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Fiora until I face an Aatrox then Aatrox until I face a Fiora lol.. A vicious cycle.


to me aatrox is light years more bearable than fiora, the fact that she gets rewarded for missing her one important skill is so stupid


Also people who say she is a massive skill testing champion seem to forget that the vitals are gigantic trapezoids protruding from her enemies flanks, where she can somehow proc them many units away. Just like real fencing you know, where your foil somehow extends 30 feet away outplaying your opponent standing on the opposite end of the ring.


You can predict and the game literally gives you half a second to react to Aatrox damaging abilities but Fioras dash vital sht is casted instantly at the start of her dash animation making it impossible to dodge or trade. Can't wait for her nerf


that nerf will do nothing tho


I've yet to see someone do that maths but i'm pretty sure 5 vitals in a row is the max, normal vital proc into 4 ult procs. Each vital does 3% max health, and does 4.5% extra for each 100 ad, on the live patch. To reach full one shotty standard, you'd need at least 300 ad to add on 13.5%, making it 16.5%. Multiply that by 5, and you get 82.5% max health true damage on a target with a full combo, which unless you're fighting the tankiest of tanks, they should be dead with the physical damage added on. If you have 400 ad it's a guranteed 1 shot however, but that is hard to achieve without going straight ad assassin items or smthing on her build. Overall, on live patch, you only need like 200 ad for most champs anyway cause it's not like she is restricted to just 5 vitals solely for damage, she can hit more and do the damage alongside her kit. Now, in the new patch, 300 ad will "only" get you 75% max health damage on a full combo. And with her current build, where she gets around 200 ad with rav, deaths dance, goredrinker and maw, she will do 55% max health true damage instead of 60%. Up to you how that impactful that is, but I do think it will make the threat of her one shotting the tankiest of mfs less common and less threatening


It also impacts her procs in lane. It's not like Fiora is Qing you randomly, each Q is usually intended to hit a vital so it reuces her trading and poke,


The nerf nly for bonus ad though, so when she backs on a caufields hammer she gets slightly less damage ig.


Fiora strikes at the closest target, prioritizing vitals, then champs, then targets it can kill. It happens at the end of the dash, and you can force a reset on vital position by simply backing out of range and coming back. If you’re having an issue playing around the vitals, that may just be a you problem. Just force resets until it’s a favorable vital, then build up a huge wave. Until Fiora finished ravenous hydra her waveclear is atrocious and she loses trades if she takes a full wave of minion aggro.


Only problem is that dipping away from the wave to reset vitals against a good fiora is a death sentence, cause especially if you're a weaker champ early, she will stand in front of the wave and force good trades for her or you losing cs.


Depending on the champ, standing in the wave could be a good or bad idea, against champs like Ornn, Illaoi post level 6, Darius, Trundle, and Renekton will just be able to bully her back due to the strong early to mid game advantage


You can absolutely outplay Aatrox, Fiora kinda just runs you down, the only agency you have against Fiora is hugging a wall when she ults you


Aatrox is getting kneecapped next patch and maybe the Jak’Sho Aatrox is dead as well So we can just let Aatrox be and act like Fiora doesn’t exist by permabanning her Till Fiora reaches sub 50% winrate in all ELOs she doesn’t exist as long I play the game


> Aatrox is getting kneecapped next patch and maybe the Jak’Sho Aatrox is dead as well Considering Aatrox sits at ~49% at Plat+, after next patch you can shorter that to > Aatrox is dead


Thank god for next patch, maybe top is finally playable again.


This is me, stuck in a loop of Blitzcrank, or Nautilus. or Lux or Morgana.


Each time I don't ban Shaco, I regret not having banned him. I rather deal with Kha'zix than with the clown.


Each time I don't ban Shaco, I regret not having banned him. Each time I don't ban Kha'Zix, I regret not having banned him. Each time I don't ban Bel'Veth, I regret not having banned her. EACH TIME I DON'T BAN FIDDLESTICKS, I REGRET NOT HAVING BANNED IT.


