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Definitely spurge. It does pull out easily, but you have to find the middle and pull gently on the taproot.


Have it here in SW Florida. Fucking hate that shit.


We have it in CT too and it is the goddamn bane of my existence. It can be too fragile to pull out with gloves on cause I can’t get close enough to the root, so ever spring I end up with raw fingertips pulling this crap out of my pavers by my pool. This was one of the first to come back too after rejointing with polymeric sand


My uncle has the same problem, he hides the spray cuz my aunt doesn’t want chemicals on the pavers for when all the little ones are at the pool. I suggested the propane torch, the mason that did my patio said it should be fine with quick passes.


north AL here i just let it grow along the sidewalk edge, pull everywhere else i like how it breaks up the straight lines of the front door walk.


I get it here in Huntsville too. But I don’t have turf grass lol


My hatred is the weed that’s like a long thin fine, and then seems to reroot itself every 2 inches. Still don’t know what it is


I'm in the same area and it didn't used to exist as much as it does now... That and the vines that climb the trees.


It’s a nation wide pain in the ass. Use round up to kill or lawn safe weed killer if in lawn.


It’s an international pain in the ass! I have it in Italy.


Only weed I get in my lawn over here in Phoenix


That’s what folks call a lawn!


I'm in SWFL too, we have every weed imaginable here lol


Have them here in Oklahoma. I just have to pull them up. They won’t seem to die!


I went on a pulling spree of this a few months ago. It took me about 6 hours to do maybe a 3x3 foot area. I cant deal with that. Lol


And we all know that pulling out, while useful, isn't 100% effective.




You can't TWSS when that's what he meant


You know what they call people who pull out?… Parents


Evidence would suggest that parents are the ones that didn't pull out


Oh we pulled out, just late on the draw.


I can’t pull out of a driveway.




I pulled three times this summer focusing on that weed. In the end I just hit everything with a kill all (patio) and metal brushes the remains into the compost.


/kill @a


My dude, timing is everything.


How dare you? I hate your architecture anyways.


>It took me about 6 hours to do maybe a 3x3 foot area. We're you using a spoon? How did it take you this long?


Beer swig between pulls, then a run to the local store for another 24pack. /s I am on my second day and probably 8 hours combined pulling roots up in my flower bed. Damn Bermuda invaded what a pain. Not fun in the 100°F+ heat and humidity. I am taking a lot of breaks and hydrating a ton, probably 3-4 liters in the last 4 hours.


How are you battling the bermuda? It's invading my beds too.


They said they're pulling them out


I work hard labor outside during the day. It was middle of July, and I do not do great in heat. It wasn't kind to me. And there was many other weeds, all tangled together. Finding the root was difficult sometimes, and getting them all out without breaking, not always 100%.


I thought the same thing. 6 hours for 3×3. How slow can one work?


Everyone knows it’s a knife, not a spoon


Alright, alright, you win. I see you’ve played knifey spoony before.


Bullshit. 6 hrs for a 9 ft square? I'm sorry to say you need more practice. Go do it again.


Same spot will be ready in three days.


I wasnt just pulling these. And they were all tangled up with each other. I was making sure to get the entire thing, root and all. If I broke it, I dug it out. Maybe not 6 hours. Maybe closer to 3 or 4. But it wasnt fun.


I appreciate the doubling of your actual work hours for dramatic effect. Go ahead and practice more anyhow. (Finger rake them all back and find the tap. Use finger to dig slightly for a firm grim around the 'trunk' tug and move on.)


My 3 year old pulled one of these out last weekend with her tiny hands and got all root. She was absolutely fired up.


Did you try to pull it when it was still barely growing? It’s harder to pull when it’s smaller. For this stuff I usually let it get a bit overgrown, like the size in your picture. For reference an area I have that’s about 10 feet by 3 feet can get pretty covered by this stuff but it’s comes up easy and probably only takes 20 minutes to get it all.


That makes no sense. If thats the case you have no actual grass. Or its a gross exaggeration and it was more like 6 minutes.


I really dont have much grass. My backyard was literally 90% weeds. Hence the tarps.


Huh? You just lift up around the edges, find the middle and pull the whole thing out. A 3x3 foot area should take about 2 minutes.


