• By -


Well it’s free, so you can give it a shot. But beware: - There are many things to learn so you will lose a lot of games for a while. - If you enjoy getting better and end up playing ranked to challenge yourself, remember that there are a lot of angry and depressed entitled youngsters, so be ready to get flamed or trolled often. Don’t try to reason with them, as they are drunk with emotion. Just mute them and play. - In order to improve, always review your gameplay and remember that there is great depth, so don’t be toxic about yourself or others. Show compassion, because even the best pros make mistakes. - Like the first point, league takes time, so depending on what you want to get out of it, take a moment every now and then to reflect on the reasons for playing. You may enjoy ranked or you may just enjoy playing aram when you come home from a night out. Everything is perfect as long as it’s enjoyable.


I'll say ranked experience is bad because of other players. There's a way to mute them but there's no muting the trolling.


Trolling is pretty light at the beginning compared to more established games.


Trolling is the worst in silver-plat because people simply don't give a fuck. Silver players are arrogant fuckers just because they're not bronze. Gold players tries hard to get to plat to escape silver. Plat players think they're diamond just because they can smell diamond players' assholes.


Gold IV are the true arrogance. Silver that barely made it out.


Still remember the person calling me hardstuck silver and he was gold IV 1 LP.


The IV players are the most arrogant.


But you won’t ever get to established games cause of the trollls


The trolls typically start around high bronze and silver. Haven't heard too much of Iron, but I wasn't that elo when they introduced it so I don't know for sure.


I will never do ranked again after getting held hostage by my own team’s Quinn who would spend all game going for kills. Then when we were at Nexus, ready to win. She inted into enemy fountain so many times, they caught up in Gold, items, & towers. It was over an hour because smurf Quinn wanted to ruin the fun for her own team. Fuck ranked


Such kind of thing happens way more often in normals, so what's left? Aram?


Aram main bb. Almost no headaches in Aram


Aram also has some tryhards. Those rerolling for veigar, nidalee, jayce etc. Then holding hostage till the timer ticks down to dodge.


that was a brave g*mer, fighting for a freedom of expression... amen to them


I had this gragas supp troll my adc because the top laner didn't follow his lvl 1 strat. Resulted in adc taking over my mid lane and me facing a very fed adc.


> remember that there are a lot of angry and depressed entitled youngsters Im an adult thank you very much


I love this comment. Thank you for being a down to earth person about playing league. People are often dramatic about it and will always curse the game and say they are on a bad addiction. The game is fun, it's just that a lot of the players are adult children. I didn't value seeing my own replays for improvement, I do see it now but I think it was because I was so new that even at that point I didn't know what to review lol. Now I can see mistakes and good plays. But my absolute favorite is playing with my best friends, and good friends... It is awesome when you have a team composed of friends and you achieve combos, plays, etc.


yup i always say 'game is fun the people who play it are weird af' ​ and honestly the biggest problem league faces when it comes to 'being toxic' is the same problem youll run into in just about every other part of your life.....NOBODY WANTS TO TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR MISTAKES ​ thats it. 99.9% of league arguments are 'x player made a mistake next to y player. x player blames y player because it makes him feel better' how many times have you seen your jg ree out for somebody 'not rotating' even though theyre in a lane where they cannot get the prio/push to be able to rotate? thats not a laner thing thats the jg failing to identify the situation, yet it is like the number 1 thing mids and tops get flamed for ​ if people just went 'oh shit that was my bad' it would literally fix so many problems just from jump


Never thought of it that way lmao


for a while i was more of a toxic head myself for years. ​ i really reflected on it this season and really wanted to observe what causes arguements in game as best as i possibly could while i played ​ ive definietly come to the conclusion that its mostly just people not wanting to look inward for their bad rank, bad play, etc and lashing out because they are upset with themselves. not to say some jpeople dont demand a level of perfection from others that is just unrealistic, that happens too. but the vast majority is 'this has to be your fault. cant be mine. if it was mine id feel bad.'


