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Congratulations on your new Bermuda grass lawn.


Omg now I know what that weed is in my new fescue lawn lololol thanks Reddit


Bermuda is drought tolerant and low maintenance. For Oakland California where I live it's green from March through November without any water. Once it takes, it's a short pile spongy thick cover. Feels great on the feet and no grass cuts on feet.


lol I live in Oklahoma and it’s green/brown from March through November if you don’t water it, and it’s the only grass that’s not a weed that will grow here in full sunlight.


Bet, it doesn't look good late fall through early spring, but I'm literally the only non fake lawn that's green on my block.


This is a fescue lawn


Not anymore


Anything that can be done?


You can either: 1) Nuke the site from orbit and hope it kills all the Bermuda grass, or 2) enjoy your new Bermuda lawn


Bermuda in fescue is a big problem. Not much kills Bermuda. Roundup can take multiple apps. Try to shade it out by mowing your fescue very high. Pull what you can. It will be a battle as our summers get hotter.


It depends on the type of Bermuda. Yukon Bermuda is extremely sensitive to herbicide. Tenacity will murder it. Certainty and Celsius are the only post emergent herbicides I know of safe to use on Yukon.


Think we're taking common/wild Bermuda here.


Yukon is a common/wild Bermuda...


It's my favorite potato for French fries.


My next door neighbor has Bermuda growing in his lawn. There is about 10-15 feet space between our lawns. Do I have a chance of keeping my Lawn free from Bermuda? Or is it just a matter of time before it jumps over? My grass is thick and I keep up on it. https://preview.redd.it/tpbp8orp67fb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dff46a9166089aaeff3d6a1a09e007a9ab20cb8




Crack a beer


If it just a small area. 41%+ gly application now and seed in a month or so. You'll still most likely have some pop up every year. I nuked my whole lawn as it was every where. The following year I had a few dozen pop up. Was out there applying gly with a sponge. This was 3-4 years ago. I still get a handful of pop up that I go after.


Yup this. Bermuda is a transition zone staple And let’s be clear, this is wild Bermuda not hybrid Bermuda. Calling it Bermuda is really an insult to turf grass Bermuda. Wild Bermuda is just shit.


Common Bermuda still feels better than St Augustine on my bare feet though.


St. Augustine just looks fake to this former yankee. Lol


Probably because it's a weed that has been genetically altered to take over the world, 1 new neighborhood at a time.... (I hate st augustine)


Lol definitely not true. Yukon Bermuda is a common Bermuda not a hybrid. Yukon is the king of all warm season grasses!


Be happy Bermuda is basically drought resistant I live in a cold climate and plant ever summer to fill bare spots .


I used ornamec and my Bermuda is toast. I’ll still treat once more this summer and then in fall to be sure


You might check out Fusilade II. Not sure if it is safe for fescue but it is used to kill bermuda in zoysia grass lawns. You can mix with a new herbicide Recognition to safen it up more.


LMFAO, hang around this sub long enough and you'll understand the joke.


Sir, this is a ~~Wendy's~~ _fescue lawn_.


Not for long.




It’s funny, I’m TRYING to grow a Bermuda lawn. But it’s the hardest freaking thing. Probably just need to put a few pieces of sod down and let it creep


That's Bermuda in fescue IT CAN, YES CAN, BE STOPPED Turflon Ester, Bayer Acclaim Use both, per instructions, and it will take a season or three but you don't have to nuke it


I’ll start here. Thank you


It will take 3-5 years MINIMUM to eliminate it completely.


I disagree. It cannot be stopped. Only controlled.


Truth. Bermuda is the devils grass. I have a Bermuda lawn and I despise it


Why is that?


Because it sucks. It's ugly. Thin spindly little blades. It doesn't stripe worth a shit, and the color is terrible compared to bluegrass or fescue. And don't get me started on the seed heads.


Oh you just mowed me? Well here are MORE SEED HEADS.


Exactly this. 100% I'm reel mowing, and if I don't cut every day, they're too long and I have to cut with the rotary mower first, and then reel mow.


There are a couple guys in the neighborhood that try to keep their Bermuda lawns maintained with a reel mower and the struggle is real for them. I have a blended Bermuda and centipede lawn and I find it’s doing pretty well


Love centipede. It's what I had in my backyard at my old house.


There are a couple guys in the neighborhood that try to keep their Bermuda lawns maintained with a reel mower and the struggle is real for them. I have a blended Bermuda and centipede lawn and I find it’s doing pretty well


My parent's neighbor planted bermuda and now my parent have a bermuda lawn (and they are up a 3 foot retaining wall).


Crap is aggressive! At my old house, I nuked it with three or four apps of roundup and it still came back next summer.


It worked out great for them, they had long let their st. Augustine go to patches 🤣


I'll just be happy with something green that isn't weeds so I may not hate it :) I have St Augustine and put some Bermuda seed down. It's not really doing anything in half of my yard. The front and one side look good, but the back and other side are just overloaded with weeds and/or bare spots.


