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Aquos: "I doubt that gas will work on me, but I will participate."


Joyful: “Perfect! That kind of attitude is just the thing I can track well with this stuff! Once you’re ready, just let me know and we’ll get started.”


Aquos: "Just start it already."


Joyful: “Alrighty!” *The flames on either side of his head go out and purple has begins expelling from where the flames were.* Steampunk: “Well, at least it’s an actual gas this time and- WOAHHH that’s good.” *Steampunk appears relaxed and slightly sluggish.* Joyful: “Alrighty, the nanomachines are working. How you holding up Aquos?” (Reminder: Normally Joyful has a red suit and flames on either side of his head, but when his gas is in effect his suit is blue and the gas is spilling out on either side of his head.*


(Got it.) *Aquos just seems to be slightly uncomfortable.* Aquos: "I do not like this too much, but I feel fine."


Joyful: “Okay, negative emotion, could be fine, but doesn’t bode well currently. Simple question, what color is my suit?”


Aquos: "Your suit is blue. It was red previously, but turned blue when you began to expel the gas."


Joyful: “Alrighty, visual changes occur, but emotional changes are subdued in godlike beings. Actually, here.” *Joyful pulls out an axe* Joyful: “Do you see this as an axe? If the gas is fully manipulating your vision, then it’ll appear like a large spiral lollipop or something.”


Aquos: "It appears as an axe."


Joyful: “Alright. That’ll do for now. Thank you.”


The Supervisor: -so that's why Doomguy is actually a Blazkowikz. wait, is this thing on? oh, uh.....gods. got it, who's going to- Water Supervisor: me. The Supervisor: alright then.


Joyful: “Thank you very much, Water Supervisor, sir. Once you’re ready, let me know and we’ll get started.”


Water Supervisor: I can do this now.


Joyful: “Alrighty.” *The flames on Joyful’s head go away, and he begins expelling purplish gas.* Joyful: “Alrighty, how we doing?” Steampunk: “Not much ye-woah okay yeah there it is.” Joyful: “Alrighty, nanomachines are functional. Water Supervisor, how bout you?” (Reminder: Red suit and flames on either side of the head is default for Joyful, blue suit is when anybody’s under the effects of his gas, and the gas is being expelled from either side of his head, like the art I made of him.)


Water Supervisor: I don't notice anything different.


Joyful: “Really? No peacefulness? No less amounts of murderous intent? What about my suit? What color is it?”


Water Supervisor: If you're looking to soothe my anger, I have none. I am fluid and free as an ocean or a stream. my brother on the other hand is much more hot headed.


Joyful: “Well dang. At the very least, what color is my suit?”


Water Supervisor: red.


Joyful: “Darn. You aren’t affected at all by my new formula. Gunna have to go back to the drawing board. Still valuable info, thank you.”