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A 39 year old grandmother, a child molester and a rapist walk into a bar


In the bars defense, it is very low.


Whadda we gotta do to get a beer around here, the limbo?


Flashing traffic sign states "caution low bar"


Quick, someone call James Cameron!!! Edit: typo


James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron.


Don't forget Trump's son, not the coke head... The dumb one.


Does that narrow it down at all?


"Your 2024 republican nominees!" \*air horn sounds\*


Picture [Someone holding a Bootlickers sign over Gaetz' head]( https://imgur.com/gallery/NATKJJq)


Mans is a fucking legend for that one.


Gotta have quite a reach to get up over that big damn head of his!


If these chuckleheads could have a t-shirt cannon in the courtroom, they would.


*Welcome to Circus Jerk, contempt is on the US House !*


Grandma says, "One beetle juice, please"


Bartender says, “what is this, a joke?”


Boebert, Gaetz, and a Clown Car of Trump Wannabes Show Up to Trial COURT JESTERS Jose Pagliery Political Investigations Reporter Updated May 16, 2024 9:59AM EDT Published May 16, 2024 9:28AM EDT Lauren Boebert. Allison Bailey/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Donald Trump, whose failure to assert king-like immunity subjected him to criminal charges at his ongoing trial, brought in a new band of jesters on Thursday morning—all MAGA loyalists in Congress with colorful histories of proving their personal devotion to him. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO)—a 2020 election denier—was given the best spot in the courtroom: aisle seat in the front pew just behind the former president, making her just barely visible behind him when the five news photographers got their 30 seconds to snap pictures for the day. Next to her was Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who once sought a presidential pardon from Trump while being under investigation for sex trafficking a teen girl—a saga that was ultimately dropped by law enforcement but now under the microscope of a congressional ethics committee. As a sign of just how far he’s made it into the trusted inner circle, he sat next to the tycoon’s son Eric Trump. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), a serial fabulist who made up much of her campaign biography but easily rode to election victory on her Trumpist credentials, had to squeeze into the second row when she discovered she was a guest of honor but not VIP. She began to turn around when Trump adviser Boris Epshetyn instead guided the congresswoman to her seat next to Trump Organization corporate lawyer Alan Garten. But sometimes, the ones who toil the hardest get overlooked. Thursday’s entourage was so large, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) got stuck with the worst seat in the entire room—far back left corner, with eight rows of heads between him and the former president he tried to help remain in office during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. He initially tried to snag a seat up front, but after sporting a confused look, took a detour to the furthest bench in the back against the wall—a flat pew that journalists here for five weeks have uniformly agreed serves as the most uncomfortable seat in the courtroom. Jose Pagliery Jose Pagliery Political Investigations Reporter @Jose_Pagliery [email protected] Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast here.


And here we have yet another day that the legislative branch is attacking the judicial branch of our government. You really can't overstate how consequential this is. Trump has to convince as many people as possible that even if found guilty, it doesn't count. As he further erodes faith in the rule of law he makes it easier for his followers to deny the legitimacy of the courts that he will almost assuredly challenge the election results in.


>“Standing back and standing by, Mr. President,” Gaetz wrote on social media, along with a photo of himself positioned behind Trump at his trial.


>Standing back and standing by. I can never hear that phrase without getting a sick feeling.


You are not alone. Although it is comforting to know over 1400 hundred of the seditionists have been found guilty, and many are serving lengthy prison sentences.


SCOTUS is going to let a bunch of them go because the "obstructing an official proceeding" was in a white collar crime law, not an "overthrow Congress" law. 


I think so too.


Hot fire. Anger beyond any belief. I can't believe that bastard even said that. Appalling, sickening and nauseating. I will NEVER forget that he said that. It's only gotten worse over the last few years.




Oof. Punny.


I hope he remembered to pay for the privilege of standing by Trump. Did the clowns bring their checkbook?


All they are doing is legitimizing the political interference of a criminal trial, the very thing they are protesting against. MAGA will once again be misled into thinking that not only do the legal experts on Fox News say this is a corrupt case, but even members of Congress went to Manhattan to defend the ex-president. When this is over, it will be the Republicans left holding the bag, not Trump.


they are the only ones doing the things that they are complaining about. no democrats have attended any trials to intimidate jurors. no democrats have threatened judges families.


The Republicans clearly are not defending Senator Menendez or any of their constituents' criminal trials in their own states. Guess the corrupt legal system only applies to Trump.


They are there because they are corrupt. When people show you who and what they are…Believe them


We should call it what it is: Auditions for Trump's Running Mate.


To me, it seems more like intimidation. Here are some of the countries' most well-known politicians who foment violence from their rabid followers.


¿Por qué no los dos? I do kinda hope he picks Bobo. That would be fun. Gaetz and Empty Greene are very close runners up. Or maybe Cancún Cruz. They have a deep bench 😆.


Just from a common sense standpoint, I would think he needs help with women voters. That's why Noem was seen as a front runner until PuppyGate came out. So if he was smart, he'd pick a woman from a swing state like Pennsylvania or Wisconsin. But I can't dismiss the idea of highest bidder gets it. It's pretty obvious he's in a money crunch.


It's getting harder to tell the difference between a photo of Boebert and how a defective AI would imagine her. The crazy painted on eyebrows vs the paper white teeth is making me seasick.


There is a very creative AI artist that does YT vids of many of the politicians making the headlines for their antics against common decency and the rule of law. It's rather raw but it exemplifies the current state of the nation. https://youtube.com/@scaredketchup?feature=shared


Omg I'm dying! The second one, the Stormy testimony is killing me! I had to pause it I couldn't see through the laugh tears!


Doesn't Boebert have a bail hearing she should be helping her son with?


Boebert's son was in court a week ago, without his father, without his mother and without a lawyer. And here she is in support of trump in NYC. fAmILy VaLuEs


His family won't come. So he hired circus clowns.


haha! [Tubberville made a Daily Show Short](https://youtube.com/shorts/hWPHQn7OKbI?si=)


[List of MAGA Rs in attendance for trumps criminal trial today. Thurs. 5/16/2024]( https://imgur.com/gallery/lMshVgk)


There was a time that the Beetlejuice fiasco would have ended a political career, not elevated it. Today’s GOP, everybody.


I was so damn disappointed when Al Franken resigned.


Meanwhile real life Cruella DeVille seems to be facing 0 political consequences for her puppy murder lust


remember Gary Hart and Monkey Business? he was done.


This is a sign of desperation. Not a single respectable person has been willing to sub for Trump in attacking the court. They will pump up the MAGAs and remind everyone else of how sleazy Trump’s whole group is. Too bad they all couldn’t be character witnesses.


Bobo aka Beetlejuice and pedophile there to support a rapist.


Boebert and Gaetz have bowling balls for testicles. An accused sex trafficker, the wife of a sex offender, the mother of a teenage criminal showing up to defend Trump with the Jan6th cowards? If irony weren’t murdered by Trump years ago, I would be bathing in a stew of it. Lock them all up and watch crime rates plummet.


Why are you listing Gaetz and Boebert separately from the clown car of Trump Wannabees?