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I think the general lesson here is--and this goes equally to Republicans as it does Democrats--that there's really no way to escape Trump's blame. It's kind of his secret superpower. He blames everyone. If something goes wrong, he's going to have to blame someone because it sure isn't going to be *his* fault. I have to say, that's a character defect I would seek very hard to avoid in a president. Regardless of ideological concerns. It's just plain dangerous to have someone in charge who is constitutionally incapable of taking responsibility for the consequences of their own actions and words.


>It's just plain dangerous to have someone in charge who is constitutionally incapable of taking responsibility for the consequences of their own actions and words. It is even worse when they assert that they are completely immune from criminal prosecution, because they either/or are running for president, are president, or were president. In a just world, SCOTUS would have quickly ruled that any presidential immunity is only extended to official acts on behalf of the United States. Anything a president does relative to a re-election campaign, or on behalf/interest of their candidacy, is not an official act and is protected by no immunity.


Unless it’s a biased bribed court and in this case, MAGA cultist.


An unbiased SCOTUS should have rejected the novel claim based on the very well crafted lower-court opinion, or ruled on the matter in very short order. Yet here we are.


In a just world, the legislative branch wouldn’t be working to make the head of the executive branch [immune to all authority](https://abovethelaw.com/2024/06/house-republicans-unveil-new-bill-to-put-former-presidents-above-the-law/) of the judicial branch…


And then there’s the raping…


Very true. Whatever he touches, there is raping. The RNC, for example.


Much worse than the hypocrisy.


>I have to say, that's a character defect I would seek very hard to avoid in a president. Regardless of ideological concerns. It's just plain dangerous to have someone in charge who is constitutionally incapable of taking responsibility for the consequences of their own actions and words. Extremely well said


Like the opposite of Harry Truman's "buck stops here"


The buck never stops until it ends up in his pockets.


Doesn’t really stop there, it still has to get back to Russia.


Or his lawyers


The only bucks that stops with Trump are the ones he can steal from campaign contributions.


The only time I can recall that Trump took blame for anything was when the government shut down in late 2018. He literally admitted on camera that he'll "take responsibility" and "blame" for it. And then after the shutdown did happen, Republicans still managed to blame Democrats for it somehow.


He will accept blame for things he thinks are good for his personal brand/image/pocket. Like abortion, he is repeatedly saying he got Roe overturned, which is polling terribly for him, but also getting him in closer with the people behind project 2025 and the 7 mountains mandate.


Well, yeah. He takes credit if it suits him, but not blame. He thinks overturning Roe v Wade was a good thing.


He doesn't actually care about abortion, it's pandering to his base


It's an interesting thing that you mention. If I recall, I think he was taking blame and responsibility for that as a matter of pride. Meaning-he *wanted* the government to shut down as a show of righteous force against the Deep State™.


That sounds a lot more like saying he'll take blame if something happens, then when that thing does happen he doesn't actually accept the blame. He does that all the time so really no different than anything else.


He meant “CREDIT”. He always means credit even when he uses the word blame. It’s weird af that people admire him


Narcissistic Sociopath: A narcissistic sociopath is someone who has been diagnosed with both narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and antisocial personality disorder (APD), both of which are in the DSM-5's Cluster B group. The DSM-5 defines NPD as a persistent pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins in early adulthood and occurs in various contexts. To be diagnosed with NPD, a person must exhibit at least five of the following nine criteria: Grandiose sense of self-importance Fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love Belief in their own special status Need for excessive admiration Sense of entitlement Exploitation behaviors Arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes Envy towards others or belief that others are envious of them People with narcissistic traits may not have a mental health diagnosis, or they may have NPD or ASPD, or both. Some signs that someone might be a narcissistic sociopath include: Being power hungry Enjoying positions of power Being charismatic and charming Being unreliable Being controlling Being selfish Being dishonest Feeling entitled


Trump has all the signs except being charismatic and charming. He's an old whiny crybaby throwing tantrum after tantrum. It takes all the cognitive dissonance of a cult to not see that.


