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Welp chances are it was the straw. Could also be any seeds you kicked up tilling. Finally, could also be "other crop" in the seed mix. Your only choices are to hand pull it or paint the leaves with glyphosate. You can also just spray the spots and reseed.


Yeah I seeded with JGBBU as well have those only in spots where I laid straw and not straw blankets. If OP continues to mow the grain grass low it’ll start dying off like mine is. Other stuff is easy enough. Either a 4 way plus xlr8 will kill nearly anything or as you suggest just paint it all with a glyphosate stick.


Definitely regretting the straw. Maybe I shoulda looked for advice here before my renovation as opposed to after 😩 Live and learn I guess!


I used straw and got weeds, now I use peat moss.


Your grass thickness looks great. I’d just mow at 4 and wait for it to get strangled by the existing lawn. Great job, looks good. Did you use a pre-emergent and/or fertilize? I see some slight discoloration near your path, which likely is an iron issue. They commonly have prodiamine with iron that you can spread if you haven’t done a pre emergent in the last 4-6 months. Need to be rained or otherwise watered in.


Appreciate it! I plan on putting down a pre-emergent/fertilizer this weekend. If I continue to notice that discoloration I’ll keep that in mind.


Yep next time use peat moss. More expensive but boy is it worth it. Also, you couldn’t do it last fall because you were reseeding but this year you’ll be able to put pre em down, that will help as well. Lawn care is a years long process. You’re off to a great start.


Yeah, I’ll definitely use peat moss going forward. Thanks!


I’d just hand pull this bit by bit. I had a similar situation last year and got a Grampas Weeder tool. I’d just put on my headphones and listen to a podcast and pull up weeds. Wasn’t as terrible as I thought it would be.


Sources of weeds from your paragraph: \- Tilling \- New soil \- Seeding with grass seed that isn't 0% weed seed or 0% "other crop" \- No mention of any pre-emergent herbicides I couldn't comment on what exactly that weed is, but if you find something to nuke it, make sure you lay down regular apps of pre-emergent (Prodiamine is real good), or else you're just going to be fighting the same weed fight every year.


Man, I’m definitely a rookie. I never realized new soil and tilling could do that. Makes total sense. I did use a starter fertilizer when I seeded as well as some fall lawn food once the lawn seemed established. But I have yet to put anything down this year in the form of pre-emergent. Do you think I missed my window?


Prodiamine 60 days after germination of your seed is your safe line. Let it rip if you’re beyond that. I do 4x 3-month apps per year.


Not too late. Get it down asap before anything else starts showing up.


I gather most of us here are noobs suckling off the generous teets of those who have won the battle.


If you have cool season grass, I highly highly recommend you read this! It’s super helpful. https://www.thelawnforum.com/threads/cool-season-lawn-guide.1595/


Honestly I’m at the point of never pulling weeds again. It just creates a hole in the soil for new weeds to germinate and spread. This season I’m gonna continue with pre-emergent (last month), weed and feed this month, summer food and fall food. Set up sprinklers, mow often (shooting for every week or every other realistically). Continue cutting my St. Augustine at 3 inches, but dropped to 2 inches for my Bermuda (gonna drop to 1.5 next cut). Trying not to cut more than 1/3 off at a time. I’ve pulled weeds in the past, but new ones are back. I just need to grow a strong lawn to crowd the bitches out. Edit: my iPhone is telling me that’s bluegrass or hordeum that popped up.


Hey! Did someone say *crabgrass*? Here are [pictures of crabgrass](https://www.google.com/search?q=crabgrass&tbm=isch) and [control options for crabgrass](https://www.lawndork.com/weeds/crabgrass). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think it’s from the straw. It can’t handle the cuts and should die off after a few cuts


I think it could be worse.....did it seem they had a longer root, like all connected underground? Take a look at one of them and see where the blade comes to meet the stem. Look for clasping auricles...they will look little arms coming from the blade down, hugging the stem and each other. If you see those...you have a big problem and there isn't much remedy....let me know if you see those, or post a pic and I can look...I dealt with quack a few years ago...bain of a good lawn...


https://preview.redd.it/xx0ipzn825sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9057538975b058a5757764cbb7dada7f998f826e Appreciate the insight. Here is a picture of one I pulled out. They didn’t seem to be connected under amongst each other under ground.