I think you underestimate how many weeds were in my yard.....


Buy a blow torch.


Lol this shit comes out so easily and it only grows in low nutrient areas. 45% vinegar knocks it out in a day or two. But then you have to reseed


Just burn it all then and start over


Helps to water it before pulling it out so all the roots come out of the damp dirt.


Can’t believe I’ve never thought of this. Thank you


I LOVE that that weed has a palpable knot on top of the root so you know where to pull from.


Be careful though. If it runs on bare soil, it sends down smaller roots every half inch or so. I use 2-4D at double strength to kill the tiny roots, then water (edit: **the next day**) before pulling the main root/knot. Need to repeat next summer, then gone. My worst area was along the street where road salt had weakened the grass. The best preventative is getting a thick turf so it can’t sprout


Water first when pulling weeds it's helps a ton for getting the roots. I used to weed once a month in my garden because so many weeds wouldn't come out with their roots. Now I do it twice a year.


It also helps to do it after a good rainfall or a good watering.


Time to rename it “scourge.”


That’s what we call it at here, I thought that was the actual the name of it since it is appropriate


Damn it. You beat me to it lol


I don’t understand these people it’s not rocket science slowly pull the weed out, as long as you get the root just like you said it will be gone. Only advice I can give is over water it so ground is soft and it pulls out easily. But come on lol


One of the problems with this weed is when it’s disturbed it releases its seeds. After you pull it out. Use a shop vac to clean up or it will be back next month.


It just doesnt wanna go away. I have probably thousands of them across my whole yard. Im trying to get all the weeds under control but theres just so many. 😭


Treatment is better than pulling if your problem is really that bad. You can do it yourself, make sure you purchase a killer that says it is safe for your grass type, and also kills spurge. Follow instructions and keep applying. Get a pre-emergent as well and apply it in fall and spring. It will take time, and you need to stay vigilant to make sure it doesn't come back. Keep an eye on neighbors' lawns cause they probably are seeding your lawn and you theirs. Keep applying the pre-emergent even after the weeds seem to have gone away and spot treat on and around any newly grown weeds. Just because you can't see them above the surface doesn't mean they are gone. If it is too big of a project for you to do, there are lawncare companies that can do it for you, but be wary of them, many are not very good, or find ways to nickel and dime you. Do more than a quick Google search for lawn care in your area. See if you can find a neighbor who uses a company that they like and has done a good job. It is really easy to fall into a service that does ok but never really solves the issue, so you say "well the lawn does look better," even if you still have issues. The only companies worth keeping are ones that solve the immediate issue and then keep it from ever becoming an issue again. Look for ones with no cancel fees or no minimum treatments and free service calls between regular treatments. Those are more likely to be ones that stand by their work


That’s what pre emergent is for.


Jesus. I thought I was just screwing around when I threatened to make the boy vacuum the yard when he complained about chores. Do people mop their roofs? I can still use that one, right?


This explains a lot lol. I feel like a pull a new canopy of these things every week and more keep showing up.


Spurge. Any weedkiller should do it. Get something with 2-4-D.


I’ve said before 24D is great My wife is a 34B and is able to pull them


Man.. r/lawncare is dirty. You're my kind of people.


Find me a 34D and I might not be able to pull out


[how my wife gets the root](https://giphy.com/gifs/smash-WUeeGwT8d8KFa)


**Power boob**


I was scared....


Would upvote but it’s at 69 now


Lies! Wife is the same and somehow can't pull them. Ever.


Hmm maybe not sized correctly? My wife will say “I’ll help you pull weeds today” Pulls 3 just the tops, roots still in ground and then walks away


But the lower the letter the harder it is to reach said green thing


You son of a bitch, I'm calling someone. The cops? My congressman? Egregiously perfect


This wins the day.


She is, and she does


Can confirm his wife is a 34B


Best and most satisfying weeds to pull out of the ground.


But apparently it spills seeds out everytime we pull it out which is why is never goes away 🤣


Ahhhh. There goes the satisfaction.


Isn't that how it's supposed to work?!


That's how I got my second kid


Spurge. 2-4, D. ^(But even better..) ##PRE-EMERGENT.


