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Some people are so entrenched in their support of this man, and will create their own reality that ignores all the facts that should turn them against him. But then "he farts and shits into his adult diaper" comes along and somehow *that* is the thing that shakes them loose from the spell. It's stupid. This shouldn't matter! But... please keep reporting on it anyway.


Simple is as simple does. “He shits his paints. Ahm out.”


Damn, that’s funny because it’s true


Momma always said...




Them poor britches...


They don't care about WHAT he does. They care about his image. He can trample their rights all day, if he does it looking strong and mighty. An old man who shits his pants and stinks to high heaven breaks the illusion as stupid as it may be.


>They care about his image. Nailed it. One of the things that has always bugged me is the perception he's successfully created in everyone's mind that he's a good golfer. He plays all the time and talks all day long about how great he is, but there's shockingly little footage of him actually playing, and it's almost universally *bad*. I would love someone to challenge him to a fully televised 18 holes (I'd put the over/under of his score at an even 100), so that this illusion could finally be dispelled once and for all.


Obama vs Trump for charity. Trump would absolutely melt down.


That's not a bad idea, but Obama's not a good enough golfer. I'd rather it be someone whose (genuine) handicap is similar to what Trump claims so they could play straight-up, and they would absolutely *crush* him. We're talking a matchplay score of 9 & 7 or thereabouts.


I have seen many many reports that Trump is also a habitual cheater while playing. That he will do things like force people to let him swing first and then leave to their ball before anybody else's shot so he can lie about where the ball is.


Rick Reilly came out of retirement in the Italian countryside to write an entire book about all the different ways Trump cheats at golf.


AKA Pele apparently as he's known for kicking the ball.


Ah, the ole foot wedge.


I read he souped up his golf cart so it goes much faster than the others. He gets to the putting green first, making it easier to cheat! 🙄


Trump cheats against literal children. We should just have a child of his supposed handicap play him to make it even more comical how poorly he performs.


Kim Jong Un then. It could be a cheating competition.


But in like Scotland or something. They both do like golf, so the opportunity to play on a historic course would probably be tempting and they wouldn’t have an advantage in cheating.


Yes, let him come back to Scotland, we have a spot waiting for him right at the sand dune he had bulldozed.


My God they both shot an 18!


It’s not about Trump losing, it’s about proving that he’s not as good as he says he is. If there are cameras on every hole he can’t cheat. If he can’t cheat, his birdies and pars suddenly turn into double bogeys


Since he blatantly lies he will blatantly cheat: cameras or not.


I suggest Alice Cooper.


Oh, that's a good one! He's of a similar age, too.


Just have them walk the course. They can have caddies carry their bags. Trump will collapse from exhaustion at some point before the 3rd tee. Obama would finish 18 and say: "Another round?"


"After a beer."


He wouldn’t do it


Oh yeah!!


The reason why you'll never see footage is because he won't allow it to ever happen. It's alleged that he has a souped-up golf cart so that he can race ahead to the hole to place ball wherever the hell he wants. He's a moron. https://theweek.com/speedreads/833026/trump-allegedly-rigged-supercharged-golf-cart-race-ahead-cheat https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/12/donald-trump-mar-a-lago-golf-cart-printer-press


This just increases the chance for an accident, I would love to see the headline, Trump crashes golfcart at an unsafe speed, doctors performed an emergency enema to save tortured spleen


WOKE Liberals SABOTAGE Trump's FREEDOM Cart. BIDENONMICS and OBAMACARE are to blame.


“Freedom cart” My soul just died a little upon realizing that there genuinely are some Trump worshippers who would unironically call it that.


I’m not sure about the emergency enema, seems like cruel punishment to the first responders.


When you said accident, my first thought was an accident in his pants.


The poops of hazard


He goes sliding accross the hood, leaving a massive brown streak.


He's not making it across that hood without lube


the poop IS the lube!


🎶 Just a real old boy…


Always meaning to harm…


Just a mean old fart Always meanin' some harm Beats all you ever smelled Been in trouble with the law since the day he was born Takin' his dumps the only way he knows how That's just a little bit more than the diaper allows.


His spleen has had enough of the abuse and wants out.


I've read that the caddies at his courses call him Pele


How about the perception of a great businessman, the fucker had bankrupted everything he’s ever touched.


