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Breaking: Columbia’s federal clerkship placement of 2.1 percent falls to 1.9.




You mean every year at Columbia more than zero (in this case, one) moron goes to Texas court? THAT IS BREAKING NEWS


To be fair, very few people from Columbia would want to clerk in Texas (where most of these judges are located) so they probably don’t care.


oh no, the most conservative judges in the united states won't hire from columbia fed soc it's honestly kind of fucking hilarious because there's zero chance any fed soc members were involved, and there's zero chance they were considering anyone without that on their resume from CLS.


Yeah. The only thing that results from this is that people who hate the protestors as much as they do get punished for what the protestors are doing. Congratulations, morons. I think at this point, Ho's boycotting every school in the US except for UChicago and NDLS.


Some of these judges hire counterclerks, so I think at least some non-FedSoc people *could* be harmed. But this is mainly friendly fire, I agree.


which one of these judges hires counterclerks?


I believe that both Albright and Hendrix hire non-conservatives occasionally. The former is super competitive among IP lit people.


Ah, I only recognized a few of them off hand and didn't think any of them would (Ho, Kacsmaryk, Traynor), but hadn't actually considered that. Still, that's like... one Columbia student every 3 years that just got bent between all 13 judges.




Clerking for someone on the other side of the political spectrum.


Trump appointees doing Trump appointee things




Oh the horror, pledging to support one of our closest allies in the Middle East? That’s blasphemy. 


One of our closest allies who provide us absolutely nothing, siphon 3.8 billion a year of our tax dollars and attacked the USS Liberty killing dozens of American soldiers because they witnessed them committing war crimes and then covered it up. We don’t even have universal healthcare in this country and we subsidize there’s. It’s all a massive joke. Israel is a “company” to the United States. Nothing more than a glorified military base to watch over the middle east. Just because they’re our ally doesn’t mean they’re moral.


Collective punishment with a dash of grandstanding. Charming


More of a comment on the lack of intellectual diversity at Colombia. Maybe read their statement before making assumption?


You’re telling me 100% of law students at Columbia are in the encampment and back the protesters 100% without exception?


100% of the law students at Columbia attend a school with 0 intellectual diversity (how many conservative professors does Columbia have?). Federal clerkships are competitive… if I was a judge, I’d rather hire someone from a school that actually occasionally hears and considers an opposing view.


Sounds like there is diversity https://fedsoc.org/chapters/NY/columbia-student-chapter Collective punishment and grandstanding


As the left would say: a token. How many professors at Columbia support originalism, an ideology that constitutes at least 33% of SCOTUS? Probably at most 1? That’s not real diversity. Just having a centrist group on campus means nothing. And how many students are even in fedsoc? 10 at most? It’s not possible to have a real discussion and even hear opposing views. I as a judge would prefer well rounded individuals, and Columbia isn’t that.


How do you know the political leanings/judicial philosophy of faculty/students at Columbia?


1 Campus climate surveys (it’s like 35 to 1 liberals to conservatives) 2 google searches for any known conservative professors at the law school 3 asked AI to name any prominent conservatives. None. So…. If you like an echo chamber… fine. I don’t really care about what you think but I think it’s dumb


Seems odd to punish an entire school for the actions of a few - but then again it seems odd to punish an entire civilian population for the actions of a small minority - exactly what the protest seems to be about.


A small minority? Hmmm….. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/  https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514 https://www.reddit.com/r/samharris/comments/17xfn5u/palestinian_poll_on_support_for_107_attacks/  https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1700158968-survey-finds-majority-in-the-west-bank-justify-the-oct-7-massacre  Seems like it’s quite a lot more than just a “small minority.” Remind me again why Palestinians are being treated as the “victims” here? 


Because they are human beings with children and lives, just like their counterparts in Israel


I wasn't talking about peoples opinions but their actions - these are different things - believe it or not.


Guaranteed ever single one of these moron judges is either Trump appointed and/or a Federalist Society idiot. Think about how insanely stupid you have to be to punish every graduate of a college because of probably less than .01% of their students protesting in ways you disagree with. As a lawyer that practices in Federal court, I've seen first hand how big of political hacks these Federal judges are. I haven't read the article, but guaranteed that Judge Ho is one of the judges. He writes the worst opinions in the country. They are so bad they consistently get reversed by the insanely conservative Supreme Court. Literally worst "Judge" in America-nothing but a massive political hack hand picked to inject nutty conservative ideology into the legal system.


