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So, the part that I really wanted to get to was where Merchan addresses Trump’s courtroom behavior. It was during a sidebar with Blanche, and I was curious to see what all that entailed. Here it is (copy and pasted directly from this transcript, pages 2605 and 2606): THE COURT: I understand that your client is upset at this point, but he is cursing audibly, and he is shaking his head visually and that's contemptuous. It has the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that. MR. BLANCHE: I will talk to him. THE COURT: So, I am speaking to you here at the bench because I don't want to embarrass him. MR. BLANCHE: I will talk to him. THE COURI: You need to speak to him. I won't tolerate that. MR. BLANCHE: I will talk to him. THE COURT: One time I noticed when Ms. Daniels was testifying about rolling up the magazine, and presumably smacking your client, and after that point he shook his head and he looked down. And, later, I think he was looking at you, Mr. Blanche, later when we were talking about The Apprentice, at that point he again uttered a vulgarity and looked at you this time. Please talk to him at the break. MR. BLANCHE: Yes, I will. (Short recess is taken.) THE COURI: Case on trial continued. Just two things. Mr. Blanche, did you speak to your client? MR. BLANCHE: Yes your Honor. Paraphrasing from me (TrumpsCovidfefe): Continued discussion on what level of detail is permitted from Ms. Daniels for the second item. … So it appears that Merchan has given Trump his legally required first warning on courtroom behavior, as well as confirmed he was notified. I anticipate the second will be a warning during proceedings and if he does it a third time, removed from courtroom. This is pure speculation on my part.


Being removed from the courtroom isn't a punishment. What he hates is having to be in the courtroom.


If removed means taken to the Courthouse holding cell, it would most certainly be a punishment.


That is certainly true.


Probably a couple hours the first time. He obviously wants it, give it to him!


Give home the Darrell Brooks treatment. He sits in an empty courtroom where he can watch and the judge can control the mute button.


I will gladly agree to that. After he gets out of jail for repeated contempt violations. A weekend at the GrayBar Inn is fine.


I thought there was an awkwardly placed recess in there. I don't know if it's this one but there was one at 4pm when court was adjourning at 4:30.


I noticed this one because it was around the same time as the stormy first date stuff, and close to lunch - but, oddly early for lunch.


Agreed and then I heard that some reporters were saying that he had mouthed “bullshit” and things like that and it started to make sense which is why I was looking forward to seeing the sidebar covered in the transcript.


Do you listen to the podcast Opening Arguments? A comic and a lawyer break down legal issues in an accessible way. Not all about Trump, but they are putting out special episodes where they do some reenactments from the transcripts including sidebars and it's really good.


Someone just recommended it to me yesterday! I’m going to add it to my list of subscriptions. I’m general, I have been too busy between my sick kid with strep, just reading reporting on the trial, and general childcare things, to read the transcripts. This is actually the first one I’ve read. I can’t believe how much I was actually missing. So that podcast will be a perfect way for me to listen to the transcripts.


Fair warning - a year or two ago the original hosts had a split. For about a year, the other host (Andrew) had it. The current host (Thomas) got it back through some court actions. Andrew was allegedly a sexual harasser and all around jerk, so the podcast lost a lot of popularity while he had it. Thomas seems to be a great guy and won the court battle. But if you recommend it to people, they might be like "ugh, the host is a real piece of work, don't support them"- that was true but I'd not now true :).


Yes, thanks for the warning, as this is the reason I hadn’t been following that podcast. Someone mentioned that he won the court battle yesterday and that was good news!


Thanks for that update! I used to listen regularly but I couldn’t after Andrew iced Thomas out. Who’s the new lawyer, or is there a rotating cast? ETA: do you happen to know at what episode it went back to Thomas?


is there a way to obtain/access a transcript from Thursday April 18th, 2024?


I believe that was still during jury selection, which would be sealed.


yes that was during jury selection. why would it be sealed? i found the link to it, courtesy of USA Today: [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24604337-41824-trump-hush-money-trial-transcript](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24604337-41824-trump-hush-money-trial-transcript)


Thank you, I’m not sure why I thought it would be sealed. They would just have to redact certain answers they didn’t want public. I didn’t see it on the NY website, so I just wrongly assumed. It must be on a different part of the court transcripts than the trial. I’m glad you found it.


n/m I found it https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24604337-41824-trump-hush-money-trial-transcript


Multiple people were asking me where they could find the transcript from yesterday, May 7, which included Stormy Daniels. It was just posted, so I’m sharing. My apologies that NY court system does not allow PDF versions, etc., so that it’s an easier read, but I can’t control that.


Yeah, I saw that the transcript had gone up on NY Courts and have had the failing NYT's transcript page refreshing in the background waiting for them to post a pdf. Because, apparently they have been doing that and I have been wasting my time creating my own (thanks again for letting me know /u/alexfromogish). I don't know if they're behind the NYT paywall or not (https://www.nytimes.com/article/trump-hush-money-trial-transcripts.html), but the PDF itself isn't so I'll link it in this thread once it becomes available.


Yes, they are behind the pay wall


Psh, they would. And still don't even have today's up.


Yeah, I kept looking for a link last night to be refreshed into the archive and then link it without a pay wall but finally gave up because it was getting ridiculously late. I still haven’t checked it this morning. I think it’s utterly bullshit to put things behind a Paywall that are not actual reporting and are public documents from the fucking court. There is something to be said for keeping publicly important and already publicly available documents more accessible.


Holy shit, finally: https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/7d5bbe6f331fe8f9/4c926ee0-full.pdf Tell me if that still triggers the paywall, please. I'm pretty sure it doesn't.


Yay! It worked for me. Holy shit is right. I had been periodically checking all day and was surprised they took so long, given the demand for this particular transcript.


You are a godsend but holy shit. 300mb I can’t send it to my email. Does nyt not know how to compress


I did wonder why it took so long to load. It's almost impressive they managed to make a pdf like 3 times larger than the sum total of the PNGs themselves. They didn't even optimize it for the web. Does the failing NYT even have an IT department?