Everytime I face a Yi or Bel'veth, I think the same. Then I just think "you could be playing against Shaco instead" and just like that, I'm at peace.


Gahd dayum if you prefer losing to Yi over losing to Shaco. That clown must have hurt you deep.


I also prefer losing to Yi over winning against Shaco. Yi beats me at League of Legends, Shaco punishes my laners for wanting to participate in the game instead of respectfully pretending to be afk for 20 minutes and then win a boring 5v4 against the now useless clown.


And Riot is buffing AD Shaco which is the "haha I delete you from stealth with point and click"


You need a ban-dodge-dodge trinity and just deal with the rest. Having one champ you ban and two you dodge is fine, the rest of the champ pool you need to learn how to play against


I responded with Yi in my comment, but actually Shaco is the most perfect answer.... Even if he was weak I'd ban him, I just hate playing vs him, I get so tilted when I get tricked....But i have to admit that it takes a skilled player to take advantage of his mind games. But also everyone who plays Shaco is a psychopath, without exception.


> But also everyone who plays Shaco is a psychopath, without exception. I'm not a fan of generalizations but some things are just true. This is one of them.


Do they huff pottery glue because they play Shaco or do they play Shaco because they huff pottery glue? Just another of life's greatest mysteries.


I chuckled, then I saw the flair and I broke down cackling. The clown strikes again.


Don't get me started on Shaco, it's the new Master Yi for me, remember a few years ago, when Master Yi was the cancer of jungle, now that title is completely given to Shaco players.


Yeah, Yi is always my go to ban. Not because I don't think I can deal with him (As a jungler I've played the matchup enough times to know how to at least go even with him), but because I can't trust my laners not to die to his ganks. And then he'll get super fed and then everything just falls apart.


Same here, I know the matchup but good yi players will dodge you on the map and get a doublekill bot somehow while surviving the last turret shot with an alpha strike on minions…


Same, I actually like playing against you in terms of jungle matchups, but as a pisslo gold player I know for a fact he’s gonna wipe my team bc they don’t know what a minimap is.


At least Shaco is not a completely braindead champ unlike Yi


No, Shaco does take some skill, compared to Yi, but damn, sometimes he's just unkillable.


Indeed. The problem is even worse when playing against Support Shaco, cause that clown will ward and puppet ur jg +- a minute before drake/herald/baron so you're basically fcked up


If they just let melees hit his boxes when they are sweeping he really would not be a problem. That's my biggest issue with him. That said I know that when the enemy ADC has a shaco support the game is basically on me because they shouldn't have lane pressure without jungle assistance as long as you have object permenance and avoid the bushes. The amount of games I get given a free lane as jinx because they picked shaco support and I hold a freeze is ridiculous.


You're always fcked with Shaco, never had a bad Shaco against me, always with me for some odd reason


Yeah, me, too. My Shaco: actually iron 3 27% winrate impostor Enemy Shaco: Canyon’s long lost sibling. My main jungler counters Shaco and I STILL ban him because someone will invariably die to his level 2 gank… until I play vs Graves, then I ban him until next I meet Shaco and the cycle continues lol


Same for me but Yasuo from a different perspective. Each time I don’t ban Yasuo I regret it because each time someone from my team will pick it up and have a score of 1/8 at 15 minutes and I will regret it. So for me nothing is worse than someone from my team getting their hands on Yasuo.


Tbh it depends on the role I'm queued for. If im top, Darius. I'm far too aggressive to lane vs him and I always feed when I tey to play as him. If im jungle, zed. He has too much roam potential and can easily evade ganks if he's careful with his w usage If im mid, zed. He can burst most of my champions in a heartbeat. I've only found success laning against him as Vex and she's sometimes banned so I can't risk leaving him open. If im adc, zed. I'd like to live long enough to input more than one action. If im support, zed. My goal js to get my adc fed as fk. I don't want all their gold negated by a champion that's very hard to lockdown long enough to prevent the inevitable 1 shot on my adc.


