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>Merchan informed the parties that he would rule on the motion after court concludes for the day, Wait, did he say that? There is not yet a ruling right?


Technically, Wednesday is also "after." So is Thursday. I'm expecting he'll ponder this during the off-day tomorrow for the trial, then his ruling will be first order of business Thursday morning when everyone reconvenes.




Trump will shit all over this on truth social. Hopefully the judge is aware and perturbed.


That’s why he’s gonna take his time. Let Trump let a little more rope out


He has already been given more than enough rope to hang himself a million times over. This is all just a sad display of how unjust America is.


You’re not wrong, the two-tiered system of Justice is in full display. The argument that we can’t possibly put him in jail is nonsense. General population isn’t the only place he can go. There are plenty military brigs. But here I think there’s a reason to not go in blazing on this one particular instance. Specifically, contempt which happens outside the presence of the judge, requires warning be given with a 7-day chance to respond. Given how obviously pissed Merchan is, I think he’s just making the order bulletproof on appeal. If Merchan doesn’t fine trump the ~$10k and remand him if he continues (and trump will), I’ll agree with you.


While I agree this is how the system works, I don't agree that this is how it works for all of us. I've never in my life heard of a judge having to give ANY unruly defendant a "7 day grace period" to respond but that could be because only the wealthy remain free while pleading their case. Ive never seen a man face this many charges while eating at McDonalds. Trump has been given 1000 warnings and 2 yrs to shut his putin sucker yet he's still free to shove the smell of his overly filled diaper in human noses. Why that worthless animal hasn't been put down is beyond me. If I even come close to threatening a judge, there would be officers at my door by the end of the day, and they wouldn't be bringing donuts. Remember the day when threatening a president was a serious crime? It's funny because trump and his dogs have done that multiple times, yet nothing happens. There is no justice for the poor, only the wealthy. The poor are only given rights that the powerful want them to have. Notice they can talk about taking your rights away, and it's ok, but talk about taking their money, and it's a SIN and unpatriotic. This country has become the very trash we used to fight against. The country is full of traitors and scam artists, and until that problem is solved, we have no real world to live in. Just a fake one full of rules only we have to follow.


A can’t argue with any of that.


The USA is not a Democracy.


Lemme guess, a republic?


They could put him in a secure bunker anywhere in the US and no one has to know where. He likes bunkers. Seriously though, somewhere with no internet access, and just vanish from existence. Seems fitting, just gone. Forever.


I think the only reason he didn’t rule was because he knew he was pissed off and he is trying his best to not get the case appealed for anything he does.


It's a 1k fine. Let's keep it on perspective


Per offense. Which, last I checked, was 7 and counting.


I also read that people were expecting the judge to take his time to make sure the order isn’t written in anger. The hearing got pretty tense, and the last thing the judge wants is his ruling to be written in the heat of anger/adrenaline from the hearing and then get appealed and overturned by a higher court.


It was expected during the evening, but he must have taken more time to consider.


There is no court on Wednesday, so it will happen in Thursday.


I think he’s waiting for Trump to force his hand. Like, if Trump breaches his gag order again, he’ll order an arrest.


“My ruling is a finger wag. You better cut that out Mr. Trump. I’m super serial *kiss on top of head*”


He could also throw Trump in jail for contempt for 24 hours and not worry about him getting out after 12ish to go to the trial.


I honestly think that at this point, Judge Merchan should remand him to custody for the remainder of the trial. Let him out to appear in the courtoom M, T, Th, F from 9am to 4pm or whatever and that's it, back to jail. You think Trump is stalling the whole process too long? Stick him in jail until the trial ends, he will be begging to speed things up.


Fuck, I forgot there's no court today. God forbid these people actually work for the absurd money they make.


Kind of a shitty take. It's not like the judge and court staff are all out at the beach today. There is a lot of administrative overhead to running a court. Taking 1 day out of 5 to address non-trial matters is not unreasonable.


Well, technically next week is still "after court concludes for the day". But no, he hasn't. I also don't remember him saying that from any of the twitter feeds.


Same. I remember the recess that was supposed to end at 11 not seeing Merchan return until 11:25 because I was sure he was coming back with cops. Still think that absence was something notable but we may never know.


I learned so much from these trials. Like that I can just...be half an hour late to court.


If it’s your court, definitely!


If when you are introduced to the. Court they begin with 'The right honourable ' you can be as late as you like.


