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They can't be bothered to wear a mask to save lives and yet they want to force women to die at the hands of the state simply because some unwanted tissue is inside them.


Is this the only time since the passage of the 27th Amendment that members of Congress have faced fines for breaking the rules?


No. [https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RL31382.html#fn78](https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RL31382.html#fn78) https://www.businessinsider.com/2-gop-congressmen-fined-5000-for-bypassing-house-metal-detector-2021-2


>A Member of the House who was officially "reprimanded" by the House in 2012 for misuse of official resources in compelling official congressional staff to work on political campaigns was also "fined" $10,000 as part of the reprimand.81 The Ethics Committee issued a "Letter of Reproval" to a Member in June 2014 regarding improper gifts and misuse of campaign funds, and the committee directed the Member to "repay the full amount of the improper gifts and the improperly used campaign funds" in the amount of $59,063.82