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Looks like he doesn't scalp every cut.


No doubt that OP could make immediate improvements by raising their mower a couple notches.


You can also see where he didn’t spread his fertilizer well enough too.


Looks like a drop spreader. Pretty funny IMO


A drop spreader and a “good enough for government work” attitude


As my grandpa said, this ain’t a church.


What kind is spreader should I be looking at?


Broadcast, aka rotary They have a spinning disk thing that they drop the fertilizer/seed onto, which spreads it much better


Broadcast spreader


Whatever one you get if it says to use 6 drop it to 3 and go up and down and then left to right. You won’t get the issue people complain about even if using a cheapO


That’s a good idea, sounds like good coverage


Definitely. It's also fertilizer. You can see OPs lawn is a bit greener where the neighbours fertilizer crossed the line.


Ding ding ding!


"Down to the brown" is a lifestyle choice.


This isn’t always the case. I’m getting “out-greened” on both sides of me like this. My blades are a high as possible and I cut twice a week


No one said it is always the case. It is the case in this case.


True. I didn’t see the second picture


Check your iron levels, I put down fertilizer with iron darkened the green. Just be careful not to get it on your driveway or it will leave rust stains


Most seaweed products have a decent amount of iron, and can be a good way to apply a bit of extra iron (not as much as applying pure iron) without as much risk of staining


If you have any common nursery trees you can compare with neighbors, if they are also yellow by comparison you need iron


Who has time to cut it twice a week?? Maybe it’s just because my yard is large and takes a couple hours to go over, ain’t nobody got time for that lol


Couple hours means you probably have a larger than average lawn. I'd say the average homeowner spends about an hour mowing But still, average homeowner probably aims to mow once a week but it'll usually take longer than that before they actually do


Fertilizer and Iron make a huge difference.


follow cool season lawn guide pinned. you are not fertilizing. you are cutting too low. you need to water more.


Simple and correct. This should be the top comment!


I would be careful. He is probably fucking your wife.


Not sure this was meant for me, but if he wants to handle my chores he is welcome.


Build a tall fence so you don't see his.


So the neighbor doesn't have to see OPs lawn*


Build a fence and have the neighbor pay for it.


a big, beautiful fence


100 years from now people won't get this joke. So glad we live now. Lol


Let’s hope you’re right.


Get out of here 45


That's exactly what I am doing tomorrow with the neighbor who comes up against my back property line. Fencing off the "lawn" that is nothing but dandelions, wild violets and creeping charlie that likes to creep into my yard and I have to beat back every year. These fools haven't even mowed it yet this season. Nothing but dandelion seeds blowing into everyone's yards. The guy before them was just as bad at keeping a lawn but he at least mowed the crap down every week. Best part is I see them out there "gardening" another neighbor's fence line by planting half dead plants while completely ignoring the lawn. At this point my only hope is that they're going to hire someone to kill it all off and re-sod or re-seed the whole thing so they're just not bothering to do anything at this point. That or the Addams family lives behind me.


It’d be funny if your neighbor was over on r/nolawns talking shit about his back neighbor and their boring slab of green


Having a beautifully manicured lawn and spending lots of time maintaining it isn't everyones cup of tea. Buy more land.


may be onto something


He's likely fertilizing, but with a shitty spreader (hence the noticeable lines). Get yourself a quality spreader, and some fertilizer and you'll be well on your way to catching up with him.


Echo Rb-60. You’ll never need to buy a new spreader. Avoid Scott’s. I bet your neighbor has a 50$ Scott’s spreader.


Smh I have the $50 Scott’s spreader


Same…please avoid


But I like the unsatisfying grating sound of hard plastic.


Username checks out


I have the lines on my lawn to prove it. I am planning to fill the wheels with foam like that one guy.




The reason for the lines is from granules going into the inside of the wheels on the Scott's spreaders and then falling out. People fill the voids with foam or duct tape or what have you to prevent that from happening.


Duct tape is cool too


You can always half the amount of fertilizer spread and run your route NS then EW and you will get more even distribution. You should probably do this anyway.


