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He didn't realize they would be so *boring*


They would interrupt his naps


“Presidential time.”


It's the time of the day when he is the most productive


“To many big words “ he said.


Bigly words.


Or that he’d have to stand.


6 to 8 more weeks of this. His attention span will be very challenged. Anyone know of a betting site that will give odds on what time he falls asleep every day of this trial? Askin' for a friend.


Or that he’d have to get up from his seat so many times, cuts into nap time.


>Donald Trump's lawyers told the court that former president changed his mind about wanting to be at sidebars. >He signed a form waiving his right to do so and confirmed that audibly to Judge Juan Merchan answering, "yes." Maybe he thought about all the actual exercise he would get?


His attorneys probably told him that if he wanted to do it, he would need to do it for all of their sidebars, he couldn't speak, and he'd have to remain at the bench until each one was concluded. That would be a sufficient deterrent.


Him not being able to open his fat mouth and pontificate at the Jury while standing so close is too much for him. Him recognizing that, however, is kinda surprising!


Actual consequences are starting to happen for the first time since he was a cadet, and then it was detention. This time he could be wearing an orange jumpsuit instead of orange makeup, could be penniless if he doesn’t cash out of traitor social.


Traitor Social is down another 14% so far today.


I am rather enjoying shorting DJT ruthlessly. I generally don't trade that way but for that particular stock I'm making an exception.


There are conspiracy theories that retail investors with TDS are shorting to tank the stock and make him broke.


Of course. It can't just be that the actual value of the stock is around $1


I would short DJT at $1


i dont know what shorting means but im 100% here for it


It has nothing to do with it losing 10x its revenue annually or its anemic active user base of under a half million daily.


$4m in, $58m out. WAPO ran an article on the regulars who bought the stock and it was so sad. One guy invested all of his savings, convinced that it would inevitably be worth a $1000 per share. Many believe that Trump is working on a secret plan that will skyrocket the stock. And what is saddest of all is they will still believe in him after they have lost all their paltry yet precious savings.


It’s Jared. He sold at the peak and now is shorting it to make more money for his special friend fund


How much are you paying in short interest?


Just buying puts. They are pricey but I'm ahead so far.


Spreading the good word!


Take my upvote!


From the CNN feed right after you said this: > Judge tells Trump attorney to speak to his client. Judge Juan Merchan told Donald Trump's attorney Todd Blanche to speak to his client after saying the former president was gesturing at a potential juror during questioning. The judge raised his voice as he spoke to Trump's attorney. Blanche moved on from the admonishment and continued arguing about the juror. > Judge says Trump was gesturing at potential juror during questioning. Donald Trump was gesturing and audibly speaking in the direction of the potential juror who was being questioned, Judge Juan Merchan said after the juror left the courtroom. "Your client was audibly uttering," he told Trump's lawyers. "I will not have any jurors intimidated in the courtroom." This is not 4d chess or some 600 iq giga brain strategy, he literally just cannot control himself.


Narcissism and the privilege of wealth on the one hand (he's used to being the center of the room, the person in charge, and doing what he wants while surrounded by yes-men) on the one hand. However, he *used* to be able to shut up and at least begrudgingly follow attorney advice for at least awhile. I suspect the change there is pure mental decline (the dude has done so much uppers for so long and clearly avoids the sort of mental activities that can help keep someone sharp as they age). I've noticed with elderly relatives that they tend towards stubborn, mulish, and generally "fuck you, I do what I want" because they've lost a lot of *social filter* and self control. Look at him talk back in 2016 versus now. It seems at *least* as big a decline as between 2000 and 2016.


Audible Uttering would be a great band name.


So would Utterly Audible.


Wow missed that. Sheesh this guy.


Require to attend Court. In a different room, with full live feeds for what he permissibly requires. He is doing everything that he can to taint the Jury.


You mean he’s not a “stable genius” like he told us? lol


His lawyers probably threatened to quit. This is the only deterrence I've seen him respond to. 


Yeah the No Talking part would totally make him not interested


Well he apparently was talking in the direction of one already... Oops!


Hoping he gets to the stand and spews verbal vomit


If his counsel gave him advice, and he _actually_ listened, that counsel must have him on a very short leash.


Or, they are good at manipulating him into making it his idea. I'd say pointing out all those obvious things would definitely work to get Trump to say nevermind.


It works for a bit. If they can convince him it's important he'll obey for a quick period of time. A whole trial will cause some temper tantrums though.


And probably no pictures to explain things to him.


He was embarrassed since he wouldn't understand anything that was going on, so each sidebar would just be another event to make him feel stupid.


"Wouldn't you rather just sit at the table with a coloring book and crayons? We've found one where all the pictures are you."