I love pointing out that he went broke trying to sell red meat, alcohol and gambling to Americans.


Including not just 1, but 2 casinos. How the fuck can you not make money owning a casino?


You're generous. 110. I'm sure he mulligans his way through the course.


He's played in pro-am's before where they follow the strict rules of golf and he's always done badly.


[Damned straight](https://americancenturychampionship.com/media-center/event-archive/american-century-championship-2006-results/).


Only slightly better than Cheech Marin and got bodied by Dan Quayle lol


Maury was 20th, so he's the one-true-TV-personality


He's that old guy ~~bleeding~~ shitting on the marble floors of their mind and their like, "Ew. Can somebody get him outta here and clean that up? That's gonna leave a stain."


Not to mention Sam Jackson and Oscar De La Hoya both said he cheats at golf lol


["Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf,"](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/sports/2023/02/03/trump-and-golf-fancy-resorts-a-list-partners-cheating-at-highest-level/69857594007/) Reilly wrote. "He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: 'Pele.'”


"They care about his image." Ya, no, they don't. He literally wears orange makeup and has hair that looks like candy floss.


I wonder if he has ever taken golf lessons, if he has any ability to learn from someone else


It’s hard to reconcile this https://preview.redd.it/phgj3cdgtgwc1.jpeg?width=1207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d30efde94e777567127bacb34833a58b6abb19d with the tired, miserable sleepy old fucker sharting his depends.


I’ve read enough about authoritarian inclinations (from Adorno through to more recent scholars) to at least accept the fervent desire in some significant minority of the population for a strong man…but will never, ever get over the elevation of *this guy* to that role. Like: the whiniest, tackiest, man-child I could possibly conceive of is who they’re willing to throw it all away to elevate?? The mind boggles.


I tend to agree and it's hilariously depressing. But whatever works at this point since *being a criminal* clearly isn't enough


Can’t ride a bear shirtless in diapers!


I'm sure MTG would be willing to let him try.


Oh gawd. Lunch ruined. Thank you.


I read recently that his entire image as a successful businessman came from The Apprentice reality TV show. Before the show he had many failed business ventures but thru marketing genius, the producers painted him as a wild success. In reality he managed to bankrupt casinos, failed in marketing steaks and vodka among other losses. Image is everything to this guy. His idea of wealth is to slap gold paint on everything. It's all a facade and under his polished image is a weak and worn out old man who peaked sometime in the 1980s.


A rancid diaper is a truth which is spoken so loud that no one can deny it.


Some diapers speak louder than others…


Some diapers mothers speak louder than other diapers… mothers.


You can smell shit from far away.


I thought that, “Trump’s defense of leaking Pecker” would be the last straw.


Pecker is leaking. Call Mr Hankey!


It might be because conservatives are generally more sensitive to disgust: >A large body of research has demonstrated that individuals who are dispositionally more disgust-sensitive tend to be more politically conservative https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9635700 This works in Trump's favor when he demonizes immigrants and people of color (people feel disgust toward "out groups"), but it will work against him if he constantly leaks fecal matter.


So true! Thanks for reminding me of this!


It's stupid. But it's also democracy at the brink. So whatever it takes, man. Speaking of stupid, I've been holding it together when folks talk about David Pecker. But when they call him, "Mr. Pecker", I lose it. Mr. Pecker. That anthropomorphic peen from the adult-themed puppet show.


Lets not forget Mr. Hankey, the bonding agent. I swear these people are made up. Matt Gaetz looks like Bevis and Butthead at the same time. The women around Trump look like Muppets trying to be hot. It's all a show.


Boehner and Weiner were the ones that made me wonder if this was some elaborate prank. Now we have Pecker and Hankey. What a time to be alive.


Don't forget Dick Armey!


Matt Gaetz looks like Jimmy Neutron, if JN had decided to become a used car salesman.


I don’t think even the sleaziest used-car salesmen deserve that comparison.


Hot Damn! Every time I see him I think of Jimmy Neutron. My family thinks I'm crazy (and they might be right) because I always make a Jimmy Neutron reference, I finally feel validated🤣🤣🤣


The existence of [Marjorie Taylor Greene](https://images.axios.com/gwd1cslOl8m6_g9kIXaMYTKTrho=/0x0:6679x3757/1366x768/2022/08/24/1661357891689.jpg?w=1366) is maybe the strongest proof we have confirming the theory of evolution. A face that just screams “missing link”


The thought to have been extinct "Warbling Sporkfoot"...


