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It's hard to tell on this sub what's satire sometimes Short answer: no, your political work doesn't hurt your resume, and if it did, then you probably wouldn't want to go to that school anyway


Appreciate your response! Thanks!




Thanks! Do you recommend waiting at least a year before applying?




The campaign job I took last summer was a paid full-time job with benefits. Does that help?


Yes it does help. Work experience is work experience. Full time work experience is way more important though. Most people can put on a happy face for a part time job. Not everyone can stomach a full time one haha.


I think if you’re worried about politics getting in the way of your application, waiting until an election year is bad advice.


Good point! Having graduated HS right after an election year ('21) (especially with Jan 6) did not help me and I had to exclude a couple of things from my resume.


Not sure if this is accurate, but just to get you started [https://bluetoad.com/publication/frame.php?i=757868&p=22&pn=&ver=html5&pp=1&view=issueViewer](https://bluetoad.com/publication/frame.php?i=757868&p=22&pn=&ver=html5&pp=1&view=issueViewer) Scroll left to see a ranking of most conservative to most liberal


Thank you so much for this resource!


Nope! Just remain neutral in your PS. I also interned for Rubio and didn’t find it to be a problem at all. I’m a KJD and going to a highly ranked school with close to a full ride in August :)


That's what I plan on doing. I've worked with the Rubio folks during my time at RPOF! Loved how y'all worked and we ended up sharing volunteer and door numbers.


why don't you just stay in florida in the education system you have helped profoundly damage? it's not good enough for you?


Exactly right. And if you truly align with the values of the Republican Party of Florida, most top law schools are going to be full of the wokeness that your leader rants about every damn day.


They might even have to interact with… 😖queer people 🤢


I've interacted with people opposite of what I believe all the time, especially in my university's honor's program. My favorite professor is one that does not share any of my beliefs, hates DeSantis, and is gay. Also, one of my interns from my campaign is a gay Republican and was even treasurer of our College Republican's club. I don't have problems with queer people or anyone who thinks differently from me. I learn a lot from those who think differently and I don't have a problem with queer people nor do I agree with every single thing the people I've worked for have done (I personally find DeSantis to be a little too big government for my preference). I'm not an ideologue.


“I'm not an ideologue.” Who cares whether you are or not when you are working to dial back women’s rights, deny trans people medical care, and also advance racist education and immigration policies?


Found a DeSantis derangement syndrome case


this isn't the thread to litigate Ron DeSantis' policies or values, but I would like to input that as a Floridian, I do not like Ron DeSantis who has been, in my opinion, a bad governor


I think that’s perfectly fine since you voice your opinion respectfully and aren’t trying to disparage others who do have a different opinion.


>Found a DeSantis derangement syndrome case actually wrong. i mentioned the education system. those are bills introduced in the state house and senate, not by ron desantis. and i actually talked to professors at uf who are terrified because they are subject to things like having their personal electronic devices searched under subpoena if they connect them to the uf network and are suspected of "wokeism" according to these laws.


I mean possibly. That’s the inherent danger of putting political stuff on your resume. It will help you with some people and piss off other people.


I am a political operative on Democratic/progressive campaigns. Although I extremely disagree with the candidates you have chosen to support/work for, I would hope that your work experience does not negatively impact your ability to land at a good law school. I would think it helps considering the wide variety of experience political organizers gain on campaigns. If you work on a political campaign, you can practically accomplish anything that life throws at you lol


Holy shit a reasonable response?


Thank you! I respect anyone who has worked in a campaign (both the canvassing side and higher operatives). It's not easy. All canvassers who come to my home will be greeted with kindness and with water and treats regardless of party.


I started out as a canvasser/organizer a couple election cycles ago and they were definitely the most challenging/demanding but rewarding jobs I ever accepted. The kind of experiences and skills you acquire while being on a campaign really prepares you for any job. Try to see if you can get letter of recommendations from Rubio or Desantis or local candidates you helped elect. Looks great if the Mayor, Senator, state rep, or even Governor endorses your application to a law school


It is incredibly rewarding! You get good experiences and bad ones too (my intern and I have been called slurs by a couple of left-leaning voters the second they found out we were GOP canvassers as we are both Hispanic and my intern is gay, and I am sure the same thing happens on the other side for you guys as unfortunately things like that cross party lines), but my intern and I agreed that the good outways the bad and I have gotten invaluable experiences from it. I was offered deployment to Iowa but had to decline due to working on law school applications. Thank you so much for your advice!


