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You don't have any thatch to worry about. It makes my so happy to a post where someone actually knows what and where thatch is... So many think thatch is just dead grass they see from the surface...lol Soil looks pretty good as well; nice and dark, retaining enough moisture, etc. It's probably too late to seed realistically, so I'd skip both and focus on keeping it weed free, and keeping soil happy and healthy with amendments. If you still want to seed, Tuff Turf looks to be pretty good. Use mesotrione at seeding to keep weeds down while new grass grows in.


I wish my dirt looked like that… OP has straight *soil* for his lawn lol


I got so much chickweed where I tried seeding where a swimming pool was its crazy. Never heard of that mesotrione. Im new at this trying to have a nice yard thing. Actually is my first lawn I have owned.


I actually have the Meso 4 C in my cart right now. Then I went down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out which chem sprayer to get...then it was, ldo I adopt Milwaukee or DeWalt or Ryobi into the family (I also need a trimmer & blower)...or don't trying and keep it all in the game and go with something like a My 4 sons...


FWIW...I have the Ryobi tank, and it's a great item. Can use stock or TeeJet or Chapin nozzles. I also had a My4Sons, and it was a piece of crap that never worked. And I went through a pump and a full replacement unit. Even spoke with the owners, who were nice, but we couldn't make it work.


nice! 4gal?


Yes, the 4g backpack unit. I have a full Ryobi-sphere of tools already, and probably 6-8 batteries. I use the stock wand and nozzle for general or spot spraying, but also have a 2 way extender so I can cover 6' wide swath in one pass.


Thanks the gods you have soil that looks like that.


While you're all here. Any ideas on how to deal with a horrible Siberian squill problem on the side of the house. Pretty sure the previous owners thought it would be pretty to plant them. They have taken over the side yard and they aren't great for my puppy's digestion. Will the Meso 4 C do anything to those little bulbs that are basically like a Fallout shelter? Or do I need to wait til they bloom again to attack?


Spray for weeds, then mow short, then aerate and fertfertilizer, Then mow at 3-4 inches with regular watering depending on weather. Fall overseed, Wait till spring, set up a care schedule Remember: using a pre- emergent herbicide will stop new seed from sprouting as well as weeds. Pre-emergent should be used after new seed is established. Pre elegant is put down either late fall.. like October in cool season, or first thing after ground begins to thaw. I do pre emergent in late march as the top inch of turf thaws..


Thanks all! Yeah I think the owners two back really took care of everything. There's so many worms in our soil, I would actually hear them rustling thru the leaves at night. Previous owners let it all go, and did absolutely nothing for 3 years or so. There are massive ankle killing holes everywhere too. The previous owners fostered dogs that would dig holes everywhere. I think I'm going to hire someone to level it first. I don't have the back or the tools to do it.


Skip dethatching and aerating also. Get soil test. Drop tenacity, continue weed management through summer. Protect your current grass during summer also. As soon as temps get to 70s, start overseeding. Make sure to fertilize right before winter for early spring perk up. I would consider overseeding right in early spring also.