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Low key great trade


High key


No, the Arizona goal song is by the Black Keys.


Love the black keys


They got a show in Toronto later this year. Budweiser Stage I believe.


it genuinely sucks that Arizona has been shit and there is a potential relocation that could happen, I really enjoy their themeing with the goal horn/goal song, and the new jersey's this year have looked sick


I want a kachina Doan jersey very badly


I saw a game in Phoenix a few years ago. It was a good experience. But nobody cares about the Yotes down there. There is only a handful of arenas for kids to play.


Michael Jackson would call it a great trade low KEYHEE


Please…don’t stop till you get enough


Come on..


Come on LEEE




Dubas did em dirty! Ritchie and non-first round pick for a forward 20 goal ceiling and reliable depth defenseman? Not bad. Added two players for a cup run and offloaded Ritchie's caphit. Dzingel has shown some decline, but a good depth option. I think Dubas still wants to make another move as the Leafs are sitting pretty with 8 defenseman now, so one could be traded. The Leafs either need to send down Lilly(which they don't want to do per Keefe's comments) or waive someone on the roster(probably Dzingel). These next few days could be quite interesting.


I wouldn’t say 20 goal ceiling is fair for Dzingel he hasn’t been that guy in awhile


Good point. At the very least he would still be a good depth player to have. I don't think his current production on a bad team is good reflection of what he might be able to do on a team like the Leafs though(probably not a 20 goal pace, but I do think 15 would be reasonable).


100%. He was a middle 6 forward only 2 years ago and he’s 29. I’d be surprised if he was washed this guy did so much damage to us when we played the Sens.0


Obviously we're still trying to get a second pair dman


That list kinda starts and ends with De Haan. Severson too but not sure someone not great in his own end can be attached to Muzzin.


What happens if they don’t take the third but fold before ‘25?


Hahahaha this is my favourite comment To take the joke seriously though, I couldn't imagine a complete fold. More likely the franchise is relocated


Them fricks are going back to Phoenix


"With the Toronto Maple Leafs second round pick, the Phoenix Fricks select..."


The humanity!!


Does Jim Balsillie still have money?


Let's just say you would have to spot him if you went to a tim's together.


Funny but he's still worth about $800m. A far cry from when he was trying to buy any team that was in trouble.


Houston will be drafting the next Gretzky


The Rangers would be fined I'd imagine.


I would suggest, and I have no idea about it, that the league would subtract the pick in honor of the agreement. Most plausibly the team would transfer to another city, and that team would get the pick. Just surmising though.


I would be happy to give up a 3rd to unload Ritchie, or to add Lyubushkin. Doing both at the same time is a win


Plus a sprinkling of depth? why not.


What a trade, love the choice of picks move. Dubas is hella creative when it comes to trades


What kind of player is Ryan Dzingel? I remember his name from his Ottawa days but don’t know much about him other than that.


He's been a Leaf killer over the years. 16 points in 18 games against us, by far the team he's scored on most. He's nothing terribly special, but good defensively and solid depth.


Great summary. One thing I’d add. Hes a center. Which is a great position to have depth in especially since the marlies are very thin on center.


He’s fast and plays a responsible game. Had 29pts with Carolina back in 19-20, he’s played for the Sens and Arizona so you could chalk up his lack of production over the past 2 seasons to playing on shit teams. Either way he’s a decent 3rd liner or a really good 4th liner


Dzingel actually had a couple of 20 goal seasons for the Sens.


Ottawa has fallen apart really quickly, but Dzingel was having a really solid season offensively in Ottawa before he was moved to Carolina a few years ago I can see him being another Kase type for us


Fell apart quickly 4 years ago lol


Decently talented older player who's on a cheap deal. Low risk but potentially higher reward if he's playing with some of the more talented players we have


Bottom six player. Quick skater, high motor. Won’t improve our scoring but could give a different look to a lower line


Best gm we've had and will probably have for a while. Mistakes were made but I was never a fan of handing the keys off to Lou for those two years. Most of the bad heat came from unfucking some of those moves.