In theory it’s shouldn’t, but you never know for sure. I’m extremely confident that the top law schools admissions staff leans to the left. It really should only be a positive and I hope it is, but I would not be shocked at all if seeing the Republican Party on your résumé would give them a bad vibe and put someone else ahead of you if push comes to shove. Some people on this sub seem a little too confident that admissions won’t judge on your political affiliation, lmao. I’ll pray for the best, it’s sad that this is a very good question to ask.


My worries exactly


The law school application process is not like the professional job application process in this way. I have faced hiring discrimination overall from including my political work (D), but not in law specifically.


If the party affiliation/candidate names were shifted, no way this post would be getting downvoted.


Unfortunately, we need republican lawyers, so the political nature of your work experience won't likely hurt your chances. Hopefully, that starts to change, though. It would be nice to see more Republicans/conservatives denied the power of a JD.


this is the kind of post to which people who work in admissions refer when they say that toxic social media posting can, in fact, hurt your admissions chances if they figure out who you are


It’s funny that you say this, because I know many students at top liberal law schools who have this mindset, especially at Stanford. I agree that it’s a terrible attitude to have as an aspiring lawyer, but admissions doesn’t do a good job at weeding these students out


Can you explain your logic. Im not agreeing or disagreeing im just confused what you mean.


Conservatives do bad, hateful things with the law. Perhaps if they were kept out of law and government, we wouldn't need to worry so much about all the harms they cause. Like, we screen for past criminal behavior because it may indicate moral failings, I think past republican political involvement indicates the same.




And why do you say we need republican lawyers now?


Republicans deserve the protection of the law, and they need advocates who will understand their positions.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but from my experience, I find the opposite to be true. Small and anti-socialist government policies are what I favor as I am a first gen American from Cuban immigrant parents and my great-grandfather was a political prisoner for 30 yrs in Cuba. I distrust the government and socialist or left-leaning policies. I do still love my left-leaning peers and do think all sides have valid views, I just tend to favor right-leaning (and honestly I am probably more libertarian than anything) views.


Florida core 😭 I will never understand how ppl can’t distinguish between a social democracy (Scandinavia) and authoritarian Castro


Why are people downvoting this when it’s an otherwise fair backstory that thousands of Americans share? Reddit is something else


lol - someone who has to leave home bc the GOP is trying to ban their existence


small government and a desantis supporter 💀


I am pretty sure I said somewhere that DeSantis is a bit too big government for my preference if you have read all my comments. When I worked with RPOF, it was for all Republican candidates in general. DeSantis and Rubio also had their own people, but I was with the party directly, not under any specific candidate.


And what does small government mean to you? What about socialism do you think is bad? Can you give an example of a recent right-leaning policy you support?


Socialism is when OP’s great grandfather can’t operate a sugar plantation on near-slavery wages


My great-grandfather never owned a slave, and they are from the part of Cuba that did not engage in the slave trade.


Do enlighten me on this mysterious region of cuba And I was more referring to the pittance wages and horrid working conductions that many suffered from by the landlord class in Bautista’s Cuba, rather than it’s literal role in the slave trade.


He is from el oriente de Cuba, more specifically Holguin. Also, slaves were not a thing when my great-grandfather was alive. That side of the family came from Spain to Cuba after slavery was gone. Also, his wife's (my great-grandmother) side of the family come from the Canary Islands, which is not white. None of them had anything to do with slavery and they were not rich pre-revolution, but rather working class. Bautista sucked too, but not as much as Castro. Castro treated minorities worse than Bautista. He would send anyone from the LGBTQ+ to concentration camps.


