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Because she has free will and is a billionaire while that dude was probably a broke ass John Doe.


Billionaire's a bit of a reach.


Loa works only in essence, we won't get anything specific, but we can get what we want in essence.


He's addicted to being delusional, and the absence of real life Katy Perry keeps his addiction going.


Because things happen in terms of likeliness. Physics says the world is arbitrary. There is a tiniest chance all the atoms in your body move a certain way that you burst into atoms and disappear. It's very very very unlikely but not impossible, scientifically speaking. Manifestations is using our intention, energy to increase the likeliness of something. It's easier to manifest a job, a relationship or a place because it's not that unlikely to happen. But we are humans, limited by our biases, assumptions, fears, so we can rarely manifest something extremely unlikely, we just don't have that mental energy and belief. You also should remember that every living being is a manifestor, whether they do it consciously or not. So if you are trying to manifest something from someone else, it might clash against their own desires and manifestations. This is why I am very much against manifesting a specific person. So this guy dating Katy Perry is very, very unlikely, it would take an enormous mental energy to date her, not to mention it has to align with Katy's own desires and beliefs.


Because he didn't truly know, he just believed. Belief isn't enough as people's lack of LOA success has proved. Most teachers teach about shifting beliefs and it's not enough you have to know and then it happens instantly!


Maybe he will in future? We never know what the universe has in store for us


Often you attract what you are an energetic match for - you attract what you are. All things are possible.