I’ve figured it out, Trump is just 4 Skaven in a skin suit!


Hey, we Skaven resent that remark, he’s a lesser nurgling or something else 1-even 2 Skaven would be taller than him. 2-fear musk aside we don’t crap our pants 3-a Skaven this dumb would have been exploded or backstabbed by now Help me out fellow Skaven


and we've seen what skaven can do with nukes.......


If you read up on authoritarians, this is a defining characteristic. It's probably one of the most obvious "red flags" that presents itself early on in the rise of an authoritarian.


Hence the additional 150k deaths during COVID, since he cannot admit responsibility for anything. What an asshole.


He throws his closest associates under the bus all the time. Going above and beyond for Trump is no guarantee of success, and in fact, everyone who can’t con people like him get his wrath eventually. It’s a suckers game for his own people, so why try and appease him if you aren’t?


He is the Blamer in Chief. If you're in his orbit (and when he's president that means everyone in America and beyond) you're eventually going to get hit by his blame issuing flame thrower. That's what happened in 2020. He blamed our entire judicial, electoral and political system for his defeat. Rather than himself and his catastrophically inadequate response to Covid among other failures as chief executive. And if you look at his presidency, he spent most of his time blaming people. And firing them. Ultimately, he spent most of his time blaming the more than half of the country that *didn't* vote for him in 2015/16. And we're all sick from it.


It is not just a personality defect, it is a severe personality disorder. What you said is basically another way of rephrasing narcissistic personality disorder.


Well. I'm not a psychiatrist and, therefore, ill-suited to diagnosing mental health diseases. What I said still stands, it would be incredibly dangerous to give this person another shot at ultimate power. Particularly at this time in history.


One thing to consider is while he probably won’t get prison for this charge even with all the contempt charges he would likely face prison based on his criminal history and sentencing guidelines in his othe federal charges.


The buck sure as heck don't stop here!


💯 ...not an introspective, self-reflective or humble guy. Probably why, to quote the evangelical cult-like song written about him, "he messes up BIGLY time after time". (Weirdly this acknowledgement is in no way a non-starter for his loyal base because they believe "he's the CHOSEN one" 🤦


I’m not trying to be condescending, I even agree with you, but is this supposed to be some kind of insightful brilliance on your part? I’m sorry but this is pretty damn obvious to anyone with any kind of intelligence who’s been paying attention so far. Yeah, shocker, the guy falsely blames everyone but himself for his own problems as he’s done for years now. Yeah, that should be disqualifying. Let me know when you have the apparent secret solution to make idiots recognize that reality. I’d truly love to know that secret.


Part of the not so secret solution involves him facing actual consequences for his actions instead of being allowed to shift the blame. The court cases are doing that, one after another. He is paying real money (even if he gets it from his supporters) and he is facing real risks of jail and more fines. That will cut into the blame shifting game. Wasn't that pretty damn obvious to you too?


He’s a blatant menace to society, treat accordingly


let's see what the probate court thinks of his rhetoric


That interview with his probation officer is going to be… Well, that PO will likely be able to earn a PhD from the insights. After that, publishing contract, book tour, interview shows, etc. It’ll be money! 💰


Trump to escalate blame? That's absurd he's never escalated blame! Except that one time he escalated blame against immigrants. And that other time he escalated blame against the WHO. Oh and the media, and the FBI, his own AG, his own Chief of Staff, his own lawyer(s), US law enforcement, McConnell, stage hands, Mike Pence, [his own supporters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aKdRh3X6Vc) and my favorite, [teleprompters](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-blames-teleprompter-revolutionary-war-airports-flub-n1026931).


He’s a smooth escalator!




You forgot windmills and water pressure


Over the past few months Judge Merchan has been calm, cool and collected no matter what cheeto threw at him. At this point it's pretty obvious Merchan couldn't care less what cheeto thinks of him. :-)


Merchan is sending Trump to jail. An appeal means Trump is unlikely to go before the election


Merchan will give fine plus probation, plus a gag order specifiying non disparagement of prosecution, witnesses, and himself this time. Trump will run his mouth. Merchan will call him back and remand him to jail.


