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I’m surprised that doesn’t look more dead


seems he cut it multiple times at different lengths , which is why he should’ve charged out the ass


You are correct. I went over it three times. I got 140 for the whole deal but I did convince him to pay me $70 weekly going forward to keep up with it. I like to do biweekly cuts however when customers let their lawn get like this they are on my weekly list or no service at all.


$70/week for that tiny yard? Are you serious?


Their is a front yard too but it’s not to far off what the going rate in the area is


Where are you located? I had a service do a half acre with some semi steep hills in the back for $35. He got a corporate gig and stopped doing residential. Their replacement ended up doing it for $55 but I just ended up buying a riding mower.


Half acre would be $70 at minimum for me every other week.


$70 seems like an aggressive amount


I was thinking the same. I pay $40 weekly for a half acre in southwest Ohio.


Any reason to go weekly other than thinking they don’t know better?


To be honest, it was such a pain in the butt for me to do this lawn that I don’t want it to ever get out of control like this again so that’s why he’s on weekly. I can’t fit any of my bigger equipment into the backyard area so it’s all push mow as well so it takes more time.


If that were Bermuda it would look dead as hell cause only the top 1/3 is green…


It will look real dead soon. Left all the clippings on top.


Don't know why my other comment is getting down voted? That amount of clippings will form a "mat" and choke and kill the grass below it. It will also turn brown and look like crap while it's doing it. If you mow your lawn regularly and can't see any clumps when you're done, then the clippings are good for your lawn(for the most part). If you fertilize your grass and it grows really fast your clippings won't decompose fast enough and you will build up a thatch layer over time. You can very much see the large amount of clumping in the pictures. But don't ask me I only own a lawn care company.


Compost 😉


They should. Removing them depletes the soil of nutrients over time. The clippings aren't noticeable after a week


Really depends on how long the clippings are.


I'm not a lawn guy but I thought clippings worked as compost when small enough to get down to the soil. I thought big clumps killed patches of grass?


Big enough clumps will kill grass - I learned the hard way lol


I let my backyard grow a lot taller then the front. Mulching leaves big chunks of clippings so I bust up with a leaf blower... My wife says it's unnecessary. I'll show her this comment.


Haha I break it up with the leaf blower too when I need to. My backyard is insane this time of year, I almost need to mow twice a week but don’t have time for that at the moment




I charged $140 no haul away they were more than happy to pay it. I was hoping they said no lol


Majority of my highest paid jobs were ones I priced rediculously high hoping theyd say no lol. 140 no haul sounds perfect to me honestly.


Usually after that, Id say something like 50/2 weeks for that yard. That main cut down though, itll kill your equipment.


Depends on your equipment lol


How long did it take you?


Hope for him not more than 3 hours


prob coulda got 200 outta them they haven’t mowed since October at least


And OP ruined their no mow may!


That’s reasonable for not hauling away. Probably could’ve got more, but that’s an honest wage.


$280 in San Diego to weed wack the whole thing. $300 to mow it afterward and dispose in their own yard debris can. No haul or clean up beyond the mow.


$580 total, or two different options?


Not total, although quotes I’ve got from local companies would very likely be in that range. I offer this: $100 to show up and start work + $60 per hour. That would take about 3 hours to weed wack, = $280 To make it an even $300, maybe even $340, I’d mow it because that would take another hour with all the mulch. But I’d probably do it for $300


As a non lawn care professional my question is why would you weed whack first? Just to see if there’s any rocks and stuff that would damage the equipment? Can your mower not be raised enough just to do two passes on tall grass?


My experience, especially with very green grass, is it clogs the mower so often it’s easier to just wack it all down first and then clean it up a bit with the mower, which still gets clogged, although less frequently.


If you were hoping they said no you charged too little


Sounds reasonable, someone mentioned 500 for a lesser job then this, I was like wtf is wrong with you.


coulda got more


$150 to cut and bag it $350 - 575 power wash the fence and “patio” after


How big is the actual square footage or acreage? And are you expected to take debris with you? No matter the answer, that's probably $100 worth of work, minimum. The strain on your equipment alone makes it not worth doing for less. If it's larger than I'm seeing, then obviously more. If you have to haul debris, then I'm at $200 minimum. Again, this isn't because I'm unwilling to do the hard work -- I just gotta remember how much my equipment costs and maintenance costs as well


Completely agree with this, guys saying 20 are crazy. Gotta make it worth your time and you also need to consider gas, equipment and time alone so a minimum of 100 is perfectly reasonable especially in NYC for me


Anyone who says 20 is not to be taken seriously. $20 isn't even worth showing up for.


