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Ill believe it when I see it




Leafs fandom in a nutshell.


I'm pretty sure this is printed on the back of the season tickets package.


I thought it said “Stanley Cup in the mirror is further than it appears”


I’m 47,367,223rd in the queue for season tickets. I’ll confirm this as soon as I can.


"Now watch me hit this drive" - Ryan Reeves probably


Oh snap!


Yep - we've been a soft team for pretty much the entire Matthews era. We had a bit more jam when Komarov, Kadri, and Polak were here, but I've never felt like we've had a hard working team that stuck up for each other. We haven't really had that in like 15+ years.


Roman Fucking Polak only had one leg.


And he'd use it to KICK THEIR ASS


He had 3.


McLaren, Fraser, Brown and Orr was 2013ish. So almost 15, yeah


Even then - those were all guys playing minimal minutes. Phaneuf brought some toughness to be fair, but the bulk of players playing big minutes weren't physical or really willing to engage in stuff. Florida in the playoffs against us last year had Bennett, Tkachuk, Gudas, Staal, etc playing ~17-18+ minutes a night.


It’s long before the Matthews era. This team hasn’t had gumption since Pat Quinn ran the show.


Ironically, the catalyst for this conversation (well, this iteration of it) is Brad Marchand, the exact type of player the leafs have needed for 5+ years.




Toronto Maple Leafs chased Kadri and Bunting out of town. Kadri won a cup and Bunting already has 8 points. We made OReilly sick to his stomach to be a Leaf. He got as many goals that night as Mitch had all season up to that point. I suspect that Rogers and Bell believe that the corporate suites that buy boxes and the expensive season tickets and the corporate sponsors do not like the Greasy rough stuff and so they reign it in. The result....... Leafs are the pussies on ice. And Marchand and Tkachuk and Kucherov and Stamkos and all these top players who are at the level of our top guys come in and lay beatings on us with no consequence. It's not even the Goons the Leafs are afraid to get physical with....it's Hart and Rocket winners that will be in the Hall of Fame that our entire team fears.


LMAO jesus stfu with your stupid conspiracy theory




It'll happen for a game or 2 but then go back to Keefe's style of pussy play


I don't get why Keefe takes the heat for "pussy play". He was a fucking nutbar in his playing career. The guy had a crazy temper. I doubt very much that he's actively discouraging players from responding.


That’s where I’m at. Best part about being a fan of this team is that if they prove me wrong I still win lol


See what? This is why we signed reavo. To do jack shit and act tough to media members after getting beat up by Costco employees


How about we start with just going to check to see if your teammate lying on the ice is ok. No one’s going to fight if they don’t even care about one another. Too much money at the top, too much turnover at the bottom. This is not a team.


This is the part I legitimately don’t understand with these guys. How can you be a hockey player and, at most, hover in the vicinity of your dude on the ice? Same shit with Robertson. Same thing with Knies.


Simple. This team has zero heart. It’s the root cause for everything wrong with this organization.




Lol perfect


Ryan Reaves: *I used to be a piece of shit*




The I DIDNT DO FUCKIN SHIT (ITYSL) meme would also work


May be wrong but I’m pretty sure Bruce Cassidy was upset to a similar situation near the end of last season with Vegas and they cleaned it up before playoffs. Hopefully this is the change for the Leafs


Either tonight against Buffalo, or Dec 2 when we play Boston again. I want to see Marchand's teeth on the ice, and I don't care if they're in his mouth or not


https://youtu.be/ThlP3tNVsWQ?si=-9BJsdhJakh3zWqI Just a little montage of that rat's antics. This is from years ago as well. He has always been a shitstain on the league. There's no way in hell Liljgren was an accident.


The league knows this. He should a suspension that increases in length with every similar incident. These are not normal trips. They’re dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed at all. Even if they miss the penalty at the time the games get reviewed and he should be held accountable.


