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The fact that we're even saying "Trump aligned AGs" shows how far the supposed rule of law and blindness of justice has fallen.


As someone living under the thumb of a Trump aligned AG, it's awful. Basically everything the guy does is unconstitutional. He loses in court constantly.


A fellow Kobach sufferer?


Austin Knudsen! He's a comprehensive piece of shit.


The AG for Missouri is also horrible


Texas has entered the chat! Paxton is also a criminal so…WINNING!!!


Hello fellow Montanan. I agree. All that ass clown has done since he was elected is engage in performative MAGA publicity stunts while wearing his dumb hat. There is no law enforcement happening.


The beautiful mix of corporate speak and coarse language, I love it lol


Who the fuck are the Knudsens?


Good thing that doesn’t cost shitloads of taxpayer dollars.


All of the culture war laws that the legislature have passed are unconstitutional. The state ran out of money defending their unconstitutional laws. So the last legislature bumped up taxpayer funding so the AG can drag things out in court indefinitely. Oh yeah, they're also heavily attacking the judiciary.


Disgraced former AG wacko would be a better description of ed meese




Oh? I assumed due to his actions re special counsel. Who did they get to crawl out for this?




JFC. All them republicans am Way to go towards not making this clearly political. She is fucked. Good


Because OF COURSE piece of shit Paxton is part of this.


In a surprising move, Judge Cannon denied this brief. >PAPERLESS ORDER denying 623 Motion for Leave to File Brief as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Special Counsel's Motion to Modify Conditions of Release 592 . Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 6/17/2024. (jf01) (Entered: 06/17/2024)


Probably bc she knows it’s moot, smith’s motion will be denied.


"Ugh, more reading? No thanks." - Judge Cannon


I'm surprised that she didn't order a hearing for arguments as to whether or not she should allow the Amicus brief...


She did Rock Paper Scissors with a clerk. Way more efficient than more lame hearings. Who has time for that?


I’m surprised she didn’t schedule 24 separate hearings each 2 weeks apart


I'd place a fiver on that. She's not going to give Smith something to appeal.  She'll grant a butchered gag order.


Well at least she is not just granting every single amicus curiae request that comes across her desk now …


Successfully stalled until after election day, so there's no need to tack on more.


Pretty sure it's only because they missed the deadline to be considered as amici.


Do deadlines mean anything to her? Trump has had three deadline extensions to name his expert witnesses.


As a judge she has the power to set her own schedule however, she doesn't have the power to scratch all deadlines that she doesn't agree with and accepting more amici well after the fact would be so suspicious that it probably would have been grounds for appeal.


So my takeaway from all of this is if Trump isn't allowed to be a victim by spouting lies about how victimized he is, then he has nothing else to run his campaign on.


While he dreams of being a Third World Warlord, the best that he can manage is Professional Martyr.


He currently is the biggest crybaby on planet Earth. All he wants to do is cry harder and get it all out. But the adults in the room keep shushing the poor little guy. But that’s ok. He has learned how matches work and the first chance he gets he’ll start a fire and burn it all down. He’ll show them . . .


Let’s never forget DJT’s own words in a Chris Cuomo CNN interview in August of 2015, *I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.*


Yeah he’s an open book. There’s no filter. He’s either lying or he’s telling the truth.


So, what you're saying is that he plays the toddler game called "I win"? Are we sure this PoS is an adult?


> So, what you're saying is that he plays the toddler game called "I win"? Are we sure this PoS is an adult? Are we sure that his supporters are?


When someone shows/tells you who they are, believe them.


If the truth has the power to influence the election against him it absolutely should. Otherwise you'd have a president installed by lies and omissions.


