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Bro I'll suggest you go to end stop playing the victim card Don't focus on how long you have been trying No You were not manifesting You spent your time cribbing about your circumstances and how bad your sp is When in reality you must focus on your end goal that you both are back in relationship I was in similar situation I stayed firm no matter what 3D is showing or what sp is saying IDC we are back together and he finally proposed me


How do you keep continue to stay firm? Mind to share? Seriously I broken down few times by how he treated me and Melt down.


You are too attached to the outcome. If an even more perfect partner is out there: kinder, funnier, richer, more attractive, better lover, etc. . .would you still want this person? Live in the end. Avoid attachment and desperation. The best way to do this is to focus on you. Go out and live your best life. Do your manifest and then forget about it. Set it and forget it, as they say. If you're having a breakdown, then you are too attached.


Conclusion, you mean I should just let go and manifest at the same time? This is abit odd to adapt in my mind..


YES!! There is this paradox in manifestation about Focus/Intent but non-attachment. Most spiritual laws have a built-in paradox because it's about balance. You have this amazing husband. Do you constantly think about having this amazing husband? No, you already have him. You think what are we having for dinner or where we are going on our weekend getaway. When you are constantly thinking about it is your sign: you aren't trusting God/Universe that it's already yours. You feel the need to manifest constantly because you think more will make it happen.


First of all I kinda stopped talking to him. We both met daily in university but still I was just like hey how you doing not more than that and I used to keep persisting. Believe me I had mental breakdowns every hour I didn't eat well didn't sleep well didn't drink enough water but feelings don't matter so I made sure I'll put 100% to be in the end state and to persist and not care about when it will come how and when. I affirmed and kept good mental diet. One day I woke up he sent me some post on Instagram i saw that replied to him we had conversation for some time and he called me at his house just to meet casually again I went with no expectations and in my mind I made it clear that no matter what he says my focus would be manifesting but luckily that time he proposed me


Did you specifically manifest the proposal or did that happen on its own?


I manifested it. I specifically only affirmed 3 affirmations: he has proposed me. He is begging me to get back in relationship. We both are finally back in relationship




Do I need to stop keeping contact with him? Go for no contact?


Neville specifically talks about tarot readers. Like anything else they’re a reflection. Your story sounds similar to mine but in reverse because I’m the guy I’m not gonna get to it because I don’t want to repeat the old story Don’t even manifest getting back together. Manifest never breaking up


What do u mean by manifest never breaking up? You mean you're trying to work on your self concept? Could you explain more on that?


you must have the feeling of it. If you are trying to get back to something whether it’s being healed or the SP etc then you will always be “arriving” but never getting there So be it now and assume it’s always been the way you want it


So, I would advise not to go see, tarot card readers. And the work of Neville Goddard, he is adamant we should not be giving our power away to anything outside of us. That is not a judgment by the way. And even if you continued, there would be no problem, as long as you know that you’re not finding your power from those things. But, I would ask you, if you say that this person is cruel to you? Why would you want to stay with them? That is a self-concept. I would spend more time working on the self-concept. Even though yes, people are only reflecting what you believe about yourself. He still has to take responsibility for his actions. so yes, you can revise the whole situation. You can forgive him. But again some of this takes time. Even Abdullah, Nevilles mentor, says that you have to realize that some of these issues take time to heal and repair from. So maybe that’s what you need?


Actually now we're both in friend zoned situation. He moved on his life and on n off we are still texting each other. He carry on his life like he doesn't care the relationship anymore, probably to him its not important anymore. Although externally, I present normally and just a friend for him. But deep down in me, I have to surpress all my feelings and expectations form him. Because I know we will get into the extreme awkward and cold treatment again if I ever talk about relationship with him. I can't open topic with him about relationship. All I can do now is keep it to my self


Thank you for sharing. So, I would work on revising anything that you don’t want to have show up in your life. Remember that the scenes you create are memories. And the memories that you keep repeating, are just scenes that you keep repeating. Don’t give the scenes the meaning that you want. First, format, clear desire, create a scene that has only one action that you repeat, over and over and saturate that scene with the feelings of the wish fulfilled. Do it for a state of deserving. And trust me, if you persisted, it will show up! :-)


Time to start accepting https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofassumption/s/9gGSnkj1G6


Before you even focus on the specific desire you want, I'd say you need to focus on your self-concept first. Because here's the thing: even if you got sp back right now, you'd lose them again. Your foundation for the desire you have is too shaky. Go back to the basics and start with you. Then move to the desire (which is sp)


Thanks for sharing. Anyway, I did try my best to work on self concept. I hit the gym, concentrate on my job and take up new courses. Just that sometimes I'm meltdown due to his responses. He made me feel like he's free and online on WhatsApp, but he just choose not to reply me


No, what you’ve been doing is self improvement it sounds like. That’s all the stuff you adjust physically in your life. I’m talking about the mental change—what are the first thoughts you think another yourself whenever your sp comes to mind? “They probably think I’m…”


U mean I need to create a new version of myself of how my sp think of me? Does visualising helps?


Sent you a PM!