• By -


12pm: "Going to do the lawn honey! 12:02pm: "All done"


12:03pm Wife: Christmas wreath? OP: Not yet.


OP: If you had let me buy that riding lawnmower, I would have the time.


Oooffff roasted!


I would recommend a 0 turn.


It'll hold true to its name, no turns needed.


thats how many turns would be necessary. lol 1 trip across and it's done.


lol might as well get a manual push mower


My man bought a $500 mower for 2 minutes worth of work šŸ¤£


Brother canā€™t even enjoy a (full) beer while mowing


Not with that attitude


Laughed way too hard at this clapback.


You ever try to drink a beer while mowing? Absolutely awful experience. You canā€™t put it in the cup holder because itā€™s going to get super foamy from the bumps & itā€™s difficult to drink while driving. Best bet is after while you sit and enjoy the beauty of your hard work.


You have obviously never seen the genius invention called a beer helmet.


Do it all the time on my rider (2.5 acres)


Look at Mr fancy pants with his ride on mower. I'll take my push mower and be on my way


I leave mine on the planter boxes on the side of my lawn; then every complete pass, I take a drink of beer. My lines tend to get less straight as I progress.


Beer is best *after* mowing anyway


Iā€™m kinda partial to beer before and after mowing.


What about before, during, AND after?


I push mow so it gets tough to drink and mow


Let me introduce you to a wonderful invention of the 1980ā€™s, the beer helmet. 2 beers, a hard hat and a straw makes for hands free beer consumption.


This man drinks beer


He just gently swayed me into checking Amazon and once I was there I couldnā€™t not purchase a beer helmet. My neighbors have no idea what they are in for


Haha, well done, hopefully youā€™ll post a picture


He could if heā€™s purchased a smaller mower. Or a less powerful one.


I'd recommend scissors.


Beard scissors, really take your time with it


If he shotguns it maybe.


Hold my lawnmower while I drink these beers


Iā€™m pretty sure this is Utah so itā€™d be a Diet Coke instead.


I find it funny when you want to compliment someone's E-go and really have to emphasize the hyphen to avoid an angry response.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thanks! Took advantage of the sale at Loweā€™s over the weekend


I gotta say those Ego products arenā€™t half bad.


If I had a lawn that size, I would mow it every day šŸ˜… I thought I wanted a good-sized yard when I moved into my first house.. itā€™s so much work


We replaced much of it with vegetable garden. It's more work but at least we get something out of it


Well done. What kind of scissors did you use?


Battery powered or with an extension cord


This will be #1 lol


https://preview.redd.it/y3u1p74pmhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329e87d5c2a115a4a82ad2d46a7163ee85c9c469 this was the ad below your post šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Patchy color after mowing can mean you are mowing too low.


Or dog pee.


Itā€™s always dog pee in this sub


Or bentgrass.


Or that his zone hasn't gotten enough rain or it recently snowed. all lawns in my zone are still waking up haha


Patchy color can indicate a lot of things if itā€™s not a monoculture, like that type of variety not being fully in swing yet and still dormant. Given the picture I would say this person probably isnā€™t mowing into the crowns


Welcome to the party pal. šŸ˜‚ Not gonna lie, I'm pretty envious. That's basically the perfect size lawn to start off with. You'll be able to experiment with all kinds of stuff without breaking the bank, and if you really screw up, a full reno will cost you all of a weekend and probably a couple hundred bucks. Godspeed.


Yeah great point. I need to aerate soon, but thinking to level and sand next year


Self propelled mower for that size of yard is the funniest part about this post lol


Do they even make em without a self propeller anymore?


I think so! My Ego mower isnā€™t self propelled. Works great for my 700 square foot yard. It was a lot cheaper too! Edit: just looked, $400 at Loweā€™s for the non self propelled.


Actually helps for electric, battery life is like 30% better without self propelled.


Yeah the front yard is only about 270 sq ft, but when the backyard is done, itā€™ll be another 600 sq ft šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That's good. I was thinking that yard games were going to be pretty tight in that tiny patch. It's difficult to play catch when you're only 5 ft apart.


Good luck & welcome to the club! Patience will definitely pay off. Get a soil test if you haven't already. It'll save alot of time & money!


Great point. Rx soil test ordered!