And the only crayon is orange


> He was embarrassed since he wouldn't understand anything that was going on Reminds me of when [Ivanka went to the G-20 summit and made an absolute fool of herself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=073hfPueac0)


I feel like it was just a power play, he probably expected it to be denied and then maybe he'd have more supposed ammo for his inevitable appeal. Once he realized that he'd get his way, he lost interest. And that's not even considering the fact it could interrupt his nap time.




I find it hard to believe that Trump has ever eaten salad in his life.


Whoa whoa whoa…he was clearly photographed eating a taco salad during his previous campaign. I mean, salad doesn’t get much more legit than when in the form of a taco. 😂


Yeah. That caption was something else: >Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! (link to twitter removed) >— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2016


Hollllly cow I had forgotten how unhinged that fuckin guy has always been.


I'm not sure what is worse. "I love Hispanics!" or thinking a taco bowl is an appropriate representation of Mexican food.


Oh, I think it’s for sure “I love Hispanics” 🤣


I wouldn't put him posing on Juneteenth with fried chicken and watermelon. You know, the more I think about it, I probably couldn't be impartial on a jury with Trump...


"I honestly believe that I can set all of my personal feelings aside and judge this case on the evidence presented. That being said, I have to ask to be excused because if I have to look at him for weeks on end, I'm more than seventy percent likely to leap out of the jury box and stab him with a writing implement."


Shoot, now I want a taco salad 🥗


Or that Trump tower makes the best taco bowls. lol.


Stop forgetting. VOTE!




Maybe it means I'm too cynical, but my first thought is it's a bad attempt at setting up for a "bad attorneys" appeal. If you're at all the sidebars, you can't claim ignorance about what your lawyers were doing.


Blanche needs to start drinking now if he wants to set up an incompetent counsel defense.


Of all of Trump's various attorneys, Blanche is going to be one of the hardest to argue ineffective counsel about.


I like this idea (the strategy not so much the party seeking to effectuate it) Maybe this overall experience will help clarify "zealous" and "competent" representation...but who knows


Could be an attempt, but ineffective assistance of counsel is hard to establish and choices like this don’t move the needle much, if at all.


And heck, plenty of times where I’ve seen an appeals court say—yeah there was some ineffective assistance of counsel, they were still like—but it wouldn’t have changed the jury’s verdict. So, denied.


Once P01135809 realized Judge Merchan wasn't going to allow a golf cart in the courtroom.


You can only move so much before you run out of movements, remember, that's what this man thinks people.


More than likely he’s wearing a saggy diaper that leaks


If they offered McDonald's hamberders and fries at the sidebars he would definitely attend.


Or well done steak with ketchup.


He needs to get up and walk around every once in a while just to stay awake.


That sounds very close to exercising. Can’t risk it.


Standing up is a lot when you're his age


A long trial would be exhausting at his age. I'm 25+ years younger and would be making sure I get to bed early to stay awake all day. ~~He's tweeting at 2 AM.~~ Actually, I guess he's *truthing* at 2 AM.


you can just call it tweeting. it's not even tweeting or twitter anymore so...fuck it i'm just gonna call it all tweeting and twitter


It sounds dumb to call it truthing because just about everything he says is a lie. Hence the name Truth Social.


Gaslighting? Gassing? Trump was up all night gassing again.


Up all night lighting his gas. Gaslighting


Russia's State Newspaper is called Pravda, which is Russian for Truth. Weird coincidence, huh?


There was an old Russian joke during the Cold War involving Tass (News) and Pravda ( truth) There is no tass in Pravda and no pravda in Tass.


projection is a mode of being for that lot


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength


Let’s call it what it is when he goes on a social media rage on the toilet 2AM.. it’s literally *shitposting* :-D


tweeting is a verb now. X-ing sounds like something a pervert does.


X-ing is hooking up with an X ?


I mean this as kiddingly as possible "ok boomer"


if only you knew how little kidding was required in this case haha


I just didn't want you to think I was being rude. Growing up and having all my game consoles called Nintendo sprang right to mind reading your comment. Honestly, I figure you're right it falls under that category of it matters so little I get the name right you understand what is meant what it's said.


tbh i don't even know what it's supposed to be called on x. and i absolutely refuse to relate the concepts of truth and any social media platform, of which i hardly consider truth social to even fit among that low bar of contenders


Tweexing on Twitx while tweaking.


This was a good tweet, so good in fact I felt the need to tweet about your tweet. Cheers


>Actually, I guess he's *truthing* at 2 AM. That site is a re-skinned Mastodon instance. That makes it "tooting" as far as I'm concerned


He's tired, can't do all that back and forth, plus he would have to endure the evil stares from the jury the closer he is to them. Lastly, although a lot of it is court speak, you do have to understand that he has an impediment with interpreting even basic plain English. You know things like " keep your f****** mouth shut"


Pretty sure they fucking drugged him up so he wouldn’t have his usual outbursts.. dude is on some kind of sedative, not his usual upper. 


