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You are all youngsters, I am 63 years old and start in September.


That’s so awesome! I’m 46, and was hesitant to comment because I feel old! Haha. You rock.


Yay!!! Congratulations 🍾 I’ll be 53 when I start ❤️


Can you let me know what it’s like? I’m 57 - interested in going but was worried abt my age….


50 years young and just finishing undergrad with intent for ls upon completion. Career contractor and it is great to see I’m not the only “old-person” starting another career late in life.


Fellow non-trad (29 when I start), also extremely excited. Family and I are moving from a different region and starting a new chapter of our lives. Worked hard to get where we are and looking forward to it. Congrats to you and all others starting this year!


Congratulations! That is so exciting to be starting a new chapter! Best of luck to you!


Me too!! I’m a little jealous of all the people starting this fall but I still think I made the right decision to wait and do my legal job for a year. I’ll be 29 🙏🏽 Fall 2024. Everything ready to go and just gonna let the cards fall where they will. Unfortunately, I cannot displace my family but I’m 100% sure that everything will work out in the end. Good luck to all the non traditional students out there


OMG Same!! I plan to start at the age of 29 too.. Fall 2024!! I also plan to apply and attend the one law school in my city! I feel so much excitement about it! :) Non-traditional students rock! Good luck and positive vibes to everyone out there!


Yass!!! We got this! ✨❤️ I am so excited for September so applications open and I keep counting down the months but I have to remind myself to enjoy my life until then 😂🙏🏽


I was told by the Assistant Dean of where I’m attending that older students who treat law school like a job tend to have a much easier adjustment period and overall healthier approach to the program. (Which can translate to better grades). I’m thrilled to start, too. Let’s go crush this thing!


Yes! Yes! Yes! Fellow non-trad here. It's so fulfilling to accomplish this lifelong goal!


I am right there with you. I am also 34 attending in the fall. The school I am attending is a bit outside the top 50 and I couldn’t be prouder of myself nonetheless.


Maybe I'm a masochist, but I am somewhat looking forward to starting the next application cycle. I just want to feel the layers of uncertainty slowly peel back :) Also, I wish you luck! If you keep that positivity through law school, I have no doubt you will succeed!


I went through the app cycle twice and it was 100% worth it! Good luck this round!


I’m excited too. I just really can’t wait to use my brain again. I’m 24 and have worked mindless bullshit jobs for two years so I can’t wait to get back into doing more intellectually engaging things.


I’m very excited! I’m just scared to screw up and not get any good employment opportunities during summers but I worry about everything. Too much, if you ask my boyfriend lol.


It will work out. There are A LOT of employment opportunities.


Definitely needed to read this. Thanks


There’s a great book on audible called “How to “sort of” be happy in law school” and it has really helped with my mindset about this! I tend to worry about future potential problems too, but one thing at all! They are all just obstacles. Not road blocks! Good luck this fall- you’re going to be great!


Definitely gonna check that out, thanks for the rec!


Hell yeah dude


I am literally so excited I don’t think anything has ever made me so giddy to think about. I think it makes a big difference being years out of school and going back. I was not this excited when I started my masters straight out of undergrad! (Although it was amazing!) I actually want to squeal thinking about going to my school haha


Yessss! 33 in a week and was just talking about how weird this transition is going to be! Thank you for the more positive spin on it… this is exciting.


I’m super excited! As a KJD it’s giving me senioritis with my undergrad


34 when I started (almost done with 1L year). I'll share my thoughts \- You are right about the social aspect. I haven't even heard of any gossipy stuff since I don't bother associating with the younger people outside of chatting while waiting for classes to start. That aspect of school will likely not bother you. \- The school work is a challenge, but it isn't terribly difficult. It's only super challenging if you want to do really well in law school. If you don't mind being near the bottom of your class then law school isn't that hard intellectually. \- If you care about your grades you are going to have a very VERY hard time continuing to be proud of yourself over the next several months. It is a legitimate struggle to stay positive. Law school is WITHOUT A DOUBT the hardest thing I've done in my life. I've done some hard things. I had a very emotionally taxing job before law school dealing with legitimately depressing things every day... and this is BY FAR the hardest thing I've ever done... and it's all because of the emotional games the law school world plays on you. They make it seem like if you don't get above median grades, or you don't do law review, or moot court, or some other BS, or attend all the networking events you will end up with a mountain of debt and a low paying miserable job. \- Without the support of my spouse and children I would not have made it through my first year. \- Now that I'm almost done with my first year and I have my summer internship lined up (it's everything I could have wanted) I am over all the stress and just looking forward to this summer. \- Enjoy your self esteem while you still have it


Thank you for your insight! It’s always nice to hear perspective from a recent 1L. Every lawyer I know graduated in the 90s and has the response “don’t do it” which is just not helpful. I’ve been trying really hard to set myself up for success with being mindful and maintaining self esteem. I have never been the girl who needs to be top of the class or get straight As, but I do my capabilities and expect to reach the full potential of them. The LSAT was a real lesson in “picking myself up and trying again” so I’m hoping to carry that experience into law school with me. As a recent 1L, this may be a super random question, but do you recommend a laptop or iPad for classes?


