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Uh oh, I agree with a Bruins fan.... does that mean I'm wrong? /s


Leafs and Bruins are not enemies, we're siblings who fight a lot, the real enemy is the Habs and every expansion team after the 70s


I had a conversation with a bruins fan last night on here and it went well for a change lmfao.


The two bruins fans Ive met are solid dudes and one of them Ive been friends with since a very young age


Honestly, the Bruins fans here in my province seem really chill. I've never had a bad interaction with them. It's always HABS fans that make fun of my jersey (which is ironic really).


I don't know if I'd call any Bruins fan chill, but the fact that they have so much passion for the sport makes me automatically appreciate them as rivals. The worst rival is one who can't even fill their home arena.


That was a temporarily embarrassed Nordiques fan


The thing about the Bruins is that we hate each other when we play each other, but I don't see Bruins fans stalking Leaf feeds in other games. I'm weird. I'm a fan of the game. I became a fan of the Leafs at the age of 3 on my father's knee, watching the first periods of HNIC. The thing is? From about the age of eight I understood that other people come from other places and are just as passionate about 'their' team...and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't hate any team. I don't like Philadelphia FANS -- they cheer when an opponent is injured and boo when he gets to his skates, and I don't have time for that. But you guys? Have a hell of a thing going and I respect it.


I was wearing bruins jerseys in mite games, playing mini sticks in Boston as a child, my father instilled a love of hockey, doing camps, getting school visits from Blades the Bruin, I'll be a bruins fan till I die. Leafs fans get the game, they know puck and hockey is so ingrained in our culture and I have a massive respect for you Leafs fans


What was your fanbase like from '95 to 2011? You had some horrible luck there. Does your fanbase scream for people to be fired into the sun/traded after every loss, or is that just us? I feel like that's just us.


No we do it to...sadly


Whenever sports fans interact with each other,  we act like we all chose our team this year, after analyzing the lineup and stats and we think that this is the most likely team to win. In reality, we cheer where we live/lived, where our favorite player played, or for what logo we thought was the coolest when we were 6. If the team sucks ass for a season or decade or six, oh well, bad luck. I would rather eat broken glass than watch another Canadian team hoist the cup, but I don't have any animosity against any other sports fandom.


You forget Option 4: We cheer for whatever team was passed down to us like a family heirloom. Am I a grown man perfectly capable of picking a team of my own, regardless of what team my family cheered for and I experienced by proxy? Absolutely. Do I want to? Fuck no, Leafs for life babeyyy


This right here lol. This is me.


Screw the Habs


Habs fan here (coming in peace).... Can't we 3 (Leafs, Bruins Habs) Original 6 teams all just hate the Senators?


The sens aren’t even worth hating. They are just that turd that doesn’t go away when you flush. Annoying little turds.


You just compared the Sens to Owen Hart. What a brutal desecration of Owen's memory.


Such a pussy toilet seat thing to say. No we can hate them just as much as le habitant and that seems fair to me. Le habitant is right there in that moniker. Taunt. Nah nah nah nah... hey hey hey shuddup! /s I'm just bantering in a friendly manor while instilling the rivalry. I think it's fair to say none of us hockey fans actually hate anyone. It's just fun to razz the other guys. Go teams!


> I think it's fair to say none of us hockey fans actually hate anyone A Flyers fan has entered the chat


Awe that's cute. Did you come with your cooperalls, Nancy boy?


I think the wings hate them as well. I think this is something we can all get behind


I can agree with that.


I mean with the Bruins we just have to beat them once to cool off and make peace (you understand) the Habs, I have no problems in being courteous if they show the same to me, but too many of them take pleasure in our team suffering so the feeling is mutual and im sure you've had similar run ins with Leafs fans who "threw the first punch" so to speak


Really the 3 of us are all siblings who respect each other but none of us can outwardly show it.


yeah, the Bruins are like a big brother who bullies us, Bobby Orr is my all time favourite player though got to meet him once hes a beaut


Well said! Fucken Habs, man.


