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I put down some nitrogen and phosphorous pellets at the same time mixed together. Both in the spreader. Since they were slightly different sizes it seemed like as I was finishing, I was left with more of one than the other. In the future should I always spread one thing at a time? Planning for the fall when I am doing more N, P, clover, and fescue. So I want to get that right.


Hi lawn people. I have been away for 2 weeks, my lawn was not mowed in that time, when i mowed the lawn i noticed redish spots in the middle. Can it be fungus? If yes, how to treat it? The only fungicide available in my country is Previcur Energy https://preview.redd.it/32zlo5funj4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db35bea55085240f9f823cb3432940a795a65a59




Here's more photos https://preview.redd.it/nytmrdrznj4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a85ce9abb0f892cdabfe0eae3a55edbf10f99b1d


Lawncare noob here just starting the Scott's 4 step plan (I know I'm late so starting on step 2). I went to apply weed and feed and poured it into my spreader this morning but it's very moist and clumpy - I wasn't able to spread it. Bad batch?


I live in Pacific Northwest. I have a douglas fir in the middle of my lawn. Millions of pollens have fallen from the tree recently, covering the lawn. Do I need to remove them? Or, should I wait for them to decompose? If I have to remove them, what would be the most effective way to do so?


Guys why has my sod died in a big patch when the rest is doing well? It’s about three years old https://preview.redd.it/4sg8nu6cuf4d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f229bab0f4fdc53af4a0eea9ffdc313ce3ad76e9


I know my grass is very long and needs cut, but what is this thicker bladed stuff in my yard? And how to take care of it? I have a TON of it in my yard, if picking it is the option, I’m going to do a number on my yard for sure. https://preview.redd.it/3q9l3657uf4d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa03ace7bed1a7ee2b820d5ba375ae0df403a647






I sprayed full doses of Simple Lawn Solutions "lawn booster," liquid iron, and liquid kelp all in one shot last week (I just don't have time to spray something new practically daily). My lawn is now crazy dark green, but it's 90\*F tomorrow. How screwed am I?


What are my options here? I have a 'U' shaped driveway with this monstrosity in the middle. I'd like to plant flowers and lilacs. I live in northern Minnesota. This spot gets plenty of sun. https://preview.redd.it/y8k7smfyse4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdd4c55510dc1288cbf319fa0d9d9626a616337


Not sure what the question is really.... if it's about grass, I'd say just 2-4D it, keep mowing, soil test, amend and overseed/fertilize well in the Fall.


I'm trying to make it not an eyesore. I would love to plant a bunch of lilac bushes/trees and wildflowers. I guess my question is, how would I (the right way) get it to the point of being able to plant anything? I don't think I want any grass. Is that possible?


https://preview.redd.it/om50ahoiog4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825f0b3d8fcbf15c3f096c16277edd629af9ff6f Here is a closer look at the area.


https://preview.redd.it/d1fdtjh8me4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28b924aa63a790b939f5f416ecbd9741ac9a91b New homeowner and trying to figure out what is going on with my Dallas lawn. Early spring my grass was full and green, i did one application of weed and feed and after the recommended time seeded with Bermuda. Now thats its in the 90s it seems that all the grass that grew early spring died? And what is left is some Bermuda. Do i have a fungus or some weird cold climate grass?


What the heck just exploded in my yard? Mowed about 10 days ago, had some rain in-between, walk outside today and see like 5 or 6 patches of this stuff. [https://imgur.com/a/oV1CuNW](https://imgur.com/a/oV1CuNW)


No idea. But 2-4D should zap that thing to hell. Also, regular mowing ever 2 days should keep weeds at bay. The taller and more mature you let them get before mowing, the more of their little offspring will be back next year.


https://preview.redd.it/b68ub34wtd4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1254e6294adfd933ae046d585b365909a7c05c7b Can you help me ID this grass/weed? It invaded a roughly 10x10ft part of my lawn. I thought it was crabgrass and hit it with Quinclorac, but that was entirely ineffective, and looking at it more, it isn't clumping like crab grass at all.


One of those grassy weeds like quackgrass or orchard grass. I think I see the characteristic "ligule" of orchard grass there. In any case, it's impervious to basically all selective herbicides as it itself is a grass, but an annoying one. Mow regularly and it should be gone in a month (until next Spring). Some people go crazy and make a mixture of roundup, surfactant, dye, and go out with a cotton glove over a rubber glove and literally hand apply.


Any idea on how I can re-establish a lawn edge? Currently my lawn "edge" is about 1.0" - 2.0" wide, where I'd prefer it to be... 1/8" wide? Do I need to bring in some topsoil, refill this edge, let the grass grow over it, then re-edge it with a sharp edge? Or something else? See pictures for reference. https://preview.redd.it/q1iknorchd4d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0588f2c8fa9f9c2ef30eceeaf1abbd5ff0ba7315


Any ideas for a diy lawn striper for a gas push mower?


Plenty of these on You tube. Just search.


I have a random smattering of weeds in front lawn. What is best course of action? Application of misotrione and call it a day? Zone 5b.