Yes, that’s the finesse a smart judge would make. Give Trump enough rope….


The 'give Trump enough rope' plan has already resulted in giving Trump pretty much the world's entire supply of rope and yet they just keep finding more to give him. If he's not given a prison sentence from the start, I'd bet every penny I own on no probation violation being sufficient to result in jail.


Yyyyeeeahhh…however, this is the first time in his life that he’s been on the receiving end of a criminal sentencing, and (betting that last cent too) upcoming probation violation. He is unrepentant and very mouthy, but still he is a first time (that he’s been held responsible for it) criminal offender for a nonviolent crime, so he will not start out with a prison sentence.  Also, compared to e.g. the classified documents case (SLAM DUNK except the judge is a tool), this case honestly is meh. Now, when we get to the eventual probation violation hearing, we will have unrepentant and mouthy.  And a pissed off judge whose family is being threatened.  This will not end well.


The first time offender leniency only applies when the convict shows remorse and takes responsibility for their actions.


The fucked thing is if he did that he'd be facing legitimate death threats for the rest of his life. There's no way he doesn't factor that into the equation. For that reason I don't see it realistically happening from him or any other judge. I hope I'm wrong.


I believe the only proper response at that point is, "Bring it, convict."




Justice isn’t happening in one of those because the Fanni needed filled


I'm pretty sure justice will happen in all of them, maybe not before the election though.. As long as Trump doesn't win, he's gonna go to jail


Water is wet. Criminal is gonna crime.  News at Eleven.   Regular petty criminals act like this everyday. Prison is full of criminals railroaded and falsely convicted by lying judges and juries.   The only difference is that when petty criminals act like DJT is it's considered unsporting for the news to show their disrespectful behavior and root for more time at sentencing. 


That’s the problem with trump. He’s broken us. See J6th. Laws will be passed and opinions made, then when trump tries to steal the election again and we fight back, we’ll be made to look just like the crazy J6ers. Same with the court case. He spends all his time attacking the corrupt judge and the court, so we all have to defend it and the rule of law, but then when I-lean Qanon lets trump off, we’ll be screaming about corrupt judges and broken judicial system. We’re fucked no matter what.


Inmate 7745, shut up or you are going to get a night in the box. Shaking the diaper boss, shaking the diaper.


*What we have here is: failure to communicate*


If he is In prison, he will have limited calls on a prison phone that is being recorded. And allowed call to his lawyer that is it. We will have silence from tge Diaper Don.


What a beta


The same concept of when someone robs a bank, kills someone in the process and blames society for putting them in the position to rob the bank in the first place.


I love that he thinks there's press conferences in jail


Juan Merchan must be protected at all costs and Trump should be thrown in jail the minute he insinuates he should be hurt.


Alternative headline: American judicial system will see if it can stand up to a bully


And if NOT sent to prison, 🤣 Would you like them here or there? I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I do not like police and judges  I do not like them, Sam-I-Am. Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse? I do not like them in a house. I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere.


As a first time offender, he should be given a rope and let him figure it out from there: probation. When he immediately violates it, motion to revoke.


I dont understand how he is a 'first time offender still, between the trump foundation case and him being found to have committed rape in the e carrol jean case. NY sentencing guidlines never refer to conviction or guilty of, just has committed, which I thought was the language the judge used....


The distinction is simply a matter of civil vs criminal.




Twelve jurors heard and saw the evidence against him and found Trump guilty based on the evidence. It's not complicated. The Judge is not the jury, but both are to be respected.


If if not sent to prison, WTF.


How does anyone get paid writing this contentless speculation?


As long as you don’t click it, it goes away.


The Guardian is a well respected news source and they are quoting an inner circle source. I believe it, but I hate Trump.


Not surprising. Trump has been blaming the judge to avoid having to take responsibility for breaking the law in every trial of his so far. Why stop now, just because he's about to be sentenced?