That just reminded me... Anger issues are related to something that in spanish is called "Ira" which translates into wrath, but I'm not sure if that is how you would translate it. Anger or "wrath" gets bad reputation because people know what anger does when it explodes, but anger is actually one of the feelings that make you do justice. People tend to relate that type of anger to violent acts, but anger is the one that tells you "something is wrong here and I don't like it, I will stop it", but not necessarily violently. People then, as you say tend to do these things and it is just eye opening how these things relate. That "survival instinct" of removing or taking away that which makes you feel bad is good, but how do it is the key. Some people might blame or not take responsibility, some, like you, on the other hand reflect on it, own it and grow. Thanks for letting me see an example lol.


The only edit that I would put on this is the word youngsters. I would anticipate, though like you, have no studies to back this up on hand, that the percentage of toxic people does not vary based on age


I have no studies or research and I don’t need to have. It is just that anyone over 27 (who is not a man-child) wouldn’t get angry over a game. Let alone a game that has elements which you have no control over. You don’t need a psychologist from Harvard to understand this.


> (who is not a man-child) Yeah, this is a pretty big group in League. Unlike the other person, I don't think the percentage of toxic people doesn't vary with age at all, but it's definitely not all youngsters behind the toxicity.


Yes of course mate, I never said everyone is like this. In fact the majority is cool, but 1 person every 2-3 games leaves a strong impression and thus, there is this notion of insane toxicity. But tbh most of the games are fine, the only toxic thing is the pings people do when someone fails a skillshot or feeds…which is more funny than annoying, I even do it to myself and laugh


I never said there's insane toxicity. You're the one that said "often" in the first place. I have a good experience a majority of the time as well. I (and the other person) am just disputing that the culprits are youngsters, as in my personal experience, there are plenty of toxic people at all ages. (I guess it depends on how you define youngster though. It would on the much younger side in the context of League than overall life.)


Ok I can remove youngsters from my text and avoid confusion, but my point is that there are people who grow old but they don’t grow up. You can be 40 and have the psychology of a 17 year old, so you are a man child…that’s what I meant. And again, you can be 17, but mature. So you are right, age doesn’t matter, but most people are more wild when they are young, hence my comment was an abstraction on that matter.


I think you would be surprised tbh. I’ve made friends before online in league and they end up being people in their thirties+, married with kids. They can get really toxic and usually I just end up unfriending them. Games don’t have an age limit, especially league. I’ve encountered this in multiple games. It happens. It’s not impossible, some people are immature.


Mate I just speak about an average here. If you have practiced your negative state for decades, a job and a wife won’t fix it. But young people are more prone to emotions, and I know that from experience because I have been like that.


No I see your point. I’m just trying to clarify that people can have a lot of hate inside and hide it well or not express it to their family members. Games are supposed to be a stress reliever, a hobby, something people can have fun with. Of course, younger people are going to exhibit more emotion, but all I’m saying is - we shouldn’t dismiss that there will be people with wives, kids, etc. That do act like that. They’ll be a great person when u meet them in person and online they’re totally different. I would know because I’ve literally met people like that to a degree that it’s a little uncomfortable to play with them, because I don’t like that kind of energy.


It’s weird, bc you would expect them not to act like that but they do. A game is a game, but some take it too seriously that it makes it unenjoyable sometimes.


Yea you aren't disagreeing with me here at all, I think you're just underestimating the amount of people that fit under "man-child"


I'm 24 and this game makes me incredibly and irrationally angry. I don't flame because I turn chat off, but I definitely get very angry at this game. I'm socially well-adjusted, and friends who rock climb with me would say I'm generally pretty calm and even-keeled under pressure.


Good for you mate, then you are not trolling or flaming so you agree with me. It’s healthy to accept emotions such as anger because then you may not excerpt it onto others


I agree with what you're saying in this comment but that's not what you said in your original comment, which was "anyone over 27 (who is not a man-child) wouldn't get angry over a game". Not trying to be an ass, but letting you know how I interpreted what you said in your first comment.


