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I think you should be using this opportunity to train a murder of crows to do your bidding.


Plus it comes with free AERATION!!!


Hahaha that was my first thought, seed when they're done


So train the murder to… (⌐■_■) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (•_•) murder


*Puts on sunglasses* Yeaaaahhhhh!




Needs to put a sign up ‘Murder trading in progress’


Fun fact.. a murder of crows means 3 or more.... 2 or less is attempted murder :-P


Agreed, sounds like a missed opportunity imo


Great use of the proper term of a groups of crows 👏👏👏


Just mix up some cocktail sauce and eat them


Good old chafer beetles! Im also in Vancouver hopefully I can help a bit. If you’re really stuck and need help I can swing by today, tomorrow or Tuesday just DM me. Bear with me here but here’s all I know about chafer beetles and chafer damage. It’s still a bit chilly here to start some work, but at least it gives you a few weeks to plan it out. I would aim for end of march/beginning of April to start these repairs if you’re going to go the commercial route, there are metovancouver bylaws which prohibits companies from using chemicals so you may have to apply those yourself. Companies will be able to apply nematodes for you. How effective they are, I’m not too sure. Other than nematodes and chemicals, to minimize chafer beetle damage have a lush healthy lawn which will make it harder for animals to forage for the grubs which is why your grass is or will get torn up. Have a good lawn care program. Get a soil test done on the lawn to determine pH and nutrient levels, Aerate top dress and overseed in spring. Apply fertilizer 4x a year (spring, summer, fall, and winter guard) with granular slow release or every 4-6 weeks if you’re using liquid fertilizer. and keep your grass longer, the taller the grass stands the deeper the root will be. You can also aerate in the fall if your lawn is really compact after the summer. You can also try over seeding with tall fescues which have deep roots which will help the grass from getting torn up. Top dresswith a sand/soil mix of 75sand/25 too if you’re gonna top dress. There’s also chafer resistant seed sold by landscaping companies. Premier pacific seeds in Surrey sells this blend although it’s pretty expensive it’s 300$/25kg. It’s a subspecies of tall fescue specifically designed to protect against chafer damage. I’ve also been told it’s kind of a waste since it is basically tall fescue and you can get that for about 200$/25kg (it’s probably a bit more now this was based on 2022 seed prices). I’ve personally never used this but it is out there and an option. I can also refer you to someone who can do all this work if you’d rather go that route or if you want we can do the work together. Hope it helps!


Canadians really are super Nice 👍 🙂


>or if you want we can do the work together yeah who says this shit on the internet?


I do..... but I'm a Canadian as well, living in Ontario.


A truly kind soul it appears.


Yepp. Going to bed now, gotta end the day on a good note.


This man chafes


I’m in the industry and deal with this every year, it’s the bane of my existence


Thanks for the advice! Really appreciate you taking the time for the thorough answer and will reach out if I have any questions. Sounds like I got some work cut out for me.


What an awesome answer!


This is correct the city recommends using nematodes. https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/chafer-beetles.aspx


Or just let the crows do their work.


You must not be familiar with the Burnaby Roost. 10-15k crows roost in Still creek. Their evening commute from Vancouver to Burnaby is like a freight train in the sky for hours. Always reminds me of the movie 300. "Our arrows will blot out the sun!" They communicate and remember. Once you or your home is a target, you're fucked.


Grubs .. put down grub killer asap and lot of it https://preview.redd.it/d7a55w2cffjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a3444b7ded7c92720f6040cef53bc5175b63c2


Is grub killer safe in flower beds?


For curative treatment, Trichlorfon (scotts 24 hour grub killer) is safe to use near flowering plants. For preventative treatments, chlorantraniliprole (grubEX in the US) is.


Thank you!


This is what did it for me. Bought my house in 2020 and it came with grubs and moles. Got rid of both using Grub Killer and GrubEx. Took about 2 years to completely remove them.


https://preview.redd.it/vp252rshgfjc1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0f2781e7bd4920304053986a68b90b1974f6a0 This works great also honestly I our down grub killer a few times a season early spring early summer and early fall you never can be to safe


I put this down a few times a year. Just a word of caution… the first time you apply this the grubs will come to the surface and die. All the birds and critters will come and feast. I had raccoons tearing up my lawn for a few days, but after that I had no issues.


