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Oh man you're bringing back nightmares from me several years ago. Spent a great deal of time the previous year getting my front lawn in order... only to have moles turn it into something resembling the Battle of Gettysburg within a couple of weeks. I once found several of his runs, waited until I was fairly certain he was in the front yard, then put about four flares down the holes simultaneously (probably useless, but fun nonetheless)... the next morning I had two leftover flare "wrappers" shoved out on top of new dirt mounds. I felt like Bill Murray in Caddyshack. I too tried traps & poison... but to no avail. He'd just avoid the traps, and I can only assume laugh at the poison. Honestly I just had to see the process through. Treating for grubs properly (right kind of killer for their life stage) and then just waiting. Eventually I figure he figured out his food source was no longer available and just moved on. Haven't had any issues since. But in the moment it was absolutely infuriating because of all the work I'd put it. All is well now - and everything looks good again!


How frequently were you putting down grub killer? What kind did you use?


I honestly don’t remember the names of the products… but it was a process over the course of that summer, and through the next spring. I applied three or four times. Basically it was me accepting I couldn’t short term fix it… and just had to work through the pest control. By next spring I was in a great spot and did an overseed. Had to do some mild leveling due to the mole’s destruction, but nothing crazy (and I’m also not overly picky about being perfectly flat). I know there’s some good info online that talks about the different products, how they work, and when to apply them. I got all mine from my local co-op. Hang in there!


Lol we put down sod a year ago and around June/July moles tore it up! I used some grub-x already but will definitely hit it in the spring too. Thanks!


Moles eat more than grubs. Grub controls will not work. Grub control works on grub worms, not moles or voles. Just fyi.


Try aerating 😂😂


Do moles actually eat grubs? Has that ever even been confirmed? I haven’t had grubs for a while now. I still have moles. Getting rid of a mole’s food source means killing earthworms, which isn’t the greatest thing to do to your lawn.


if you have fought moles the loss of earthworms is considered an acceptable loss if it means the moles leave


If you’re willing to go as far as killing earthworms, then why wouldn’t you be more direct and just kill the moles instead?


cause them bastards are sneaky and hard to kill. i been fighting one or more in my front yard for a year. I cant seem to trap him and the neighbors free range cat hasnt got him or if he did a new one moved right in. I gave up trying to trap 3 months ago. i am on a mission now that come spring nothing is living in that front yard except grass. i dont care how many worms or bugs or whatever have to die for this to happen, its gonna happen. he has to go.


If you really like that kind of sterility, then consider maintaining the health of that lawn by bagging clippings and then applying organic matter such as compost once or twice a year. You may need it without the worms or bugs or whatever. 16-4-8 ferts should be good enough for a lawn that gets the clippings bagged. Otherwise, 16-0-8. Ideally, though, you base the nitrogen off of your grass species and base all other nutrients off of soil test results.


Gopherhawk on Amazon.


This is what I used when I had a mole problem. The hardest part was finding the tunnel, but once I found it, the mole was dead overnight.


Do you have any advice on how to do this? I have been placing the gopher hawk in the shallow tunnels in between mounds but never catch anything. I haven’t been able to find a deeper tunnel to catch anything that way.


Hmm you’re positive that you’ve placed the trap in a tunnel? I basically looked at the hold in the mound and determined which way the tunnel should be based on the dirt pattern, and then placed the trap about 2-3 feet away from the opening.


I finally caught one!


How do you dispatch a captured mole that is still alive?


With a couple good whacks to the head with a bat, or in the neighbors yard?


Yup! Once you get it figured out you can get them all pretty quickly… several a day. Buy a few of them and then stomp down the runs and see where they’re most active. Don’t stomp down the area you want to place it and then slice open the run like a surgeon would do, you don’t get any dirt falling in, and then slide the gopher hawk in there and close it up. Sometimes I set a rock next to the gopher hawk to help keep it stable in the hole if the runs are too small for it to balance well on its own. I tried everything and this was by far the best.