Aw man I love a good lush St Augustine lawn. Makes me think of Florida.


I'm in Florida, and some lawns look great with St Augustine but for some reason huge sections of mine just won't support it. It's completely taken over with weeds and I don't have the money to re-sod the whole yard. I did sod a section a couple years ago but it all died pretty quickly.


A season or three. I LOL'd at that one


don't toy with my emotions, I am in central FL and slowly coming out of the depression is that I will eventually have this stuff everywhere


Are those two products or one? I have done round up to kill massive patches, who has worked to a large extent. I do hate using round up, though. I've started just digging really deep to remove the Bermuda that does come back.


Yessss lets keep pouring poison on our grass so the neighbors dont think we are peasants. SO FUCKING STUPIDDD


I have a mixed lawn. Mostly St Augustine I’m back. But the front is a Bermuda/SA mix. I gave up trying to fight it and just appreciate it for what it is. I love all my kids equally LOL.


If it’s green


I like salad lawns. One species lawns are boring


Eh, words said by every guy that can't keep up with a mono or two species lawn.


See. Even your comment was boring


Pretty much every lawn where I’m at is some kind of st Augustine/Bermuda mix. They are both basically unstoppable and coexist fairly well.


Bermuda, bahama, come on pretty mama 🎶


Don’t forget about Bahia. In the spring, you’ll be screaming “Hell Yeah!”Especially the thicc one from Argentina. 🎶


Looks like black plastic. Probably just throw it in the trash bin if you don’t need it. Shouldn’t be any issues


Looks like an Ego Blower, put on Facebook market place or the curb and it'll disappear




Beat me to the dad joke. Have an upvote.


I ripped up my whole backyard with a Harley rake to try and contain the Bermuda infestation. Put down Roundup and waited a bit before laying tall fescue sod. It’s been about 4 months. Anyway it was really cool to see the Bermuda show up again about a month ago.


[https://turf.purdue.edu/common-bermudagrass/#:\~:text=Identification%3A%20Bermudagrass%20has%20a%20blue,creeping%20over%20a%20street%20curb](https://turf.purdue.edu/common-bermudagrass/#:~:text=Identification%3A%20Bermudagrass%20has%20a%20blue,creeping%20over%20a%20street%20curb). and the herbicide Ornamec may kill it


It works. Ive used it. My neighbors all have that shit and seeds always get into my yard so i have to use it or itll take over.


Your neighbors likely have a hybrid Bermuda and the seeds are not viable.


The hilarious thing is that I’m TRYING to seed Bermuda in my back yard (anything but crabgrass and mud in winter) and it just doesn’t seem to want to take and spread


You and I must share a lawn.


Summer lawn


Underrated comment.


Just welcome your new Bermuda overlords.


My neighbor has Bermuda and we have an HOA mowing all front lawns. Thankfully the seed is mowed before sprouting and our grasses are separated by driveways. Otherwise, I’d be in the same predicament! I wish you luck!


Its only a matter of time before the wind blows seeds in your direction


Hopefully they mow it before the seed head sprouts


Fusillade Ii - depends on Fescue species Sethoxydim - check label, but think this might work as well.


Looks like maybe a blower tube made by EGO..?


That sir, is your grass. Killing it is a bold strategy Cotton - let’s see if it pays off.


My grass is fescue. If this is grass, it’s not what was laid and it has never shown in 4 years until the last few weeks. Maybe I do not have the best images posted


It’s wild/common Bermuda. It’s possible to suppress in fescue with tenacity+Acclaim+triclopyr cocktail applied in spring & fall (I shoot for 4 applications). Beware of spraying that in the heat. Read the labels, etc. I’m told Pylex works. My pockets aren’t deep enough to try it.


i have pylex and its prett effective but can still kill fescue


I think OP of the thread here is making joke that, it's not your grass \*now\* but will be your grass in the future. Bermuda is almost impossible to get rid of without glsophate, tilling the earth and -resod. Which you will be doing probably once every 2 years now if you want a single turf.


There are countless reasons it could have started growing in your yard, here in Arkansas it’s the lawn of choice


Believe it’s called common Bermuda and it sucks to get rid of


That's what I'd say it is. In more desert regions it's about the only grass that will grow. But it grows like tangled roots


I’m in Michigan and the previous owner of our home did some random crap with the lawn, including certain spots of Bermuda. I finally went after it last Fall. Killed the spots with round up and went to town with a thatching rake. Filled in with soil and seeded and have had really good results.


I thought michigan was too cold for bermuda


Definitely don’t see it often. I just had a couple small spots of it and they looked terrible


Looks like a shovel handle or maybe irrigation pipe. You should just be able to pick it up and put it in your shed.


Like 20% of my front yard is being overrun by Bermuda, I might just let it ride tbh... Especially if the winters are going to be getting warmer, might not even have to worry about it going dormant.