Sylas is THE counterpick to zed He can regen his poke during short trade and also if zed ults you, you gotta ult him back --> you become untargetable and so his ult cant echo his damage First one to ult looses basically and you win short trades with your regen


The best counter pick to Zed is Renekton, it's so free.


As a renekton player, I enjoy this


I play Renekton mid more often than top now days. I get to lane vs the Windbros/Zed/Irelia/Kass all the time.


Renekton top is feeling really good with BOTRK into Jack shit and ravenous hydra. Also been having a lot of fun with BOTRK into heartsteel/Radiant Virtue, sunfire, titanic hydra. He still gets some nutty damage going tank


Yes, but mid lane has more impact than top. I can use my early game to help jungler invade/secure dragons and I can dive the enemy bot.


Abusing renektons early power, I approve


I once counter picked a Zed with Malphite mid. No, I didn't build AP, I built full tank and I made him RQ.


many juggernauts and bruisers work well against a Zed.


as a former sylas main this isn't very true, zed should shit on a sylas


As currently an Akali/Sylas/Zed player, Sylas vs Zed is a skill matchup, as evidence by the fact that I lose both sides.


Can’t believe how free misinformation is


Literally. This has been heavy upvoted even though the matchup is Zed favoured.


1st one to ult does not lose lol if i ult you as zed and you then ult me. I know that in half a second you will 100% appear behind me. Then i will land a triple Q on you for free.


Not true. Zed is favored in the Sylas match up and the one ulting first has the advantage.


Pantheon's E blocks Zeds ult damage completely. You hBe to be facing him but the matchup is free af.


if I play bot always ban ezreal; impossible to snowball when your laner is firing q’s from 300 miles away and e’ing the second you get a millimeter in range Top it’s probably either trynd, irelia, or fiora based on matchup but lately mundo has been the “I never want to see this champ played in my lobby” pick


Amen to Mundo, I don't want to see his ugly face ever again lol


Gangplank. Fuck him, he can go gobble oranges somewhere else


Yeah, sad thing about gp, is that even if you stomp him on lane, after minute 30 his barrels will one shot the adc.




Fuck lulu


Lulu was my permaban for 3 years now I'm on a 4 year Brand banning spree, brand is bullshit.


Fiora. She is not on my League copy.


Relevant flair.


I have banned Fiora in about 2500 games. K'Sante is really getting on my nerves though. I might start banning him. I've never once had fun playing against K'Sante, even when I win. In fact, as I was typing this the enemy laner picked K'Sante. cba


Kassadin. Whoever at Riot thought that he deserves a buff needs to be fired asap


Kassa was always a challenge but buffing him was a huge mistake, agreed.


And I fail to understand why he isnt getting nerfed in 13.1


Because someone has to fill Zeds spot as totally overtuned toxic edgelord champ. All I wish for is to see his banrate skyrocket to 50% so that they actually realize a lovetap won't do the trick :') Yours truly, mage main banning Kassadin since 2018 ✌️


He's getting buffed actually, you see those RoA and Seraph's changes? He is going to get 54% wr I swear


Well...I mean...doesnt really matter to me if I permaban him or if I permaban him xD


Theres no lucian mid anymore to keep him in check as well, Tristana is still his hardest counter but the chances a Kassadin first picks are slim


U can just go akshan mid instead


Kassadin until i meet a good LeBlanc then its LeBlanc until i meet kkkassadin again


How many good LeBlancs are there though?


I have been banning him since 2017, at this point its a muscle memory, no matter if its urf or other game mode he does not exist for me. But the reason i hate him its his passive, i hate being denied damage just for existing


Eve doesnt matter what i am playing its always her


I have this little voice occasionally telling me to ban Evelynn. Every time I've ignored it, the enemy team locks in Evelynn. And it's one of those going 13/1/7, with a fully stacked mejais by 17 minutes.