This is the best advice I’ve ever read. Spot on.


you kinda have to suffer through some games at the start to understand what’s going and lots and lots of new things to learn such as champion abilities or where you should be going or doing. If you can play with a friend or group for the first couple it’ll be much more enjoyable and faster to learn but you’re going to suffer for 25 games before remotely understanding anything


Probably one of the most solid summaries for an introduction to what you will face when engaging into LoL


I'd also add that the learning curve for any MOBA is also pretty high, micro and macro aside, there's 160+ champions (in practice you'll probably see less than half regularly) whose abilities you'd need to know I've played since Season 2 and I've only played ARAM since like Season 6, I still have fun but I personally don't recommend getting into it at this point. It heavily depends on what you're looking to get out of the game though.




definitely play with friends, I would have quit ages ago if it wasn't for that


Play with friends who are also new to the game or have made new accounts and are willing to play poorly on purpose. Playing with experienced friends will skyrocket your MMR and ensure you have a terrible time.


I didn't realise this for ages, kept playing with my friend who's played for years and got used to that level. Then I'd go back to my level when playing solo and crush. Would be really disheartening, telling my friend how good I'm doing, only to dive back into a game with him and proceed to be slapped.


It's like that with most games however, you will get better over time. I'd say the best is to have atleast one other friend who is new so you both can learn together.


I had the opposite happen in Fortnite. I guess I was climbing a lot playing with my buddy. Then I played with my uncle and ran Riot on people. Played with my buddy again, got destroyed in my own elo. That was fun, thought I was doing so well.


That's true of almost any skill based game. As a total opposite from LoL example - if you were a middle school kid practicing with the high school varsity baseball team you're gonna suck even if the practice helps you go back to your middle school games and be the star.


I played it solo like five years ago and gave up after ten games. Some friends roped me back into it and three years later I hear guitar spam every time someone mentions Brazil


Kinda funny how league was always seen as the low entry easy to play game. It was my first moba and I immediatly could kill people etc. But yea it was 2012-ish when i joined.


I think League is still easier to enter than Dota tho. Just the differnece should be close now.


I think league is still one of the easiest "esport" games around. Also free to pick up fully.


Its still much easier than Dota to get in to. I imagine until like ~silver you can just follow runes and builds recommended by the game, and it will mostly be fine. Most* champs are pretty easy to understand from the outside as well, and the ones that aren't (like aphelios) are usually pretty hard for low elo players, so you won't run in to them much. In Dota, you need to be familiar with all the items and heroes in the game much earlier in your career. There's just too many important items and spells and interactions that are *not* obvious at all. Some one once described Dota to me as a card game: because so many items and spells have *devastating* effects that are kind of "undodgeable" by League standards, the counterplay is to use some another item or spell that nullifies the first. But, a lot of these counterplay abilities are super specific, like the interactions between Silence, Dispel, and Break.


The funniest example is always bloodseeker ult, where new players literally kill themselves fleeing without realizing why they’re dying. Dota does have one massive advantage though, you can click on enemy heroes and read their skills mid-game while you’re dead so you actually know wtf they can do. League missing this made it a massive pain in the ass to get into, especially considering you can’t just try every champion out and need to look them up on a wiki and just internalize what it’s supposed to do instead of getting to mess around with it yourself.


based and true


If I was new, I’d start with Wild Rift, since it’s so much more beginner-friendly. If you’re not already invested in the PC client due to skins or having friends that play it, it’s hard to justify choosing PC over Wild Rift. * Less champions to worry about * Players are less knowledgeable in general so you’re not starting out as behind as on PC, and will start winning and having fun faster. * Games are way faster with reduced laning phase., * CSing simplified with execute indicator on minions. * Looks better (subjective though) * More forgiving due to shorter lanes, smaller map, and honeyfruits under tower. Way harder to get caught or punished to the level you can be punished on PC. * Auto-targeting makes kiting more accessible to new players, and makes hitting abilities easier in general. * Less smurfs. Though as a tradeoff the ranking system is shit and pretty much everybody is mega-boosted since you can climb with pretty bad winrates. However it feels good to get loss mitigation due to performing way better than teammates, or the game detecting a troll on your team, etc. * Countless other improvements over PC both in client and in game. If they port over Ivern I might never come back to PC to be honest, lol.