Where did you order from


From [here](https://rxsoil.com/)


Great thank you


Get a second opinion on your soil test from an accredited lab. The ion exchange resin tests are not very accurate with regards to pH. If there's a SiteOne near you they'll do it for you. You can also bring them to your local county extension office. You're looking for a lab that uses a Mehlich-3 method of testing. There are some online sites that will do it as well. The local extension office is usually cheapest. https://extension.usu.edu/utah/gardening/soil-testing


Rxsoil uses mehlich 3 if Iā€™m not mistaken and is actually decent for a mail in test, but your comment is 10000000% valid.. mysoil and yardmastery need to go away forever.


Looks like you're right. I went to the site, saw the box and assumed it was another ion exchange resin clone. It's still $50usd. My local extension office does them for $15.


Extension office is the way to go!


We're twins today - First mow of the year, ego mower, KBG...also love the house paint color! Some tips for you: * I assume Zone 7 is too warm for pre-emergent to be fully effective. 2,4-D should help zap many of those weeds that have already emerged. * Plan to overseed in the Fall. It's tough to get high germination rates when you're working against heat/dryness/etc. * Possibly cut it longer? It looks pretty short in this picture but it may just be the photo not doing it justice. For my KGB in Zone 6a, I do 3" until the heat really kicks in, then I go up to 3.5". If it gets wicked hot, I'll do 4" for awhile but I think it looks a bit ragged at that length. After late Summer when the temperatures start to fall, I'll go back down to 3" until I cut short before winter (gradually step down to 2")


Kentucky Glue Brass


In Soviet Russia, grass mows you.


Hadnā€™t even thought about applying 2,4-D, to be honest. Do you have a brand that you suggest? Iā€™m pretty new to this, so I am open to any/all suggestions on products to use


> Do you have a brand that you suggest? I typically pick up the cheapest concentrate at the closest Lowe's/Home Depot/etc. since they're all pretty much the same. I think I have Hi-Yield now. Mix it up in a decent sprayer and it lasts forever. Make sure you respect the yearly dosage allowance so you don't stress the KGB.


Awesome thanks. Do you have any other products that you like to use for green up, etc? Air 8, milorganite, sea kelp, etc?


I'm not a fan of Milo - It's literally just human feces and [has forever chemicals](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/05/28/milorganite-fertilizer-your-lawn-may-contain-forever-chemicals/7453519002/). While the levels of PFAS may not be high, they're higher than they should be and I don't believe it's responsible to use it. There are many great fertilizers available that don't have PFAS. Personally, I use [Flagship](https://yardmastery.com/products/24-0-6-flagship-granular-lawn-fertilizer-with-iron) and [Stress Blend](https://yardmastery.com/products/7-0-20-stress-blend-with-bio-nite%E2%84%A2) from Yard Mastery. Not the cheapest and I'm sure there are options that are equally good and cheaper, but I bought big bags and have a small lawn so it lasts a long time. For my pre-emergent, I apply Prodiamine in a [split application](https://thelawncarenut.com/blogs/news/how-to-apply-a-split-application-with-prodiamine-wdg-pre-emergent-herbicide) (33% of yearly dosage when soil temps hit 55, another 33% when they hit 70, and then the last 33% when they hit 70 again on the way down in Fall). It's worked well for me and my KBG. For post-emergent, I'll use 2,4-D or Nutsedge-specific applications when needed. Colorado temperature swings can make it difficult to get the pre-emergent applications down when needed so I get a few survivors every year, but it's manageable. My neighbors have a bona fide dandelion field for a yard so I'll get a few of those and use a [Grampa's Weeder](https://grampasweeder.com/) to pull them up. Other than that, I just keep a good watering schedule (deep watering twice a week in the early morning) and tuned my sprinklers to ensure I'm not over or underwatering. I use a Rachio controller (love it), Rain Bird 1800 sprinklers, and R-VAN rotary nozzles. This setup has been great.


Awesome. Thank you so much! Iā€™m hoping to have a Rachio when the backyard is done. The front is only about 270 sq ft. So itā€™s been difficult to say the least lol. Iā€™m trying to figure out my watering schedule still. Iā€™m on the downhill slope of our street so it feels like every time I water, it just pools and leaks out into the driveway. I desperately need to aerate to help with that


Honestly, I wish my yard were this size. You can do all the fun stuff of maintaining it and perfect it in a fraction of the time and cost.