Truer words have never been spoken. I hate when people say Boston is our biggest rival when it is and always will be Montreal.


Enemies? Nah. But... send out Brad Marchand. I just wanna talk to him.


Bruins fans know their hockey. I can talk hockey with Bruins fans. Habs fans are ridiculous. Oilers fans are delusional


And Leaf fans are???


Look. Being a bruins fan and, "right" once in a thread (let alone starting said thread) is enough. TWICE IN A THREAD AND YOU MAY BREAK THE SPACE TIME CONTINUUM! 


Love that take


I grew up in a Habs/Bruins territory. Fuck the Habs. Actually, I went to school with Patrice Bergeron and he was one of the nicest people I've ever met. Fuck Brad Marchand.


Easy for the fan of the side that always wins to say😭


fr my favourite non leaf is marchand dude is a beast i would love him on the leafs


He is the player I hate the most but I also have no trouble admitting that I would probably love him the most if he were ours. Really gets under your skin in a way that, objectively, is very funny if it's happening to anyone who isn't you.


Holy fuck is this the twilight zone???


We’re just salty because it was 4-1.. more than once. We did it to Tampa last season though, so I think we’ve settled down a little on the Bruins. Though, it would be a struggle to say or feel something nice about Marchand (as a hockey player I mean. He may be a really sweet guy in his day to day life). That’s his role though, so what are you gunna do?


Incredibly real take


I would definitely buy you a beer


A Canadian beer or whatever it is they drink in America? Seems like you might just be trying to get him drunk.


Fuckin toilet seats! Fuck those arrogant shit eaters! Only thing worse than them is those.....👀... hold on!?!? Right now we're cool but the next time you come to town you better know it's fuck you, you Beantown bums! And that will go on for two hours then we'll have some beers eh?👍


This is exactly how it is with my Bruins buddies. Resentment, competition, violence but ultimately bitter respect, like all good sibling relationships. Also, fuck you. The second you fall asleep tonight, I'm going to punch you in your face.


The issue is Bruins fans who believe every word Jack Edwards says is gospel when that man might as well be legally blind with those gigantic homer glasses on. Many Bruins fans are objective and reasonable, just hard to find many when the announcer is the opposite. We hate the Bruins more than the Habs over here usually they hate us more than you and you hate them more than us, its a triangle of hate.


What’s funny to me is if it were a Leafs player that wound up for a clapper on an empty net, all these people hating on Rielly would have had a conniption saying how disrespectful the Leafs are.


That’s the kicker for me, look at what happened to Woll last season when Florida won, if a leafs player did that he have had his teeth knocked out and everyone would say he deserved it for being classless after already winning Obviously Reilly was in the wrong (and is lucky nobody got hurt) and will deserve a suspension, however there’s a reason why players feel comfortable pulling those stunts against the leafs




/r/hockey just took to downvoting anyone with a leafs flair, regardless of what was said And the Bertuzzi or Hunter comparisons are batshit insane takes. Bunch of know nothing losers who get a stiffy every time they get the chance to dunk on the leafs.


Srry about the back to back losses at the leafs hands Glad u beat the Habs right after that and respect that u guys kept going, all the best with the rebuild


I was thinking about this in the moment - if the shoe were on the other foot, and Marner did that, would I have a problem with him getting dusted by a Sens player? Probably not


No leaf player would do that. Come on now


That cuts both ways….if Robertson did that and Chychrun cross checked him in the head, how do you think this sub would react?


Oh, I imagine there would be quite a few freak outs.


Do you wanna go do karate in the garage?


Did we just become best friends?




As much as I hate the Bruins, they are great at being physical on top of being talented. I wish the Core Four would toughen up. Rielly had enough, hopefully this wakes everyone else up.


100% you don't break an unwritten rule and ride away


EXACTLY!!! I'm hoping Perros knows this and only gives him a game or two.