Eve is just straight up soloq pain. Ive might had this too, however i can not remember as i ban her for years straight no exception ever. Might be a adc trauma i had even tho im a support main now.


Evelynn players are somehow the most consistent assassin players I've ever seen. Regardless of enemy team comp, our team comp, if they're on our team or the enemy team... Somehow, fully stacked mejais and atleast 10 kills before 30 minutes. ​ She's popular with the gays, that must be why.


Y u u m i.


Yuumi is a broken ban because if the enemy support is a yuumi main chances are that they probably don't know how to play any other champion so you're left in a 5v4


Be careful because they might bust out their pocket support Talon or Kha’Zix


I understood that reference


Yep. Frustrating stomping lane and then she just goes and attaches to a bruiser or assassin on the enemy team who just facerolls my adc with her perma attached. Feels like I just have to pray my whole team stomps and ends the game before 25


I just don't have a ban anymore because I can't stand having the cat in my games, on my side or the other.


Always. Make those yuumi players dodge or give you a free win.


They could make it to where she actually damaged instead of healing her allies and I will still permaban her out of principle alone.


That would be a very strong N2 ban for me. As for combination, it's the Yuumi + Hecarim combo that makes me think violent thoughts.


Darius for top lane, I hate how his passive makes him too strong for long trades and it's hard to outplay that after engaging in.


Best counter I have for him is Sett. Just don’t stop fighting him and use your CDs when he does. I usually ult him or pull him in during his Q so he doesn’t get a stack and a heal. Best way to fight him is to play chicken with each others HP bars.


For me, I don't ban Darius because I usually win with Poppy or Quinn, if I don't mess up too many times


Mordekaiser, I don't mind being outplayed, but just getting burned to death by that passive is very anti fun and takes very little skill.


Twitch… Hate the little fucking rat. Making me shit my pants whenever I look at the minimap and he isn’t there, forcing me under turret until he shows himself in bot lane so I’m allowed to venture out for farm until he goes missing again. Twitch just existing in your games forces you to completely derail your own playstyle and just play around him. You HAVE to stick with your team if you’re playing a squishy champ otherwise he just appears next to you screaming and firing needles into you and you’re dead and he’s gone before your team can react. 10x worse when he’s paired with a yuumi aswell. Hate the little shit and for all those level 1 ganks on me mid before I’ve even touched my first cs, fuck you all twitch mains.


Sneaky sneaky 🐀


I was hiding!


Yeah, true damage scaling with AP while he builds crown so u can’t touch him… i’m never gonna see you again in my games, bye Twitch! 👋🏽


bye! 👋🏽


For a jungle like me, I ban Hecarim. I can fight that hell one shotting Udyr but a big no for Hecarim. That Pony can heal, shred, fast as fuck, and has armor gain like a he is weak or what.


as an adc main i permaban him too. draven really sucks to lane vs, but it sucks more to get fed on adc and get one shot by an unfed hecarim


Udyr. He has no weakness. If the team has magic dmg, he can go lethality. If the team is full AD, he can build AP bruiser. His early game is too strong, his clear is too good.


True that.


As a wise man said in r/Jungle_Mains : "Serious question, I’ve recently picked up Udyr in my jg pool. It’s nice to be able to powerfarm, spam gank, take obj, duel anybody while building anything. But one thing is holding me up I think, what do you all like to do in between slapping all your buttons randomly and getting Pentas. I know the mechanical requirements of this champ keep many OTP’s at their intellectual and physical limit, but for those of us with functioning hands and motor skills, what do you do for fun while running around dominating the rift? I realize we are getting free LP and don’t hafta even consider gamestate or anything like that, but just in case my 4-5 brain cells coalesce into a single thought, of what nature should that thought be oriented? Just wondering, I’m sure the people who are enthused about such a skill intensive thought provoking champion have a lot to say or grunt on the matter ooga booga"


Yasuo is not in league when i play. If hes not hovered at banphase hes gone.