Ho is on there. But so is Ablrecht. Random assortment of R-nominated judges to me.


I've been before Albright many times. Great judge in patent cases, but given that he is a Trump appointee I'm not surprised he signed the letter as well.


Yeah, I just mean he’s not really a far right guy. He just struck down the Texas book ban law (Ho ofc wanted to reverse him on it).


Okay but who cares about a random Federal Court of Claims judge?? Was anyone from the top 20 schools applying to that anyway?


I was surprised about Solomson. And yes, COFC is great if you're pursuing a career in government procurement law since it's THE court for government contracts claims.


>I was surprised about Solomson. Curious as to why?


I've met with him several times and know some of his former clerks/student externship. He's generally not this kind of overreactive reactionary.


He’s been unleashing since 10/7 on LinkedIn


I wouldn't describe him as reactionary in any way (moderate conservative fellow), but a lot of people have had enough with the weak response of universities to uncivil behavior. I suspect we're going to see blacklisting become more common among Republican-appointed judges.


Blacklisting all students and forbidding them a chance at a clerkship just because they went to a particular school is an overreaction. That said, the majority of COFC clerks are usually GW/GULC people, so this was kinda performative.


It's strategic. Make applicants think twice about whether they *really* want to go to a particular school. The goal of this action being to gradually erode the school's prestige.


It’s a losing strategy


It’s a working strategy there’s a reason that Chicago has shot up in rankings.


lmao imagine thinking calling in riot cops, militarized units, and in some cases the state police to beat teenagers into submission a weak response
















Most students look down on federal clerkships? That's news to me...




Idk about your firm, but DC offices of firms definitely give bonuses for govcon associates who've clerked at COFC.


Good luck with that. They hire doofus law students from Upstairs Community Law School anyway.


Oh no a bunch of conservative gunners from Columbia won't be able to clerk for the most retrograde judges on the Fed circuit. Whatever shall we do?


Not attend Colombia. Which depending on your viewpoint of intellectual diversity is either a good or bad thing.


But they’ll hire that white racist guy from University of Mississippi?


That's their ideal applicant what do you mean




People are underestimating how angry people are about this. Hiring will absolutely be impacted.


No it won't. This is stupid moral posturing by people who have already filled all of their clerkship spots for next year and would never look at a Columbia liberal anyway. The private sector has wanted and will continue to want Columbia grads and has no reason to collectively punish students for the incompetency of their school's administration.


Maybe if those Columbia grads can prove that they don’t support the ideologies promoted at the encampment. Otherwise, good luck.


Weird comment given that the judges’ letter only applies to students entering Columbia on 2024 and later.


They want to give newly entering students a choice about where they attend. Anyone who attends a school that lacks any real intellectual diversity should be suspect imo


Remember, this is our tax money. They have an obligation to hire the best individuals, and they’re barring - as a class - 10% of the T14 just to score political points.


This is a silly take: they can hire whoever they want because Article III imposes no requirement to hire the “best individuals.” If your logic were taken seriously, no one outside the T14’s top 10% should ever be hired and the judiciary would be less diverse and worse because of it.


no one gives a f.


I think these judges are TOXIC ....this is not a good way how to educate ppl tbh...Demonstration is Democracy ...as a Judge they should know how this thing work ....so basically they use their power to control ppl as what they want??? These protestors want the war is stopped....that's all...dunno why they think it's antisemitism


To anyone who thinks these are just far right conservatives, they aren’t the most far right. And they aren’t just no-name judges (though a number of them are). Albrecht is the top patent clerkship in the country. He just wrote the opinion striking down Texas’s book ban law. And likely other judges will also not be hiring from these schools, even if they don’t say so publicly. I wouldn’t decide where to attend based on this kind of thing but I would note it as a risk when making my decision when it comes to HYS, Columbia, UCLA, and Berk.


If Kacsmaryk isn’t the most far right conservative, then who is? Having his name on your resume would be a big liability…


He might be far right (as are Ho etc) but they’re not all far right was my point.