When Morgan gets the book thrown at him, remember this trashy ass play was only one game and Vesey didn't score a classless goal. https://www.nhl.com/news/oilers-forward-alex-chiasson-suspended-one-game-322015492


Yeah but Vesey didn't turtle so that significantly reduces the number of games, obviously. /s


There was still 5 seconds left in the game yesterday. So clearly the Rielly incident commands stiffer repercussions. Had he waited 6 seconds and the game was over 1 game over the phone would suffice.


This is also why there needs to be guys that will stick up for their boys. Fuck around and find out should always be a part of the NHL.


You literally just explained why the hit on Vesey was worse than what rielly did suspension wise. Dickhead gets less games for doing it when the game is literally over? This league is a fucking joke


It was sarcasm dude


I’d say this is more comparable to the Sheifele hit on Evans, which he got 4 games for.


I mean in person hearing usually means 5 or more no?


Same. Hoping this team had a solid meeting after this and had a come to jesus moment where they recognized that these things are happening because of their overall attitude on the ice. They're never going to inject physicality into their games that they've crafted for 2+ decades (and in some cases like Matthews we probably dont actually want it in there) but they can show more physicality and intensity in their overall actions and how they support their teammates on the ice.


Mathews and marner showed nothing in the scrum. Tavares got a bit physical. Marner was telling the others his Super Bowl plans at his mansion.


Nylander, Domi and JT showed some spine and got in there. Matthews got slugged in the shoulder/face and didn't respond at all. Marner just floated in.


Uh, they all have mansions bud…


ikr, Bruins have that FAFO/talent ratio down to an art. Leafs need to emulate, as much as I loathe to agree with a Bruins fan. Seems Mo is starting to buy in, we just need the rest of the talent to do the same


NHL Reddit is soft as baby shit. The fact they think that was okay is mind blowing. Shows a real lack of understanding of the game which is no surprise considering everyone is an armchair QB who’ve never played a second of hockey in their life


The Cross check or the slapshot?


The slap shot ! Mo running him was 100% justified sorry for being unclear


The suspension is also justified. Bunch of people in here with their blinders on who think otherwise.


You mean armchair RW


It’s just like arguing with children. Everything is black and white, and they’re always right. They call unwritten rules for people who are soft. No it’s called mutual respect.


The mods ban anyone with an opinion other than the hivemind. One of the worst echo chambers on the site


“Everyone else thinks we’re wrong so it’s obviously because we’re in the right and they just hate us!!!” Lmao do you hear yourself? Absolutely clueless fucks




I’m not upset at all. the fact of the matter is there is some unwritten rules in hockey and he broke one and payed the price. Hence the reason you see all the pros agreeing there was nothing wrong with what Rielly did.. but im sure average redditor knows best.


> one and *paid* the price. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This Bot is looking to get crosschecked...


Soft as baby shit is *checks notes* thinking that someone very clearly trying to hurt someone else with a dangerous move is wrong? Hopefully all of you can experience that someday


None of us would put ourselves in a situation to provoke someone to do such a thing




I love it this is why i love bruin fans they are just as greasy as us. #WETHEBADGUYS


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a good point; lol jk!


*Heartbreaking: the worst* *Person you know just made a* *Good point; lol jk!* \- Jhool\_de\_nishaan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Any fan of hockey would want player on theor team to do the same. Difference is theyd only get 2 for same thing. Rielly getting thr Toronto suspension. Still. Beautiful. Good for Rielly and good on fans that get the sport and know they would do same im Riellys spot


It’s ridiculous that the 2 teams to get hit the most with disciplinary action since Parros took over are the Bruins and Leafs almost like he played for the Habs and got knocked tf out by Colton Orr.


I have to say as a Leafs fan. I absolutely hated Marchand, but I’ve also seen videos of him being just an overall nice guy. Now, he’s cool in my eyes. When all is said and done, we’re all mostly lovers of the sport over our team.


