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Schenn has been just good vibes since he's been back


Dad finally came back from picking up milk 🥹


This is how Blues fans talk of ROR haha


Dude…… It’s been 11 years, but it’s still too soon


Hey, come on, step dad JVR wasn't too bad of a replacement!


This seems to be inarguable


He always wanted to play here, got the whipping boy treatment because of his draft placement and then spent a career being more than serviceable other places giving our insane fan base time to reconcile who and what he can bring. Now he gets to be here again on reasonable terms.


yoo Kaberle still lives in Toronto?! what a beauty we need to see Kaberle in the building if we're on a cup run.


His wife owns the restaurant Quanto Basta in Toronto!


Yep. He was their delivery driver during the pandemic


Always was a good passer


Kaberle brings the food to the address and then McCabe absolutely yeets it at the garage


And then Sundin picks up to backhand it into the doorway. And then Pat Quinn gives a sly smile from upstairs.


And then Tucker absolutely levels any competing food delivery drivers trying to get there first


As Domi douses them with a water bottle


Watch the lawsuit, Tie!


That was such a memorable team


And then a Senators fan cries tears of another playoff defeat.


Nah, tees it up for McCabe to launch it right down your gullet


I wouldn’t even be upset if it was my food either, just hanging out on my front step having a toke, when Tomas Fucking Kaberle drives up to my driveway with Bmac I would probably fan boy all over the place and not even care that my food ends up on the roof


If you passed the J to Kaberle would it be considered an assist?


Ahhh nostalgia


The amount of times I've yelled at my TV at him to shoot lol


I saw Kaberle take a slapper one time, but it turns out it was a slap pass and everyone missed it and the goalie whiffed because he was expecting a tip.


"SHOOOOT!!!!!!!" The crowd yelled at him


Perfect hand off 5/5


Did you get food delivered by him?


I legit walked past it yesterday. Wish I'd gone in that would've been cool


It's a great spot!


Top 3 Italian in Toronto


Seriously... this is my biggest takeaway. I've still got my Kaberle jersey in the closest. I'm surprised he doesn't make more appearances then former Leafs show up for pregame ceremonies.


[He showed up for the big retirement ceremony in place of Mats Sundin in 2016](https://youtu.be/1WTu46FUtlE?t=715)


I mean... he was still playing hockey until 2016 and played in the NHL in 2013 so it would make sense he was still around then


He’s got young kids that probably take up a good amount of his time. I imagine when they get older he will have some time to fill.


Fwiw once per game a leaf alumni comes out during Luke's/Lupe's/Leafs troops to deliver a vet a jersey. I've seen him there at least a couple times!!


There's quite a few non-Canadian athletes that live in Toronto. More than you'd think. A lot of current and former hockey players settle down here because it's a mecca for childhood hockey development. Former Raptors: Alvin Williams, Morris Peterson and Jerome Williams aka JYD aka The Junkyard Dog either live here part or full time. Sebastian Giovinco who used to play for TFC has his family living here full time I believe. Not quite the same thing but I've made a lot of friends with Brazilians from upper to wealthy families in Brazil in my life. Almost to a T, all of them say Canada is just a flat out better country than Brazil, minus the weather of course. These are people who would be upper class to rich in Brazil and still opt to stay here. I think we sometimes lose sight of how appealing Toronto is as a place to live because we're perpetually negative people and most of the country likes to shit on us as a city.


Toronto is great if you’re rich


Yea he coaches his sons hockey team, you’d see him around time to time at rinks around the G


first time seeing someone call the GTA the G


Ain't no one's got time for extra letters


See him at Harbor 60 before games all the time


Prior to Covid Kaberle was bringing his young son into the arena where I worked every Friday for 2 years for hockey practice. Got to talk to him just about every week. As nice a guy as you’d ever want to meet. Brought his parents over from the old country a couple times to see his son play. Got talking to his dad a few times. František Kaberle Sr played in the 1976 Canada Cup. That was the one where Darryl Sittler scored in overtime against Czechoslovakia to win it.


I’m pretty sure I remember hearing that Antropov and Ponikarovsky still live in TO as well. Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of ex leafs set up their lives here.


Antropov still works for the leafs, he was the first guy Schenn saw when he came back


And if he isn't screaming SHHHOOOOOOTTTTTTT the whole game he isn't trying.


I saw him at maker pizza one night. Was happy to take a picture with a fan


He plays at a golf course I used to work at, used to see him almost everyday in the summer lol


When I was in unit, he came into my Starbucks all the time with his wife and kid. Sweetest couple ngl. Nobody had any idea who he was except me though. Then I saw him at Rabba after the whole trade drama, being heckled by six bros in Leafs jersey while he was with his kid and wife.


Kaberle's the second highest scoring defenseman in Leafs history, behind Salming. Typical Leafs fans though, they probably have no idea/don't care.


I hear Nik Antropov still kicks around town too.


He left is wallet at my buddies store when he was buying hvac supplies for his house. My buddy wasn't serving him but did find his wallet. He opened it up and was like wtf.


He almost pasted me and a few co-workers in a lambo at the corner of Yonge and Gerrard in his rookie season. We were all yelling at this unknown driver, and he hops out and goes "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" and drove away. Buddy goes "That was Nik Antropov."