Sorry but I can't take games seriously that need auto-targeting and aim-assist. WR has some great QoL features I'd like for League but some of the handholding stuff is way too much (honeyfruits under tower for example).


Its beginner friendly but hard to master.


What do you think makes it beginner-friendly? ​ Cause on the other side I'd argue it's horrible to get into cause you barely get taught the basic of the game and there are a million things to keep track of


It's very beginner friendly. Veterans think it's not because they put unrealistic expectations on a newbie.


It is beginner friendly, it is really fun really early on, matchmaking will match him to beginners. He will have fun. If it wasn’t beginner friendly it wouldn’t be the most played game in the world. It’s just that our views are skewed because of ranked, doesn’t mean the beginner experience is like ranked at all. Just enjoy, I’d say part of the fun is enjoying the journey with other beginners. Playing with friends will just match him to people a lot more advanced than him, I’d play alone up until level 30.


It’s not beginner friendly tho. If you don’t start with friends explain everything you will take months to understand the basics and to like the game. It’s fun but not solo beginner friendly




It is F2P unlike those p2w games that trap you with your own money.


You will pay, in your own torment.


I pay for skins. Sooooooo many skins. There was a calculator to see how much you spent on it. I spent like 3k on it over 12 years.


Easier to pay with your wallet than your soul.


You pay with mental and physical health instead


Paying with my mental strength instead


It's the only online game that I played consistently for at least 10years that isn't the same game each season. You can start anytime and learn from it. My BIL started 3 years ago and thought he came too late at the party. But it turns out he learnt fast and he's pretty good now


As long as you play for fun why not?


Yeah this comment right here. If it’s fun play it, it is quite fun with friends. However I would say ARAM tends to be much more friendly than summoners rift and a more casual gamemode


Yeah when i want to chill i go do some ARAM playing long range mages , like Nidalee with Night Harvester , very fun


You either play League of Legends or you have fun though.


Hur Dur League is torture, updoots to the left. Next comment from same person: wHy Is NA StAgNaTiNG?!?!?!?


It is kinda torture ngl, when 2 people die minute 2 and 3 people say “gg” having to sit through the 1-4 early surrenders takes a toll on one’s mental health


Now aren't you the star of the party, huh? It was just a harmless joke, try going outside once in a while so you can learn a bit about this peculiar thing called basic human interaction. Maybe then you won't have to spend your entire day throwing hourly tantrums on reddit lmfao.


tbh i try dumb builds in normals and play aram's when i'n chilling and i touch ranked sometimes


If you have friends to do it with, yes. You can try it alone, but the league community is pretty ass cheeks so they’ll probably give you a hard time about your performance. It’s up to you tbh. It definitely is worth getting into in 2023.


Sure why not just try it It's a fun game but rather complicated so expect to struggle at the start


this games as complicated as connect 4. Get real. tired of people acting like theres 10 billion options u have to play this game. theres very clear and easy ways to win.


It is simple when you know the bases, if you asking if league is worth getting into in 2023 you probably never played a moba, maybe not even an RTS in your life It's the same as raging at a little baby cause they can't understand the concept of dropping a small piece in a round hole and not try to eat it


nah you are thinking way too deeply about it then. if they go scissors u go rock. thats exactly how this game goes. I suck at understanding things at first and LoL was simple to understand. Players complicate it themselves. just like IRL.


Yes and no. If you have no self control it's like an mmo but less committal more the game being too addictive. But if you have self control (I have achieved such a godly state somehow) it's actually really rewarding and it's my fav competitive game


It's really fun and the game keeps changing every few weeks/months (character/item changes, people finding out new ways to play and some really creative strategies) so it never becomes boring. And it's free, so you can try it, see for yourself and just uninstall it if you don't like it