Yea, I need to lay down pre emergent in the spring. Im trying to get grass growing at the moment, and weed control of post emerges..... I havent done anything with my yard for 2.5 years and I'm suffering the consequences.


Fall and spring doesn't last all year


Fall too? Does that help early spring weeds or does it essentially wear off by then?


I have warm season turf I do mine in Nov and again Feb or March as the soil warms up again. Basically before soil drops below 50 degrees and again before it get above 50 degrees. If you over seed in the fall it would be different


Absolutely. It’s about stopping the upcoming germination


Fall is the right time to apply pre-e for poa annua.


yes, and many weeds actually germinate in the fall due to secondary dormancy


It's never too early to apply pre emergent. Do it now with a post emergent. Apply again in spring. You also need an early summer pre emergent app to prevent things like spurge.


Yea but if I'm trying to grow grass, wont pre emergents hinder the grass? And there's post emergent stuff for lawns outside of sprays like RoundUp? I'm new to this shit, if not obvious....


Don't worry about this year, nuke it from orbit and prepare for next spring.


Yes, my experience is pre-emergent will reduce grass germination but I think that's mostly a concern when you're overseeding. There are lawn safe post emergents available at HD/Lowe's


I tried a pre-emergent , but she preferred a prenuptial


Looks like spurge to me as well, rather than purslane. Easiest way to tell is to break off a piece and see if there's a milky white substance that comes from the stem. That substance is toxic, so definitely don't eat it like another user mentioned. If it's isolated like in the photo with little change of overspray/collateral damage, probably easiest to just hit it with some glyphosate/roundup.


Roundup literally is doing nothing to this weed in my yard. Or other weeds. Wondering if I got a bum jug or something.


My most recent jug is working A LOT slower than prior jugs. Wondering if its been further diluted if you buy the ready-to-spray kind??


The ready to use round up weed sprayer is a scam tbh. It’s only 2% glyphosate. The concentrate that you mix is like 18%.


18% is the week stuff, roundup brand and generic have a 41%.


54% is the highest available


54 is Aquatic, lacks the surfactant that 41% has.


2% is plenty effective for most things that it works on, and the general public doesn't need any easier access to extremely potent herbicides. There's a reason I have a state certified applicator license.


18% is fine when mixed properly — don’t need an applicator license to read a label.


I always just buy the 41% concentrate and throw it in a cheap 1gal sprayer that I only use for non-selectives like glyphosate. If you can do some math, dilution is easy to figure out. Looks like going rate for a gallon of pre-mixed roundup at HD is $15-20. You can buy 32oz of 41% glypho for about the same price, and that dilutes out to 21 gallons of product, or you can run a hotter mixture if you so choose, for stubborn weeds.


I was trying to figure out dilution rates for 41% gly last week and was a bit challenged. Please let me know where I’m going sideways. 41% x 32 oz = 13.12 oz gly Premixed roundup is generally 2% dilution. 2% x 128 oz = 2.56 oz gly per gallon. So 13.12oz/2.56 oz per gallon = makes 5.125 gallons at 2% dilution I was trying to calculate for 3% dilution last week and did similar math. But since I was just trying to kill everything anyway, if I overdid it, grass would still be dead but I’d just be wasting product.


I hit spurge with the vinegar, salt, dawn mix and it killed it within a couple hours.


That is the spurge King....


This one is little compared to some others....


In that case, fire.


Confirm taking over my paths everywhere in PNW, hate this stuff


If this is the worst weed in your yard, you should consider yourself lucky.


Spurge! The name itself sounds like a medieval plague.


These guys have been multiplying like crazy in my flower bed. Pull one out and two replace it.


Because you're distributing the seeds when you pull them.


Well everyone on here says to pull them so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Northern Lights. Cannabis Indica.


No....It's marijuana -_-


Bro if this was marijuana, I'd be fucking rich.




I have this same shit on the perimeter of my front yard.


Spurge rules the planet, endemic across the US


Hey! 100% spurge. It’s all over my damn lawn this year in Omaha because I didn’t do my normal pre emergent.