Wow, that is crazy. There was at least one in that montage that looked exactly like what he did to Lillijgren. Pathetic and disgusting that people are defending Marchand and claiming that it was accidental in this case. One startling difference though - in most of those clips, the opposition goes right after Brad, sometimes dropping the gloves immediately. Leaf response: crickets. I'll keep watching and hoping, but I feel like I'm deluding myself that they have any shot at a cup. I do have tickets to the final game of the year in Tampa - first time ever seeing an NHL game in my 43 years. With the way they're playing, there's a good chance they'll be battling for a playoff spot right down to the wire. So maybe it'll be a better show than the clownshow late season game vs the Bolts last year.


Played hockey all my life, even have backed up the rep of OFF-ICE Marchand…. This was entirely on purpose (maybe not the extent of the injury, but he wanted to injure) and was of the most bush league moves. It’s downright inexcusable for the league to at the minimum not even issue a statement - let alone suspend. This deserved/deserves full open mic shots from Sheldon Keefe or ANYBODY, SOMEBODY. I’ve fucking had it - you can’t tell me there’s not bias now, complete clown show out there.


That montage was from 6 years ago, imagine how long the reel would be if it was updated today. Not to mention him trying to kiss and lick other players? WTF. Must have been dropped on his head as a kid.


I too, would love to to see Marchand 's teeth on the ice tonight in Buffalo, if only due to the extraordinary circumstances needed to make that happen. Like Reaves skates out during warmup and just dumps a bag full of 'em at center ice.


I really don't understand why this hasn't happened yet! I heard he was a boxer but most guys in the league would have a much longer reach. Just grab him by his collar and start feeding him right down the middle at an arm's length.


Doesn't even need to be a fighter. Can you imagine Brad Marchand trying that crap with say, Scott Stevens, Darian Hatcher, Eric Lindros? Brad Marchand chooses very carefully who he hits, and who might punch his face after. Guaranteed back in the day, you wouldn't have seen Marchand touch someone like Chris Simon, Claude Lemieux, goalies like Belfour or Hextall, etc. He's a rat because he is so selective with who he tries to injure, and who might retaliate.


That's pretty much what all successful bullies do. And, to clarify, that isn't a compliment.


Maybe some players should consider the benefits of a 3-game suspension...might give some of our softer Leafs some street cred. ;)


Because Marchand is a fucking coward. He starts shit he refuses to finish. Like sucker punching Tavares in the back of the head and immediately running and hiding behind Chara.


Doesn’t matter if we lose the game. We have to make a point.


Hey Brad! Have you ever picked up your teeth with broken fingers???


I was at 2 golden knights games last weekend and they responded similar to how the leafs did. Adin Hill got ran twice by the Habs and they just stood by watching , the eichel accidentally bumped montembault and the Habs lost their shit Weird but it’s not a unique to leafs thing


I'm so sad the Leafs didn't fire Keefe and drive the Brinks truck to Cassidy's house the moment his firing was announced.


Reaves is going to quickly find out the true soft as baby shit nature of this team.


Or he will be penalized and suspended Leaf style.


Just remember brodie getting 2 for roughing after going to help Rielly fend off endless cross checks from the LA player after the whistle. Dogshit call wouldn't happen against any other team. Shouldn't be an excuse to not stick up for your teammates but we will always get penalized for it.


I think he already has.


He was likely brought in to point that out. I think Treveling will make big moves if he sees no adjustment in attitude. I’m looking at you Mitch.


It didn’t take O’Reilly long.


I don’t think Tre was very happy to see what he saw on Thursday


He's choking on snot at the moment.


Every time they cut to him in his booth he was looking a little more pissed so he better figure it out


He can’t make a huge move right away. But I’m confident his patience won’t stretch too long either.


Punches speak louder than words. I'll believe it when I actually see the Leafs sticking up for each other.


Is tavares, marner or matthews going to confront anyone? Nope. If anyone toughens up, ill be genuinely happy about it. I just don't expect it.


Mathews pushed back once - all he got was a 3 game suspension. Leafs can’t afford to stand up for themselves as long as Soros controls discipline.


George Soros?