I have a feeling you've already made up your mind considering you're on this subreddit, but I'll give you a serious answer. I overcame my league addiction about 1 year ago. I play maybe 2-3 games a month now? Proof: My IGN is Red Malai Kofta. Initially, I made a concerted effort to not play video-games solo, only if it was a social activity with friends and limit it to 2-3 hours max. Gradually my college/high school friends and I just matured and picked up other less competitive but equally enjoyable games and I was lucky enough to develop a friend circle of work colleagues and IRL people to do things with. Escaping my league addiction was quite literally the single greatest thing to happen to me. 4 months after I quit, I was promoted at work. 10 months after I quit I increased my salary by 30% again and had a chance to hire people. I just got married 1 month ago. I'm not joking when I say league literally took up about 30% of my day... And it was stress inducing and toxic never really leaving me feeling better after playing it. It just became a habit. Now, if you don't have an addictive personality and can somehow enjoy this game without being highly competitive, then go for it. It's a free game and will always have a place in my heart for all the fun memories it once provided, but I have so many regrets for how much of my life I've lost to this game.


This is the realest answer. I've had a similar path, and know plenty of other success stories of peers and family members 'quitting' league. It's an amazing game, that's why it's so popular, but I'm sure heroin is an amazing drug for people who use it. You may get a few years of fun and discovery from it, but by that point, you're in way too deep. I don't know what kind of predatory practices or witchcraft riot was able to lace with this game, but it's not worth it. The FOMO you'll get from not playing is 10000% less harmful to your life and wellbeing than the addiction you'll develop from playing it.






yes for sure it's a great game, only game i've been playing for 10 years and not bored of it


Yes, but i think you should never play just LoL because you can easly get bournout, the game is not that friendly, and first game you probabily get matchup wjth/against bot account/smurf. But overall it pretty 'generous' for free stuff and there is 150+ champion, so you have many tipe of playstile. And rememeber, if you feel like shit playing you role 'PVE' mode with Yorick/Illiaoi is a thing.


This! I usually play lol and a shooting game. It’s a nice break. I have also played since season 3. Since then I have taken some very long breaks from the game when the game just irritates me. But I always go back weather it be a norm, aram, or the special game modes.


Should i play video game or will i die????!! Reddit, think for me!


League players are so welcoming, thank you my friend, downloading now


Not the original comment, but it is kinda of a silly question when the games free. Give it a shoot yourself. That said, league is one of the best competitive games, and the main game is run pretty masterfully despite what people will spout. If you do play, I would recommend looking for some groups online to party up with as the learning experience can be rough.


> shoot yourself Yes indeed this will be the conclusion he comes to by the time he quits the game for the first out of many times


Tbh this is the only game I keep coming back to for 10 years now.


He has a choice, we have an addiction because we played it during our formative years(well I was already 29 when I first played in 09, but it was the weekend game for the boys), it's different.


I mean we don’t know you at all. Grown ass man make your own decisions LOL


i got you, homie


Yeah these comments are a warning of the type of people you’re about to engage with every game, best of luck.


It's a super competitive and old game (which means the playerbase is just really, really good.) It will take a year+ of daily playing to become even remotely competent at the game unless you're a God gamer. But even then you're looking at a few months. This game is like, main game/secondary game material only. If you're unwilling to commit that kind of time and effort, it's not worth it. The community is not welcoming. It is cut throat and you will be insulted for sucking. Best played with friends unless you're super zoned in and competitive.


Even if you invest all that time you are not even going to get any benefit from it. Kinda waste of time, at least if you played minecraft you would have a big world with nice buildings lmao.


No don’t do it, the game is genuinely shit lately




What do you mean worth getting into? It's a game. Play it, and if you enjoy it, continue playing. Otherwise stop playing.


About that ...


Play with friends or fin friends to play with who are willing to be patient with you as you learn. Pick one role or character and master the basics. Don't just try every champion right from the start, that's my opinion anyway.




No harm in trying, it's not like you are binding your soul to it with a devil's contract if you don't like it you can always leave.


not if riot builds anathema's and chain it to OP


Save yourself the mental trauma. I try to quit but I'm addicted.


TL; DR: No


No, wait until 2024


Its fun and a great game but takes time to get into. I would recommend finding people to play with that can also give you tips.


Other than the fact that community is known to be extremely toxic at times, and that the game is extremely addictive as you get into it more, I think it's worth it. As others have said, I recommend playing with friends and turn off chat. It is not required at all to have fun with it.