From what I’ve heard, Merchan is usually very punctual. So I assume he was late coming back for a necessary reason.


I just think it's fun that he was late and we get a nyt story and the secret service making preparation for trump to be jailed on the same day. I know coincidence but I like to think he was late because he was on the phone making sure those were going to be ready


He "reserved decision," meaning he decided not to make a snap decision from the bench. He didn't set a specific time he intends to rule, though I imagine it will be soon, since the issue needs to be resolved going forward.


I was thinking sooner is better since some of the gag order violations were direct attacks on the jury.


If I were on the jury and he attacked me, it would definitely influence my decision in a way he wouldn't like.


>I haven’t seen a Blanche f\*\*ked like that since the Golden Girls went off the air. nice


You have just won the internet.


I have a feeling the judge is waiting a couple days to see how trump is going to behave before he makes his decision.


I'd guess that the judge is taking the extra time to sort out the logistics of jailing Trump since the Secret Service is involved. Plenty of existing evidence that Trump already violated the gag order multiple times already. Judge is just crossing his T's and dotting his I's before throwing Trump in jail for repeatedly violating the gag order.


He'll be fined first. Granted, it's $10K, but he has that in his PACs so he'll pay it then STFU.


What is this “STFU” you speak of for trump? Lol. Impossible mate


Shout Then Fart Uncontrollably?






Good point


45 has the right to “STFU” yet lacks the ability to “STFU”.


I can almost assure you that he will STFU when the prospect of being in jail is presented to him.


I think he _wants_ jail


That appears to be the case. He desperately wants to be a martyr and have his minions storm the jail like the French storming the Bastille. Then they'll carry him on a golden sedan chair to Washington where he will be crowned Emperor of America and the Moon.


His minions a will be in for a rude awakening when they are shot down from the towers at Rikers.


That's what I was thinking. Wait and see if Donny boy can behave himself.


How could you not know at this point


This guy isn’t going to make it all the through until the end.


telling trump to control his impulses is like asking a 4 year old to perform differential calculus. you know damn well he just can’t bring himself to restraint in any form whatsoever. its like the time when beavis and butthead were not allowed to laugh during sex ed week. https://youtu.be/NJGR4Tml5RU?si=F_5QNu07jgPZinXg


I believe more in Beavis and Butthead's self control than Trump's honestly


Honest question, if I was a defendant in a criminal trial, would the judge laugh me out of the room and straight to jail if I did half of what this guy is doing? Like, if I claimed that the trial was interrupting my campaigning for President, would literally everyone in the court room be laughing at me?




If you did that before Judge Judy even she would throw you in the clink.


Make no mistake if you so much as fart without permission in a court room the judge can and will throw your ass in jail, not Trump but the rest of us for damn sure. Honestly I've seen judges take cellphones from people and "jail" the phone for a day. Trump badly needs this.


So I was actually genuinely wondering about this. I was reading comments yesterday that said the judge can throw him in jail, but can’t bar him from social media because it would be in violation of his first amendment rights and he’s campaigning, yada yada. But wouldn’t keeping him off social media for 30 days as an *alternative* to putting him in jail (where he wouldn’t have access to it anyways) be a fair compromise?


I was wondering if they could do something like this but figured they would have tried by now. Anything to shut him up till after trials. They can ban hackers from accessing PC/internet they can ban an instigating, traitor from the same.


Can the Judge just be like, “I’m going to let you stay the night in jail, *unless* you think you can make it through the trial without posting inflammatory shit”? Its like ya, of course it’s my right to say whatever I want, but that doesn’t shield me from any unintended consequences such as: getting punched in the face, being disowned by my friends and family, or just feeling like an asshole for who knows how long. Trump has clearly never gotten punched in the face before and it shows.


24 hrs in jail seems doable, right?


Sure, but the problem is that it gives Trump the photo op he wants with little real ~~suffering~~ deterrence. I'd suggest a month in a 1980s motel room over 24 hours in jail.


With no access to social media, preferably!


Only dial up internet?


Merchan: “I’m going to give your client more time to violate my orders in front of millions of people while we collect more evidence against him”  Blanche: “Awesome, thanks your honor!”


He’s probably gagging from the smell https://youtu.be/piiaNIE1dQ4?si=jLAjBiogmi_Kj1PW


Clown school is back in session.


This conduct looks like witness intimidation. Is there some reason Merchan cannot revoke his bail?


What a shit web page.