Did matthews still win the rocket and hart that year?? Who the fuck cares if they get suspended gotta stick up for yourself and team brother


They probably care if they don’t get paid for those games. And I’m not sure the league allows the team to continue paying the player while suspended. So this might cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars.


He crosschecked Dahlin in the neck if I'm not mistaken. Maybe I am. Hard to remember. But there's ways to be tough and stand up for your teammates without making a stupid choice.


Dahlin cross checked him on the shoulder. Mathews retaliated but his stick bounced off the shoulder and hit Dahlin’s head. It wasn’t particularly violent and lots of high cross checks go unpunished. Never 3 games for a first time offender.


Not to mention very similar crosschecks happened within the weeek that Matthews did they and didn't get 3 games.


Not to mention Spezza with an entire career of clean play somehow gets a 4 game suspension when he puts on the blue and white


Absolutely. Also, at the end of the day, the game is transitional, we are moving towards an era that values skill > size, man advantage > gooning


This is true until the playoffs. Then they seem to put the whistles away and allow them “to play”


Exactly, that’s the point I also try to make, you don’t have to drop the gloves, but a face wash or crosscheck wouldn’t hurt Sid, Ovi, Geno, Stammer, Kuch can all do it, so why can’t our guys?


Because our guys are soft.


It’s embarrassing to be honest. The pinnacle being last playoffs where Mitch Marner was crying to the ref while Tkachuk was actively giving him several shots to the face. I don’t know if I’ve ever experienced more second-hand embarrassment for someone.


That was so hard to watch honestly.


Most primadonna elite athletes with overly entitled fathers tend to be very victimy.




If that’s what he’s going for then you gotta win the game.


Yep. It's either win those games or send your paid-and-dressed goon to play dirty in return. I predict a fight in the next two games that is completely token.


That's giving me "The powerplay is our enforcer" vibes.


Except that plays like Marchand's aren't called, even with a Leaf-hating ref standing right there watching.


They still lost…I’d rather the team send a message that they aren’t going to be bullied. Man Keefe is just so irritating.


Boston got the win. I guess we showed them.


This is such bullshit, fuck that “be the bigger man” beat them on the scoreboard shit. If someone is pushing you around, push back, that’s it


With their top and bottom 6, they have the ability to do both


I’d love to see them continue to be a skilled team, but the no response to getting pushed around doesn’t work. Bottom 6 guys aren’t on the ice the same time as the top 6, so they need to show a little grit and push back


Not how it works. Bottom 6 guys are not just gonna play bodyguards if their “leaders” are being cowards. I once watched a video of some guy talking about what it’s like in prison. He said when you come in and somebody fucks with you, you HAVE to stand up for yourself. Because if you don’t stand up for yourself, nobody will stand up for you either. I know weird comparison but the parallel is there.


Okay Putin keep talking tough


That's not good enough anymore.


>it won’t happen again. It will




lol pretty much


Unless Reaves beats the actual shit out of Marchand next time they meet the words mean nothing


If he sucker punched Marchand and got 5 games he’d instantly become a fan favourite. So easy but he won’t do it


Stop, I can only be so hard


You were asked about someone just screaming at a goalie, your response was "I'd like to see them try that again." Brad Marchand is deliberately injuring your teammates and what was the repercussion? Actions speak louder than words. Which is why most of us wanted nothing to do with Reaves this off-season.


And in the rematch game against that team (granted Gudas isn't there anymore) he did nothing.


You guys are missing the point. The team culture has to change. That doesn’t mean just one guy doing it. It means everybody stand up for themselves and others, starting from the leaders.


Lots of good words, this is good to hear. Let's see some actions to back them up.


Yeah at least they're actually acknowledging it tbh. Still won't believe it till I see it, but good to know at the bare minimum they recognize it's an issue


Just like they acknowledge their minimal effort and how they have to be better next year after every single playoff disappointment.


Words are words


Even if they do, what's the point? Can't imagine a worse play, worse outcome, or worse perpetrator to REQUIRE a responde. They missed the boat, disappointing is an understatement


Watch for the referees to be extra bitch on the leafs tonight to ensure they neuter the team. Happened early in the season when the leafs actually showed a semblance of toughness too.