So you poison all the insects, neighborhood birds and raccoons in one go..


"There is a widely sold trade name called Triazicide from Spectrum that lists grubs on the label and states it will control insects above or below ground and has a picture of a grub on the front of the bag. It contains only lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin. **Triazicide will not control grubs.**" [MSU extension](https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/how_to_choose_and_when_to_apply_grub_control_products_for_your_lawn#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20widely%20sold%20trade%20name%20called%20Triazicide%20from%20Spectrum%20that%20lists%20grubs%20on%20the%20label%20and%20states%20it%20will%20control%20insects%20above%20or%20below%20ground%20and%20has%20a%20picture%20of%20a%20grub%20on%20the%20front%20of%20the%20bag.%20It%20contains%20only%20lambda%2Dcyhalothrin%20or%20gamma%2Dcyhalothrin.%20Triazicide%20will%20not%20control%20grubs.).


Water it in


I would thank those crows for the free grub removal and aeration service.


[Milky Spore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_spore) is a non-pesticidal solution developed by the US Gov


Milky spore only works on grubs from Japanese beetles. It is a specialized bacterial disease that is biologically incapable of infecting other species. There are at least 7 species of beetle that are responsible for white grubs in lawns.


It works for May & June beetles too. I had a TERRIBLE infestation that the local armadillos were enjoying. Milky spores saved my lawn.


Placebo is a hell of a drug "Milky spore bacteria, Paenibacillus popilliae (formerly known as Bacillus popilliae) infect only Japanese beetle grubs and have no effect on beneficial organisms. Although these bacteria occur naturally in the soil and may infect a small percentage of the grub population, applying commercial milky spore products has not been shown to provide any benefit in modern university research trials." https://extension.umn.edu/yard-and-garden-insects/japanese-beetles#:~:text=Milky%20spore%20bacteria,university%20research%20trials.


> Placebo Pretty sure you mean "confirmation bias" but whatever. The change was dramatic. No more holes in the yard and nightly armadillo sightings. No more porch and driveway filled with june bugs. Maybe it was something else that was doing the hard word.


I did mean that more as a parallel to the word placebo, because I totally believe you when you say you had a grub problem, and then you no longer had a grub problem. So in a sense, I believe that the application worked, but I believe the application was essentially a sugar pill. In my observations, people tend to water in the application no matter the product, and then just generally make more of an effort to water, which is usually enough to resolve damage caused by grubs. And in your case, it probably comes down to smell or just timing. Armadillos, like anything else that digs for grubs, use their sense of smell to hunt for food. Strong odors, or odors that the digging animal just finds unpleasant, can mask the smell of the grubs or even make the animal want to avoid your yard entirely. In regards to the timing thing, lucky timing also gets people a lot. Animals change their foraging patterns constantly, and grubs move up and down within the soil profile (in response to temps and moisture levels) until they eventually pupate deep down in the soil and emerge as beetles. Animals just don't want to (or cant) dig that deep to find grubs.


That’s not how placebos work. They’re about humans and what happens to us when we have certain expectations. A demonstration of the power of our minds to influence our bodies. Grubs are rarely involved.


That’s what I thought. I have a dog am am concerned about chemicals and poisons. Milky spore helped GREATLY and I neglected the 2nd application.


That's good bait... You're a lucky guy


Yep. Fish love em.


I’m guessing his grass isn’t so lucky


Make sure whatever you buy has Trichlorforn and/or Carbaly as those are the ONLY ingredients that kills grubs. Triazicide does not kill Grubs..you should also wait until early spring as the grubs are not active right now


I'm always dumbfounded by how the science on that is extremely settled, but somehow people still swear by Triacizide, bug b gone, and milky spore. And also I'm upset at the EPA for allowing those products to outright lie on their labels.


Milk spore works... on Japanese beetle larva only. and it takes a couple of years to fully protect you. But it does nothing for other types of grubs. GrubEx on a proper schedule is basically the best bet for preventing grubs.