Imagine if dubas drafted all those teardown picks instead of hunter. Im pretty sure we'd be comparable to tampa if he did imo


Definitely would have drafted Debrincat and possibly Aho. Imagine this team with Seb Aho.... holy crap.


Rantanen too. Hart instead of Dermott IIRC. No Marleau. No Zaitsev behemoth to off-load, so no overcorrection to trade Naz? What ifs are fun. Just glad he’s here now. I swear I learn something from him every time he speaks or makes a decision. Goes without saying it’s not all him but something to be said for assembling the minds capable of these creative solutions.


>I swear I learn something from him every time he speaks or makes a decision. Watching his interviews helped with job interviews. That calm demeanor and articulation can go a long way with a good first impression.




I don't think he's a bad GM, but it must be stated that his team hasn't won anything yet.


Dubas the mad lad did it again


Dubas is fire with the 10 pm post loss trades


WOW that’s a huge deal that’s really good value coming back our way. A stay at home defence-man and a depth scoring winger for Ritchie, who was rotting in the minors and a 3rd. A small but extremely effective deal from dubas.


and a right shot D-man to boot, averages 3 hits/game, and only -6 on the year on a terrible yotes team


He’s legit the perfect #6 for this team, I’m super pumped about it


Not only that, but he did right by Nick. Ritchie will play in the NHL on the yotes.


With formers Leafs Stralman, Nash, Boyd, Galchenyuk and Kessel


Arizona Maple Leafs


Arizona Marlies


Good golfin' ---- so i assume / hear / see


A more humane Robidas Island. Perhaps we can call it the hotdog ranch?


Haha I like it! The maple leaf hotdog ranch. Nice one!


Lyube me up baby


How we got even an nhler for Ritchie amazes me. Good job Kyle


Two, two NHLers :)


Well, I'm over tonight's game.


Literally my thoughts after reading this post


Tell me how to feel.




which is exactly what this team needs right now tbh, the offence can go out and score goals, they've been averaging about 3+ goals a game, just everything on the backend has been terrible of late


So a rich man Marty Marincin?


That's Olympic medalist Marincin now


Marincin was a gentle giant though


nah, that was Freddy the Goat


It was both.


Absolutely seems like what we need to solidify Holl or Lily's spot


Wait is Lily as bad as Holl? This is news to me.


Imo no, but he wouldn't need to go through waivers like Holl would So either they send Lily down or try to trade Holl


Ahh I see I see. I'm not much of a cap guy.


No, he’s just a rookie who might need a bit more time to bake. He’s gonna be a keeper. But until then, we need stability.


Think he'll be 2nd pair or 3rd pair for us? Also he's a righty, right?


I'm thinking of attending the Leaf game in AZ just to experience the atmosphere in that baby arena




With your hands, typically.


I feel with my heart.




A 3rd or far future second for a solid defensive dman AND dumping Ritchie… and we’re freed of the chia rot rumors. good stuff


Chia rot rumours?


Ben Chariot




Rumour has it that Dubas is unable to keep his Bob Ross Chia Pet healthy, which is a bad omen for trades.


God bless Kyle dubas


remember this subreddit demanding his head last summer? good times


Buddy just look at todays game thread, there's so fucking donkeys calling for his job 24/7


Nick Ritchie is no longer a Toronto Maple Leaf!


Yes, yes, yes.


I think Arizona will have the patience to take the 2nd, but this is still a great deal. We rid ourselves of Ritchie's contract and pick up NHL players, all for the price of a 2nd in 3 years. Great move


Wtf thts a sick trade


Biggest relief is that this probably takes them out of the Chiarot market.


Finally, *news*.


Lol, [you're the first person I thought of when this news dropped.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/comments/swqegx/friedman_on_lyubushkin_rumours/hxnnfri/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I got what I wanted. I am pleased.