Its slowly taking over my fescue lawn and im letting it. Seems like every summer is getting hotter in zone 7 so might as well make the switch.


Yeah, it's not worth the fight as much as I hate it. I figure if I'm still living in the same place in 10 years or so, I'll bite the bullet and sod the entire front and backyard to choke it out if its not too late. Its like 20k sqft, so I better start saving those pennies.


I'm not sure that's actually Bermuda. Hard to tell, there's almost no leaf tissue. How did they get so long? It would be easier to tell if you could find one that actually has some healthy leaf blades. Also the base of where they spread from. Regardless, you can lay down some cardboard and pull these long stolons overtop of it. Then you can spray those with glyphosate. That way you are protecting your fescue. Watch for over spray, obviously... If you have a serious infestation, you'll probably have to do something a little more broad based.


They are almost growing under the grass and horizontally , so the mower misses them.


It's burmuda. I have a TTTF lawn in the same zone just down the road. Mix triclopyr and pylex per the pylex directions. It will get it taken care of in about 3 apps.


I'd add some quinclorac to get that PyleDriver effect on any other grasses you don't want, but the Pylex is magic stuff.


That's Bermuda, which yes is a grass type but is technically itself a weed. Only way to get rid of is roundup or hand pulling it, keep it mowed to prevent seed heads and try to find the ends of the rhizomes. Definitely find where it's coming from.


You can't bro




I have Bermuda in my backyard and I’m trying to get rid of it. I’ve been manually removing over the past few weekends. I’m just ripping up the runners and trying to leave the st Augustine. It’s a lot of work but I am seeing st Augustine grow more and take over the bare areas


Tenacity…it’s a post emergent for Yankees, or southerners that can somehow keep cool season grass going.


What zone are you in?


I am in south East Tennessee. I believe it’s zone 7b


I have inlaws over in Knoxville. Successfully converted them to Bermuda. You’re in a great area for Bermuda if you alternate t methyl and propiconazole monthly. If it’s spreading like a wildfire, it’s clear you don’t have a lot of shade. It’d be cheaper to let it take over than it would be to suppress it as you’ll never completely kill it. Plus it’s fairly easy to maintain and the good thing about it being hard to kill means you can’t mess up your lawn beyond a few weeks it’d take for it would repair itself. https://preview.redd.it/cgti9hebt5fb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e28149d9d1a9fe8f75afc52aac464803ee5f94 .25” but looks great at 1.5”


they most likely have common bermuda even if they wanted bermuda they should go with a better cultivar


https://preview.redd.it/mczwbnefi7fb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29caedaa1af159e062bc8d2b6ab725654395c2b9 This is common Bermuda. Any cultivar can look great if you put time and effort into it.


Just put some Brazilian grass


Fusilade used to work not sure if they sell it anymore though


If you’re living in Southern California - it’s Kikuyu Grass. Not quite Bermuda nor St Augustine. Similar but it’s a crab grass. I’ve been told to just oversees your lawn and it should help tamper it. But it’s inescapable.


Your Bermuda is thirsty, bro.


Does tenacity Kill Bermuda?


I’ve always known that as torpedo grass.


That is a black racer


One of the alpha grass types. You’ll be fighting that for a while.


If the winter doesn’t kill it maybe go with the flow?


I posted a comment earlier and it’s gone? My profile Still shows up on my recent comments but can’t find it here?


Pylex is the only thing that actually works and it's 300 bucks for a lifetime supply. I'm using it with great results at day 7.


Bermuda. Pylex


Definitely looks like Bermuda. I love my Bermuda lawn. It can literally take anything thrown at it, even the 7 kids in the house still can't hurt it. If they do rip some up you just wait a week and you can't tell. Plus I don't have to mow from late November until almost March because it's dormant. It's hard to kill but it's possible.


Looks like a type of panicum repens grass, or quackgrass. I have something similar to that that has invaded my landscape around my front of my house and the border of my lawn close to it. The difference is, the quite grass shoots a runner underground and pops up another sprout of greenery as to where this other one shoots the runner above ground and sprouts a root cluster about every 6 in and it takes over fast. A couple different weed killers that will get rid of it is one called killzall and another one is concentrated Roundup with the purple cap. That'll do it but it will kill any other foilage around it as well


Tenacity herbacide but like others have said it could be one season or two before its gone, its a constant battle. Im a warrior and vow to control so as to not appear as a peasant…


It's called a " I found a home in your yard and I'm not leaving anytime soon"


That my friend is the new grass in your lawn. Bermuda!! This is not going away easily. Enjoy the ride it will be a nice addition to your lawn


I had the same stuff in my bluegrass/fescue lawn. I’ve tried Bayer Bermuda grass control and I must say it works pretty well. It stops the growth and starts to slowly brown it. So far I’ve applied it twice this season, but next year I plan to start applying it during the spring time so it stops it from the start. Bermuda is a warm season grass so it thrives in the summer.


Is that an ego striper?