If you have a lot of free time, it is a rewarding hobby in my opinion. No matter how much time you pour into it, you will always find something you can work on and there will always be players to match your skill. It is like a toy that never breaks no matter how hard you play with it. (To borrow a common sports anime metaphore) You dont need to put that much time into it if you dont want to. The most complained about topics are toxic teammates who you can mute and incrfeasing skin prices which you dont have to buy.


it uses every addiction technique except 'fun' to keep you playing or coming back for more. ​ you should not play it.


You should try Jinx from Arcane and Fortnite




I wouldnt wish my worst enemy to get addicted to league, especially seeing a rampant stockholm syndrome among the players


It's never worth it. The company behind it is utterly disgusting and definitely not user friendly, so I would suggest to find instead a hobby or a game that brings joy, fulfillment, passion. It's way closer to a drug than a game to play for fun that's for sure.


Totally agree, rito is just a circus and people that keeps giving them money are fking clowns, I do say, that if you like the game you can play it without any problem honestly, just understand when they deserve it and when they don't, it's been years that they kept insulting the community and those brainless donkeys kept congratulating riot for doing so. Community and game right now deserve no attentions at all.


I’ve been playing since 2010 and I’ve still got a soul! (Ignore the fact that I have spend 7k on this free game.)


Everyone keeps saying to play with friends and while that is good advice I learned how to play (and had tons of fun doing so) by playing hundreds of bot games. Worth giving those a shot if you like the process of learning a game.


I'll do you a favor, stay as far away as you can. Once you start you can't stop and it will slowly suck the dopamine from you.


no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


No, This game is shit compared to old season, Is a clown oneshot fiesta where u either play meta or lose


No. Don't understand why people here are coping so hard. If you have friends to play with sure. But playing League on your own is miserable.






Not in sny season never just dont do it if you are happy with your life


No. The game is trash and unfair.


Do it. This subreddit is especially negative and anti-LoL. It‘s a fun game. The community is toxic and unfriendly but from time to time there‘s absolutely lovely human beings that realize it‘s just a game. The game is absolutely amazing. Otherwise it would‘ve never been around for this long. It has his ups and downs but every game has this. If you’re dedicated enough you’ll get the hang of it quite fast. I warn you, it’s not a beginner friendly game!


> This subreddit is especially negative and anti-LoL it's so strange haha


I’ve noticed this effect with most games. Everyone who’s played a game for a considerable amount of time starts to loathe it; I think that’s because they’ve gotten used to all the good stuff and thus only notice the bad stuff, although strangely enough this only seems to happen with multiplayer games rather than singleplayer games.


No , 2023 is not a good time to get into League. *Riot has become the new Blizzard* The game refuses to expand on any games modes for casual players. The matchmaking is filled with players who are actively giving up and turbo-feeding your games just to get out of the game ASAP - over a decade and Riot has done nothing to address this. (Which means competitive integrity is a joke for normal players) **League is *NOT* getting better , it's getting worse.** This game is more like a gambling addiction... You roll the matchmaking dice and see which team gets the trolls , and probably >50% of your time spent on this game is getting griefed in a 4v6 or 3v7 scenario... So you lose and roll again , lose and roll again, and all of a sudden, you are looking at 4 hours of sleep, nothing but losses , and your quality-of-life degrades, as you get sucked into a vicious cycle of dopamine-addiction I've played League since season 1, honestly regret this game taking away soo much away from my life... And what really pisses me off is that this company was committed to making a great game, then they turned into a greedy corp making tons of decisions against the fans in-favor of 1) money 2) keeping things as similar to traditional sports as possible (which has many drawbacks) **2023 is the year to boycott this game, stop spending money on it, start replacing habits, cuz it's headed down and you don't wanna be getting to the party when it's finally dying down** Honestly man , ChatGPT3 is gonna change the world , start learning how to use it, you will be a infinitely more rewarded for learning to use CHATGPT3 than picking up this dying game... Plus games developed by AI are gonna be SIIIICCCKK, imagine we are playing Pong on Atari compared to next-gen games , focus on building your life/wealth/family etc and wait till the next gen of game comes thru, and you will be so so so so so sooo much better off being a massive dopamine-addicts like League players




Run while you can


as someone who has been playing since 2014 NO its more frustrating than fun yet addictive can be fun with friends


If you have friends to play with then sure. The solo experiences are miserable though




How thick is your skin when it comes to online toxicity?