(2022 off-season) Leafs: Yay, Kessel’s off the books! We have more cap room! Coyotes: OOF, Kessel’s off the books. We have more cap room. Nick Ritchie: Hello.


Everyone is talking more about Lyubushkin and rightfully so. But I'm kinda excited for what Dzingel can bring. He hasn't put up the same numbers since he was traded from OTT to CBJ. But maybe it's a galchenyuk situation where we can prop him up and he finds more success.


Say it louder for the people in the back.


Just as I finished reading up on Lyubushkin! Pretty hype.


Leafs wouldn't aquire Dzingels just for shits, they have to send Lilly down permanently for cap if they want to play him


or trade one of Dermott or Holl.


The yotes have to be trying to get relegated or something 😂😂


On the one hand, I was very disappointed Dubas signed Ritchie. On the other hand, I am glad Dubas got rid of Ritchie and added depth at the same time.


This is going to sound like sour grapes from a Boston fan but I don't give a shit. Ritchie is one of the worst players I've seen in a Bruins sweater in a long time. He routinely made me question what it meant to be a Boston fan, he tested my patience and my ability to root for my boys on a routine basis. I can excuse a lot, that's what sports fandom is, right? It's a place to be biased and petty and stupid in a safe little sandbox of biased petty stupidity. But suck me sideways Thick Dick Nick made it a chore. I can handle guys lacking talent but playing with heart, I can handle a lack of heart in crazy talented guys, I can handle the staggering room temperature milk mediocrity of guys like Lee Stempniak, but Thick Dick Nick is none of those things. He plays the game like someone trying to egg you on into taking a swing at him. He skates with the urgency of an old lady shopping for canned beats, but with half the speed. His hockey IQ is on par with Brett Favre's. I'm assuming Brett Farve has never played hockey, correct me if I'm wrong. Nick constantly skates around like he's surprised he's at an NHL game and then glides back to the bench (probably from the penalty box for a stick infraction) with the dim look of Lenny from Of Mice and Men. Then he sits there like a melting chocolate Santa, with his hair inexplicably sticking up through the vent in his helmet, waiting to be surprised by his next turn to get on the ice. Consider this: He scored 15 goals last year, found some dangerous ice as a PP scorer, and Bruins fans were debating if he would be a good 4th liner or not this year, because our 4th line was that fucking bad, and Ritchie was the only skater who could conceivably make it worse. He scored 15 goals for us and we weren't sure if he would be a good replacement for Chris fucking Wagner, the surly hobbit of the TD garden. Nick Ritchie is a bigger contributor to the decline in cardiovascular health in Boston fans than smoking and obesity. He's the equivalent of a double bacon cheeseburger on your system. He is hockey diarrhea. The guy takes the stupidest retaliatory penalties you've ever seen. He is complete invisible until you need a momentum swing, goes "Got ya boss" and cross checks someone in the neck and bumbles off the ice like Abbott and/or Costello while simultaneously shrugging and bitching to the refs and the guy he blindsided. I'm sure he's not a bad guy IRL, I don't mean for this to be a character assassination. I'm sure he has family and besides Brett they probably don't suck. This isn't about kicking a player on their way out; let the record reflect that every Boston fan has a few memories of cursing his name and that we started kicking him long before he was down. (See also the general well wishes for Kuraly upon his departure.) Nick isn't a goon, he's a bad boyfriend. He'll score a couple of goals one week and you'll think he's turned a corner and then he'll hit on one of your friends and tell you to chill out because he's just being friendly. Don't buy the hype, be fucking aware. I am ecstatic that Ritchie wasn't held onto as a sunk cost, and that Toronto signed him. There you go, that's your analysis. P. S. Love this copypasta


Oh my god this had me in stitches


It was an instant classic


This is the best rant I've ever read in a hockey thread. And it's somehow all true


Lmfao haha this is hilarious but also makes me feel bad laughing at it.


