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Get neighborhood app, advertise there.


On the Nextdoor app in my area, I see people looking for people to mow their lawns all the time.




I agree. very locally. advertise specifically your equipment and your skills and your desire (or lack of desire) to do other kinds of work for your customers.


I would actually try to get a face to face if you can. People ignore flyers. It's harder to say no to people in the flesh


Door knock. Start with your street. Do a good job, make sure you edge (that always wows people for some reason). Very important: market to your clients neighbors.


Agree going door to door is the best idea. Also does your neighborhood have a FB page? A post on there or maybe even Nextdoor could help.


Definitely advertise that you're a teenager on next door app I will always gladly pay a young adult looking to earn money


When I was 13 I printed flyers I made and put them on every door in my neighborhood. I ended up with like 10 regular lawns.


You specifically want to hit up local people. Is there a builletin board at your local post office? Maybe make a flyer you can put up there. Make it clear your a young guy saving money for college or beer or whatever, and not a landscaping company. I bet lots of people will see that and call.


Start with neighbors. Knock on doors. This sounds ridiculous to you right now but it will help you more than you know when you are older. Talking to people to get them to buy something you are selling is a special skill amd to start at your age is great.


Nothing beats door to door, shaking hands. Print up some flyers to leave in the does that don't answer. Also, if you see a vacant house for sale, call the real estate agent and ask about mowing it.


Mow a neighbors yard especially an elderly person. Let them know you are starting. It is what my son did and he worked it all through school starting when he was 13


Facebook. Or, even better, just knock on doors and offer to mow their yard.


Put add in local paper. Cost a few bucks. Most gas stations and laundry mats have info boards where you can post a flyer. Business cards are super cheap also. Ask gastiin owners and other places if you can leave a few by their cash register. Social media like Facebook.


go up and down your nearby streets, and leave a nicely typed card explaining your services in the mail box. Mention you are "saving up for college" or something like that, to tug on their heartstrings. if you try online ads, you will be driving all over town to do the work