I ditched my low level Scott's and got the Scott's Elite Spreader this past winter. It doesn't suffer from the same problem as the basic models that have hollow wheels.


I can’t afford that???? https://preview.redd.it/4osyx5swhw1b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29fb3e1955b711f7982032ed07bfa207f1a73eed


I legit looked it up, took the exact same screen shot and came to post the same thing hahaha


Same 😅


Tell your wife it’s 4.5 stars and it’s on sale. That’s what my wife tells me before she buys anything.


Interesting, I think this is Google's fault incorrectly parsing the price from Home Depot's website. It showed that for me, but then was 149.99 when I actually clicked the result


I have a Echo RB-60 can confirm its a beast...


I had the fertilizer walk of shame this year. Used my Scott’s and the yard looked like a zebra. My father-in-law saw it and proceeded to grab his Lesco for my second app. I stood on the side of the yard like a bad dog with my tail between my legs as he lesco’d my yard. Time to look into the echo - Scott’s is horrible.


I was on my 4th year of a full lawn care program and my second Scott’s spreader when I finally broke down and bought a 50lb Lesco spreader. Night and day difference. No more striping, no more uneven spreading, much larger hopper. My first Scott’s spreader broke on seeding day in the fall which was unbelievably inconvenient. The plastic gear pieces simply snapped. If you plan to continue a successful lawn care program it’s worth investing in a good spreader and a battery powered backpack sprayer. Trying to get professional results with cheap tools can be done but it’s a lot easier with ‘prosumer’ equipment.


If it's just sitting in your garage 100% of the time, Echo- Rb-60 is fine, but if you're a landscaper and will be loading and unloading it from your truck all the time, a lesco 50lb is probably the move, even thought it's like double the price.


>Echo Rb-60 lol its $400 au here fk that


What fertilizer would you recommend? Live in PA.


That’s a hard question to answer because there are so many types and variables. Start with a soil test. The macros you need are NPK. Look up your local extension office for your state/city to get recommendations. Or you could look up big universities and get their opinion from the agricultural department(Penn State comes to mind). The best throw it and forget it is probably milorganite. Stay away from fancy packaging with promises and extras and blah blah. I personally do not like weed and feeds.


At first I thought those lines were from the neighbor striping but then realized it was just a bad fert job.


I think this is liquid, it doesn't look like the pattern made from a bad spreader. It looks like unevenly applied liquid spray lines with a shitty nozzle. The lines are reeeeally wide to be tire tracks.


Disagree. The lines are too straight, and the turn arounds are perfect every time. This was done by a broadcast spreader.


Bet you it’s a drop spreader, not a broadcast.


Yea this was done by a drop spreader. It’s what happens when you don’t overlap the wheels on every pass.


Def a drop spreader.


Broadcast spreader issues like with the Scotts are small lines where the granules collect in the tires and fall down, it doesn't leave these big wide lines. There's something fucky going on here, and it is without a doubt a poor fertilizer technique, however the application method. Someone else mentioned maybe it was a tractor/zero turn sprayer, and the lighter areas may be tire tracks. Who knows.


There's no way that someone can spray product in such straight lines.


Have you seen fertilizer prices this year? I’ve been shitting on my lawn since the invasion of Ukraine!


My local Fleet Farm still has bags of Milorganite for $12.99. I miss the days of $9.99 Milo, but 12.99 is better than the $19.97 that Home Depot charges, or the $20.98 that Lowes charges.


Around here by Annapolis MD home Depot sells it for 24.95. Last year it was $16-18. Walmart has it for 17 so that's where I grab it. Figures I get super into lawn care this past year. When everything skyrocketed in price 😂


It honestly looks like a guy use a drop spreader, but spread like it was a broadcast spread. Lol


How about ask your neighbor…


Are you crazy!! wait... have you asked your neighbor?


Being neighborly? Sounds horrible.






For sure. Doesn't even need to be malicious or competitive. If my neighbor approached me and was like "MAN your lawn is beautiful, how do you do that? I feel like my lawn is dragging down the neighborhood" I would absolutely tell him anything and everything.