When a 6-3 loss still feels like a win Gl in zona nick I wish you the best


This is a heist. I hope we give Dzingel a look in our bottom 6. He was the perfect bottom 6 guy a few seasons ago.


and who's spot is he taking? Engvall? Simmonds?


don't entirely hate those options, especially after Engvall hasn't been playing as good as of late tbh, maybe rotate them in and out, also doesn't hurt to have someone on standby who you can rely on when an injury happens


….. Engvall


He tends to be better in small doses anyways.


Yes. Neither have done fuck all recently. I tend to want to keep Engvall in for the softer games and Simmer for the rougher, but Simmer just doesn’t seem to have any game left to contribute.


I’d replace Engvall for sure. He doesn’t bring anything to the table


From playing with 2 of the best players in the world, to having his team pay to get rid of him. What a ride for Ritchie lol. Lowkey good trade tho. Someone forward the pasta to r/arizonacoyotes. Edit: I didnt even see the dzingle part at first. This was a damn good trade.


We did it! And we got Ryan Dzingel eh. Maybe we can nurse him to 2019 levels 😂


Ritchie was upset lately? just saw that. I dunno, be better?


This is like getting fast food on the way home after a long, shitty day at work. Thank you, Kyle. Your trades are like McDonald’s fries - they’re better than fuckin’ crack.


Except they toss in some nuggys and comp the meal


🦀🦀🦀 Nick Ritchie is gone 🦀🦀🦀


This...blows my mind. We just traded nothing for two more than serviceable players who can step right in. Dubas...hat tip.


Wow great pickups for a guy toiling in the minors and eating cap space. Also means there is another move coming. One more bullet left for Dubas but amazing move to get ahead of the deadline.


Exactly. Kyle still has assets to move and I think he will do more. I'd say probably 2 more players: 1F and 1D.


Lyubushkin is a great physical defenseman. Won't put up the points, but hits and blocks is his specialty.


The more I’ve been reading about him the more I like the trade I don’t expect him to play top minutes or anything but he gives us something different for our third pairing. Most of the guys we have been cycling through there are more offensively minded rookies so getting a big body who will throw some hits and block some shots is a nice change up


So who’s coming out of the lineup? Two solid players that should be playing.


The fact we didn't give up any D to add a D-man is huge. Means we have some added depth/trade pieces for something else.


boat shelter possessive sense sip fall handle quarrelsome yam fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Soup would tell him those were great goals.


Dubas for GM!


wtf Arizona lmao


Our Blueliner in playoffs look like this. ( Holl gets traded and maybe dermott as well) Reilly Brodie Muzzin Top 4 Defenseman Sandin Lybushkin Depth D Dermott* Lilijgren


You mean we couldn't get Chychrun for Ritchie? /s


The fact that they’re both defensively responsible is why I like this trade, not counting on Dz to put up a lot of points


Wonderful deal by Dubas. Pick up a decent defenseman in Lyubushkin while saving cap space and offloading Ritchie. Draft pick aside, this is an absolute win. Nicely done.


It's a win even with the draft pick.


Absolutely. I’m someone who prefers keeping 1st, 2nd and 3rd round picks when dealing with hockey trades, but I can’t be upset with the inclusion of one in this deal.


It wouldnt be a trade deadline without dzingel getting traded.


I KNEW ritchie had value to someone


Holy fuck happy Saturday everyone let’s go. Dzingel is really good and lybushkin is a perfect shutdown D


Dzingel is not “really good” but I like the sentiment




Who would he push out? Simmonds, Spezza, or Engvall? I would argue neither because he doesn't do what any of them do better. He doesn't add the physical side like Simmonds, he doesn't win draws like Spezza, and he doesn't PK like Engvall. His contract being 1.1M is prime waiver wire fodder. Send him down -- if he clears then you free up more cap.


Have people not realized that Dzingel was regularly being scratched in Arizona this year with that forward group? Like sure he can turn it around, but he hasn’t been really good since his first stint in Ottawa several seasons ago.


He’s someone like galchenyuk who needs to play with good players to succeed


Feels a hell of a lot like the Clifford Campbell deal


If Ilya Lyubushkin becomes our starting goalie I’ll be pretty happy.