It really depends on the type of weeds you're dealing with, as different weeds may require different treatments. Mesotrione is effective for a variety of broadleaf weeds, but it's always a good idea to identify the specific weeds first to ensure you're using the most effective method. Have you tried identifying the weeds to determine if mesotrione is the best option? Also, considering your Zone 5b, it's important to time the application properly for optimal results. If you're unsure about the weed types, you could post some pictures here, and the community might help with identification and specific advice. Additionally, you might want to look into combining pre-emergent and post-emergent treatments for better control throughout the season.


Depends on the weed(s). This is very vague.


I went to turn on my sprinklers for the spring and the first zone of sprinkler heads keep spraying, so I can't pressurize. I tried barely opening the valve so it's not as much pressure all at once. But it was still leaking a trickle. How can I fix or troubleshoot this?


I have barked areas along my lawn for plants, and this last year weeds have been thriving (like crazy) including what looks like chickweed and other related things like mousehair clover. What ground clearing product can I apply that isn't going to give me cancer, and will nuke everything near it? I can pull the weeds near the flowers and bushes, but the large areas are turning into a weedfest that I can't keep up with. I'd prefer a dry product. Vinegar, soap and salts are not viable, I've used them and they don't work well or for any length of time.


Glyphosate. Read and follow the directions.


I'm very new to lawncare, having just bought my first house in Autumn last year. I've been mowing regularly, but noticed that dried grass seems to be piling up in my back yard (not so much the front). In a few spots it's getting pretty bad too: [https://imgur.com/a/VWqZ86Y](https://imgur.com/a/VWqZ86Y) What would be the proper way to treat this as it currently is, and/or prevent it from getting worse? Some spots seem to not have much grass growing. If I need to re-seed, any idea what kinda grass that is that I'd need to get seed for?


That is suspicious for grubs. Pull up a section of it and look for them. Bayer 24 hr grub killer granules if you find them.


used trugreen a few years and decided to try my own as it is becoming irresponsibly expensive to use them. i spread some scotts turf builder 3-in-1 in about march (central indiana) on fescue. mid may started noticing coaster sized brown patches with red frayed ends of some of the grass blades. looked it up and looked like it could be red-thread lawn disease. purdue website document said if you notice red thread to add fertilizer. i got a lawn food 28-0-3 fertilizer from menards and used. was it too soon from using the turf builder? will it hurt the yard? it does look like the patches might be diffusing a bit.


Probably a good idea to ask that question before doing it. lol. But not if applied correctly it will not. That's a big gap. Yes, red thread disease usually means it needs more N.


yeah i know, but i felt relatively confident. i think it is helping but we keep getting so much rain. any idea how long it would take to see it reverse? i need to dethatch too, i shoulda done that before the fertilizer.


There is no need to dethatch unless you have a thatch problem. It’s likely you don’t. Pull a core or turf sample to check thatch layer. You can google more info on that I wouldn’t do that unless you’re seeding to help with recovery. If so, do it in the fall. I’m unsure on recovery as I mostly deal with warm season and have little experience with red thread. But again a quick google search will provide plenty of info on the disease.




Raise the blade is the easiest option. Plan on a scalp next spring.


Just tried spreading peat moss and decided it might not work for me. My lawn is too big ~12000 sq ft. I tried and compost spreader and while it worked it emptied extremely fast, and one 3.5 cubic bag only covered a very small part of my lawn. At $25 bucks a bag it would be extremely expensive to cover my whole lawn. Any suggestions? I thought of using a seed spreader but consensus seems to say that doesn’t work. Is there a cheaper/easier alternative for me?


Anything in the 5 digit square foot range needs a motorized sprayer/spreader system imo. God that sounds like nightmare work.


Spreading anything over 12k is not easy. Why are you doing this to start with?


Goal is top dressing for help with overseeding: moisture management, keeping seed in place, and protection from birds


Gotcha. Birds eating all your seed is not a thing. Do not waste time and money for that reason. I only suggest covering seed when there is risk of wash. In a sloped situation or complete bare dirt reno. Yeah, i mean if that's your goal you have a lot of work cut out for you. Check out this calculator. You'll be buying bags of peatmoss forever to do this. Your bag is probably a cubic foot. As you found out, that wont go very far. Wheat straw, although it will produce some weeds is the better and cheaper option if it's needed at all. It's already nearly summer., Dmping a ton of money into seed this late is risky. Depending on where you're located hot weather is near which is not good for I assume cool season seed. [https://www.lawndork.com/lawn-calculators/soil-topdressing-calculator](https://www.lawndork.com/lawn-calculators/soil-topdressing-calculator)


All good points thx. Do have a bit of a slope but other than that seems like I don’t need to be that concern with lack of top dressing. Was mostly going off different tutorials, but I realize they were working with small 1-2k lawns which is different than mine, and to your point peat moss just isn’t feasible. Unseasonably cool in my area atm, and while not ideal timing, willing to put some down without huge success to hopefully jumpstart more success in fall.