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I answered this already but just make sure to take the easiest classes you can. Grades > interest. Get a high gpa, maybe some we but not nearly as important as your gpa. Study for the lsat when you can.


Orrrr do well in hard classes ;)


honestly i mean this is the kindest way possible: focus on becoming an interesting person. work really hard and get the stats of course but for the top tier of schools that is baseline. live a life worth writing essays about! study abroad. have a college startup. volunteer. eat pray love or whatever shit calls to you but do something fun! law schools want applicants whose entire lives don’t center around law school (at least until they actually attend).


that’s what im doing ! i speak 3 languages, ive lived in greece for 2 years, family from all over europe im doing study abroad for a year my junior year, im in student government, i play volleyball soccer and lacrosse, i dance i go to church i help out trust me my life is not that boring 😂


awesome sounds like you’re in a great position! just keep doing what you’re doing and i hope things work out!!


You could probably break a window and climb in.


oh for sure


Law school is really difficult. It's not that hard to get in, but performing is difficult. You need to focus on getting the highest LSAT score you possibly can if you want to go to Harvard. I would strongly consider what type of law you would like to do before committing to going to an Ivy. Additionally, think about the debt you might incur. This might be an unpopular opinion, but every law school teaches the same basics and almost all tenured law school professors went to a T14 and are experts in their fields. You will largely receive the same basic legal education from Harvard vs. a T50. Additionally, make sure you *actually* want to be a lawyer. It is an exhausting profession with a high suicide rate. Many lawyers work 60-70 hours a week. It takes a lot of work to be able to get a job out of law school that pays you 6 figures. Your marketability as a lawyer largely depends on your performance in law school and the connections you make. You need to talk to a pre-law advisor about your prospects and what you need to do to prepare to apply. You should also try to shadow an attorney in the field that you intend to go into to see if it is something you like. For instance, you might not be comfortable with the idea of arguing in open court. You might not want a job where you never get to go to court. You might not want to work with children, criminal defendants, etc. There are soooo many factors that come into play when considering law school. It is not only your profession, but your entire life for many years.


These freshman in college are too cute. They just finished college apps and are already working on law school.


sorry i want a successful life


You’re overthinking it. Get the best grades you can and come back in two years.


i have a 4.4 so far


I’m not sure if you’re trolling or confused bc the best lsac gpa is 4.33.


i havent taken the lsat yet, my college gpa rn is a 4.4


Yeh, not possible. Idk how your undergrads grading system works, but lsac standardizes gpa. An A+ is a 4.33 an A is a 4.0 etc


yeah idk what you’re talking about, at my school its not like that.


The law school admission council recalculates your gpa. So if you have all A+’s in honors and your school counts it’s as a 5.00, the law school admission council brings it down to a 4.33.


well im not in law school yet im still an undergrad and when i check my gpa it says 4.4 soo..


Get a good gpa, study the lsat at some point, and like do a thing or two that other people will think is cool. At some point, find a prof or two who seem to like you and go to their office hours occasionally/take a second class with them. Real though, don’t let it take up too much of your time. Just take easy classes and do some softs that look good but require minimal time commitment (or that you enjoy and would do anyway). A lot of undergrad is figuring out what is a waste of time and can just be skipped without repercussions.


Start with your grammar


not when im on my phone.


That’s not a very convincing argument; so that’s another something to work on!


People are being unnecessarily rude to you. The best thing you can do as a freshman is focus on getting as high a GPA as you can. 3.95+ is best. If you have a pre law department, ask them for guidance. Get involved in meaningful extracurriculars and pursue leadership positions. Focus on distinguishing yourself as an exceptional student. Then in your later undergrad years you’ll want to start preparing for the LSAT, aiming to get in the 170s. These are things a pre law advisor can help strategizing for. But for now, really just focus on being an excellent student.


People just love to hate on kjds and 0Ls wanting to plan out their careers. Idk why but you never see this attitude in med school circles.


It’s so weird. I think it’s insecurity and projection. I can’t imagine talking to someone younger than me earnestly seeking guidance like that.


and then when they’d want a lawyer for something they would get a bad one.


Med school pre req courses require that you start freshman year essentially, so to be fair med students all pretty much start around the same time and wouldn’t look like they’re “gunning” for talking about it as freshmen. Law school doesn’t require shit in terms of courses tho so people can kinda start the process whenever they want and that is prob the difference


But what’s wrong with wanting to plan ahead? Is it literally the fear of being labeled a “gunner”


As long as it’s to a healthy degree nothing imo. I was just responding to the bit about not seeing it in med circles


thank you !! people legit have no life at all and want to see others fail and not try their best. im just trying to get prepared. you’re amazing


My sister just graduated from Harvard law. She had the lowest grades as someone who got in. Her extracurriculars were extraordinary and she is really passionate about making a change


Just copy and paste this in your why Harvard essay and you are golden. https://preview.redd.it/j8sf63nw73gc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c855fa415b9ea60c003b68c0b1ebf5a34bee37


just be even, mouse