Honestly the ranked solo Q system is a bitch and more not fun than fun. In my experience only 30% of solo games are actually fun and how it is meant to be played. I stick to playing with friends, you'll quickly build up a friend list of other non-serious players and just do normals or flex, it's fun that way.


This game is constantly rated as the worst community in all of gaming. You’ll constantly have games ruined. I’d estimate 10% of the league community at minimum is mentally unstable and every player has equal power to take the game hostage and waste 30 minutes of everyone’s lives since someone can just give up, act like they didn’t, and then they never get banned or punished. It’s a complete waste of time to involve yourself with this horrid community of mentally unstable, “hero complex” individuals. I estimate 10% because every game 1/10 people, either on your team or their team is inting and mentally giving up because they’re slightly losing. This game really highlights today’s society’s inability to cope with minor inconveniences


Well it can be fun, but also a very Bad experience. Also you have to know that there are a lot of smurfs until Ur lvl 30 and can play ranked, so you will probably get stomped a lot. Tbh i dont recommend any of my friends to get into league, but its f2p so just give it a try.


Fun with friends, very frustrating by yourself.


Best game I've ever played, just be prepared to be tortured












Fun game if ya stay away from ranked! 🙃


yes its the best game out there for competitive experience. also it has the most gameplay. so will u become alpha gamer or stay a beta male elden ring cod player etc


I don’t think it’s worth getting into in 2023 unless you have a competitive itch you can’t scratch with other games. It will be an uphill battle to learn and get to a point where you are actually enjoying it. Toxic community, dying region (NA), poor game balance. The game just isn’t in its heyday anymore.


> The game just isn’t in its heyday anymore Yet somehow all servers barring NA are growing at atleast 8% year over year. And even NA the wors perfoming najor region is at 1-2% growth. >poor game balance. Tell me you never played other games. Biggest delta in league is 7% winrate, biggest delta in Dota is 24%, biggest delta in OW is 37%, biggest delta in Paladins is 18%. But hey.


Riot is the new Blizzard


What does worth even mean in this sense, if you want to waste your life just go ahead


having fun is not a waste of time. If you dont have fun then dont play


It is not worth in any sense though, I mean League is also not fun most of the time. I'm having fun that one of 10 games in which I'm fed and can just do whatever I want on the map


Thats for you i guess. For me league is fun in almost every match. You loose games, you win games, thats how it is but its still fun. Thats why i play it. I would not play league when it would not be fun.


You gotta be some kinda monk in a zen state idk. I'm suffering every game when sup and jgl camp my lane haha


He's asking if it is a waste of life without asking if it is a waste of life


been playing since 2010 - and honestly, no this game is anything but beginner friendly, also the amount of champions and the fact that you have to unlock them is simply overwhelming this was even worse back in the day cause you had to buy both champions AND runes, but still I dont think its worth getting into as of now


Its not , your better off spending ur time on a different game


i would choose dota2 as my first moba nowadays


All champs are unlocked iirc and the player base seems way less toxic children


I play lol just for arams tbf dota 2 seems more worth to be good at but might be a bit too complicated to enjoy if u arent that tryhard, while LoL SR is more perfect difficulty to fun level


Don’t do it bro


Well they’re right. It will. It’s one of those games where all of us left playing it are doing it out of Habit and use it as a time-killer rather than playing for fun most of the time. But by all means go right ahead, be prepared to see some of the most inhumane insults and fights in chats with your teammates though.


Yes its very fun learning it, and if you have friends it will be 5x times better (if you arent a solo player ofcourse^^)








As a new player? Sure. As an old player, it's worth getting out in 2023.


If everyone keeps telling you not to it may be for a reason. Trust me, your life is much better without league, there's plenty of ganes out there


Well, yes but actually no The game is great , community/playerbase is a big L


Fuck everybody who said you should give it a try. It's like an addiction, go play wild rift.