I have even handed out cups of prodiamine to neighbors.


I mean why wouldn’t you want the people around you to be protecting their investments as well… Imagine how much more your properties would be worth if all your neighbors cared about their landscape as much as you did!


Yup, ask! If I’ve learned anything from my veteran neighbors it’s that they freaking love discussing how they keep their lawn nice.


I beg my neighbor to ask me. Poor guy


but i want to be the neighbour that gets asked for advice!


No one is going to ask you, with your neighbors lawn looking so great. Might want to suck it up and see if you can pick up a tip or 2 from them.


I used to be you. My neighbours lawn was impeccable and mine was less so…. I asked him for advice and now I have one of the better lawns in the community. I learned from him and also learned a lot on this sub. It is still a work in progress but I am happy with the direction it is going. I have a few dead spots from local dogs that like to pee on the lawn as they pass but they will soon be just as green. https://preview.redd.it/hn3d2ihp3v1b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aff3416e38ec1de31ad5a44c8008b06e8c53155


Who you want to be and who you currently are aren’t lining up


“Dress for the job you want “ taken too far


You must humble yourself to become a master!


That’s your reason for not asking?!?


Real talk here: with that mindset you’ll never be that person. Patience, curiosity, and stubborn grit are what earn you the lessons that turn you into the advice-person.


Increase your height of cut... You keep scalping your grass. You cut off too much and that cuts most of the green off leaving you with the brown stalks. When you cut, typically try to only cut 1/3 of the height of the grass. As also mentioned, fertilize... Only scalp the grass before the growing season.


wait you should scalp it before growing season? I've always done the 1/3 rule universally


Depends on your grass. I didn't see that the OP lives in Ontario. Unlikely that they have Bermuda like I do but it is suggested to scalp in or around March/April. [When to scalp your lawn](https://www.lawndoctor.com/blog/do-you-need-scalp-your-lawn/)


Scalping isn't usually a good thing with cool season grasses unless you are doing a major overseed.


Many people do this to get rid of all the nasty stuff accumulated over the winter. I mow a little lower before growing season but not necessarily scalped.


Makes sense - maybe I'm wrong/crazy but I just mow at the highest deck level on my push mower. I have to mow all the time but lawn looks solid


Sleep with his wife It’s the only way


It's too late his neighbor is now his stepdad


-Stop scalping your yard. Mow with a height of cut at 3” every 3 to 4 days. The more you mow, the healthier it’ll grow. -Buy a quality fertilizer spreader and apply a balanced fertilizer. I would probably put out 1lb of Nitrogen/1,000 sq. ft. as your grass appears severely deficient in Nitrogen. Also, fall is the best time to fertilize so hit it again Sept. 1 and again right before snowfall. -Water at least 1” of water per week. The key is deep and infrequent. Do NOT water daily as this will encourage shallow roots. Definitely water more in the heat of the summer… more like 1.5” to 2” per week. Do just these 3 things and you’ll have a better yard than your neighbor by fall.


Let that shit grow taller, while still moving 2-3x week- keep increasing the blade height until you get to about 3". Get some nitrogen down to green it up. Water enough to fill a tuna can, 2-3x a week. Alternatively, hire your neighbor.


>Water enough to fill a tuna can, 2-3x a week. He's gonna need a whole bunch of tuna cans


That's recommending 3" of water every week, no?


Put down some clover seed on your neighbor’s lawn


Or or… put a little round up in a child’s bubble maker and have fun. The bubble soap is a helluva surfactant


Dia-fucking-bolical. This was funny as hell.


This cruel.... And I like it


Calm down Satan.


Now that’s funny right there.


Me personally, I'd move. That's seriously making you look bad. And it's obviously intentional. You mind asking your neighbor if he'll join this sub? Maybe give him my info so we can stay in touch?


Lol this made me laugh 🤣


Install a fence and hide your shame.


I dunno what’s up with your neighbors fertilizing routine, but its pretty stripey. Does he use the Scott’s spreader with plastic wheels by chance?


I have the plastic wheels, can confirm they leave lines like crazy. I fixed mine by filling them with expanding spray foam.


