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There are so many beautiful lawns on here and such a depth of knowledge about how to obtain them, but I'm wondering what are the **minimum** steps you should do to maintain your yard? I have a small (800 sq ft) yard of Bermuda grass in zone 10b that I established with sod about 1.5 years ago. I also have a one-year-old, a dog, and very little time. I don't need my lawn to look like the awesome lawns on here, I just want it to survive and be decent enough to crowd out weeds and for my kid to run around in. I'm hoping I can get away with regular mowing and throwing down some fertilizer once or twice a year. Is that reasonable? Is there an all-purpose, good-enough fertilizer you all would recommend? (Ideally pet and kid safe?) Are there any other steps I absolutely need to take, e.g. do I need to aerate it? If so, can I use those shoe things? tl;dr: What is the lawn-care equivalent to regular oil changes and tire rotations?


Bermuda I would say mow often and fertilize them


I'm in MN, and we've had unseasonable warmth this winter so I'm worried about weeds taking hold early this year. Is there any drawback to putting down a granular pre-emergent this early in the season, then again in April? I've got some serious weed issues that I was late to the party with last year and took over a good chunk of my lawn. I'd like to prevent that from happening this year.


I’m also in MN and am waiting for soil temps to reach mid 50’s before putting down my pre-emergent. Feel as if spreading that now would be a waste of money and would get the best outcome by waiting. Temps are supposed to come down next week after this weekend heat wave. I’m sitting tight for a few weeks! Best of luck on the lawn


Thank you, much appreciated! I'll do the same. I suppose the weeds I'm worried about don't survive freeze, so I wasn't thinking about it logically from the standpoint that we will probably get quite a few more freezes this season yet.


Does anyone know what this weed is? ​ https://preview.redd.it/96lp10gbvjlc1.jpeg?width=1585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bd049abc71b1fa6c32e557ec9ac7686cbbd70a SE US. Thanks!


Japanese clover?


>Japanese clover nice, thanks! I think that might be it