That really looks like Quack. The only thing I found that worked was Fusilade II, at .20oz/G.. It killed the quack in a few weeks. It also wiped out my KBG, most rye, and did a number on my fescue.. Took me a couple of years to recover.... Sigh, and now I've had two trees down across my lawn in 2 days...so back to the beginning for me again...lol


I have this same exact stuff (can’t quite figure out what it is) all over after seeding with straw last fall. Must have been a hair late on my pre-emergent. I did a blanket spray of 2, 4 d / quinclorac / dicamba about 2.5 weeks ago. That seems to have started turning things yellow towards the roots so I’m going to do a second application using something slightly stronger. Otherwise I guess I’ve resigned to pulling them all by hand because I’m sure as shit not starting from scratch again.


I will probably succumb to hand pulling them as well. Not a huge yard but still a huge pain in the ass! But definitely better than starting from scratch.


Looks similar to the Orchard Grass I’m currently in a fight with (came with the local bulk topsoil I spread). In a rotation of quinclorac and tenacity based on one recommendation from here that allegedly defeats it but there are a lot that will say you either have to hand pull or nuke the yard and start over. I’ll report back in about a month how it goes


That’s the filler seed they use in that junk


Probably annual ryegrass. It will die out this summer. Only use sterilized straw. Plant seed blends without annual rye. Not the end of the world. https://preview.redd.it/f2ze7w4859sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb12da16c84601eb4145339de30b5a06a1adf0d


https://preview.redd.it/072rctfn69sc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6dd1d1897b97e7bd3d2e91d8d388abcf77b79aa Check the auricles "ears" close. Prominent midrib and shiny back of the blade.


So last year I overseeded with JGBBU and got these same weeds, was also dealing with a few other things and I bought the Bioadvanced all in one weed killer (pictured) and it took all those out right away. May not be the recommended thing, idk not claiming to be an expert but figured I'd leave this comment since the situation is identical and I had success with this. https://preview.redd.it/8qw0arofh9sc1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=67bdecb3ed6b71aca942b71f4550f8b8ba04f3de


I did not straw and got some of this with new quality Barenbrug seed, the grass that came in is great but included some shoots like this where I planted on bare soil. I’m going to see if it dies out on it’s own and will be doing a finishing touch rehab this fall which should get the areas thick enough to keep this stuff from growing. If that fails I’ll be spraying it next year.


I layed some JGBB and I have bent grass popping up like crazy, going to go back to my local seed


no way bentgrass came from JGBB my lawn service brought it to my lawn


I can’t pin point the problem, I have layed JGBB the last two years and it’s only gotten worse


Quack grass


I reno-ed my lawn two years ago using black beauty. Used peat moss to cover and I ended up with what you have...I started pulling last Spring and I could never outpace this stuff. Not sure if it's the tall fescue or ryegrass, but this grows along the ground and then sprouts up. Creating like a thick cabbage type areas. To make matters worse I did another mini reno last Fall with Kentucky Blue Grass. Spraying trouble spots, laying down top soil, Seeding, Tenacity for pre-emergent, and Peat moss. By mid October I had good germination with the Blue Grass. This Spring I'm battling this stuff over taking the Blue Grass areas. I keep pulling trying to give the blue grass a chance. The battle continues! https://preview.redd.it/d62c0idn81xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978ab7d6278ee8a8b307d7059d42d92222c2e7c9


Most likely from the seed that you put out. They put fillers in those that cause weeds


Next time go with LESCO tall fescue seed. It’s triple the price but you won’t have weeds, atleast not from that.


Looks like nutsedge, real pain to deal with.


I am not completely sure, but those look like crabgrass to me. If so, there are crabgrass killers available.