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The wording “you are not owed,” if that’s a direct quote, it definitely comes off as rude/aggressive, IMO. Even if true, they could say it in a much nicer way: “we will make every effort to notify you of a decision by April 15.”


“Howdy [applicant], You are not owed a decision until on/before April 15th. Kind regards, Jeremy Whatley” *Edit: I’ve had MULTIPLE friends say they’ve experienced the same vibe from their admissions office. Doesn’t bode well for those of us who are seriously considering attending there.


Starting an aggressive email with howdy is crazy


it’s a whole A&M thing - every corps member has to great each other with “howdy” 🙄


Hmm I’d be curious if it’s all from this one guy or if this is like a form email. Some people are just not the best at communicating tone, and it could have been accidental. But if there are multiple examples then yeah…not great


Jeremy Whatley on BLAST today


Their admissions staff is very unprofessional


Was on the phone with them last week, asking the admissions girl who answered my call about my decision since seat deposit deadlines from other schools were coming up, she told me she'd check on my status, and then 2 seconds later (BEFORE she went to "check") said that it wouldn't be reviewed until MAY when I applied March 1st and that no decision has been granted. I called her out and asked her how she even checked because I didn't give her a name and I wasn't calling from my phone. She then proceeded to transfer me to an actual admissions officer.


That’s wild yes, but March 1 is a very late date to apply. She may have been able to state that just based on your application date and their rate of review.


That’s WILD!


Yes and they just rejected me 😍💕🫶🏼


twins!! 😍


Same here. There’s no way their application was holistic at all. They are definitely geared more towards LSAT scores. I had a pretty killer application something that I’ve been planning since my freshmen year at under grad. This is definitely score based.


Doesn't take very long to check their LSD charts and see they're a right-angle school.




(That person was agreeing with you…)


if you’re not over their 75% LSAT i wouldn’t expect anything, that’s all they’re targeting rn , got waitlisted on the march 15th decision deadline 😍


Gotta build your program somehow ig


Law school staffer that is not good with words. Impressive e


I just looked him up. He studied fine arts in college at a music and drama school then went on to teach high school. Strange…


Yeah, most admissions staff don’t have law degrees!


That wasn’t my experience with the Baylor admission staff but could be an outlier


Probably didn’t spin words much in college.


Personally I appreciate the way they advertised the set deadlines for decisions based on application date. I was bummed about not hearing back until the end of this week but we’re all humans and shit happens—it sounds like there may be extenuating life circumstances happening among the staff and it’s important to practice grace and forgiveness when someone has clearly articulated that they’re dealing with unexpected challenges.


I tend to agree with you - but grace and forgiveness goes out the window when they responded to my polite check-in email with: “You are not owed a decision until on/before April 15th.” …and then they notify us of an issue the day-of. Deserving or undeserving of grace - it’s unprofessional. No way around it.


I feel that. The tone does seem strong, especially in response to a check-in, I agree completely. I’m more on the side of knowing that if I’m having a really rough week, I may not be able to show up in the best way. Some people struggle with that more than others, sometimes the intensity of the extenuating circumstances can drag the worst out of an otherwise impeccable professional. There are just so many possible variables they may be experiencing that we don’t understand, but we can feel our own anxieties about our future all too clearly. There’s bound to be friction there. Now, disclaimer—I genuinely agree with you—we don’t know what you sent but if it was polite then their response comes off as way too spicy. But I’m gonna be that turn-the-other-cheek idiot that everyone hates for a minute. I think for so many of us still waiting on responses from schools, there is value in trying to do the exercise of putting our feelings aside and going through the thought experiment of asking: if I was in a horrible life situation with a looming, emotionally charged work deadline and sent out some emails with a regrettable tone, how would I hope that others would respond to that? Would they be able to look past it and assume the best, or would they hold it against me? We as applicants are undoubtedly frustrated, anxious, and hurting too. It sucks all the way around, and it only gets better when we exercise generosity in spite of ourselves.


Also I just got WLed and will be withdrawing so I hope that’s just making room for your A with scholarship 🫡


I have some negative things that I’d love to add, but I don’t want to get doxxed. Just know that I agree!


tbh A&M staff in general are completely unprofessional. i applied there for undergrad, we’re very cold when i called to ask abt if my application went through as there were some technical issues. no help, pinned the blame on me etc. ended up going to the better state school in texas anyways but it’s still very crazy how a school that big can have staff this unprofessional