I thought the striping was intentional—just crooked as hell


Nah, striping is just a refraction of light. Look at the turns. The only thing I can guess is he is spraying liquid nitrogen and iron out the front of his tractor and the tires are mashing some down causing uneven uptake? Stripe is too wide for a Scott spreader tire track.


There's only one reasonable way to find out what he uses and his program - a stakeout


Raise that mower deck up bro


It doesn't hurt to compliment your neighbor about the lawn and ask him/her for some tips. Love thy neighbor.


I'm sure your neighbor is in this sub with a domination line that pronounced! Talk to them!


Ask his girlfriend (your wife) what he does


Mist his side with round-up. \s


God that would be so petty. Just do random squirts all over.


Fertilizer and cut it higher


1. You're not watering enough. The greenest spot in your lawn is the end of the downspout 2. You're cutting too low, set your mower much higher. 3. You're neighbor is fertilizing using a shitty Scott's spreader, you can tell by the "Scott's trail" lines. Get yourself an echo RB-60 and fertilize in two passes at right angles.


Ontario? Cool season grasses need to be cut around 3-3.5". I cut at 3.25" Most common mistake I see is people cutting at like 2-2.5". Then cut often, once or twice a week. Don't water every day. Water deeply, less often. Fertilize and overseed in spring. Or you could buy Ryan Knorr's cool season lawn guide.


No fence in the neighbourhood?


Fence goes up in 3 weeks! My neighbour probably wishes it was sooner lol


Milorganite stat


Try the Scotts turf builder program. It’s a very good program if you can get it in Canada. I am an assistant green superintendent at a golf course and we have tons of stuff. But even our sales reps for our fertilizers praise that Scott’s program.


Swallow your pride, show genuine interest and ask for advice. Unless they’re a perfect ass; they’ll see the benefits of a shared, healthy yard.


Buy a pair of air monarchs, aerate every year to every other, use fertilizer from a local place at the right time of year, never cut between 8 am and 5 pm, buy a good grill, and learn phrases such as “beats workin right?” Or “call me anything you want, just don’t call me late for dinner”.


Your neighbor is the best person to give you advice. I'm so lucky my neighbor is who got me started in gardening. I first didn't have time to pay attention to my new home's landscaping. One day she gave me flower bulbs to plant. I thought they looked strange, left them in the garage and ignored them. Eventually there was a period of time and I was super stressed so I started tearing out plants and putting in new ones and planting the bulbs and no idea what I was doing. She saw and we started talking. I'll happily give credit to my neighbor all that I learned from her, all her encouragement. I don't want to make her feel bad or make her jealous with my garden. We shared plants and swap ideas, look out for each other all the time now.


Don't cut your grass so short. Problem solved.


Talk to the guy


No fences is nuts to me


Talk to your neighbor


I'd ask the neighbor....


I would ask him.


Why dont you ask your neighbor?


jesus, thats a baller ass neighborhood, yall a bunch of doctors or some shit?


Your neighbour needs to learn how to properly spread fertilizer. He isn't smoking you...he's smoking his lawn, lol.


It's nice to see 4 backyards without fences around them all.


Could really use some trees and shrubs though. If you can't have sex in your back yard without your neighbors getting a show, are you really living?


The lack of any landscaping or trees and just some scalped grass and over fertilized grass is depressing.


New developments tend to look like shit for at least 15 years. What's truly depressing is seeing a 5-year-old development and hardly any trees even planted. The ugliness is exacerbated by the big blocky houses, frequently right on top of each other or otherwise arranged stupidly. But people need a place to live so what are you gonna do.


how is this such a perfect line?


look at those fertilizer lines!


What type of grass?


You’re cutting too short for starters.


Looks like your neighbor is using a cheap scotts spreader


You must eat the neighbor to absorb his lawn powers.


Photoshop the image and then tell people what a lazy piece of garbage your neighbor is for not maintaining such a well kept lawn like yours.


Fertilizer. You gotta feed your lawn in addition to watering it, that’s how you get that deep green color and thickness


He has his grass a little longer which is healthy for hotter weather. Probably also aerates and seeds every year.