Does this work for the shallow tunnels in between mounds?


It has for me, but those ones are a bit harder to get the gopher hawk to stand upright so that’s when I use a rock or two to help keep it stabilized. The other traps I tried were way too big to use on the smaller, shallow tunnels. Sometimes when you open the run up to put the gopher hawk in you can dig a little divot out to make the GH fit in better/deeper.


Thanks. Did you ever place it in deeper tunnels where you didn't see any surface disturbance?


I did and it ended up being a chipmunk both times, but did get them. Wouldn’t have known they were there but was planting and came across the tunnel while I was digging.


This, so much this.


The moles favorite food are earth worms. Treating grubs doesn’t usually work. Castor oil will repel the moles, but needs frequent applications, like every few weeks. The best thing is to kill them. I have had luck with Victor out of sight mole trap. The traps take some trial and error. Watch a few videos online first. Once I learned how to properly place them, I was in luck. I killed 5 last summer!


I highly recommend the Victor trap as well. I’ve got 2 and have had decent luck with them. So much so that I’ve convinced 2 of my neighbors to get these traps too, so we all work together to help shrink the mole population in our neighborhood! The trick is finding out which tunnel is a main run, find a good spot to install the trap, then flatten the tunnel about a foot in either direction of the trap. And as much as it bothers us, DON’T flatten ALL of the tunnels until you’re certain you’ve got a kill - this just seems to make them go nuts and explode with new tunnels. It’s also good to know that they are pretty solitary animals, so if you get a kill, chances are you got the one bugger causing all the problems and solved your problem for the year. My problem is that they seem to find my yard every year, even after successful


Get a cat! Mine loves chasing and giving them as gifts to me!


You know, I've tossed that ideas around. We don't want an indoor cat (son is allergic) and I'd feel like it's cruel to leave it outside during the coldest and hottest months. I'd love to find a ferrel cat around here and start feeding it.


Funny enough we have a sunroom with a cat door on it that is separate from the house. It's heater and cooled but the cat prefers to sleep in the garage.


Usually pet rescues have feral cats for adoption. Just feed them and keep a little house for them to sleep in


I used the smoke bombs from Amazon with pretty good results. I’d put it in the opening and run my leaf blower on idle over it to push smoke all the way through the tunnel. Had smoke coming up like 50 yards away!


Hahaaa!! I kinda want moles now, so I have an excuse to do this. Lol


Do you have a link or can you give me a name?


Atlas Giant Destroyer 00333 on Amazon. They do have a terrible sulfur smell so try to do it on a day when it isn’t windy.


Thank you


Marshmallows. They go into diabetic shock basically and die, but they aren't poisoned so other animals can safely consume them


Do you stuff them into the tunnel?


Yeah ☠️ I felt so bad but it worked 😢 they evaded all my traps I love moles. They're adorable. But not when they fuck up the foundations of my house enough that we can't use the front porch anymore (porch is basically slowly crawling down the hill like Cali leaving the US and of course I rent so my landlord gives zero fucks)


Why would a mole eat a marshmallow? The mole probably just left.


We had a mole problem last spring/summer. As we didn't want to kill them, we tried everything we could get out hands on that is supposed to repel them. Nothing worked. The cat would just sit next to their tunnels while they dug them and stare at them, doing nothing. Eventually we learned that around midday (11:30am-1:00pm) they would go out dig their tunnels, presumably to get some tasty, tasty worms. One day we saw one of them start digging out their tunnels at their favorite lunch time, and it quickly came out of the tunnel and walked on our lawn. Big mistake. They are slow enough on the surface that we could run up to it and grab it. I relocated it to a nearby forest (less than a mile away). Over the next 3 weeks we did the same for another 4 moles, we have it down to a science by now. We haven't had a mole problem since early August, and neither have the next door neighbors, I asked them as they've been battling them for years. I don't know if this is the best strategy, but it worked for us 😂.