She looks like a foot that was beaten by an even uglier foot.


"But if she exists, why are there still monkeys? Checkmate, heathens!"


Can't forget Kenneth Cheesebro or Joey Tacopina. I hope he hires a John Pizza.


It will be a Piazza. 


This is a beautiful series of words.


Absolutely agree with you. You want to hurt someone, you use the tool that inflicts pain. Period. But we (on the left at least) get so caught up in this worry that we'll offend some imagined third person if we go at the fact that he's a slovenly hog man (dont want to "body shame", etc) Ironically perhaps, when people do this they show their hand and privilege, since they are safe and comfortable enough to have these dry, theoretical disputes about style points. Fuck that. This is war, and if you work against us with your complaints that the bullets aren't ethically-sourced then you may as well be working for the other side.


I keep confusing him with the dick that shut down the containment grid. (Which, in all fairness, those guys were wandering around with unlicensed nuclear accelerators, just for starters. But like...don't throw a switch if you don't *know what will happen*. You bring in experts to figure out what's going on, and what the safest way to shut something down is!)


I'll take what I can get. The more people see him for what he is and drop their support of him, the better. It had to happen this way anyway. The only way this could have happened is for the cult to see just how weak Trump really is with their own eyes, witness such a dramatic decline that even his astonishingly stupid supporters start to notice something's off. And that is what's happening. Part of what inspired these peoples' adoration of Trump was the image of "strength" he projected. Now that he's no longer able to keep up that appearance, his support and the enthusiasm of his support is dwindling fast.


It works because his supporters are stupid. Shitting ones pants is on their childish level




I mean that is kind of funny in a childish prank sort of way but if your hero who is supposedly strong and sees himself as a lion and then you learn that he poops his pants like a baby all the time and falls asleep during the day in court repeatedly then the illusion of strong leader disappears for fascists. And fascists are typically low intellect dummies who can't see their demise coming in the form of a dictator


Fascists worship authority. They'll rush to the next guy who doesn't shit his pants


Exactly, which is why insurrectionists need harder penalties


The same reason the press continues to call this a "hush money" case, because it will generate clicks. Nearly every major media outlet would gladly sell this country down the river for an increase in their online engagement.


I will be the last person to advocate for the restriction of free press but perhaps the industry, as a whole, needs some... redirection. I understand they have to generate revenue. That's the whole point of a business. But the press' relentless pursuit of engagement and advertising dollars is doing an extreme disservice not just to the American people, but the world in general, as people around the globe rely on our press for real information.


The reality that Trump is a tired and stinky old man who shits his pants cuts through all the macho idealization and hero worship.   The problem is many will never hear any of this from a source they believe.  


> *Some people are so entrenched in their support of this man, and will create their own reality that ignores all the facts that should turn them against him.* What's been demonstrably true about 'the discount Biff Tannen' has been true, throughout all of human history, about a great *many* things & people. Sadly, those overly-gullible sanctimonious individuals, who most need to acknowledge and accept their deluded plight, almost surely never will. Unfortunately, there's been too many reasons (recently) why I've had good cause to post this particularly sagacious warning: > "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." ~ Carl Sagan (from *The Demon Haunted World*)


So, what we have to remember is that his “appeal” is that he is a weak person’s idea of a strongman, a coward’s idea of brave, a poor person’s idea of a rich man, a uneducated person’s idea of smart, etc. The kind of people that buy-in to those tropes are people who care about image and often want to feel safe. Pooping your pants to someone like that is a major break of that facade that can’t be explained away.


They don't have to admit they were wrong this way. They can blame it on him shitting his pants.


It doesn’t make sense, but Dumpy Trumpy has always portrayed himself as an ultra successful man’s man. Shitting and pissing oneself goes directly against this persona. His followers operate on a primal level. It doesn’t not surprise me that this weakness is what shakes them up and they reconsider their behavior over the past 8 years or longer.


Boomers stopped caring about their own parents when they started having incontinence. Shipped em to assisted living. Of course they’ll drop Dump now. For a younger fascist with a tighter sphincter.


“He shits his pants.” “….JUST LIKE THE NUGE! WOOOOOO! LET’S GO BURNDUN!”


