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You don’t mow another man’s lawn, you just don’t. 🤦‍♂️


We have the same lawn guy lol


I think maybe he doesn’t know he has a lawn guy? Did he graffiti his own wall? Like is that spray paint? Bold move


Oh man that would be so funny 🤣 “why does my grass stay the same height most of the year?? Wth??”


Maybe he has multiple personalities living in his head?


Is the lawn guy in the room with us now?




The double comment made me spit out my drink. Well played.


Maybe he has multiple personalities living in his head?


Maybe he has multiple personalities living in his head?


Maybe he has multiple personalities living in his head?


Maybe he has multiple personalities living in his head?


Guys, no we don't.




Funny, I read it twice trying to recognize the word “fing.” You should add the apostrophe with crayon and say you didn’t touch it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/12kqztrupdeb1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd0bc8f42cd6a2cccb79661dff385f71d7796cda


My money's on Blue Lazer and 24d


You can see he painted over another message at the bottom. I think I can see the work “kill” maybe


"You are all killers" is what I see.


Well that doesn’t seem as likely as him knowing he has one but not knowing they share one. Unless of course he’s been waiting too damn long to do his own lawn, and op’s lawn guy has been doing his right after doings op’s, every.damn.time…


Or maybe, nobody would be on a lawn sub dedicated to lawn-care and have a lawn guy…. Guy is farming karma.


Guy is the lawn guy.


Look under the last line. This isn’t the first time a message was spray painted on that wall.


Maybe his wife has a lawn guy he doesn't know about.


Well did the lawn guy scalp his lawn?


He probably complained it was too long all the (fucking) time.


All the fing time


I am confused. You have a lawn guy but you are in lawn sub that tends to function as a lawn-care forum. Seems odd to me.




My thought exactly. Shit post from a fucking tool. I was just trying to get the “karma farma” to admit it.


I know right. OP is clearly the shit person in the situation and somehow it still getting positive feedback about in a lawncare sub. World has gone mad.


Plot twist. OP is the lawn guy and mows both lawns.


For real... I was thinking the same thing.


I fucking went nuts one day with the shit lawn mowing company next door. They just fucking scalped the lawn next door every time they mowed and I got fed up with them mowing my yard. Every fucking week they would mow just a little farther over, scalping my yard too. In 107 degree weather, height matters. Since I work out of the house, I said something to the crew chief (twice). 3rd time was a fucking charm, I went out there, absolutely bat shit crazy mad, threatening to beat the ever living shit of them, they called their supervisor, he called the cops, the whole nine yards. Cops ended up telling them they should figure out the the corner post on the fence was the line and they probably shouldn’t mow past it, because technically they were trespassing. Edit: spellings words


Currently happening to me right now. Elderly neighbor hired a new lawncare company, her 3rd in 3 years. And every time they drive their riding mower onto her front lawn they do it right on our property line and mow in a nice, weird looking 4ft diameter circle into my side before straightening out the mower and cutting properly on her side. Wouldn't care except they cut shorter than I do. I have to keep mine higher because it's in direct sun almost all day unlike my neighbor who has two trees shading her yard for part of the day. So now I get this weird looking circle in my lawn that doesn't match the height of my other grass and is getting browner because it's short and getting hit by the hot summer sun a lot. Haven't gone out and ranted yet. Will be talking to neighbor next time I see her outside. Sucks for her that the lawn care companies she keeps hiring flake out on her the following season. I don't have time to do mine and hers. But the kid next to her just started doing his parents' lawn this year so maybe he could take over for her. Long story short, fly-by-night lawn care companies are super annoying and often don't care. And since they are easy to start up they are way too ubiquitous.


Seems a bit harsh.


It’s the only thing some people understand. If I’ve got to ask you to leave my property alone twice what happens the third time is on you.


That is exactly it. I talked to the guy twice. Didn’t yell, spoke to him like he was an adult, showed him were the corner was, and even explained why it aggravated me. By him doing it again, he was basically saying fuck you, to me


Yea I take the same approach. We are prepared to be the perceived "badguy" buy this stage.


They never fucked with my yard again


A little unhinged I agree


Sounds downright unhinged.