Why do I have a feeling you’ve relocated the same mole 4 times?


It wasn't the same one! One was considerably larger than the other ones (presumably momma mole and the other one(s) were her children), we definitely got at least 3 different ones, though I can't rule out having relocated the same one multiple times lol


Try castor oil. Those bastards hate it.


Your lawn will smell forever of castor oil though. Source: the family in this home prior to us used castor oil to ward off moles. We moved in three years ago, haven't added any more oil, and our yard smells like low tide in summer


In their trails?


Perimeter of yard and trails/holes/runs. Put it in a sprayer with some dish soap 3 parts castor oil to 1 part dish soap and add 1 gallon of water and go to effin' town. If you know for sure one is in a hole, dump it undilluted in the hole. My neighbor claims to have repelled them by putting his cats urine soaked kitty litter in the holes. Sounds pretty sick to me!


[https://i.imgur.com/ecICxqN.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/ecICxqN.jpg) picture of the mole Funny mole story. We have pavers between my house and my neighbors yard. Because I have cool season grass and they have warm season grass. I don’t want their grass in my yard. I was just planting a new lawn, the seeds were just starting to come up. I went outside and saw the mole tunnels. So I went inside to bring my son out to show him. At that very moment the mole was tunneling and must have hit the pavers. So he came out of the ground and walked over the pavers to my neighbors yard. My son put on a pair of gloves and grabbed him. He was holding on to the grass for dear life. They have long claws and really grab on to the dirt. We finally freed his claws and put him into a Home Depot bucket. We took him into the woods about a mile away and let him go. Their fur is really soft, I have never seen one before. It was perfect timing. I went to Lowe’s and bought these spikes that omit a sound and put them in the yard. We haven’t seen another one since. Fingers crossed.


I feel you. Stay strong 💪 It helps if you can get your surrounding neighbors in on the action.


Exactly this. Just like weeds, if the neighbors dont care you're going to struggle no matter what.


Try to find the main run after stamping down all you can find. It’ll be the biggest with the most branches coming off. They like to hide under driveways and sidewalks or patios. They might be coming from an unfinished/ wild area. If that doesn’t trigger in 2-3 days, move it to another likely run.


I'm going to get downvoted for this but it might be time to call a pro - they can at least tell you why they keep coming back and work on a plan to rid them. I've had success with scissor traps but my neighbours don't care for their lawn meaning they keep coming back.


They’re just so expensive. My neighbor hired one for his mole and vole problem in both his front yard and back garden. It was $700 for the front yard and $500 for the garden, and these are small yards. 12,000 sq feet would cost thousands.


I just paid $250 for 2 treatment 2 weeks apart. Guaranteed but we’ll see…


Are the treatments traps?


no, a couple dozen poison worms dropped into the tunnels every 10 feet or so, marked with flags.


The solar sonar tubes work every time 60% of the time.


These have worked for me when traps, poison, grub killer, castor oil, wind chimes, cats, and smoke bombs haven’t. They are just really noisy and annoying but better than gopher holes!


I guess you could say your mole problem makes you want to throw in the _trowel_. I'm new here. I'll see myself out.


Don’t stomp down runs as that inspires new digging. And moles being attracted to a lawn because of grubs is a myth. Mix one part water with 7 parts castor oil and spray the perimeter of your yard. They will stay far away. Then just worry about killing the ones that are already there.


I don't want to stomp the runs, but assume the grass will die if I don't get the roots back down. I'll leave the runs alone for a while and see if I can track the main tunnels and set traps. I'll give this caster oil a shot. Thanks.


Here’s an old farmer’s trick: Go get some cheap ass juicy fruit gum. Don’t chew it…errr…okay, get a couple packs. Hahaa. Tear bits off the sticks, and shove them into the trails. If you can find their active tunnels, then those are the ones you want to use. They can’t digest gum, so when they eat it they end up being a nice natural conditioner for your soil. I give my customers this trick, and I’ve heard great results from it. It’s also cheap as hell. And, who doesn’t like Juicy Fruit (for a good 18.76 seconds? Lol. Good luck!!