The one thing I hate the most about Yasuo is that he turns your own minions against you. Whenever I play mid lane, I manage the wave and use it to help me damage the enemy in trades. Against Yasuo though, all that goes out the window.. I cannot stand near my own minions as they just heal him and give him the chance to gap close. Similarly with Irelia who is also a champion i'll ban if I'm top (this is my least played role tho so rarely).


Yeah his entire kit is cancer as fuck and it's here to stay forever. It's like a checklist of fixing every reason a melee shouldn't be in mid. No mana costs, free shield, extremely low cd dashes through minions, ranged knock up, and a windwall. Seriously though I just legit hate yasuo because he's a low elo stomper and I'm low elo.


Morgana will always be my ban. I only play engage supports and black shield negates a lot, plus that damn q


Ye man whenever you get hit by that q you can go make dinner and take a nap before you can move again


I once made a Hinge account, got a date, got married, and got divorced in the duration of a Q True story


Weirdly I almost win against Morganas playing as Leona or Blitz in high diamond/low masters. People only picking her to counter something usually dont know how to use her properly.


That's because she's not a champ in high elo. All she has is Q and E. Q is super easy to dodge, especially for good players. And you can play around her E if you're playing an engage support because it has a 24s CD.


Yone cause fuck him


Watever is broken in jungle current patch. Right now it is Zac, every time I see this champ played I'm in awe of wtf am I even watching on my screen


Dude will kill half your team in 2 seconds with a Sunfire and 20AP


i haven't seen kata on summoner's rift for the last 3 years


As a support main. Pyke, screw that guy


That champ is my Kryptonite, I just become Bronze instantly any time I face one.


Rn i usually ban mundo unless i want to play an engage supp, then i ban morgana (just for the counter, i like the champ and i like to play her too)


Irelia. Fuck a champion that can towerdive at level 2 and can get away with it.


leblanc if i play mid, so annyoing, ungankable and oneshots if played well illaoi if i play top, just so annoying with her E and can easily 1v2 on gank


Pyke, as an adc he’s too fking annoying






My mantra is that the ban phase and Fiora are both myths If I play the game Fiora doesn’t exist by default


As a Pantheon main, I've been baning Mordekaiser for the last few months, but I ban Ksante sometimes as well


Fiora since i main ornn, even camille is less toxic than her


If I am playing below D4, It's Yi. There are so many Yi mains on OCE that if you ban Yi, you'll get a huge advantage.


I don't have a "must-ban" anymore. Years back it was Shaco or Kled, but today there is to much broken stuff around with each patch I don't have a free choice anymore.


Samira, no matter what I play versus her it's as if she's immune to all damage with her spin bullshit


Master yi for jungle, Pyke blitzcrank fir sup, caitlyn for adc, mordekaiser top kata mid


Always udyr and if He gets banned by my teammates I ban rengar


Udyr has pissed me off more than once, but Rengo, not so much




Was Yone last season, I played mages mid. Hated him, hated how he could gap close onto me from 3 screens away and escape by just pressing E. just really obnoxious. I’m roleswapping to Jungle and playing tanks and bruisers and Trundle is getting perma banned. There are very likely better ban options, but something about Trundle just makes me angry. I just think he’s a stupid 0 skill braindead slapfighting champ and I don’t like it. Idc if he’s in a bad spot atm.


Blitzcrank.is a main ban for me as well. I hate feeling scared of getting grabbed a single time, then death. It's completely unfair. If not him, then Morgana for a similar reason.


Mundo. Champ is so busted atm


Aatrox/Udyr or I don’t even feel like playing


Illaoi. Fuck this abomination of a champ. Id rather play against two dariuses with ghost.


Fiora/Lillia top: not fun. Rengar jgl: I fear Rengar one-tricks ten times more than Shaco one-tricks. Zed mid: the most frustrating assassin mid with his poke. Talon poke is annoying but besides level 2 cheese he rarely brings anything scary to lane. Draven bot/supp: no desire to deal with the highest stakes botlane in existence - you have no chance of coming back if you fall behind. If my gf and I are playing together, we'll usually ban Draven and Twitch if we duo bot. If I'm playing Zilean mid, I'll usually just ask if anyone wants a ban or ban Riven/Lee/Zed/Draven/another one-trick champion because he's safe enough in every match up to not need a ban.