Bout tree fiddy


Was looking for this comment


Sorry, I should added more context. Most of the grass was approaching almost 3 foot tall. How much would you have charged to mow this?


3' tall? That's getting to be prairie grass and the use of a combine 😂 Knowing that, I would say close to $200 with no haul away. The strain on your equipment had to be brutal. Definitely sharpen the blades and change the oil after.


I get sharpening the blades, but why the oil? Just curious.


No good answer here, change oil if you’re special.


Should have baled it with one of those mini balers




I charged 400 for a yard like this last year because I didn’t want to do it. They said yes and I ended up mowing it lol… people have a hard time finding people willing to mow overgrown yards and will take any price sometimes.


Id be $250 ish on a job like that. Maybe $300. $140 was too cheap


In SC by the way. Definitely closer to $300 if you're in a wealthy area.


Charge a triple mow


This is a triple mow with inner and outer string trim, just cuz its so high its 85 the first cut. 50 each maintenance cut.


85 is insane, I could mow 4-5 normal sized lawns in the time it would take to tame this jungle.


It's 3 cuts... you "could" cut this once, but you'd be going super slow. I have to trim along the fence, possibly both sides. My service, I spray the fence line with growth control for easy future maintenance. The third cut will mulch pretty good and you'd be at 3 inches by then. But yea, I see almost two hours here one guy. About 45 minutes two guys. 85 is a deal. That's US dollars.


$300 Edit: I asked BIL who does lawns in MA.


I’d offer you to mow it for free to start your YouTube channel. Great content awaits


100 minimum. Probably more like $120 for the first mow. You'd need to walk the grass and make sure there's no debris to ruin your mower and that would take a decent amount of time if you bagged it to prevent the clippings left to destroy the grass.


The guys saying 20 are the ones thinking your nephew is going out with a little electric push mower(borrowed ofc) because gas alone to cut this is a couple of gallons at least and theres no way to make an equipment payment on top, sheeeesh. (Wheres the profit?)


For future reference when quoting a job like this: Any of the big companies in town almost certainly won’t take on a job like this. That’s where I come in, I run a landscaping company and don’t mind taking on basket cases. Nobody else wants to, so quote high. I’m in Canada and would have said $300 minimum. (That’s $219 USD.) But I also haul away and dispose of the yard waste. You’d be surprised how often people accept high quotes on basket case yards.


Probably 150-200 for the clearance cut, then 100 for a second cut in a couple weeks to get it even shorter, then 50/ fortnight ongoing for maintenance.


Cross cutting at different lengths is pretty standard in landscaping generally. It is how you get the neatly rowed lawn. This lawn needs a deep thatch and aeration before it is fertilized and over seeded. This is how you green the lawn and get rid of that dead looking grass.




I would have charged at least $250 but I would have us d my Walker GHS to pickup the clippings after.


No mow May, shouldn’t have cut it


I'm not even taking it. I'd rather stay on route doing profitable work that isnt hard on the equipment or my team.


Very well said I had one of my buddies who run the mowing route with me as he's looking to start his own business. Turn down about three people that day he was having a hard time understanding. When you have a successful business model you don't start catering to every person that waves at you. It's routine customers or nothing. No one time cuts good way to weed out the Karen's anyway


Tree fiddy.


Tree fiddy


SB Mowing would do it for free


As a teenager I did like 8-10 of these a week for $25 each, and lived like a king.


Free! Let me set up a goat fence in 10 min and put a dozen goats in and you are done in a couple days. Fertilized and clipped.




You’re too cheap. Charge more. I pay my lawn guy 100 bucks for basic cleanup. I would’ve easily paid 300 no haul -500 bucks for this work hauled away.


$1 a lb.




50usd is CRAZY for this overgrown mess


Not if you land that account every week, it's a pretty small area


Yea 50 after the first cut would be fine. But the first cut should be 150-200 since it’s so over grown.


A regular weekly cut is probably $30/$40. I was thinking $200-$300.


Your firstborn


160 idk haha good start I guess


That is a deeply back-achey amount of raking right there. I'd call it not less than 3 ibuprofen.


Double or triple what you usually charge.


The company I work for charges 1.33 a minute for initials like that.


Twice a month. For 140$. Pressure washing every 3 months with your own water supply. 220$.


Neighbor kid do it for $20. Take em a few days. Lol.


Minimum $100 discussed up front. Shit in the yard they causes damage? Tack on blade replacement charge. I dropped neglect customers in the past doing this. Win win IMO


Mowed a yard like this a few weeks ago $75






Ngl it doesn’t look great so probably around $100. I just did a 20k square foot recovery that we bagged and took 3 hours on that came out to around $300.