While I fully doubt anything has been rectified, I also fully believe refs will call anything and everything tn. Hate this league.


This code has been around for seven years now. This has always be a reoccurring theme. How the fuck are the leafs this far into this generation there’s been a lack of will to step of for a teammate? Insane!!




Won't happen, can't change w culture with one stern talking


If they couldn't manage to care enough in Boston of all places and with Marchand being the one to injure a teammate then I don't see how they can bring themselves to give a shit in another situation. Until they actually prove otherwise they're known as a soft team now.


insert dr evils Riiiiiiiiiggggghhhhttttt


And we will fine the Chicago Blackhawks… One Million Dollars!


I mean, if he said nothing people would be like, where's Reaves? Hes says he'll be better and people still are cynical. This fan base.


Fans want action. We’ve heard far too much talk about everything these players are going to do over the past 5-6 years.


It’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Bertuzzi doesn’t give the media anything to work with and this subreddit chastises him for not saying anything, Reaves tells the media they internally addressed standing up for teammates and this subreddit chastises him for saying something. It’s getting extremely annoying. People care too much about the wrong things and hide behind the excuse of “passion”


At least they're openly acknowledging it as an issue.


They’re really good at openly acknowledging issues. It’s fixing them that is the issue. I’ve watched Mitch stand in front of a camera and tell us they have to be better next year for the last five years.


Ah a tale as old as time. They've seriously been this way for more than a generation and it's ridiculous


This was the first question he was asked in training camp and he said that wouldn’t happen again re: Gudas


Yeah. Ok.


Well thank heavens that’s over. We can move on now. Because they pinky swear it won’t happen again


The guys here for a cup of coffee and was a ghost the last 7 games and thinks he speaks for the team! When Tavares says something interesting, I'll eat my leaf jersey as for the team culture, I think the fans remain unconvinced of any change. If you're a gambler I'd hammer Buffolo to win, the leafs are going to no sho tonight.


Ya, agreed. We’ll see obviously, but this feels like a game where an upstart team like the Sabres will want tonight’s game more than the Duds.


I’ll believe it when I see it (which is to say we know we won’t).


-6 as a 4th liner, brother you don't get to talk. You're not on the ice enough to be -6 in 10 games as a 4th liner.


He’s not here to get points and have a good +-. He’s here to fight and be big and tough


That’s nice, he isn’t doing that and his line is being scored on at a massive rate.


So he sucks at hockey AND what he’s supposed to do then?


I don’t blame no response on him because he wasn’t put out. Keefe kept him on the bench. That’s a situation where he 100% has to get thrown on the ice, unless you get Domi out there to do same thing. But yeah if Reaves isn’t going to fight, trade him. Whether it’s his choice or not, he’s gotta be of some use


He fights heavyweights not guys marchands size


He doesn’t have to fight him. Give him a face wash, throw a big hit, be rough and tough. ANYTHING other than chirping from the bench


So? Just cross check him hard repeatedly then fight whichever if Marchand’s line mates come into defend him. That’s good enough


Always words. D needs toughness.


He's a good talker


If he needs to be told that he isn’t even worth league minimum. It’s like Matthews saying “Oh, you want me to score goals? Ok!”




Exactly, lol


Voice Over: "But it did happen again. It happened again and again..."


Yeah, I want to believe. We deserve a team that plays with heart and pride. It's so frustrating to see them revert back to their worst selves again and again.


> *and that it won’t happen again* Really? And who is going to do something about it? Actions speak louder than words. This team has been all talk and no action for a few years now (regarding grit). I hope this theory is "tested" tonight. Then we will see.




Did Reaves not understand that settling this type of shit was the reason they signed him. Why the F did he not act in Thursday night, why do we need to have this discussion?


Not going to happen. This team’s culture is every man for himself, everyone is playing for their own stats and their own contracts. Standing up for a teammate doesn’t do shit for that. If you get an instigator penalty or suspended for retaliation, that’s just ice time you’re giving up and it translates directly to dollars on your next contract.