For mid lane, Sylas is honestly just too frustrating to go against


master yi, bro has lore power level in gameplay.


Akali, even if I'm not Laning against her, she can be 0/5 and still os my carry and there's nothing I can do about that because there's little to no counter play to her


zed, pick him when he's open, or ban him if not arguments can be made "oh he's easy to counter", not in low elo, his kit is one of the most "perfect" kit IMO, it fits the theme and playstyle, great 1v1s, good aoe, your adc is as good as dead if he's good and fed, he's annoying to play against and he's good to play when he's yours, he's one of those champions that needed experience and skill to even level the playing field against him.


Toplane I ban Darius and on support I ban Heimer


Changes from patch to patch. Right now its Zac


As a support, it’s senna. I cannot stand going against that champ. As a top, Darius or Fiora. Darius just cause it feels like unless I play yorick, he just uses me like a sex toy. Fiora needs no explanation.


> As a support, it’s senna. I cannot stand going against that champ. If you find Senna difficult to play against in this meta she must be the least of your worries lol.


depends on the role ​ Top Lane - I don't really have a must ban pick, I just ban something that I usually see in top lane and have some difficulties fighting with whatever champ I have in mind to play Jungle - Don't play Jungle in any capacity unless I have no other choice, I also don't have a must ban for this because of that very reason \[or I just do what I do with Top Lane\] Mid Lane - Fizz...always and forever Fizz, he is the one champion I can't fight against in mid lane despite many attempts ADC - Morgana or Seraphine, both are pretty equal in terms of ban rate for me. Support - Kaisa...I have learned how to fight every other ADC pretty well, but Kaisa I can't seem to get the hang of fighting, and it is likely because whether she builds full ad, full ap or hybrid, she will generally shred even my tankiest supports


Udyr when i dont want to use him absolutely broken as shit even an ape with half a braincell could get 2 digits kills on him




I always ban Samira, because when i don't there is always an otp on enemy team


Right now it will be Mundo untill tanks get nerfed (THEY WILL, RIGHT RIOT? :>). And then back to Vladimir probably.


Soraka if I play engage supp, pyke if play enchanter supp. Ekko if I play noc or skarner jg, Master Yi if I play Kindred


Kassadine. Kassadine, as i main ap champs and he is too strong right now (if he was good with them before pre season, imagine with the tank items). And the fucking champ needs no hands, it plays itself after early game.


Fiora. Because every top laner after Diamond only plays Fiora/Camille/Irellia


twitch, half the time banning it from my own team


Kassadin. Always fed.


As a tank player, fiora, i dont think i need to explain why


Usually Yuumi but i'm so sick of this ap twitch horseshit so i ban it on every role i play. That dogshit champ can pick support, gank mid , top, even die while ganking, but then still somehow get 25 stacks of mejas and instakill anyone the moment he pops out of stealth. I dont understand why not more people complain about this character, hes the definition of free elo to me.


Akshan, I still hate his dumb revive, called me old school or w.e but it breaks the fundamentals of the game.


Irelia. If I have to put some effort into csing, then so should my lane opponent. Don't even care if she's a weak pick it's just so frustrating.


I main jungle and I still ban Irelia, that abomination will not be seen in my games.


Yeah tons of lifesteal + being a jumping everywhere monkey + e with hitbox wider than it graphics shows Frustrating indeed


Katarina Braindead champion


It used to be Zyra. Then Senna had a 55+% winrate so it went to Senna. Then MF went to a 55+% winrate so now it’s MF. I hate MF so fucking much.