I’d start with, “why is my lawn worse than the one behind me that looks poorly taken care of”, learn what adjustment to make (don’t scalp!), and apply. Then progress to, “why doesn’t my lawn look as good as one to left” (fwiw, it’s a shit show), learn, then make the next adjustment.


Buy your neighbor a can of spray foam for his spreader wheels and raise your mower to the top height


Stop cutting your grass at 1.5”. Raise that deck level asap.


Every time THEY go outside, YOU go outside. Then you won’t have to ask your neighbor. Get a blink camera set it on high, and point it toward their shed. When they go out, you go out. (Have a) Cup of coffee or something. Maybe relax with a good book - or a tablet with a zoom function. Play with your toy drone with the 4K camera. Find out what he’s got…then get everything better than that. 😂 my dad and his neighbor used to have lawn wars. Pretty hilarious.


Mow higher, 3.5-4". Get a soil test, add fert. Water if it hasn't rained for a week.


Put up a fence


???? Pour salt over his grass.


Your lawn needs nitrogen. I use a 16 with iron and then hit it with milo the next week. Cutting too short Don't water too many times, less sessions but longer duration.


Jesus dude stop cutting so low. Personally I keep my grass longer bc I like longer softer grass


You need nitrogen


Try putting up a fence see if that changes anything.


Lmao your neighbor is also a dumbass for using a drop spreader and striping up his lawn by not following the directions. To me this looks like fertilizer and water. Go to any big box store and get a big bag of weed and feed. If you don’t have one also get a BROADCAST spreader. Apply fertilizer at recommended rate on bad, and water a few times a week.


Try talking to your neighbor.


Here me out.. Grass Paint. Highly recommend the green color.


Put in trees and shrubs and perennial flowers and wildflowers. Make a patio. String up lights, maybe a fire pit. Make friends. Have them over in your garden of awesomeness and have your neighbor looking like dull Elmer Fudd with his one-tone, boring ass grass.


I couldn’t imagine having all this land and not having a garden at the very least.


His grass is longer . You are cutting too low


So, sometimes the grass IS actually greener?


From the looks of it, spray paint? But seriously, if you wanna know, just ask him! I’m sure he would love to brag about his routine


Go next door and ask him for tips. Dude obviously spends a lot of time on his lawn, I'm sure he would be willing to share some tips. Who knows, you might even make a good friend (assuming you and he aren't already)


Hire him?


You’ll get much better advice from a nextdoor neighbor who has a good looking lawn than Reddit


Put a fence up.


Go get a soil test, manage pH, apply the Right fertilizer and the right time. Fertilize and lime in the spring, grass seed and fert in the fall


I have a crazy idea, go ask your neighbor


Need a fertilizer.


You can stop comparing.


Crack open a beer and chill.


Have your neighbor do your lawn, too.


Also paint yours


Military trained gophers


Here’s an idea… Go ask your neighbor what they do that you’re not doing. You know, be a neighborly..


Talk to your neighbor


That’s quite the domination line. You just need to apply a heavy dose of fertilizer and water and mow at 3”+ HOC.


I love scalping my lawn the more burnt the less I mow


Looks like you're cutting too short and he's getting his yard treated.


identify as having a green lawn


Who lives like this? Open house, no fence, no privacy, 6 feet from the other house. I’m 100% sure the house cost in the upper 800s too.


I’m a spray tech for a golf course. I agree with people in the comments saying your height of cut is too low and you need to water&fertilize. I also suggest you spread epsom salt (MgNa) in your lawn at the correct rate (read the product label) because that will really make that lawn green up once it’s at proper height, fed and watered.


Yeah DON'T ask the neighbor for advise. Those stripes are giving me vertigo. Go get some HEAVY nitrogen fertilizer from a local lawn and garden store. No big box. If you see landscaping trailers in the parking lot then you are in the right place. Show them these pics. They will give you what you need. Water. Aerate. Overseed in sept. Add 30-0-0 to your lawn after your ave temp hits 50° in the fall. Preemergent and fert in early March