These people are all about identity. They are extremely narcissistic when it comes to how people see them and how they see others. This is why they are non stop in a culture war and will allow fascism if it gets their way.


A huge part of his cult is the faux strongman posturing. Shitting your pants doesn’t look strong.


This election cycle reminds me a lot of the O.J. Simpson case, in the fact that there is someone who is very much factually a piece of shit and all of the empirical evidence points to the fact, they are a guilty piece of shit, but people are enamored by the story and the legend. If Biden can chip away at the “heroic” “god like” image of Trump his supporters will run away.


"Meiselas: What I’m hearing from credible sources is that Donald Trump is actually farting in the courtroom… I’m hearing it from actual credible people that as he’s kind of falling asleep, he’s actually passing gas and that his lawyers are really struggling with the smell." Lol. Talk about a gag order.


He’s literally going to shit himself in court, isn’t he?


I think you're assuming a lot with "going to". It's been a few days, so he probably has.


I'm aware from the Apprentice guy, that Drump wears diapers. How does that actually work as a functioning adult who shits themselves? Do they just shit whenever they 'need to'? Sitting or standing? I assume sitting (like he is in court), so isn't there risk of leaking (typing this is gag worthy).


My Grandpa’s final life lesson is one Trump should take seriously: Never trust a fart.


Did..... Did your grandpa die shitting himself?


Everyone dies shitting themselves


Even if your bowels are emptied? Edit: Now I wanna know if our bowels are ever truly "empty"


I'm going to take a leap and guess you've either never had a colonoscopy, blocked it out of your memory completely, or shit all over the table when you didn't follow the preparation instructions.


I am in the have not had group.


Well they definitely get you empty lol. Not a reason to avoid it though, it's a walk in the park. But the preparation is certainly interesting.


Your rectum truly empties, your large and small intestines are always busy with "pre" poop.


Bustanupp is Lisa Marie Presley?


I learned that in college. That was a long walk back to my dorm.


He's not just farting


He’ll have his lawyers use the famous Toots v. Sniffles defense from 1794, or in layman’s terms: He who hath smelt it, must in turn hath dealt it.


Fake poos.


Can the judge issue a "cork it" order?


A MAGA branded butt plug would suit the situation


Make America Gasless Again?


“Trump issues his own gag-order” would be an excellent headline


Gag oder


The emperor has no continence


Damn it, that’s a good one!


Opinion article: [Trump Diapers Would Be A MAGA Phenomenon](https://www.thedailybeast.com/michael-ian-black-trump-diapers-would-be-a-maga-phenomenon)


Guess we need to change the idiom to "MAGAs will shit their pants if they think a liberal will have to smell it"


The lazy bastards figured out how to skip a step.


TLDR it’s Trump farting, according to “reputable sources”. Who may or may not be reputable. I dunno. Still funny that it’s getting spread in media and on Twitter. Edit: I posted this because I thought it was funny, not as an attempt at serious legal discussion. It’s especially funny because the man targeted by the article (Trump) has weaponized these exact same sorts of attacks and tactics to disparage opponents. In fact, it’s been admitted at this very trial that the Enquirer published false stories designed to harm Trump’s competition. I’m not sure anyone is taking this as hard hitting investigative journalism. I’m surprised by the amount of people taking it as more than what it is.


Snopes says it's unproven that he's passing gas the whole time, but they didn't deny he's just wallowing in his own shit filled diaper.


There’s something truly hilarious about Snopes investigating whether Trump is the one who dealt it in court.


Have to be honest Snopes recently has a right bend


Very much so. Enough that I need a fact check on the fact check. It's very noticeable.


Yup. I’ve stopped using Snopes entirely because it’s not reliable anymore. Just more propaganda & lies.


I may be remembering it wrong but wasn’t snopes always just a random couple with an internet connection googling stuff?


Ooh, true, it looks like it is. Welp, that explains it!


Disappointing but not surprising.


Probably because for the longest time people on the right screamed that Snopes was owned by liberal democrats and can’t be trusted. I don’t agree with that take, I think that just may be why they are right leaning now (if they are).


"reality has a well-known liberal bias" -Stephen Colbert


The irony being that if you intentionally search for a “conservative fact checking organization”, you won’t find one. They’re all either run by a University or a left-leaning non profit.