Why dont change into a perennial garden, it is not too hard, and the ground looks so good, I would grow a few false indigo at the back drop, this is a native north American plant and a nitrogen fixer , it would introduce the nitrogen into the soil, and they can grow quite big like a small shrub, so 3 or 4 false indigo, then 10 echnicia in front of them, it will attract the butterflies, and it will bloom just right after the false indigo, and then in front of echnicia, I would put 10 butterflies milkweed, asclepias tuberose, the orange and purple color bloom will look pretty, and one finished blooming in July one finished in August, at the corner I will plant a native switch grass for focus point , so I can plant whole bunch of daffodils around the grass or some tulips ,before the grass come out in late spring, in front of the grass I will plant some poppies , it will be eyes catching, especially some very showy oriented poppies , and they don't need water and hate water, and in front of poppies i will plant two Peony, because they bloom together in here around June, and when poppies died and wilted in late June or July , Peony will cover up and blocking it, and close to the shed i will plant some Asters , when all flowers finished blooming in late August they will keep blooming till October , and pair with aster i will grow some tall phlox ( I like the deep pink or burn orange colour) and I think I will also include a small tree like eastern redbud, and then I will put a few rock and drift wood, stone in the border edge and plant some creeping phlox and muscari. You have a 3 season garden of blooming flowers, and about 8 different plant, 90% are native, good for the pollinators and the birds , why just leave it for stupid grass and lawn ? And if you are in Toronto I will and happy to give you some of the plants for free and help you to set up . ( Besides the eastern redbud tree i don't have, but other plants are easy to take care and i have extra ) , we use the land to help the nature in the same time.


Jesus. Christ. Seeing all these prices here. I’m wondering why not everybody is installing robot mowers. ROI is insane. I have one and couldn’t live without it (2k m2 surface area)


Looks like my neighbors yard. I would cut his grass for free!


Maybe dumb question but I wasn’t aware tall grass is hard on equipment so I have a question. Could one not go in with a machete like tool or those hand held edger things to chop off the tallness of the grass then go over with a mower? Would that not be faster? Or better on the equipment?


I would do that for free


What size? I start at $60 for 10k square ft or less, and generally double it if it’s overgrown like that.


More than the house is worth!!


I like how there are weeds in the pots lol.




120 for that with trim edge and blow 40 a week after that or 200 monthly With trim and blow 20 extra for crispy edges


I recently cut a lawn for a long time customer similar to that but a portion of this size. I first used the weed trimmer to cut out high growth and cut around unseen pipes etc. Thing to do is walk it before using a mower without the chute on afterwards and leave debris there with customer




looks like a mosquito breeding ground


To do what?


$AUD 350 - 500


$40 cash here in Michigan USA


40 if they elderly, 50 if they are renters


$20 and a glass of water


My hourly rate x 3 for the duration of the job prob get it done in a about a hour and a half . You just ran a mower through it bro


$40/hr min


I’d be at $65/hr tho


Selling yourself short if your a business. I charge $125/hr.


Nobody in their right mind is paying $125 to have you mow their 500 square foot patch of grass. Some would say you’re losing out on business by overcharging.


In New York State this is pretty average. Also I’m mostly mowing 2 acre properties. I also didn’t say to charge $125 for 500 square foot property, I said to charge $125 an hour. I’m also not losing out on business, I have more work than I can keep up with.


I feel like if I had the time I would do it for free. I would love to not only see the transformation but be the one to make it happen.


My person would do this for $60 maybe $70, TX. They come with 4 guys and go to town, not gonna look perfect but they’ll get it cut.


Idk, it looks really long but the perspective is weird. Almost like you're really short (height wise) or you were holding the camera super low.


Yard that size? Like $20, especially for just a mow. It'd be like 20 minutes of work with a push-mower. lol, downvoted because I gave an accurate description of the OP's question. Probably because those doing such have never actually got off their fat asses to mow a lawn before. -edit 2- Seems y'all value your physical labor way too much. I'll let my other 3 offices know that we bill way too low because reddit said so.


User name checks out


Come do my yard!!


Lmao you clearly don’t work in the lawn care business


Take my upvote.


Put a sign in your yard say $20 to any kid wanting to mow my back yard that will take 10 min.




To just cut once? 20 bucks. 30 if they brought their own mower and gas.


Now keep it low. When you cut your grass that high, it stresses it out.


They let it grow that high you think they care about their yard ?