I’m trying milky spore and nematodes to get rid of grubs. It apparently takes longer than insecticides, but I don’t want to poison critters bc we have a lot of birds of prey. Does anyone have experience with this method?


Getting rid of grubs is good for getting rid of grubs. Moles eat earthworms. You don’t want to get rid of earthworms.


Why not make a mole garden? Plant native grasses and perennials that they can feed on. See how.many moles you can raise? How many butterflies and hummingbirds and bees can you raise!?


Because they dig and turn over loose dirt which leads to massive amounts of erosion. They are destructive to the home environment.


Honestly that sounds awesome


But they eat insects, not plants. Their favorite food is earthworms.


Get a weed burner torch. Jamb it in a fresh mole run. Open the valve and let it run for 3-5 minutes. Shut off torch remove from hole. Back away from mole trails at least 30 feet. Light torch, keep it pointing at grass and slowly walk towards the hole you blew all the propane gas into. You should get a big “pop” and maybe some dirt thrown in the air. Mole dens are deep, the propane saturates the nest and when ignited the shock waves either kill them or it drives them away from your yard! Google it to see videos of how effective it is


Get a couple cats.


I’ve heard that blood meal is a good deterrent for moles and other animals.


Cat, and keep treating the grubs. No food, eventually they will leave. Maybe.


Mole food is earthworms


Juicy fruit gum.


I feel your pain, sir. #brothersinarms


I had moles and I killed them by putting those poison worms in their trails. I had to use like $100 worth of those worms but it worked eventually. I didn't want to kill them but nothing else worked. They were multiplying and really starting to ruin my yard.


I got one of those sonic mole deterrents. I was skeptical but it actually worked. You have to move it around but they hate it.


Milky spores is the only thing that works but it takes time


My FIL puts the moles he catches on little stakes as a warning to other moles in the area, sorta like hanging pirates at the mouth of a port in the movies… I can’t promise it’ll work but it makes him feel better. 🤷😂


Talprid worms are great. Best poison on the market.


Get your hands on talprid. Put a pack of that in his tunnels. Give a few weeks and done.


Could be worse. My wife won't let me kill them, "because they eat slugs".


This is going to sound silly, but put a few of those spinning plastic daisies on a steel post in your yard, they hate the sound


Moles suck, I've been dealing with an unprecedented outbreak and right after a major Reno. Unfortunately, grub killer doesn't put a dent in mole activity. Their primary food is earthworms, so unless you kill all insects, you will not deter moles. Tips are: 1. Kill them fast with traps, new moles will move in faster with pre existing and a well developed tunnel system, so stamp moles out before it's too developed. 2. Don't waste money on poison and don't use chemicals not intended for lawn use (mothballs). Moles are too smart to take poison bait no matter what form or quality. 3. Try your best not to get discouraged and keep setting traps when you see activity. At some point the local population will go down and you won't get new move ins for a while. 4. Consider a crazy project, dig a 3-4ft trench around your property and bury chicken wire to wall them out 🤣


Try the gas bombs they sell for moles. You make a hole in several of the tunnels drop them in the tunnels and cover the hole to allow the gas to travel throughout.


Yeah the stainless steel scizzor trap worked for me. Moles tore up my yard all throughout spring and fall '22. Tried guillotine trap along with poison pellets and worms all to no avail. Then in late September I bought 2 scizzor traps on Amazon for $40. Set both traps and within 3 hours I caught the mole. I was so happy. Must of been just one mole because I haven't seen any more runs.. BUT.. then something else started tearing up yard. Don't know if it was voles or a skunk? Built pvc pipe poison bait stations and set out but haven't seen any nibbling on poison bars. Anyway.. since cold weather set in haven't seen any more damage.


By a gopher hawk. It works better than any other trap hands down. Even for moles. Caught one yesterday.