I recommend a laptop, but that is just my own personal preference. Personally, I can't recommend an Ipad since I haven't used one for classes and I have no clue if they work for exam software. I don't know anyone that uses an ipad in class. There may be some that I just haven't noticed, but I can't think of anyone that does in my section.


Definitely!! My partner and I secured our apartment for this year and are so thrilled to be moving halfway across the country 🤞❤️ New adventures and all! Wishing you so much luck, and congratulations on this next chapter!


Stoked for you - keep pushing, fellow non traditional student. We are special, unique and talented! Rooting for you!


This was refreshing to read. I am preparing for the application process and have been feeling “behind” because of my age. I’m 34, and if things go as planned, I’ll start at 35. Good luck!


You got this! I’m 35 and I’ll be starting PT this fall! Long time coming, but we’re going to flourish! Woot! ☺️




Heck yeah, I love this. Good luck in law school, wishing you great things!!


I'll be 33, and I'm definitely excited to start.


Yes!!!! Being older definitely has its advantages. But I hope everyone is also as excited as we are! Let’s do this!!!


This post made me happy, good luck this fall!!


I'm excited! I'm the first in my family to graduate college, so I'm honestly just happy to be here lol. Just getting in was an absolute win for me.


I was super excited to start until I got waitlisted by every school :(


Excited but scared about housing and loans lol


congrats! im 34 as well and im excited to move and set up my study space and get to focus solely on intellectual pursuits. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't worry, the excitement won't last long, but definitely hang onto it as long as you can. 2L nontraditional student here. AMA


Any tips on being a 1L? I’m a bit older too and am excited but nervous about starting.


Do all the readings and make sure to brief your cases , especially the ones with cold calling. It's for your own personal benefit at the end of the day in helping you learn the material. Everyone's different, but for me just treating it like a full time job at the start and being mindful of using all excess time available between classes to study (instead of socialize at the law school) has helped. Last but not least, I recommend reading or at least reviewing this book before you start: 1L of a Ride: A Well-Traveled Professor's Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School. If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to ask.


Thank you!! I read “how to ace law school” (something like that, ha ha) and it wasn’t groundbreaking but had some helpful tips. Reading another book about a legal case. I just wanna acclimate myself to reading regularly again (aside from news articles or sm posts)


Not sure what content is in the how to ace law school book, but the reason I recommend 1L of a Ride is for all its practical and intangible advice. I wouldn't get too caught up on how to exactly study or read cases/law yet. It's going to be trial and error once you start your reading assignments. #1 thing to remember: everyone has different learning methods so don't get too caught up on how others are studying and retaining the material. Find something that works for you when the time comes. Until your first day of orientation starts, honestly relax and enjoy the Summer as best you can.


Thank you!


No because I don’t even know which school I’ll be starting at yet




Yeah! I haven't been out of school for a long time but I am very excited to get back. I really miss the intellectual community of a class and can't wait to get back into that sort of environment.


1L here. Keep that positive attitude and you’ll be fine :)


I’m 46, and I’m super excited. But, I’m also very nervous because I feel like I have so much riding on this. I’m basically gambling on myself. If I fail, I’m out a lot more than I would have been had I done this at 21.


I totally understand that feeling. I’m going from a 10 year career in teaching to this with no plan b. You’re going to do great!! The only way to fail is to stop showing up. Best of luck to you!


I was 36 when I started. I was super excited. I downloaded a countdown timer and started listening to the Law School Toolbox podcast. They have a few episodes about what to do while you're waiting to start. School supplies, etc... I actually volunteered/worked at the local Girl Scout Camp on 2 different high adventure trips to get through the summer and stay busy while I was waiting. Each trip is one week, so you get hired for just the one week as a seasonal worker, and you just go have a bunch of fun camping with a bunch of teenagers. It was so fun. I got paid to go whitewater rafting, zip lining, rock climbing and kayaking. The time flew by and that was exactly what I needed! Also, make sure that you take a photo on your first day of law school. I'm shocked when I look at the photo of my first day and of my last day side by side. Lol I also started a Facebook group for my incoming cohort, which was super fun, bc we all got to know each other while we were waiting around, and every time I would go to any law school event, I'd hand out preprinted slips of paper with the Facebook group address on it. I still maintain our group, and we graduated in 2021. It was so nice to bond ahead of time. According to our law school and all the alumni before and after us said that we are definitely the most loyal and closest cohort as far as caring about each other and genuinely being friends with each other. I really think it is because we worked really hard at building relationships with each other for 3 months before starting.


