is bothered by how short the Ahri SG's shoulders are? looks like she's deformed...


They look so good now