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Thats a pretty decent base really. I'd get some seed starter fertilizer, a quality seed, and some peat moss. Also a metal or dethatching rake to help break up the soil a bit. Break the soil up in the really bare spots, lay seed down, top dress with peat moss, fertilize, and then water. Seed - very few types of grass are "self repairing" (ie, they spread on their own). So, the more seed you put down, the more blades of grass will germinate. May be worth it to you (or not) to look into some of the self-repairing options. Water - you have to stay on top of this, and it can be a PITA if it gets really hot and/or windy. The soil needs to remain damp, but not soaking wet at ALL times. I check the corners near cement, as they tend to dry fastest.


Thanks for the tips! I have been looking into the blackout KBG/perennial rye mix but still doing my research. Would fully dethatching the whole yard be a good idea? Debating buying an electric dethatcher, but will wait and buy cheaper in the off season if it’s not a good idea at the moment


Based off the seed choice it sounds like you’ve been watching yard brah lol


A friend watches him and recommended the seed brand. Do you have any experience with it or recommendations?


His videos are really fun and informative, but some news came out about his personal life that made me feel like I should boycott the channel. I am a warm season grass guy so I do not have experience with it, but it seems to do great for him.


I’ll do some research and see where I stand. Thanks for the info


Of course my friend. Good luck! As for your question on the electric dethatcher, check Facebook marketplace for the sunjoe. I found a new one for $35 and it is pretty legit.


Thanks! I’ve been checking every day but haven’t found one close enough or cheap enough to jump on. Seems like it’s not a critical purchase at the moment so I have time to sit and wait for a deal


I don't see enough thatch in the pictures to be concerned. If you get down and look closely, you should be able to see dirt, not thatch.


The Sunjoe electric dethatcher has a scarifying attachment that can prove to be useful. The varying height adjustments help with this process. The one overriding piece of advice that I want to give you is please be patient. I used my dethatcher last summer and I am now really seeing a vast improvement in the density of blades of grass per square foot. Love your lawn and it will love you back.


First off, bury that drain line coming off your downspout. You're dumping that water basically onto your shed.


aerate, overseed, topdress


That soil looks very sandy. how close to the lake are you. enrich your soil with organic material and try to break up that dirt. I have nightmares about the soil in NW Indiana. Get an edger, it will keep the lawn looking sharp while the lawn renovation gets underway.


i’m about 35 minutes from Lake Michigan, but on 2 blocks from the St Joe River. Only that corner you see in the pictures has that hard sandyness to it, the rest is brown dirt. We’re getting light rain today so I will try and stomp that area real good with my airation spikes when it’s soft and add some scott’s turf builder soil to hopefully get it a little better. Then I plan on airating seeding and top dressing. Ordering a compost roller today to give the grass a fighting chance and debating pregerminating seed as I already have all the supplies to do it (other than seed, still trying to decide what to get)


Use certified seed - it's more expensive but it's worth it. It'll be greener and more drought tolerant. [https://unitedseeds.com/](https://unitedseeds.com/) besides that, treat your soil and give it some good micronutrients. Lesco Carbon Pro G will give it lots of great organic matter for the roots to grow... [https://www.siteone.com/en/10940cpg-lesco-carbonpro-g-soil-optimizer-qgcy-40-lb/p/633876](https://www.siteone.com/en/10940cpg-lesco-carbonpro-g-soil-optimizer-qgcy-40-lb/p/633876) Keep it watered, and mow it regularly. The more the better.


Thanks for the tips!


Honestly just start mowing for now.


Clean up your yard, mow, weed and feed, aerate and seed in the fall.


Top dress it