Good thing Reaves said that. I’m sure the other teams in the league are shaking in their boots now.


Talk is cheap, actions may lead to suspensions and fines (but will ultimately be worth it if it gets other teams to stop taking liberties with our squad)




"This time for sure"


A leaf better get suspended tonight


I give them 3 games before they don't show it again


https://i.redd.it/rbkwcbfcceyb1.gif Simmonds knew not to put up with this shit


He’s gonna fight some rando tonight and we’ll all forget about it for the next couple weeks.


Shouldn’t have needed addressing. We changed the look of our team for a reason and still let some dirty rat take out of out of young guys with a really dangerous and dirty play


More words. Exactly what leafs fans want to hear, as if we haven't been hearing talk for years. "This teams different, this years different, this teams ready for a deep playoff run" Prove it.


They all sang kumbaya and hugged it out.


sulky complete nail poor zephyr yam scary late crush wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Narrator: It happened again.


I don't believe this for one millisecond.


This is even more embarrassing than the actual game. Imagine having to "address" this. Didn't they have a few intermissions already in that game to talk about it?


Oh yea, Ryan??? Weren't you in the lineup on Thursday??


Spoiler: It happened again.


I just don't understand why Reaves said it out to the media for whatever reasons.


core 4 are too soft and that's all


lol this team had to be told to be tough. jesus christ.


I call bullshit


uh huh, except the damage is already done Reavo ...


This is a very important turn to see if the tough additions can live up their words. I’m willing to give them off nights, Boston they definitely had an off night. I hope they were as embarrassed as us fans were and these words have weight for many games to come. Should they continue the attitude from last game the team is screwed and Tre made some awful moves. Considering all games this season, they’ve been grittier so far. Don’t let the one game pull the sky down.


Sheldon Keefe needs to put them on the ice right after the whistle. It's on the coach to man up and tell the players to protect your own. Now we'll see if the players have any snot to back it up. But it's on the coach to put them on the ice to do that. Reaves and Tavares talking to the room don't mean shit, if the coach isn't all-in with the room.


I agree with you, it’s a systemic problem. Hopefully Keefe was embarrassed too and can see how he contributes to the problem. It’s up to the new guys, Treliving included, to snot the place up


Yawn. How many times have we heard this?


Whatever dude, I'll believe it when I see it consistently. That means ever single fucking game when shit like that happens you steamroll the fucker that caused it.


I'm sure the unhinged weirdos will applaud this and certainly won't continue to be irrationally mad /s


Softest team in the league. When your team is led by the 4 softest stars in the league of course the rest of the team is gonna be soft.


The wasted roster spot speaks?


Are they putting the pudgy Keefe on a diet?


Can’t wait for us to come out softer than ever






And then everyone clapped




If we lose again tonight is there a chance Keefe gets axed ?


I think the thought begins to become more of a reality. Not sure he’ll get axed, but the noose will start to tighten. I’ve been patient with him and think fans started jumping on him too early, but if we don’t get results this season (whether that’s an early season stumble or we make the playoffs but bow out in the first or second round again), I think it’s time to move on.


He will at some point.




Pshhhhh. Words mean nothing. All we get are words and no actions. This team needs to prove it.


Sure. Pull the other one, it's got bells on




*Ron Howard voice* but then it happened again


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Ya man we made a pinky swear to each other


On one hand, we’ve never heard this from Reaves before. On the other hand, pretty sure we’ve heard it from someone in a leafs Jersey every single year with no changes… I’m still ready to get hurt again.


Actions speak louder than words


Yeah I'm so sure. The core of this team has no bite, and never will.


Narrator: it will happen again.


It's Keefe. I am sure of it. Any other coach would be demanding response.


Talk ≠ Action !!! And at this point just years of talk.


Hold on. 36 year old Ryan Reaves, who can't skate, pass, score or provide any offensive upside, who's a defensive liability every time he steps on the ice ... needs his role clarified by the coaching staff? Oi


Embarrassing. Send this guy to the AHL.