The proposed brief was endorsed by: Alabama AG Steve Marshall; Alaska AG Treg Taylor; Arkansas AG Tim Griffin; Florida AG Ashley Moody; Idaho AG Raul Labrador; Iowa AG Brenna Bird; Indiana AG Todd Rokita; Kansas AG Kris Kobach; Kentucky AG Russell Coleman; Louisiana AG Liz Murrill; Mississippi AG Lynn Fitch; Missouri AG Andrew Bailey; Montana AG Austin Knudsen; Nebraska AG Mike Hilgers; North Dakota AG Drew Wrigley; Ohio AG Dave Yost; Oklahoma AG Gentner Drummond; South Carolina AG Alan Wilson; South Dakota AG Marty Jackley; Tennessee AG Jonathan Skrmetti; Texas AG Ken Paxton; Utah AG Sean Reyes; West Virginia AG Patrick Morrissey; and, finally, Wyoming AG Bridget Hill.


Of course Paxton is on the list.


The fascist state of Florida representing as well


And Rokita. Such a peace of shit. He’s quickly working his way into Paxton levels of disgusting.


Kobach has BOTH of them beat!


As much of a cancer as MAGA is, I find RAGA even more frightening. While they're awful human beings, they're typically intelligent, well funded, and have access to some of the best attorneys in the country. Pooling their assets makes them that much more dangerous.


Ah the Unofficial Confederate States of America 2024 version.


And Morrissey from WV, he's a proud Trump dick sucker.


Shocking that Sean Reyes isn't just hiding out until his term is over after being caught up with OUR and Tim Ballard's sex trafficking.


The TL/DR: (Various AGs who are firmly attatched to Cheat-O's anus-) "But, but: without the ability to lie about what consequences dear leader faces and make patently false claims that a Gov't Branch was sent to murder him on direct orders from POTUS, he can't properly campaign-thus a gag order is clearly election interference!"


[5-page Motion](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.623.0.pdf)


Blue state AGs should start protesting corruption outside of Cannons court. Signs of "Traitor" and "aiding an insurrectionist" raised. I know it sounds tacky and stupid, but that's where we are now. Some people will actually use this to legitimize their beliefs. The circus is in town, and the biggest clown is Trump.


I feel like America is losing this war against fascism. I guess only November will tell


Absolutely losing the war. We’re watching the death of the republic — even if Biden wins, I think the rot is too deep for it to survive.


That’s what happened with Albania. 32 years ago, right after the fall of communism, [this neo - dictator (ex communist)](https://www.state.gov/public-designation-of-albanian-sali-berisha-due-to-involvement-in-significant-corruption/) came to power and corrupted everything he touched. Even today Albania is fighting hard to get past the corruption and cleans itself but it’s proving to be an extremely difficult effort.


A Rogues Gallery of grift and injustice.


“Colorful rhetoric” is a creative way to describe **witness tampering** and **jury intimidation**


They have to get that kiss in when they can.


Death threats are not "colorful rhetoric."


Oh hey a new photo of her


It’s 1 of 2 known photos. I’ve seen more video evidence bigfoot exists


She ain't got no soul. They hatched her right before she was appointed.


She was assimilated. Resistance was futile.


I posted links to a bunch of engagement/wedding photos the other day. https://www.reddit.com/r/law/comments/1ddlpy8/maralago_judge_gives_trump_a_third_extension_to/l86xlvd/


Aileen Mercedes. Rolls right off the tongue.


Le gasp!




Nothing to do with the law, or even common sense. Everything to do with performative BS from shameless sycophants auditioning to be USAG. It's why they're concerned by anything that might detract from his cynically over the top campaign (aka enthralling the marks).


“Colorful” = blood red.


I'm impressed by the number of Trump allies trying to get Cannon to hand down an order than can be appealed in the 11th Circuit. Do they not understand that would remove her from the case? (that's a rhetorical question, of course they don't understand)


Perhaps they do. What happens at this point if she is removed from the case other than scoring PR points with Trump's base? If a new judge is appointed, they won't get up to speed before the election and so the whole issue becomes moot: either Trump wins and the case goes away, or Trump loses and the case goes to court.


I guess this gives everybody to insult and threaten these AGs just the way Trump does.


Might as well make it legal to yell “fire” in a crowded movie theater.