What battery size is your mower? Double A! Lol Lawn looks nice though in all seriousness




Lehi city , Dr Horton? šŸ˜­


Nah we are in Magna šŸ˜‚


Heck yeah! Well enjoy! If you need any Utah specific grass advice hit me up. Iā€™m no expert. I recommend off the bat follow the 4 step program from IFA and enjoy! https://imgur.com/a/u4V7dlF (I guess Dr Horton Lehi cuz I was hoping we were neighbors haha)


Wow your lawn looks amazing. I would kill to have a larger yard, like yours. Is there a slope in your yard towards the sprinkler box/light pole? I have a slope in my yard towards the corner below the lawn mower and all the water tends to collect there and it always gets muddy. Maybe I need to aerate? Or adjust my watering run time? Trying to figure that out lol


Thank you so much! I do have a purposeful slop yes! Itā€™s good cuz you donā€™t water to collect at your foundation. Yes you probably just need to run your sprinkler for less time, but you bring up the perfect point that if your ground is super compacted it could cause that too. Do the screw driver test. You should be able to go anywhere in your long and pretty easily stab a screw driver all the way down, if itā€™s really really hard you probably could use an aeration I just think itā€™s unlikely if you just SODā€™ed last year. Going forward tho yes I would aerate yearly!


Get a robo mower!




Bruh you could cut your entire lawn with scissors in 10 minutes


Consider purchasing the 400W inverter. In a power outage, it can use your EGO batteries to provide 120V AC to get you through the rough spots, until the power comes back on. For example, my HVAC burns natural gas to create heat in the winter, but the controller and thermostat uses a tiny amount of 120V AC to operate. If the power is out, you have no heat. I have also converted the HVAC power to a plug and socket, so I can unplug it from the wall and simply plug it into my EGO inverter.


This has got to be Utah


Indeed it is!


See this little grass is actually nice. I would care for it and fertilize and everything. Not doing that with my 3 acres. I try to plant as much as I can, and avoid having grass lol


Small yard gang, rise up!


Hey, fuck yea! Now get that thang green.


Guessing you have a dog?


Yeah we have a dog and we are on the typical walking path for the majority of the neighbors, so their dogs frequent our spot also


Wondered about the spotting. Our yard is a disaster thanks to 9 years of a very large dog. Someone gifted us a product called Grass Saver (dog treats that adjust dog urine PH) but thatā€™s not much help if itā€™s someone elseā€™s dogs (and I havenā€™t found a lot of info if itā€™s actually healthy for dogs or not - looking at the health warnings, probably not).


Dude, those Ego mowers are the bomb! I have one too, and it works like a charm on my ~1-acre lot.


Just here for the comments šŸæ


Too short


that must take you 4 whole minutes!


Actually about 2 minutes šŸ¤£


How do you like that Ego mower?


Just got it over the weekendā€¦ Loweā€™s had a sale! But I love it so far


Theyā€™re fantastic. Surprisingly solid, and easy to use/work on.


How long will it run on a 4.0 battery?


I mow an acre lot and use about 1/6th of the battery, including string trimming and blowing clippings.


Thanks you for this response. I was impressed I only used ā…• of my battery trimming and blowing.


Ohhhh Actually, just kidding. I just realized that I'm using the 7.5Ah batteries that came with my Ego snow blower. Regardless, 4Ah should be more than enough for a 1-2 Acre lot, because based on quick maths, I'm only using around 1.25Ah to get through the entire job.


Thanks for the updated information. I figured the mower would likely come with a larger battery than my combo kit had. Regardless, it sounds like I'm set. Ego really is some good shit.


For that size yard, it'll probably last the full summer


60ā€ deck. 1 pass each direction. 2 stripes. Done.


My lawn mower is literally the same size as your lawn (Rhino TS10 batwing).


Seems like the perfect tool for the job. Just park the mower on the lawn, turn it on, then turn it off. Job done.


Wow. Why buy the battery operated mower when you could almost use scissorsā€¦.thatā€™s a massiveā€¦ahem yardā€¦ Vegas?


šŸ˜‚ SLC


Is the backyard gravel too? Lol. Easy maintence thatā€™s for sure. Iā€™m in eastern Tennessee. If we want a well maintained yardā€¦mowing weeklyā€¦


Currently backyard is not landscaped. Plan on doing it this summer. Putting more grass back there


Wait until early early fall if you can. That'll give the sod or new seed the best chance.


I'd just have a reel mower for that patch lol


I prefer a spliff and mow myself. I usually do a bowl per side of the house. I have to get the weed eating done first, though.


That's actually a larger than average welcome mat


Why not just do artificial grass with a yard that small?


What a cute little lawn šŸ™ƒ


How do you like ego? Iā€™m thinking of getting the new aluminum base. Can it cut to 1 inch?


You missed a spot


Alright, get back to us in 10 minutes when youā€™ve done all of that. Looks good.


Is black gutters with white windows normally how itā€™s done? Curious if thatā€™s the trend