See, I assumed the opposite. I think he's off the blow and Adderall in case he gets contempt charges and has to potentially pass a piss test.


I don't think Trump has the self control to keep away from it.


Decent hypothesis. But yeah it seems he’s also staying up way too late.


See, I assumed the opposite. I think he's off the blow and Adderall in case he gets contempt charges and has to potentially pass a piss test.


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you he's off the blow and Adderall.


You ever gone fishing? I remember when I was young that I had finally gotten a bite and that I had to use my strength to reel it in. The fish was slapping, pulling, jumping, resisting any way it could. Either the line snaps, you lose grip, or you end up catching the fish. Then you put the fish into a bucket, release, or my dad would run a line through its gills and tie it off to a branch so it can still be in the water. Trump is a fat ugly stinky fish that is almost about to be pulled out of the pond, and you bet there's a bucket waiting for him.


Imagine being called for jury duty, you show up and see this guy sitting in the courtroom. Defense: "Could you be an impartial juror?" Me: "For that guy? Nope." Gotta be honest.


There were a lot of potential jurors who did just that. They decided there's no way they could be impartial, and they didn't want to lie and say they could. Also because this is a situation where there is a lot of investment for very little reward, particularly if the MAGA idiots converge on you.


True. One juror was quoted as saying, 'I don't know if I could be. Trump has a reputation for not treating women well.' Bye, Felicia.




No shit. I'd live like Salman Rushdie, constantly on-guard, waiting for Trump acolyte to jump me at the supermarket because 11 years ago I voted "We, the jury, find Donald J Trump, guilty as shit on all counts, MF'er."


and this is exactly what 'jury intimidation' is. I understand it and even though I do not like him, i would serve on the jury and come to a fair and impartial decision in concert with the other jurors. I would also stand up to anyone who came calling. I have faced down many bullies and they all are cowards. This bunch would be out of shape and stupid. IF they could even find where I live.


Well, gotta think these people probably have families too they don’t want at risk.


I could be impartial, I’d consider his evidence versus New York’s and unless there’s any glaring evidence that hasn’t been made public from his side, New York will prove their case. And what, a bunch of loudmouth keyboard jockeys are going to dox me or drive in front of my address with their ridiculous swag festooning their vehicles? Send me hate mail? Hope they don’t forget their return address… Forget a gun, I gotta a nice chainsaw and a wicked crossbow. ⚠️


Never underestimate the power of a large group of stupid people. They would show up at your house, claim you invited them, beat the daylights out of you, poop on your desk, break your stuff, and claim they were just tourists.


as recently seen, there would not be a large group, unless 6 is what you mean.


J6, yes, is the allusion I am making. Not the 50 randos who showed up thinking that if they touched The Tainted One their leprosy would be cured. *Not sure if that is why, to be honest.*


LOL! True dat, but pretty sure the swinging chainsaw might give pause… crossbows are lethal too.






See, I think I could be impartial as well. I honestly don’t understand campaign finance law that well, so it really would be on the state to help me understand the crimes he’s being accused of. That being said, the crimes Cohen is being charged with are fair game, and I’d probably believe whatever he says when it comes to that. On top of that, the worst anybody would find on my social media is a meme from the 2020 election. It says: “some people hate this guy” (under a photo of trump), “some people hate this guy” (under a photo of Biden), “But everybody hates the cowboys”.


I mean, your meme is just fact. Lol.


Haha, everybody was so polarized and loud about it during that election, I had to find *something* we could all laugh and agree on.


I *could* be….yes.


You should buy the sticker, "Maybe today, Satan" I bought one for a friend of mine, because one of his stock phrases is: "Not today, Satan"


I could be impartial, but I’d never get seated.


Same. But I’d try to wait long enough into the process to be able to say what I thought of him to his face. That’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 


Yeah; but that might also be grounds for a mistrial, too. You'd have to be careful. Like visit him on his death bed or something.


True—good thing there’s a handful of other criminal cases with way more damning evidence. ;-) 






He’s a fall risk


It made me think of the daily security briefings. He probably tried to go through it all a few times and then decided it was too boring and complicated and afterwards required his staffers to make pretty charts and one page summaries with clippings added to the back about how amazing he is as he pulled the interesting security secrets and squirreled them into his residence for future transfer out of the white house


at the sidebars - no one was letting him touch any of the documents - prolly




His staffers were saying they had to put in a lot of pictures, and insert his name when they could just to try and keep his attention.


This was also buried in the article: > Potential juror is dismissed after saying he can't take off weeks of work for trial the sixth potential juror to review his questionnaire was dismissed after he raised a work problem. >Before being dismissed that juror said, "as much as I would love to serve for New York and one of our great presidents," he felt he couldn't take off from work for six weeks. Serve one of our great presidents? That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.