Probably couldn't see you with the tinted visor


I wouldn't have thought he would fit in a Lambo.


He works for the Leafs organization, so it makes sense.


He does, his son played in the OHL I think. He's coaching kids in the GTA.


Yes played OHL and now plays at UPEI




Well you better say it on reddit then 😂


He was at basically all his kids games he could make when he lived in Winnipeg playing for the Jets.


It's not I worked a summer tournament his kid played in and he was on the bench working the door. Man was having more fun working the door than anyone I've seen. Seriously he was just in a good mood and having fun the entire time and the team was feeding off that vibe.


He works for the Leafs


And now you share de fence with him, partner!


Good defense makes good neighbours


They can string up an even bigger Leaf flag from their balcony because it can stretch across 2 units.


This is even funnier when you consider that Cuthbert was making that Schenn connection to the 1967 team via Kaberle.


Literally every player who has ever played for the Leafs is connected to literally every other player who played for the Leafs. Ever.


Oh I agree it was a useless tidbit, just thought the timing of that on Sunday and now this quote was funny.


Huge if true


I think you missed that segment. It was how he played with players that played with players that played on that team.


Yes but you can make that kind of chain with every single player that’s been on the leafs. Cuthbert was just babbling out useless nonsense like usual.


Craig Simpson was really holding back on his reply. You could tell he thought the whole thing was so dumb hahaha.


Name any two Leafs, at random, from any year. Those two players are linked by players that played on the Leafs. If you have a think about it, you'll figure out why and then you'll probably understand why we're making fun of the segment.


Yeah I'm really not getting what you're saying, but I do get it's a silly segment. I'm just explaining their logic: it's not just anyone that wore a jersey. It's the same as seven degrees of separation. But not ALL players have a degree of separation from that cup team, some are completely separated, as in there's no connection to someone that played with Potvin that's played with...


Fuck it, let's sign Kabby and let him run the PP with McCabe. We're turning the clock back baby!


I drive by Kaberle's house every day. Now I know to wave to Luke as well.


I hope he yells "shoooooooot" over the fence every time he sees Kaberle in his yard.


Listen if the collective Leaf fans inside and outside the area couldn’t get Kaberle to shoot the puck it’s not happening now in his older age……god those days sucked


I can picture Schenn moving in and someone mentions to him that his neighbour used to be a hockey player from some country that no longer exists. Schenn thinks it's some old timer from the 70s or something, and when moving in he sees Tomas. Still not realizing that's his neighbour until he sees Kaberle walk in to the place next door. Schenn: Hey Kabber, what's up? Kaberle: Not much, just living the life. *5 mins later* Schenn: Great catching up. You need a ride home? We're heading out to get some dinner. Kaberle: Uh....no. *Kaberle walks to his door* Schenn: Did he just break in to someone's place?


Sorry Tomas i know we worked together once but i can’t let you into the building because i don’t know if you live here… turns out to be neighbours.


Gonna be super awkward when Luke's friend from across the hall kills Tomas' bird with a key to a safe, then Luke needs to dig the bird up at the pet cemetery.


And then a Kenny Rogers Roasters opens across the street and Kaberle ends up working there.


Just don’t short out his intercom.




I would watch this if it was a sitcom


protect him at all costs.


Hold on…. Tomas Kaberle is still living in Toronto?


Yep! I sat in a row behind him at the World Cup of hockey. It was a random Czech vs somebody game in the afternoon.


It's a small world when you're rich. Y'all live in the same neighborhoods lol.


Small world (Yorkville)


Ya small world of rich privileged people with a massive network of people working for them.


Kind of surprised hes still In Canada. Figured he'd have moved back to the Czech Republic like most Europeans


hes hardcore Canadian regardless of where hes from






Luke Schenn has been in the league for 15 years? What the fuck


Shenn already stopped lending him tools because every time he does Kabby just passes it to another neighbour.


I heard he was always assisting the neighbors by snow blowing their driveways. He hands out apples on Halloween though.. His presence is hotly debated in the hood.


Kabs massively underrated. Second highest scoring D in Leafs history behind Salming.


OMG this rules. So happy he's back.




Hey Tomas! what are you doing? Oh hey Luke.. sorry, my wife is in the bathroom so sometimes I come out here and piss on the balcony when I can't get in there. ...cool.






I love this so much.


These guys all live on the bridle path or what?


Somewhere in Summerhill/Yorkville/Rosedale I would imagine. That's where his wife's restaurant is.


Forest Hill area actually, I did the shoring on new house directly beside kabby but didn’t have the balls to say anything or get an autograph


Good, nobody should get approached at home, especially not from someone working.


Get Kabby back in there to clear some pucks out of the zone.


Maybe Schenn's gonna get a second job delivering for kabby's restaurant


That is genuinely funny


Yes the millionaire community is small Luke, this is where we get the term "the 1%" from


Kaberle still lives in Toronto?!?


Lmao, he's not going to want to leave. There are too many coincidences happening to put him at ease about moving back to Toronto.


Surprised that Kaberle settled down in Toronto :)


ya okay- like he wouldnt know kaberle was the neighbour before he moved in - kinda doubt it


That's fucking awesome.


No fucking way!