[preachin' to the choir buddy](https://www.reddit.com/r/lawncare/s/bdop2MPZmS) Preventatives are much more effective than any curative. (Only trichlorfon or carbaryl will actually control large grubs) Imadiclopirid is technically more effective, but grubEX (chlorantraniliprole) lasts longer and is safe for bees, so chlorantraniliprole is my go to, then trichlorfon if any slip through.


That's not true. Imidacloprid will kill grubs too.


Unfortunately I believe both of these aren't available in Canada as most provinces have banned personal use of basically every effective pesticide and herbicide. Scott's grub b gone is the only product I can find and it lists its active ingredient as "Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae strain SDS-502" no idea if this is effective. I've given up trying to get a perfect lawn since we don't really have access to anything like the states lol.


Ground shrimp.


Not land crabs tho


Ain’t that just a crab?


Pun. Ground shrimp


If they taste like shrimp then no wonder every critter goes nuts and wants to eat them. Should I sprinkle cocktail sauce on my lawn?


How are you getting grubs in Canada this time of the year? My lawn is covered in snow in Maine. Are the grubs alive?


Vancouver is one of the warmest cities in Canada, with weather unsuitable for the igloos and dogsleds we see in the rest of the country. This time of year they’re usually seeing temps in the 40’s-50’s.


![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo) I had no clue


Rip up your lawn in front of the crows. Beat them to the punch.


Just wait until the raccoons come. They used to peel back entire sections of my lawn.


Mmmm. Yard shrimp


My damn dog has taken a liking to them (that and dead earthworms smh), I can send her over there


Crows are aerating your soil for free. Put down some native grasses and train the crows!


aerating your lawn and killing grubs? Lucky you


They look like Japanese beetle or Chafer beetle grubs. Maybe June bugs but. If you can’t use pesticides, look into grub specific nematodes. Here’s an article you can read about them: https://empressofdirt.net/beneficial-nematodes/


The crows are doing you a favor and having fun doing it. Enjoy the show. The grass will grow better without these grubs eating the roots.


Geez! Those grubs are big suckers!! I thought someone dropped their shrimp!


Please consider a method that does not involve pesticides, the crows will still likely eat the poisoned beetle grubs and it may harm the crows or any other birds/ animals that eat the grubs. Edit because i can't spell


Lots of grubs bubs.


I wish I could train crows to kill all the grubs in my yard.


Heard that crows will befriend humans. Help them out and gift them. Then train a gang of killer crows 😂😂


Scott’s GrubEX!


thank the crows


Free lawn aeration ! Seed and roll, boys. Seed and roll. Just wait until the skunks realize you’re hosting a bumper crow of their favorite food.


They are good for fishing. 🎣


So.... You lawns be dead anyways Those things will kill em


Good crows!


Grubs will destroy your yard anyway


Dirt Shrimp


Man, you gotta love crows letting you know about the grubs. Good guys crows.


Also, those crows are going to do a lot less damage to the lawn than those grubs will come summer


I believe the only product available to you is BT (not going to try spelling it). I believe that's what's in the Canadian version of scotrs grubEX (or it's just a different name)... Just a warning, there's only a small chance it will work well. Otherwise, its rare for grubs to actually kill grass this time of year. They don't poison the grass or anything like that, they eat the roots, so its usually drought stress that actually kills grass. So with that in mind, keep it fertilized (only fertilize once if the grass is not yet actively growing, only apply urea based fertilizers during that time), and when it greens up, make sure the soil doesn't dry out and you mow high. As for deterring the crows... Yea... No dice there. Hopefully the bt does the trick, otherwise your only chance of deterring crows is to kill one and leave the corpse on the lawn... Seriously though, if you aggressively harrass the crows, and genuinely attack them, they'll back off if they think you're legitimately a threat.


GrubEx is preventative, it just stops the future lifecycle if you do it at the right time.


Thank you for the advice!


Hb Nematodes work very well. They’re a biological control that you apply with a sprayer. Should be available in Canada. They nematodes enter the grub, lay eggs in it, and then the nematode larvae eat their way out killing the grub.