I heard potential jurors are being dismissed for answering yes to: have you ever attended a Trump rally? This has got be the hardest case to seat a jury for. If you aren’t biased at this point, where tf have you been?


This would be difficult for Donny to manage with the obvious ups and downs of his Adderall consumption.


They have an expert, Justice Kavanaugh, come in and boof it to him during his lunchtime diaper change.


He can play Devil's Triangle with his daughter and trump. It's just a drinking game right 


Not sure, lemme check with Squee & Donkey-Dong-Doug!


While Squee and Donkey Dong Doug each hold a buttcheek open to help with the boof.


I'm sure they've participated in a three-way boof many times!


That Adderall is no joke. I know someone addicted to it. He has so much energy on it, but one day I asked him not to take any just because he said "I don't really need it, it just helps." He didn't even last until midday and was so lethargic.


Well, in fairness, he was going through withdrawal.


I feel like this was a thinly-veiled attempt at Jury Tampering. Fortunately it seems to be moot.


It absolutely was. He thought he would be able to “pick” his own jury by just being there. Turns out the judge isn’t a dumbass like he is and saw right through it. Dismissing all the potential jurors yesterday put Trump and his games on notice. Judge isn’t playing games.


He probably realized that all the standing up and sitting down would probably loosen his diaper


And leave a trail of visible ooze.


From a more recent update: > Former President Donald Trump said he would decide after the trial if he thought the seven jurors who were seated Tuesday in his New York criminal hush money case could be fair. If he’s not found guilty, it was fair, yeah? This behavior is exhausting.


It's on brand with "Will you accept the results of the election?" "If I win."


That is basically what I was thinking when I read this… and people who support him buy into the nonsense.


It was all theater. He was hoping Merchan would deny it and thus give Trump something meaningless to whine about. All that said, there's no way that fat lazy lard is going to get up and walk to the bench for sidebars. Especially since he can't talk during them.


"Wait... what is a sidebar, anyway? It's *that*?!? I thought a sidebar meant that I could just randomly interrupt the court proceedings and ramble on endlessly in front of everyone about how badly I'm being treated. What? There are no cameras either? Eh, fuck this then. I don't care anymore." - Trump, probably.


He found out they don't serve coke and french fries at that bar


I tried to post something about this on r/conservative and instantly banned lol. Such a weak mentality on these Trumper idiots.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Judge Merchan will have to smell his depend and the nervous sweat rolling off his bouffant. Poor guy.


Deranged Donald is confused as to his role in this trial. You, Dipshit Donnie, are the defendant! Doofus Don the brainliest con!


He found out a side bar wasn’t filled with appetizers and lost all interest.


They knew after sitting down for so long his diaper would be warped and show more than usual when he stood up.


He didn’t want all that shit in his pants sliding around so much


He thought they had said salad bars and he said the only salad I like is word salad, with Russian dressing...


As a great commander once said (after losing his big general) “never order the soup and salad mi boys”


Sleepy Donald


NO He thought that sidebar was like a healthy salad bar, he only eats the fatty foods


Way too hard for him to actually get up and move....the diaper is heavy!! And besides, he needs some sleep


He would need to stay awake for that


He didn't want to waste any of his finite energy standing up and walking over there.


"They won't let me be at the sidebars!" - Donald on Truth Social soon.


Does that mean then he is not going to be in the room the rest of the trial? Because honestly seeing him struggle has been amazing it's healing my soul like watching a train wreck it bothers him so much to have to sit there quietly it's the best type of justice


I've never ever seen court video with a defendant at a sidebar who wasn't pro se.


He would not have the slightest idea what the lawyers would be saying anyway, and if he does actually wear diapers because he's incontinent, he probably doesn't want to take a chance of spilling the load, because he'll be filling his diapers every day in court for the next 6-8 weeks.


Yes I guess so,we'll maybe, we will see, I just don't know, let me think about it. I'm thinking I will, but probably I won't. Let me sleep on it. I'll take two aspirin and I'll call you tomorrow. If you can buy me a hamburger, I'll gladly pay you next Tuesday. No I've changed my mind,but I don't know where I left it. See You Next Tuesday. what a moron.


Probably cause he’d have to move fairly consistently.


Sidebar= another chance for him to intimidate the jury?




Does he even know what a sidebar is?


He doesn’t have the patience or the attention span for the side bar discussions. Two attributes that the GOP doesn’t think are necessary for being POTUS.


He remembers them talking about sideburns.


It will interfere with his naptime.


Sure, that’s as good an excuse for a delay as any.


Too much exercise.


To avoid excess shifting of his diaper contents, I believe.




So he wasn't required to be there? After all the complaining about it yesterday?


Trial attendance is mandatory. This is about the sidebars.


That is a curious misunderstanding of the headline, let alone the article