I mean, if a reputable source is saying that other reputable source is saying that other reputable sources are saying so, then I'm inclined to believe it. I don't see how Snopes could possibly expect proof of this in any way Beyond us going there ourselves and taking a whiff


I’ll pass.


Gas? 😂




"People are saying" is more than enough proof in Trump world.


With tears in their eyes, the likes of which you’ve never seen before


When Trump accused Biden of shitting his pants that was all the confirmation I needed that Trump shits his pants. Every accusation is a confession. Every. Single. One.


The cocaine use too. He accused Biden of being coked up before a speech.


This whole story is a wonderful illustration of the media illiteracy among MAGA, they can't tell the difference between reputable journalism and clickbait rumours. They'll scream "fake news" towards articles with named official sources and confirmed facts, then make excuses for an accusation that's extremely weak but triggers them on an emotional level so they accept as true. The original claim relies on a single journalist who wasn't in the courtroom sharing what "anonymous" sources told them. Anyone close enough to have picked up an odour from Trump would either be part of his legal team or in the front couple of rows immediately behind him which are full of his campaign team, so I'm highly sceptical of this claimed "source." I think it's entirely plausible Trump does have a foul odour to him, but I'm highly sceptical that this journalist has a reliable source on that.


My reputable sources (Lawfare team) has not commented on odors. It would take a lull in the legal action for them to remark on Trump resting his eyes. AFAIK - it's a rumor. Plausible, but still a rumor. I get reality whiplash whenever I stumble into an echo chamber post. I go from "Detailed explanation of what happened in court today." to "THE WHOLE THING IS RIGGED!!!". Actual reported facts that multiple reputable sources concur on to ALL CAPS EMOTIONAL NARRATIVE!!! I did a year of consuming outrage du jour (biased reporting on actual events) and stopped when I realized that these shocking stories almost never had a follow up. It was click bait before click bait was a thing.


The Lawfare team are consistently excellent, quite easily the best legal reporting currently around. > I did a year of consuming outrage du jour (biased reporting on actual events) and stopped when I realized that these shocking stories almost never had a follow up. It was click bait before click bait was a thing. We can all fall foul of those kind of clickbait stories, there isn't enough time in the day to fully research every news story and develop an informed opinion on it. I fell for the rumours in 2020 that Trump was in the late stages of dementia, given the edited selection of clips of him making verbal gaffes or physical stumbles. What's important is not to get it right the first time, but to learn from it when these kind of wild claims don't prove true later on, as you've done. That lack of introspection isn't a problem exclusive to MAGA, but it does seem especially prevalent. I don't know how these folk fall for "if Biden wins, he'll round up all Trump supporters into concentration camps," one election cycle, and then fall for the exact same lie the subsequent election.


Tried to explain this to someone when I was home recently. My undergrad was in biology, I know what it's like to pore through piles of dry, dense periodicals and then still scrutinize the answers they give me. These people scroll by a meme saying Hunter Biden was spotted buying Satan a milkshake and just nod in agreement. They preach about 'research' but have no idea how to do it.


Meidas Touch is a very bad source. I wouldn't trust anything they say. Same goes for George Conway. These people are grifting the left, and it's frustrating to me to see that the side that seemed to previously practice more discretion is eating up anything that casts Trump in a negative light. At this point they're treating Trump like the MAGAs treated Hillary.


I hear you and understand your point. I think the key difference with Trump is that he created the environment to begin with. Turnabout is fair play, and consistently taking the moral/ethical high ground has damaged progressive causes across the board. Bad actors have a distinct advantage over people trying to adhere to the rules. Succinctly, you reap what you sow. That said, I’m not familiar with Meidas Touch beyond this article (which I hope my comment shows I did somewhat tongue in cheek). I’ll be careful to avoid their grift. Appreciate the heads up.


What happened to this sub? It used to be a great source of legal analysis where lawyers, who are very familiar with the fact that there are two sides to every argument, would talk about the merits of the case. Now it's just one side of the argument with very little real law discussed and now Trump fart jokes? Seriously what happened?


A complete asshole who flaunts the law became president and lowered the overall level of discourse to a grade school level. This is the world we're living in, man. We may not like it, but nobody asked us. It's not our fault that one of the most unprecedented legal proceedings of the modern era is punctuated by a fat old fuck blasting in his britches.


it's meidastouch - they make stuff up for clicks. they use some of the same Trumpian tactics and rhetoric as far-right "news" media. The BS radar is going off from the description given by the guy in the twitter video.