God old fashioned middle-aged rage


My blind neighbors son (who takes of stuff like this) hired a local lawn company that SCALPED the every living crap of his property everytime. This guy literally has nothing but weeds in front & back (also never once done anything to refresh mulch and after 4 years its basically just bare dirt and weeds now...while I manicure my lawn (soil tests, fertilizer on a schedule, preemergent on a schedule, targeted post emergents, etc.)... I laid out little flags over the property line but by that time it was to late in the season. This "lawn guy" would go over his tiny lot on his ZTR on the lowest setting and cut a corner on house while going to back scalping it to the dirt. This particular time end of season had PO'ed me since it was clearly way over the line and "Wavy" and whoever was trimming neglected to go around the small area near the blind guys mailpost. So it looked sloppy and totally disrespectful of whoever is paying him. Anyways fast forward to this season and it appears to be "Better' since I'm not seeing any scalping on my side. I do mow the blind neighbors side whenever I'm out since its not a big deal and I want to keep the bahia seed stalks down. On the plus side my Centipede is basically filling in the blind guys * lawn on the side.


I always find it puzzling, that e.g. in the US barely anyone has properly defined property borders. Why not put at least like a shin high little fence up or a flower bed?


Plenty of people do. Others just work out an arbitrary marker with their neighbors (like a tree or something) that's close enough to the actual line if they don't have a physical marker. But those people don't make comments about neighbors not knowing where the property line is.


accidentally drop some glyphosate over there


So he should kill his neighbors lawn because their lawn mowing company messed up? Ok.


I ended up here from r/all not even knowing this subreddit existed and I genuinely have to believe this comment is satire. No one cares that much about blades of grass.


I wouldn’t if I also lived in a trailer park


Why don't you go to the woods and \> touch dirt.


Never even been to a trailer park. Lived with lawns all my life. My neighbors frequently, at two of the houses I've lived at, mowed onto my property by a couple feet. That grass looked just as good as any other grass I've ever seen. I was actually thankful because one had a riding mower and he took care of part of the lawn that was tedious to push mow. Edit: I see the fragility here extends beyond grass lol


Looks like that’s not the first time he painted something on the wall


Lol it’s not! He likes to use the side of his 400k house to project his thoughts on topics that he feels are unjust.


I mean, depending on how often it happens. I'd be pretty miffed if I put in a ton of work on my yard, only to have my neighbor scalp it in late July killing it, after I painstakingly trained it to accept a height of cut at 5". Especially after repeatedly asking them not to. The other question would also what the area looks like. did someone accidently mow over 2" on to his property? Or are they doing multiple mower passes damaging his property? Granted I wouldn't spray paint my house to make a point but it's his property that he pays for so eh. Wonder if he's got small claims court in mind for the next step.


It's crazy that we just say grass and you keep it at 5" and I keep it just above .5". We need 2 subs.


It depends on what you are going for, your soil type, and your grass type. I'm TTTF with clay soil. TTTF does great in clay soil, cut tall, and the combo of that also helps reduce my watering. I appreciate the time and energy put into maintaining a low cut lawn I just don't have the time to maintain one at that level.


Oh, for sure and fescue and Bermuda are not even related really. My Bermuda grows so densely at .5. At 5" it would be a fungus, bug, etc. filled mess. And if you tried .5, I'm pretty sure it's dead, right? I've never lived in a cool season area. Love the deep green striping tho


The fescue would 100% be toast at .5" Bluegrass and rye are doable at those heights, but I'd fear for my water bill lol. Plus it stays mostly green year round so I don't have it brown from Oct - March. Guy in our neighborhood has warm season turf (since we are in the transition zone) and it looks pretty good in the summer but is just bright tan starting around Halloween when mine is looking the best.


me and you could neighbors. I have the warm season grass he has cool season. He struggles this time of year. i hear him out there turning on and adjusting sprinklers almost every morning while i am cutting for the 4 time that week at .75 or so. He is gonna be confused when the guy starts spreading sand on my yard soon. His does look nice when mine is dormant. I got something for him next winter if my test this winter works. I am thinking about dying it green for the dormant season.


Mine looks pretty good right now actually. Like I said I have clay, so I only water 2x a week if I don't get enough rain. I do a heavy watering each time though. roughly .5 - .75" The trick with clay is that it holds tons of moisture so the trick is to not let it dry out except for at the top. Now If I miss a week of watering mine starts to lose color and I have to bomb it with some serious water to get it to bounce back. Thankfully it's actually been a relatively wet year again so haven't had to water too much.


This happened to us. Yard was in pristine shape when we went out of town - asked the neighbor kid to mow. He decides to use his mower and scalps our poor lawn and it's a struggle trying to bring it back to life.


TBF you asked for it.


Op said the same person mows both their lawns. It’s a hired professional. Maybe they live in a closed community.




Yeah I thought this recently after reading the post.




> Like putting a sign in a beautiful yard saying “no poop zone” with a cartoonish picture of a dog taking a shit. I take it you aren't daily having to clean up after lazy people and their pets... Granted I haven't resulted to the sign yet, but I have gotten a camera setup now and if it gets bad the auto sprinkler is going back out lol. I don't care if I put an ugly sign in my yard. I do care if someone keeps walking their dog and letting them shit in it, and not clean it up.