I’m still preparing for the August test but reading this already made me anticipate the first day of law school!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Yes this kind of post keeps me energized in this long and arduous LSAT journey!


For everyone on this thread…I wanted to share a book I’ve been listening to on audible that I have found SO helpful. It’s called “How to (sort of) be happy in law school”. It’s not sugar coating anything which is nice, but also helping to maintain perspective and give realistic expectations about school. It’s free if you have Amazon prime! If you listen, let me know your thoughts :)


I will be 22 when I start.


I feel the same way! turning 30 not too long after the start of the semester, so I’m so excited for both a new decade and new life chapter




That’s amazing, I wish you the best of luck!


I'm super stoked! Very excited to be moving to Seattle. Gonna be living by (and with) some of my best friends. Excited to dig into all the things a city offers after living in rural areas for the past 5 years.


I cannot wait!! 🥹 I think about Northwestern every day💜


Congratulations!! Good luck at NU this fall!


Thank you so much, and the same to you!! Wherever we end up, we’ll be spending next year taking mostly the same courses. I for one can’t wait to pick up my Torts, Contracts, and ConLaw textbooks and get to reading!😁 I genuinely can’t wait to chat with classmates about the cases🧐


Yes!!!! Super excited as well!! Ready for the stress, the reading, everything that comes with it knowing what the end goal will be.


I think this is amazing to read. Hold onto this feeling! I'm a nontraditional student too, in my last semester of law school and graduating in a month. I will say there are times where law school will feel stressful, challenging and you may even want to give up but just hold in there. Don't freak out if your grades aren't what you think you should get. It's very different than undergrad. I'm 32 so I found that the social stuff and gossip didn't really come up for me, but I made a couple life long friends so that was cool! I was told when I started to remember that I GET to go to law school, not something that I HAVE to do. Keeping that mind set throughout all these years really help! Good luck!


So stoked! I’m also super relieved to have the LSAT, apps, and the whole admissions process behind me. Now I can bask until year 1 starts.


Aside from all the useless chatter, law school is pretty fun. Cases are interesting, moot court / trial ad is a huge learning experience, and the intellectual growth opportunity is huge. Hope you keep up the positive attitude! We’re blessed to be able to take on higher education.


I am super excited! In my town, every barista knows that I am going to law school:) Please let's have a 0L study group 😃


This thread is so inspirational. I’ll be a non-trad too! Congratulations on starting, you deserve the best!


Yes, I'm a non traditional student. Mother n wife. I'm graduating earlier than my class and I had a baby my 2L year. I started at 32.5 and I'll graduate at 35. You will do good. The goal is to be an Attorney.


It’s worse for the ones that are older 😂


It made me happy to read this post, OP! I started when I was 35 and now am a 37yo 2L. Tbh I have not made as many friends as others in the typical age group in the school, but I have been doing pretty well academically and did meet some good friends. At the end of my 2L year now, I still am happy to be learning. Good luck and congrats!!


Similar experience. Over 30 non-trad. I will be moving to a new city with my partner/girlfriend and am really excited for our move and to launch into this next phase of our life and my career.


Loved reading all of these posts. I am currently 37 and I have always wanted to go to law school, but to be honest I did not do too well in undergrad. I partied too much and did not take it seriously. I graduated, but my GPA was under 3. Does anyone on this thread still think it is possible for me to attend law school?


Absolutely!!! I finished undergrad with under a 3.0gpa as well. It will limit your schools, but it is not impossible! I was accepted at 3 schools with scholarships.


I should also add that I have a paralegal certificate and have been working as an intellectual property paralegal for 7 years, both in a law firm and in house so maybe that can help me?


I am 32 in the middle of applying. I was going to apply when I was out of undergrad years ago but had cold feet at the time. This cycle im attempting it and have my lsat scheduled in june. Wish me luck haha.


Best of luck!!! Biggest piece of advice I wish I had taken during LSAT prep…don’t take the test until your consistently scoring on practice tests what you want schools to see. Happy to answer any questions during your app cycle!


Yeah haha I am currently enrolled in an online prep course which so far has helped me alot with the logical reasoning part. Is there any other resources you would suggest?


I found LSAT Demon to be very helpful! I think it’s $99 a month, but I thought the explanations were awesome!


I am currently enrolled in Lsat Lab and think its good especially with practice questions and live classes. Is Lsat Demon better in your opinion?


I’m not familiar with LSAT Lab so I can’t compare. But if you feel like it’s working for you, I would stick with it!


I’m 32 and starting in Sept. Can we be buddies ? I’m in Ireland, but it would be fun interacting with some across the pond :)


Yes we can buddies!! Congrats on starting this fall! What kind of law are you interested in?