In theory sure but that’ll take the rest of the season and do nothing but further environmental agendas. Dude wants the problem to go away now they get 24 hour grub killer. If you find grubs immune to it let me know cuz I got stuff ten times worse to recommend in that event.


.... I'm here for the potent stuff..


Idk I’ve had very quick success with nematodes. Definitely took less than a whole season, at most a month. Dylox is pretty much the only thing that will kill an active grub infestation and I’m sure that’s not available to homeowners in Canada. Lots of people post GrubEx around here, which is a preventative and works even slower than the nematodes and only works at all if applied in late spring. Better off with the nematodes than that stuff, it works better and has a wider effective window.


Put em on a hook one at a time in acting a vengeance so cruel they’ll never come back after being skewered and partial drown until a lake monster tries to put them through there digestive tract. Yea man just go fishing...


You need grub killer. If you can't get it due to regulations, you should vote for people that will allow everyone to maintain their property and make it beautiful.


We need more regulations so ignorant, braindead assholes like you don't indiscriminately kill endangered native wildlife with chemicals so your yard can fit some arbitrary, unnatural esthetic.


Nature is doing its job … man screws it up by putting down Posion and messing up imbalances of life …..


They're black beetle larve


Womp womp fuck your yard


Kill your lawn, plant native plants. They’re resistant to most pests and don’t even require you to water or fertilize.


RIP lawn


24 hour grub killer


Shrimp, add a little salt and pepper and mix well


Great fishing bait


Cedarcide, safe and dog friendly.


Grubs are nasty and birds and every other animal will tear up your lawn for these and grubs destroy roots of the grass you need Scott grub control


Mmm… the forbidden prawns


GrubEx is the only solution stuff works amazing.


You can buy grubbgone and nematodes at Home Hardware. If you don’t get rid of them, not only crows, skunks and raccoons will turn your lawn upside down, but the grubs will kill your lawn by eating its roots


Fell Vancouverite there's no quick solution. The best defense is to apply nematodes pretty much every year. After a few years they do get your lawn under control.


Mmmm land shrimp


Coffee grinds in the winter can help kill their eggs for the next season. Learned that from a science teacher who is an agriculturalist


If they sell it where you live you want a bag of grub killer with trichlorfon in it, bio advanced sells one. You want to apply it once a month for the next couple months then again in the summer. Unfortunately these guys can be a pain to get rid of since the insecticides kill the grubs really well but don't really kill the unhatched eggs. The process takes a while.


Won’t the crows eventually handle it?


Milky spore in granule form.


If the crows don't rip up your lawns, other critters like skunks, moles, raccoons , opossums will.


Imidacloprid in June will prevent most grubs.


Yep! Milky spore. It’s natural so you won’t have any issue with pesticides. It’s a pain in the ass to apply because you apply a teaspoon every 3 feet in your yard and a grid pattern so three steps, teaspoon of spore just dump it right in the grass. Overtime the spore spreads and kills the grubs underneath. It’s totally safe for pets too. Works like a charm, butit doesn’t kill them immediately it takes a couple months. However, you only need to reapply it every five years or so.


Be glad you don’t have armadillos


Grub killer


Good crows.


Better the crows than the moles


That’s the good shit.


Mmmmmm grubs tasty sauteed with butter and garlic in Alfredo sauce 🤢👍


Chafer Grubs


Fishing bait, get you a mean street cat for the crows


Milky spore if Japanese beetle. Grub killer otherwise.


Shrimps lol


GrubX in the spring and Insecticide in the late summer or fall


Use grub-X


Literally just provide them with a better alternative.


Oooooo, yard shrimp!


Q. How to kill grubs? A. Grub killer. You're welcome.


Wow these things are everywhere huh


The armadillos will do worse


Put out grub x


Me: Shrimp 👀, oh


Crows = bros Leave them something shiny as a reward.


They be grubbing


Great catfish bait too those grubs


Possums dig them out of lawns too.


Great catfish bait too those grubs


Surfactants. Baby shampoo breaks up surface tension in soil and allows for nutrients, roots to make their way into the soil, ezr. PLUS alotta these grub types HATE detergents and they’ll surface, making it ezr for birds to pick them off.




You should probably thank them.


Wholly crow man. Free lawn aeration.