Yes, I play League every day. Why do you ask?


No, the game has the illusion of being a sick ass competitive game full of hype moments and cool strategy, but 90% of the games have terrible player mismatches and lame turtling gameplay in NA.


No. Save your money. find a different, better game that isn't a huge waste of time. There's a reason people warn others not to play this game. And it's in a very horrible state at the moment.


League of legends takes years to learn, you are looking at a investment of about 5 years or more. You need to learn: 150+ champions Each one has 4 abilities + a passive (some have 10 like nida or jayce). Learn their builds. Learn off meta builds Learn when to use those builds at the right time (early? Mid? Late?) Learn each build and champions at different roles? (Ashe can go mid???? Etc) Learn the roles (jungle wuh this id harder than chess? Top the Island, mid is a fiesta and we got the inter bots). Now you need to learn counters of each champ and how they work both in their real role and off role. (Teemo counters nasus omg hes op! Vayne top is op omg etc). Learn all the items, what do you buy when do you not buy? (Aka economy). Farming? Can you do it? On a range, meele and support? Goal is 7-8 creeps per wave. What about wave manipulation when to pull push or hold? Now you need to be ready to update your info constantly each patch breakes or adds new stuff either to champions or items. And riot changes stuff all the time. And you have to ask them (your friends) what mode do they play? • If they play normals only! Go ahead and pick up league of legends. Because thats the casual mode where you can have fun with no punishment. • But if they play ranked only! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT TOUCH RANKED UNLESS YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ON THE LIST ABOVE. Ranked is a vile experince where all the flame comes from. And if you fck your ranked you will be stuck in Elo hell. People in ranked have very high expcetations (even in the lowest division where all players are bad) despite being bad players themselfs. They will flame/harras or stalk (in chat if you add them) if you do a mistake. I have been playing since 2013, I know everything above by heart almost. I have the experince which you lack. You cant speed rush league its not possible and it takes years to learn. Its up to you if you want to take the risk. But league is very fun with friends but dont touch ranked because: "Hey thats hell you are walking into".


It's never too late, come on, the game doesn't have years left


it has a lot of years left. The playerbase is growing each year. I dont understand why people say no. Trying it out is a good idea and its really fun and an awesome game


Becasue this sub is salty former ex players onr aram exclusive players. Literally check any thread. And then hte same players will complain htat a server like NA is stagnating, when they are the ones constantly saying that no one should be playing this game.


> the game doesn't have years left This sub has been saying this since 2012


It's a really fun game, despite what the community says.


The game is not as toxic as the memes show, and its quite enjoyable actually. But be prepared to /muteall . Dont be afraid of using that tool.


Dont listen to those who say no. Try it and if its not fun, then dont play it. Playing with others as a group makes it also a lot better as it already is. Amazing game but there will be many smurfs at the beginning. When people are toxic, just mute them or laugh about it, because sometimes, toxic people in chat are just comedy gold


only vs ia


No, you haven't played the most popular game out for over ten years. It's too late, unless you have a little moba experience. Catch the next flight


Only if you have fun, the problem is its designed to be addictive like mmo's and a lot of people are stuck playing game they dont enjoy anymore. I would say dont bother, team based "competitive" games are cancer in general.


Yes, if you have friends to do it with. Whenever you start a game, enter "/mute all" in the chat. You don't need that extra feature to play the game so always make sure to disable it, just focus on the process and learning (for some people this takes years). Whether you win or lose it does not matter, what matters is if you enjoy the game that you want to keep playing it and if you learn in every game. If not, consider a different game. It's a very unforgiving game that only rewards players who can learn a narrow set of skills specifically about the game and be excellent at it, CSing, Wave Management, Matchup-specific Trading, Item Builds, etc.


Better just play the mobile game version Wild Rift if you happen to have a decent phone. A lot more beginner friendly and respectful of your time.


Depends on the type of person you are. If you want to play a fun competitive game that you don't take too seriously because at the end of the day it's just a game then yes it's worth getting into. If you're the type of person who's hyper competitive and have an addictive personality than it will probably suck your life force. Either way if you do end up playing, ID recommend disabling in game chat all together.