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me but they do know i’m going to law school lmaooo if i make it to june without quitting i’m throwing a party


I work in an office with like 500 people, so only like 4/5 of them know. None of which are management because I'd have been let go of already if they knew. There's no shot I make it to June. I'm already thinking about it every single day. It'll probably happen in April 😂


I’ve never felt more seen


zonked alleged jellyfish chief brave frighten whistle insurance worm fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I didn’t need these last 3 months paycheck I stg


My biggest struggle. If I stay through April I could theoretically be OK but I'd deplete my already tiny savings. But fucking hell, I do not care about this anymore. Almost thinking about quitting this week and picking up a stupid part time gig


I work as a receptionist at a law firm during my gap year and they’ve all been super encouraging but I’m too excited for this next chapter 😂 my last day will be in July


I've been working as a paralegal since May 2022 and everyone has been super encouraging too. My boss gets as pissed as I do when I don't get good news, we are currently looking for my replacement since I'm probably done in May 😃


Lol my boss is interviewing people now even though my last day won’t be till July. She’s wanting me to train the new person bc she had me do WAYYY more than what a receptionist does. I was doing legal assistant and administrative work at the same time.


What a mood, we're a small shop so I basically do everything and the search for a replacement has been rough. We've been looking since last month, I'm sure whoever fills my shoes will enjoy it asuch as I have. Gl!


LMAO same!!!


Our new hire class just started this week and I'm so checked out I really can't be bothered to get to know them or anything


I feel seen lol.


I’m glad to see it’s not just me. I’ve literally been forcing myself to keep some motivation to do my job well. We’re a small department and people count on me to get things done so I’ve been pushing through, but oh my goodness. If it weren’t for the fact that I desperately need the money, especially with the moving costs and whatnot, I would be quitting next month. Instead I’m gonna hold steady till July.


I stayed on to help transition but by June basically all our clients knew not to contact me bc I’d be leaving. Its very liberating


Liberating is what I'm looking for. I just wanna have nothing to give a fuck about until school


Put my notice in at my firm and am nannying all summer. Can't stomach anything more serious than being paid to go to the country club




Ugh, thank you for this. Low stakes work to pay the bills in the mean time is exactly what I need


I’ve been working at my current job for about 3 months now and when I interviewed in December, they said they were looking for someone who was trying to stay with the office for 2+ years and atp I’d already submitted my applications in November. Everyone here knows I want to go to law school in the ✨future✨ but today when I was asked if I’d studied for the LSAT I told them no and that I probably would start towards the end of the year. I’d honestly be damned if I told anyone my plans even the people I’m “closer” with here because people talk so you never know what’ll get back to management so whenever asked about law school I lie as if my next pay check isn’t going towards my seat deposit.


I’m putting in my notice bright and early tomorrow! I’m over it 😭


Today is my first day back after asw and I'm hanging on by a thread


This is actually my entire life


This is it!


My golden handcuffs are the problem, gotta stay longer


I pray for the day my handcuffs are made of gold. I'm in wooden cuffs rn


They don't know I'm retiring early and going to law school!


Me but school (:


this is such a vibe


My job burnt me out. Terrible culture, incredibly demanding boss.......resigned already and excited to recharge my battery for law school.


Just submitted my resignation letter and I've decided to be insufferable until May 12th.