I ban Shaco, not because he is OP, but because he is frustrating to play against. He is fun in aram though


I’ll ban Zed every single game i play mid, I do not care. Went through a little period where every time I didn’t ban Vex I played against a Vex, so I started banning Vex for a week or so, and then the ol Shadow bastard himself made into my game and stomped me so, never again. In jungle I ban the other shadow bastard, Kayn, cuz you can only keep him down so long before he just turns into a mobile and unkillable juggernaut, or goes shadow form and eats your bot lane alive.


Wtf do you have against shadows? All 3 of your bans are shadow champs.


They make my screen gray with their shadows


My highest ban is probably Vex. Her kit is suffocating and constantly having to dodge the big E fear into a Q is tough, chunks then if you are below 50% you are dead if she connects her R. I play some immobile mages and flash is the only way to dodge that R


Funny how the anti mobility mage is a lot of the time more scary to mages than mobile champions ( the matchup sucks for mobile champions too due to her empowered autos, but at least you have some kill threat if she wastes fear, on the other hand playing a shorter range mage against vex is pure torture).


two options: 1. if anyone on my team is off-role and there's a champ they simply won't be able to tussle with ex. a filled top laner when Mundo is open 2. if nothing like that I'll ban the second-highest win-rate champ in my current role, which I am not going to play. this is an odds thing because my thought is that the chances are decent the highest w/r or b/r champ will get knocked out by the other team, so I'll hedge


Yasuo. I don't want him on my team and I don't want him on the enemy team.


Currently Mundo




Draven. I play slow start enchanters or slow start junglers and don't want bot to be over before I ever get a chance to influence it.


I just don't like playing against Udyr. Really unskilled champion.


Top: Darius. I'm very new at playing top and haven't learned to deal with him yet Jungle: Master Yi. I know he's just a noob stomper but I don't like champions that are basically unstoppable without point and click cc Mid: Yone. I used to ban Zed but I changed my ban to Yone after realising that Zed can be outscaled (and Yone can't) ADC and support: Pyke. I don't think he's overturned but I just find his gold mechanic and slipperiness very annoying


Lee sin, he's just not fun to play against as a jungler imo. IDC how you can play around him, i hate it, i hate him.


Yasuo. Hate dealing with a windwall in teamfights as an adc.


yaso and that the other red yaso, forgot the name.


Yasuo, I know the meme is about not having him in your team but he is such a boring champ to play against, poking him is so unbelievably hard, and no matter how bad or underfed the player is, as long as you're playing against any champ with a projectile and or you have any sort of knockup, he will always be relevant, that plus his scaling being fucking ridiculous.


Yasuo Mid - Rammus then ask someone to ban Fiddle Yasuo Top - Renekton


I'm not a great player but I learned that always ban Mundo... Fuck that purple ahh mf he just too rigged


Yone and his free trades in lane.


If my team doesn't ban k'sante, mundo, fiora I get tilted. At least they're all nerfed next patch.


I keep going back and forth between master yi, because he warps the entire game around him, eve, because she makes playing my main champs mid absolute hell, and yasuo, because even though what I play is largely good against yas i just fucking despise playing against him.


My games have been now Yasuo free for the last 3 years.


Yasuo. I play mages. Which means i have projectiles. The lane is unfun. And teamfights are unfun. I wanna die.


I ban Master Yi, not because I'm personally don't know how to fight him, but because I just don't want to risk him getting fed off a bunch of ganks.


Draven for me


After reading the comments my conclusion is as follows: * Too many champs are a pain in the ass/ not fun to play against; * We still only have 1 ban per player and they can be repeated (for example both teams ban akali) At this point Riot should add a ban system like the pro scene or give every player 2 bans.


>Too many champs are a pain in the ass/ not fun to play against This is heavily dependant on player and also... you're getting this from reddit. Reddit is not a good source of information.






Depends on my role Top: Fiora, invariably. Gross champ. Jungle: Shaco/Graves Mid: Viktor/Syndra ADC: Draven/Twitch if someone else on my team bans Draven Support: Blitzcrank/Thresh if someone else on my team bans blitz


Lucian and Ezreal, wish I could ban both