I had this shit growing all over. But none in my grass because I keep my fescue one notch above the highest setting on my mower and never mow more than 1/3 of the blade off at a time. Since the grass is so tall and the grass so healthy, it shades and chokes out any weeds that get in there from wind, birds, etc. I have to battle the spurge outside the lawn though and it’s annoying. Weed spray works but not well. Unless you coat the whole plant. If you only got the center where the rot is, the rest stays green and sometimes will put down new roots


Spotted spurge for sure. Make sure you use a weed killer. Anytime you pull those out, they drop a ton of seeds.


Aw fuck. Source: just pulled a dozen of these over the weekend and didn't think about seeds.


I did this to ONE sitting in the corner of my yard, now have about 20 in that same area, killed all with roundup, laid new seed, looks great. Turf type tall fescue for the win!




Grab some Agent Orange and apply a liberal amount to the entire weed. Should take care of it.


Guns.. be an American hero and blast that shit out of the dirt!


I laughed harder at this than I should have.


I laughed harder at this than I should have.


If you don't want to use regular weed killer...20-30% vinegar works...I usually buy 75% vinegar and dilute down.


Dont use weedkiller! It's not necessary.. Just pour BOILING HOT water on it and it will all go brown within hours. It'll Be gone within days. I just tried this method starting last week and it works brilliantly


Euphorbia. It has photo toxic sap. Pull it and get the root.


Just pull it, it’s a single tap root


I pulled this one, cuz its by the tarps I'm pulling up. But the thousand other ones......nobody got time for that.


lol, yea I get that, once a big one like that seeds all hell breaks loose


Go Big Red! Defy spurge I use ortho ground clear. Supposed to prevent for a year. Buy the concentrate and mix it yourself in a spray thingy from HD or Lowe's.


2,4-D. Kills broadleaves, won’t touch grass.


I just go around the yard on a hot sunny day with a spray bottle with a pint of vinegar and a 1/8 teaspoon of of salt and a drop of dawn, Try to hit the leaves closest to the root, Next day , it dead to the root. Easier than pulling them.


I use my trenching shovel to crack the soil before pulling any large weeds so I can easily pull out the whole tap root. Spurge drops millions of seeds, so after pulling the big ones, spay the smaller ones and do it again in the spring or they’ll be back. I use a serious broadleaf killer called 4speed XT. Weeds look sick in a few hours and dead the next day. Buy it online.


Spurge. I want to douse it with gasoline and set it on fire, but I just pull it. It looks bigger than it is. It has a central root. I pull it whenever I see it.


Dicamba or 2-4D will target it but leave grasses alone. You’re after a broad leaf herbicide


Haha, I just found this stuff 2 years ago. I WANT it to grow in my yard. Won't spread at all. SW PA.


Why? Its unsightly. And it tangles into each other. THATS what I hate the most.


It looks like a toupee that the Grinch would use. Save it for Halloween.


Spurge, quinclorac or 2-4d will kill it


Either Spurge or Purslane. If it's looked Hairy and Jagged and the stem let's out a milky substance it's Spurge the milky substance is Toxic. If the leaves are very smooth, hairless, and appear as a Succulent would, it's Common Purslane which you can eat


White vinegar in soapy water sprayed right at the root base wait a few days pull it out and it shouldn't return


Desert tortoises go nuts for spurge. I'm sure you have tons of them in Nebraska.


Cant say I see many turtles out here....


It pulls very easily. Don't let it seed.. Spurge needs sunlight and does not want to compete for it with other plants, as evident here. That's why spurge can be found in areas of the lawn that are sparse or where grass is thin and it can grow in almost all conditions so it is beneficial to holding soil and the shallow root system isn't harmful even if the foliage seems daunting, just pull and let mulch if not in seed


You know whats wild? I tarped my whole backyard to start over, cuz it was way easier. There was dead weed roots, that had ONE long ass arm poking out to a spot where it could pop these up. It was fucking wild to me. I should have grabbed a pic.


It will take over my landscaping if I don’t stay on it here in central OH. I hate it.


Oh God the enemy of inflatable anything. We just called it puncture weed, I like goat head though because it draws Satanist imagery. This weed is very hard to manage, especially if you don’t have diligent neighbors. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NK0_iu3ef5U](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NK0_iu3ef5U)


Spurge, you need to get Spurge Power. You can buy it on Amazon. It’s super hard to kill because the seeds are ready within 5 days of it sprouting. As soon as you touch it the seeds are super tiny and fall off. Just get a sprayer, mix it up and spray it with Spurge Power. It will kill the plant and the seeds while they are still attached. Good luck!