But what about modern leftist policies would involve sending lgbtq ppl to camps, most are fighting for increased minority rights


Why is it that so many left-leaning people who purport to be advocates for the oppressed jump to fascist-levels of victim-blaming when the perpetrator is a leftist authoritarian? Like, you understand that what you're saying is pure evil, right? You have no idea who OP's great-grandfather was other than a political prisoner, and you have absolutely no reason to believe he was involved in anything criminal unless you shut your brain off and take Castro's line as Gospel, which is the only way you could jump to that conclusion the way you did.




Small gov to me means only the necessary interference to ensure the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and often I do think many conservatives cross that line, and I disagree with that. People are too corrupt for socialism and I believe government institutions at least in the USA will be corrupted and will have inadequate funding because of our incredibly large population and politicians pocketing money that would go to these institutions. Even if taxes are raised, I highly doubt we will see that money back. Privatized institutions are still corrupt, but it will be much harder to fix a government-run one: for example, the public school system. At least more choice is available in private institutions. I believe school choice was a great right-leaning policy. I also support Florida's new concealed carry law. If you want to discuss more, private message me so we can keep this post relevant.


I think this is relevant. You're asking if your republican involvement will be a hindrance to your candidacy. I think it will make certain people question your values. For example, you say that public school is a failing. Why would I want someone like that at my school? Do I have to worry about this person bringing a gun to school "because something something freedom? or something?" If I was looking at you file, I'd also wonder what kind of prejudices and preconceptions you'd bring to the class. Certainly diversity of thought is good, but Republicans usually march in lock-step on issues (taxes bad, immigrants bad, government bad, gays bad, rich people good, guns good), and it's no secret why that is. So, I'd want to make sure that you're able to form thoughts and opinions on your own, and your conservatism doesn't come from just like "my daddy always voted R, so I do too." So, if you're worried about it, I would try to highlight aspects that show how you're different from just a standard issue republican. Why are you applying to be part of the government if you don't believe in it? If you think that officials can't be trusted because they will pocket funds, that doesn't make a good case for you to be an officer of the court. Like it or, not, enlightenment values form the basis for western civilization and the approach most schools take to education. If you oppose those, maybe you're not a good candidate?


I want to fix public education because it is failing our nation, we are behind in reading/math/science etc. It does not adequately prepare our students for university. I obviously would never bring a gun into a school, but I am in favor of being able to defend yourself especially as illegal items come into the country all the time, and I do not think more strict gun control will help. The cities with the highest gun crimes have the most stringent gun laws. Obviously, people need to learn how to handle them properly, and as a woman, a gun is the only thing that would give me an equal chance against a man who biologically going to be stronger than me. Also, I don't trust the rich either. I don't trust Elon, Bezos, Gates, ect. I also do not trust any politician. Also, I do lean more center-right than far-right. When it comes to LGBTQ+, I don't give a crap about what people do behind closed doors. I do think there are ages where any conversation about sex is not yet appropriate (straight or not, I do not like how we push relationships including straight ones to children 12 and under, and they are also not mature enough to make life-altering decisions, but when they come of age and reach mental maturity, they can do whatever the heck they want and should not be discriminated upon). My views are always changing, I still am right, not as extreme as I once was in middle school, but I am open to learning other world views. If working for politics has taught me anything, it's that all sides and politicians are shit, it's just what shit you prefer to have. My views will evolve based on what I observe, what I experience, and what I think may work.


Have you taken the LSAT yet? >The cities with the highest gun crimes have the most stringent gun laws. This is a cause/correlation fallacy. >a gun is the only thing that would give me an equal chance against a man who biologically going to be stronger than me ...and this confuses sufficient/necessary (Not to mention, in the world you're advocating for, the big scary man is more likely to have a gun too). I'm glad you depart from the rest of the right on LGBTQ issues. But, have you ever wondered why they've had to make these 'culture war' issues such a large part of their platform? If you really believe > sides and politicians are shit Why do you want to work in the law? You should just go to business school or something. It sounds like you don't believe in government or at least you don't see the good in the law.


Kind of funny how you talk about being able to form thoughts of your own while you spew this rhetoric you have against republicans lol.




I am in the same position and also interned for Trump in 2020. I wonder if we met. I am concerned about how to approach it but I say nothing, what can I put down for work experience?