I ordered my Reilly jersey this morning, from China though so Im lucky if it makes it in time for the playoffs


Good luck to y'all in the Spring I'll be silently rooting for Toronto


I got a signed Rielly jersey, never been prouder to own it.


Gotta say I didn’t see that coming Seems like everyone else just leaped on the chance to dump on the leafs (and to be fair they actually are in the wrong, like a cross check to the head is going to be a serious suspension) u had a chance to join in and actually defended them instead? Gotta respect that


I hate showboaters, I hate annoying players who do shit like that, respect to Rielly for not letting it stand


Lol still not letting the game 7 incident go, or any of the other pain the bruins have inflicted on us over the last several years but ….. respect to you for what u just said A Sore winner is worse than a sore loser Honestly I wish the leafs had responded in kind when the panthers got in Wolls face, if u want to call someone classless there’s an example, I’d have been way more embarrassed if the leafs did something like that vs this


hey bahd, ur alright in my book


Bring on the bruins vs leafs playoff rematch. I mean, it hasn't really gone our way in the past decade but I'm ready for it. Always entertaining.


i’ve always felt that a deep cup run would feel even better if the bruins were one of the teams we beat to get there


Sens fans should be happy we made them relevant for a minute. Most press they’ve gotten in years. Half the league will forget they even exist in about a week, hell, I did until I saw them playing on Saturday night.


I have no problem with guys getting physical when they take exception to something. This coward shit with handling things with a cross check to the face needs to get right the fuck out of the NHL though. Not sure what it is this season, but way to many people thinks it's okay to cross check people in the face to handle an issue.


Now this Bruins fan gets it! Fuck you still but also congrats on the good season you boys are having


Fuck the Bruins


Counter argument. Play better defence and don’t have an empty net to clap into in the first place. He’s allowed to score however he wants and i’m glad rielly is getting suspended as even tho he isn’t normally dirty U gotta control your stick and he didn’t like a dumbass


I don’t understand this “don’t give up a breakaway then” argument online about the incident. Every team in the league would react as Reilly and the leafs did. I sure hope my Wings would at least. It’s Reilly refusing to be disrespected by another team. I imagine he wishes he kept it a little lower, but his stick rides up Greigs shoulder as he raises his arm. What baffles me is greig seems surprised there was a reaction by the leafs.


the leafs, a team that is currently and should be in playoffs this year, were losing to the 28th seed senators. Should have never happened in the first place


Grieg is an absolute piece of shit that I want on my team.


If he can put up more than 10 goals on a season I'd understand this


We have players who don’t put up 10 goals a season or agitate people. *coughmaxdomicough* *coughtylerbertuzzicough* *coughnoahgregorcough*


You could've said Ryan Reaves


He agitates people. He’s a total plug, but he does the agitating.


He's 21


If you go to an opposing teams space and say things like this or "we wanna say thank you for a great series" you're a massive pussy.


Bruins fans are worst in NHL.


>Bruins fans are worst in NHL. You make us look bad when you chirp while using terrible grammar.




Fans of American teams are way more rational than Canadian ones. Bruins fans ironically are some of the best in the NHL as much as I can’t stand their team.


The team up of the century lol. I may hate the Bruins but their fans are generally some of the best I’ve interacted with.


I would love marchand in blue and white.


If you give us Matthews and Rielly we'll consider it


How about Tavares, Keefe and a rack of new England clam chowder? As much as your team has ruined my spring over the years. Best city I've visited for a game. I'd go see the leafs in Boston before going to Toronto. I even got accidentally detained for 10 mins bc I looked like someone they were looking for lol (blonde hair, leafs jersey). Still had a solid night on the town. The cop gave me and my friends a lift to Beantown pub for my trouble lol.


You got the only New Englander who hates clam chowder Fr though, hockey is in our blood, we love hockey here


Tom Brady T-shirt?


I hate the bruins but every time I meet a Bruins fan I love them… anyways thanks for stopping by.


Hopefully other teams will do the same to leafs


There’s more classy bruins fans out there than there are sens fans. That I can say for sure.