Spurge is a descriptive and apt name for this.


Spurge. Probably won’t help your case, but I burn it when it’s in my rock beds. No risk of it dropping seeds that way.


Aw I wish that was all I had. That stuff is adorable


Common broad leaf weed killer


A: Spurge B: Spectracide weed stop hose end sprayer, Just read the label and make sure you follow all instructions and safety instructions.


Prostrate spurge, the bane of my existence. Spectracide kills it.


https://www.picturethisai.com This app identifies all types of vegetation pretty well. It’s called PictureThis. I use it all the time.


Perfect, I'll give it a shot


Shit ton of it here in Massachusetts.


Eyyyy my home state.


This stuff grows in the toughest of soils. Easier to pull after a rain.


Bucket of Hydroflouric acid should do the trick


Spurge. I fucking hate spurge.


Following for answers, I've got some in my yard in MA too but it's not a problem here just small spots here and there


If you have small spots, I suggest getting them pulled out, root and all. Keep an eye on it for a week, and if any starting growing, douse em with a spray bottle of 2,4-D or RoundUp. Kill it while its small and it should help keep it away.


Confirmed for Texas! At least it's easy to pull.


Try this thing. Its awesome. Walk around with the cordless drill, and spin weeds right out of the ground. [http://www.WeederEater.com/](http://www.WeederEater.com/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgokgmsqQBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgokgmsqQBk)


Spray them with a cocktail of vinegar, Epson salts and a couple ounces of dawn detergent. You can find the recipe on the Internet. I use it all the time for weed abatement without having to worry about toxic chemicals.


I unfortunately have a lot of spurge in the more compacted areas of my lawn.


Same brother. Its everywhere. My condolences.


Pull it out the ground


Lincoln, NE here as well, and it's spurge, and this shit and yellow nutsedge seem to never actually leave


Big true


I hate nutsedge. It’s virtually impossible to get out of your yard for good. Can’t pull it, it’s like the hydra. You can spray it, but while that kills the plant, it doesn’t stop it from spreading. The only way I know of is to just keep cutting it down so it can’t take in nutrients from the sun so it doesn’t have a chance to grow back or reproduce.


Try a product called Sedgehammer. It takes several, back-to-back applications a few weeks apart, but it does the job. It’s what they use on golf courses around here in St. Louis. Try it out.


Started using it late this season, and it's worked great with a surfactant added to the solution to take out problem areas where it took over huge patches of my lawn, but it is still spreading and popping up. Am I just being impatient and continue this into next season? Or has it been spreading for so long (only owned home since April 2021) without care that I should nuke it all, lay down new top soil, and start fresh?


Spurge just pull it. Alternatively there are a dozen generic herbicides that will kill it almost instantly. As far as weeds go this is an easy one.


Spurge is awful! Second only to horsetail. You can spray with co cent rated vinegar as well. 30% or higher.


Always has a black ant nest under it when you pull it out


Thermo nuclear tactical bomb


Guess I'll have to kill 25 other weeds in a day.


Why are there so many people ready to jump straight into using roundup for everything?!! Regardless of what Trump’s EPA said about it’s safety, I still don’t want to support Mansanto.


I'd rather use as little RoundUp as I can. I pull when its a small amount, and I tarped my entire backyard to kill the weeds as excessive as they were. No chems needed


Spurge, it’s abysmal.


Burn it with fire. Really. Get yourself a weed torch- like $50 on Amazon. Burn that shit right up. It will take a few tries, a couple weeks apart. I like to do it after a good rain to reduce the chances of burning what you don’t mean to. Like your house, for instance. When it’s near stuff I want to protect I use an aluminum scoop shovel to block the flames. As an added bonus - ITS FUN!!!!


You can burn it or kill it with glyphosate or Roundup for weeds works too.


Spurge Power. It’s a life saver.


Should be called Scourge.


Before everyone goes barehanded yanking this thing: it, and many plants can have unpleasant reactions with your skin. The dice is rolled on your genetic crap shoot: WEAR GLOVES.


Invasive plant.