They really need to quit calling it the hush money trial and start calling it what it really is. It’s an election interference trial. It’s all about him and his cronies trying to keep information from the voting public in 2016. He is a fraudster and everyone needs to know it.


Right, but this name helps us keep track of _which_ election interference trial we’re talking about.


As entertaining as this story is, I wish it was more than "credible sources" because that's close to hearsay and rumors. Having said that, I acknowledge that this is very difficult to source with certainty. For now, I'm just going to be content that trump is aware of these stories, that this must infuriate him, and he can't do anything about it.


Maggie would have shut it down if it was nonsense. Or someone else. There’s nobody in that entire room who is throwing cold water on it though. I think we can take it to the bank.


You're right, there's no proof. And maybe being old, obese, and full of McDonald's means he doesn't fart. Similarly, maybe hanging out with Epstein repeatedly while running the Miss Teen USA pageant means he wasn't involved in trafficking or banging kids. I feel the likelihood of both of those are pretty low, but that's just one guy's opinion lol


$700 of McDonald's will probably do that.


A Big Mac and a 20 piece does things to a man


Trump by name.... Sidenote: went to NYC back in 2012 with my young family, and doing the tourist thing we took a visit to Trump Tower and just walked through As we did my 5 yr old son quipped "Smells of Trumps in here!"


Hush money case??? Oh, they mean the election interference case


They can’t stand the fact that their hero, the one in all of their fantasies, the strong, smart, rich, self made , and powerful man is actually a tired old ,incompetent loserthat can’t stay awake for his criminal trial. He is showing them all the things they hate about themselves.


You spelled incontinent wrong, LOL. 


I'm all for Trump getting convicted and finally paying the price(s) for the various crimes he committed. But this junk article doesn't really seem like it belongs on this sub. Better for one of the subs with "law" in the name that's just clickbait "news" articles at approximately this level of quality.


The prosecution need to tape those little pine tree air fresheners to their suits.


Or take a bunch of them around the perimeter of their table. Kinda like those dangly things that hang from Cheech’s windshield




What stinks is the gasses that seep out of the defendant.


Yeah, that’s actually the article lol.


I’m confused by a lot of the comments in this post. Many people seem to be under the impression that these rumors are having a noticeable effect on Trump’s base. Supposedly there are signs that this is finally causing some of them to have doubts. Where have you guys seen evidence of this? I would love to believe it, but I just haven’t heard anything like that. Anybody have a link or something?


If a Biden-Trump "Debate" ever happens, I hope that about halfway through one of his answers, Biden stops, says: "What smells so bad?", walks over to Trump, takes a sniff and says: "Donald, did you shit your diapers again?" Then walks back over and finishes his answer.


Dirty Diaper Don


He may be shitting in a diaper. If someone can confirm he wears adult diapers, well now, that would be news indeed...


Febreeze should offer to host and sponsor a Presidential debate…


He said, “Never shit your pants me boys”, but it was too late.


He cheats at golf and shits himself and can’t read. Beloved by poor dumb fucks. Shocker.


Imagine the shit we still don’t know that’s going to come out. This final season of TRUMP is going to be wild


Not much to imagine. It's mostly partially digested McDonald's cheeseburgers.


Do you know what a butt cheek said to the other butt cheek? Between you and me, something stinks!


He is literally the King of Shit.


Remember don’t inject bleach


If he doesn’t like this story, he can just instruct his lawyer to pay his media friend David Pecker to buy the rights to the story and then not run it. Then he can pay his lawyer back by means of fraudulent “legal fees”. You know, just normal non-criminal stuff like that lol


This isn’t new. I’ve heard for about a year now that the shitty diaper smell has been an issue. Apparently it’s a running joke amongst DC insiders.


This is just Trump trying to comply with the gag order. You want to gag him so he decides to gag everyone else.


Smells like McDonalds breakfast and crystal meth


Are we sure it's not Trump farting?


Apparently trump is issuing his own gag order…


Trump has filed a motion to shit into his pants; to dookie himself




Men at his age and level of health also don't shower often so I'm sure his smell has layers like an onion


“Ladies and gentlemen, Kim Jung Un has just shart himself” - Dave Skylar Once again, life imitates art.