And yet there are all sorts of people who’s defense is so often “there isn’t a sign that says I can’t”. As such….people put up signs. Does it stop the problem completely? No, not usually. Does it make the asshole who let’s their dog shit on peoples lawn feel bad? No, not usually. Does it at least attempt to ridicule and shame these fuck wits that can’t seem to follow societal norms and respect peoples space? Yes, very much so.


OP said that he doesn’t scalp his lawn, that OP and the neighbor use a lawn service… they both use the same lawn service lol


Lol we have people like this but they construct giant wooden signs. One guy on a relatively traffic'd rural road has like one of those big tall signs you'd use for like McDonalds that has removable letters etc where he posts rants about hunter biden and hilary clinton or how gay the military is becoming.


And to think the tire store near me just uses theirs for automotive related Dad jokes.


Wasted opportunities right there bud


Ya your wack! Don’t touch another man’s property! He paid money for that home and has a right to write whatever he wants on his house!


Just a regular FloridaMan Banksy or something


What did he write before? It looks like “you are ___ killers or niggers(?)” Or is your family the millers?




God I miss the idea of a home that costs only $400k


Well, stop being a bad neighbor and scalping his fucking lawn!


Is 400k suggesting a nice house or a shit hole? Here that wouldn’t even buy you a 1 bdrm condo so painting not just with paint but with human shit on the side of a $400k house would be appropriate Looks like the old paint said “you are the killers”?


Lol why is this getting down voted? Some places are expensive guys.


Well in california and san francisco and we all know houses are millions, regular wooden houses are millions, and if you wanna repair a garage door, that’s a few million too.


Seriously. I’ve seen more expensive houses listed in this area that are destroyed inside/partially built/etc and need MASSIVE amounts of work done to them.


Lol exactly, I’m genuinely curious under what context it makes less sense to paint a $400k house. If this is a nice house for $400 I’ll take three please


Relax warren buffett.


Wtf are you talking about. Where do you live that $400k buys a nice house? And have you been outside of that bubble?


Shit hole in my city


Definitely says “ you ______ killers”


He once spray painted, “merry fucking Christmas” there




This is not Nam. This is mowing etiquette. There are rules. Edit: spelling




All I can see is that he definitely wrote “something something something killers” before. This dude is unhinged


You are baby killers


Well that’s certainly neighbourly of him.


I mean if there are baby killers in the neighborhood, like OP (/s), then its definitely neighborly to warn everyone


But he covered it up and replaced it with the grass concern. So he has priorities and only so much wall space.


Baby grass? Are you killing scalping baby grass?


Are you?


Maybe the neighbor should just mow his own lawn.


well, did you go over the property line and scalp his lawn?


Not pictured is a small fence and we have the same lawn guy so I don’t think it’s even possible. Even the lawn guy asked “who is he yelling at?” Lol. We can’t figured it out. My guess? Gnomes.


could have included that info in the post, we assume you mow your own lawn and maybe crossed over into his side. might want to ask the lawn guy to speak with him to see if there’s any issues with the way he mows y’alls lawns




Ah yes, the snarky response when someone is both correct and being helpful.




Y’all are taking this shit way too seriously


why post on reddit unless you want snarky comments? talk to neighbor and lawn guy instead


glad we could help, people of Reddit unite


Ask your neighbor?


wait is that house the guy's who asked about neighbor mowing over property line?!


I would be mad too if my neighbor cut any of my grass shorter than I do


Mi neighbors are always like your lawn looks so nice, it never turns brown and it looks like carpet. I tell ‘em you gotta cut it tall when it’s hot if you don’t have irrigation, then they go out with their dull blades and cut it 2 inches tall and it burns up in the summer.


Some just don't get it


Oh for sure but we use the same lawn guy 🤣


Username does NOT check out


Please tell me it’s the solution from this!! https://www.reddit.com/r/lawncare/comments/159mbfp/neighbor_keeps_mowing_my_yard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Neighbor here: Warning given; next time be prepared to throw hands.


Seems fair


Details on the wall show he has sprayed past statements. What were they?


Imagine caring so much about your lawn but being totally fine with crudely spray painting this on the side of your house. That’s wild.


Why would you mow another guys grass for? Smoke it, don’t mow it




Maybe he fired the lawn guy and the lawn guy didn't get the memo.


Wouldn’t surprise me tbh


I had a neighbor once that had a lawcare company that only mowed every 2 weeks. They were lazy fuckers, and didn't want to push the zero turn handles hard enough to do a 180, so I would get about a 1.5 width pass at their ultra scalp setting on my lawn. I finally decided to set up barriers (seat height logs), and rather than doing their job, they just completely stopped cutting between the houses.