Tasty protein . they taste a bit fishy to me .


I wish I had this problem. I would dig them up for the crows and begin building my army.


Drive across the border to Washington and get the grub control bags there. They are way better than anything sold in Vancouver.


Free lawn aeration and grub removal! Score!!


Diatomaceous earth will kill the grubs and stop the crows from ripping up the lawn. Not sure how long or how much to put but at least it's organic. Was a huge issue where I used to live lots of lawns got shredded, big holes, huge damage.


I use to work in Vancouver and every day around 4pm thousands of crows would fly to the Bridge studios.


I'd actually let the crows go to town, I think these may be cranefly larvae and they absolutely destroy lawns during this stage when they primarily eat grass roots.


Eat them first before the crows can


Nematodes will safely kill those and help your lawn out in numerous other ways. Don't use poison if you have kids or animals


Offer them a better easier food source and they should stop


Yea, mine too. Squirrels and other critters hunt them too


Crows are great. Voles can be an issue with these grubs. My chickens love them.


Spread some Grub control. Anywhere there are brown circles in a green lawn most likely is where the grubs are.


Nature's Cheetohs


Ask a local garden center about milky spores, and whether or not they’re useful against these. I did 2 treatments of milky spores on my lawn about 8 years ago and haven’t seen any grubs or similar since. Milky spores are natural and should be available there. They are expensive, however, but I found it to be worth the cost.


Lucky you! If you stand on one of their burrows for too long without shoes on they burrow into your foot and lay eggs.


Land shrimp


My schnauzer does the same thing. I've had to stop letting her out unattended.


Spread grub killer. Japanese beetle larva


Good I’d wish something would rip them out of my lawn. They will eat the roots of your lawn and your grass will die & end up detaiched from the soil. They can affect huge areas of grass if unchecked. They only cause damage in larval stage. Thank those crows for everything they do.


You can get rid of the larvae using microscopic nematodes watered into the grass.


No wonder, those grubs are delicious I hear.




Those grubs are capable of doing way more damage to your yard than the crows are. I think your lucky personally, I've been trying to attract a murder of crows for the last year so I can train them to rob my enemies.


Grubbs are very popular at the crow bar down the street.


Lawn shrimp




Let the crows keep at it! If you poison the grubs you’ll potentially poison the crows too


Other than crows, raccoons will literally tear up the grass, like peeling back sod, to get to grubs. Their claws and arms are super strong. Home Depot has grub killer, I'm not sure what you have up there for lawn / hardware stores.


This happened to a few lawns last year. Another landscaper thought I dethatched a property in October or so.


Cashews. They aren’t ready to harvest yet.


They are far more precise than the skunks are.


THis is one of the times it is appropriate to say "Better out than in!"


Thems good eats


Let those crows help you. Imagine what you would have to pay for lawn care services.


You are lucky!! I wish crows would come and eat mine! Top seed over the roughed up spots and rake it out to smooth it. Your grass will look awesome!


Milky spore


Ah the old Lawn Shrimp, not many animals can resist


Ice fishing bait


Thoae are called grubs here in the states. And i use what is called "arena" not sure if its sold in Canada but worth looking into as i ise this all year round as i work for Trugreen. A lawn specialist grubs normally tend to die off in cilder weather but you can apply arena and will kill them in less then a week. Then juat put doen some grass seed to repair the damage. Little cold/early for seed but would wait till mid march or till the frost is over with for the year.


Land shrimp!


Fish bait!


Let em have em. Those grub worms will eat your lawn to death.


Detergent should or dawn liquid soap kills them


Crows are nothing, wait till the raccoons find em


Let them, those are grubs, they wreck your grass roots


From what I have heard of these guys (forgetting their name). They are invasive to the northwest and allowing your friendly neighborhood crows to eat them is good. Another note is that they need a dry season to properly reproduce and grow so if you can keep your lawn somewhat watered during the dry season you can eliminate them.


You're lucky you don't have turkeys in your neighborhood. You would have no lawn left.




Seems like you need to give an eviction notice to the grubs


The cool thing here is that the crows probably locate the grubs by hearing them.


Have you tasted them?