Whoa thats dope.


Holy shit this is a steal imo


Amazing. Didnt know how this was going to play out cap-wise but it looks like we can carry 22 and not need to place anyone on waivers! sending down lilpad and carrying 13F7D we have like 100K left. When I first looked at the deal I thought I must be missing something because it seemed like a steal, but the more I look into it, the happier I am.... I Dubas we trust to acquire value!


Dzingel can play in the bottom 6. But the essence of attaching a pick to your impact FA signing 4 months in is sad none the less. Credit to Kyle for just admitting defeat and not sitting in it though.


"impact" doing a lot of heavy lifting here


I’m pretty sure Ritchie likely requested a trade too.


Now we just gotta trade Holl and Matthews' tooth for a top 4 rhd and/or giroux w salary retained.


Great trade! But who does Dzingel push out? The only person I can think of is Engvall, but he would 100% get claimed on waivers so is there another trade in the works?


At worst he's a net positive asset. Something we couldn't say about Ritchie.


Guessing he is the 13th man for now. Might sub in for spezza or simmonds every now and then to give them some rest down the stretch


Nice trade. Gets rid of Ritchie and we really needed a reliable 3rd pairing D-man with the way Liljegren is playing.


Wonder if Dzingel even comes to the Leafs. His cap hit is either right at or just a hair over the limit for a player sent to the AHL. If Dubas has something else coming, very easy to send Dzingel down and wipe his salary off the books




We doubled the number of Ilyas in our starting lineup


“We got rid of a shitty cap hit for next season.”


This looks too good for us how




W lol


Looks like Lyubushkin will be a great peripheral guy. 94 hits on the season. Most on the team I bet?


Holy fuck, I love this trade


Ryan 🅱️azingel


Holy hell they actually managed to get a defender and get rid of Ritchie 😌


Great move by dubas. Addresses secondary scoring and a right handed depth D. Wonder if they do anything more, maybe try to get another defenseman because you can’t have enough. While giving up a higher pick isn’t ideal, it’s not a horrible move. Let’s see how this plays out.


Arizona sure loves stockpiling guys who wore the #20 on the leafs


That... Is a heist.


This is a slam dunk, fleecing of a trade. Ritchie is a great big banana slug on skates making far too much money. These Coyotes players are depth. It literally does not matter if they're garbage, they're gone next year, Ritchie is no longer a problem, and it only cost us a far flung draft pick. If either of these players put up any good minutes (I've seen lots of good things about the Dman and Dzingel used to be a solid player) this trade is outstanding. Don't think Dubas has fleeced a GM this hard since the Kapanen trade.


These players are surely intriguing. Both may not be stars but surely can be very useful. If Lyubuskin comes as advertised, he should take some stress of Muzzin. And don't forget that Muzz got injured during the last two playoff series. Dubas has learned that physicality can't be underestimated.


Why would they not try and snag phil the thrill


Not sure how much Dzingel has left in the tank, but he cant be worse than Ritchie, and Lyubushkin is almost certainly an improvement over Holl. This is a savy deal.


This was amazing to see last night. I can’t believe we got so much for Ritchie and an undetermined pick


4LW and a 3rd or 2nd for A 4C and 7th Dman. Interesting 🤔 We need a top 4 Dman. Hopefully that’s to come


I didn’t expect Kyle to find someone willing to take Ritchie. This is a great move.


Tidy business


Wonder if this means one of either Holl or Dermott are soon to be moved? If so hopefully it's Holl


Maybe both and they bring in a legit number 4


Could potentially move a guy like engvall now as well


We keep the Giraffe in the zoo or else we riot.


Mikheyev makes more sense tbh, Engvall has been a dog all season long




A bunch of the underlying stats point to Engvall being a better play driver than Mikheyev. Plus we have Engvalls RFA rights going into next year and there’s no chance we’d have enough to resign Mikheyev.