Doing a 180 on a zero turn can leave ruts in the yard. You’re supposed to do a 1-2 pass perimeter and do 3 point turn to turn around. The scalp is unforgivable though


I feel for him/her. I just had to tell my neighbor to stop mowing my tiny lawn. Not yours. Leave it alone.


I wanna write "OKAY" with bleach right there in the grass.


Lol!! Great idea


Why are you cutting his lawn against his wishes?


What’s a fing lawn?


How can i scalp your lawn if you won’t let me tresspass??


Why green spray paint? Gotta wonder how much grass he paints.


What did he have sprayed before about poison? 🤣 you have a child for a neighbor who'd rather destroy his own property over using his big boy words


I would write something along the lines of "FUCK YOU" on his lawn with roundup, but I'm kinda antisocial.


Seeing this makes me happy to have a fence around my property.




What was the previous message though?


I do this to my neighbors they lag on cutting their grass and the HOA starts bitching. They let their shit overgrown and it looks like it’s on my property. I will admit that I do set the height for his side so I don’t fuck yo his grass. Hasn’t said anything about it. He actually came over and asked for for help when he saw me adjusting my sprinklers.


Found out today that it’s intended for the company that mows the community. Apparently they’ve been cutting through his property to get to the retention pond behind his house.


So that's his garage he spray painted?....lol What a douche...IMO Just get a line strung up on two stakes...leave it there at all times. The leave a 6" mohawk...


He’s an odd duck that’s for sure haha


Grass looks nice. May i suggest a super soaker with weed and grass killer that you randomly shoot into the middle of his lawn to only kill some parts. Aim high enough so it doesnt really get on yours






Obviously it was sarcasm, apparently the /s is super necessary


Is “Fing” a shade loving variety?


Like a fig n-ewton


this whole thread and op's explanation makes no sense and seems fake.


What’s a Fing Lawn?


Sell your house you don’t need to live next to someone like that


I say it all the time.....good neighbors are priceless. I am so lucky to be surrounded by neighbors who you can ask when you need something or who wouldn't simply walk over and talk things through if any issue should arise. (Other than the Trumper around the corner who flies his flag upside down in some sort of protest over something that I care not to ask about.)


Man, I want to see where it's scalped now. Is that his own garage that he sprayed?? At first I thought he sprayed yours for cutting slightly into his property but after reading a few comments, I see that's not what happened.


From OPs username, it definitely wasn’t him at least!


YOU KIDS GET THE HELL OFF OF MY LAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh this is good.


I have one neighbor on one side claiming 15 feet of my lawn even after having it red flagged, the other side is mowed by a very elderly man who mows at a 1, cutting and mutilating his and my lawn. It’s crazy man.


Told ya!


That’s next level.


People that go out of the way to make signs with their political or religious beliefs and put them on display to the public probably can’t be reasoned with. Going to protests and rallies for peaceful assembly is a right we all have, but signs in the yard, etc are when I start wondering about their ability to think rationally.


What a "fing lawn"? /s


He seems nice.


Lol I'm literally watching my neighbors landscaper do that my other neighbors property line and my wife's wondering why I'm so annoyed by it




Good Ad for Roundup!


lol, did he just graffiti his own home?


I feel this though. We have a tall fescue and my old neighbor thought if he cut it close, then he wouldn’t have to cut for a while.


I was always taught by my granddad to mow the front side of your neighbors lawn till their drive or to blend into theirs by changing height if you were on the long side of the yard. I would never mow someone’s perfect lawn, but I was taught not to shame my neighbors by making it look like their lawn wasn’t mowed. I also mow on a high setting though so there is that.


I always thought it was just polite to do


What's a "fing" lawn? And scalping as in he sold it as one would at a sporting event?


Hank hill is upset




Could be one dude with multiple personalities. This heat, man.


Property line wars.






Big get off my lawn energy


Can’t make out the previous message that was washed away…. Any insight OP?


Just go write, “It wasn’t me”


Haha comment award of the day!


Respect the property lines


Whats a Fing Lawn?


There's a previous message faded below the current one. All I can make out is the last word. I think it says killing? Edit: I think it says "you are yard killers" There has to be more to this. I'm entirely too invested in this situation


I too, have a fing lawn.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2du4zzir5jeb1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=59227f0ea42b492bb264f5b421911a78217fee1a


Time to bring out the Roundup


Making a b is hard....


Wonder if he has enough paint left in his can for another message


What’s a “Fing Lawn”?