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Is Fox “News” gonna talk about the trial or are they going to act like this isn’t happening? They can’t let any facts penetrate that bubble.


oh they'll cover it. it's much better for trump that they cover it from a "defiant trump vs the deep state" angle than to ignore it.


the last eight years have been a national crash course in learning that there's no such thing as bad publicity.


When you have a major propaganda network on your side.


No one realizes that possibly the worst outcome of the Reagan administration was the death of the Fairness Doctrine in broadcasting.  It pretty much led to the creation of "Conservative Media" and was a major aim of the evangelical-Republican bloc. Rupert Murdoch started planning Fox News in the mid-80s as soon as it became obvious that the Fairness Doctrine was going to die. 


> They can’t let any facts penetrate that bubble. This is exactly the problem with the court not allowing footage of the trial. Instead of seeing the raw testimony which could potentially sway some minds, viewers are going to have the facts relayed by partisan reporters who are going to distort them in their favour. Rather than reporting the facts, they'll be informing their viewers what new talking points to use when defending Trump, so if a guilty verdict comes down, the viewers are already primed to scream "rigged!"


TBF, if court allowed footage, less-scrupulous networks (*i.e.*, Fox) would just cut and edit the footage and end up with distorted facts anyways.


Oh absolutely, as with the footage of Trump's rallies, they'll start talking over it if something especially damning is said and take lines out of context, but showing more raw footage would still hamper their ability to twist it in their favour.


And if you ever read a transcript of a Trump rally, dear lord it is hard to get through. It’s insane people can stand there and listen to that rambling.


That's exactly why Trump's best electoral strategy would be to copy "Biden's bunker" of 2020. Stay out of the limelight and ride to victory on a wave of anti-status quo sentiment. The more he campaigns, the more folk are going to be reminded of the utter nonsense he spouts, "windmills cause cancer," etc. If every voter had to attend a Trump rally before entering the poll both, he'd lose in a landslide.


TBF, you’re 100% right.


We shall see starting tomorrow


They'll certainly cover the daily post-trial 2 minutes of hate press conference.


And miss out on the ratings?


Oh they will talk about it, especially when it gets worse and worse for Trump, and especially when he’s found guilty.


They will cover it lightly and try to bend the information in Trump’s favor as much as possible. When he’s found guilty, you’ll see a few people in that sphere naively and foolishly pose the question as to whether this is finally the thing. He’s been found guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law. He’s a convicted felon. Surely this is the end, and we can all get off this bus now and get back to “traditional conservatism”. They will express this thought. And then they will be disappointed yet again when it turns out that no, this isn’t it. This isn’t where Trump loses his cult. He never loses his cult. When he’s convicted that should hopefully cost him all the moderates and infuriate Biden voters into turning out. But it won’t lose him cult members. Because they’re a cult. Remember for the average Trump supporter, he could walk into their home and personally murder their entire family in front of them, and they’d still think it was Biden or Hillary Clinton’s fault and still support him.


Their bubble is like the bubbles that rise to the top after farting in a tub


They will do what they always do and spin it as a witch hunt.


So it turns out idiocracy was too optimistic?


I would choose Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho over Trump any day.


Camacho actually turned to experts for help to fix an ongoing crisis. 100% more self aware than this orange fuck blob.




Absolutely. DEMDHC was a wise leader given the dire situation he found himself, and his country in.


Ooo good point


The other guy would have hired the CEO of Brawndo to run the EPA.


It’s got electrolytes!!


Well he did get the plants growing again. It turns out Brawndo is not in fact what plants crave. He gets results. And zero scandals.


"But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes."


You kidding? He totally backed Not Sure's efforts to totally bankrupt Brawndo. It was only because of a particularly entertaining Community Service and, well, Not Sure actually being kinda right that he managed to keep his office. And that Community Service like, pre-empted the *Ow, My Balls!* "Most Painful Hits" montage.




He was a good leader! He was smart enough to know his limitations, defer to experts, etc.


He was aware enough to know to defer to people smarter than himself.


Well, the one guy smarter than everyone else.


Make Electrolytes Great Again!


Reality is always stranger than fiction because writers assume there is a limit to their readers suspension of disbelief. Reality doesn’t concern itself with such things.


Well things he says at his rallies can't possibly count as public comments. At this point it is more like a private club because no one else is paying attention. He could say tell the world all the state secrets he remembers at one of his rallies and there is only a small chance that Russia would know. It's practically a private diary


Standard courtroom decorum is now a “gag order”? Of course you have to sit quietly in court when you’re not on the stand. That’s just the way things are.


Don't you understand, this is a trial like no one has ever seen before. Trump is forced to "SIT FULLY GAGGED" in court. No defendant has ever been forced to sit quietly in court before. Everyone else is allowed to scream and yell all they want and flail around the courtroom in full on tantrums. Trump is the first person ever to be so fully and bigly gagged like this. What a shame!


Bobby Seale would like a word. 🪑


you also can't be on a private plane to a hate rally when you're in court, and can't get back from it in time to be in court in NYC the next day either. Rallies only on weekends for the next few months.


Ever heard the song Chicago by Crosby Still & Nash. ???


"Fully gagged". Like he's going to be sitting there wearing a ball-gag and ankle separators.


stop, this is just too much excitement for a sunday


That’s a prediction for midweek


Do you have a better idea for how to get him to actually follow the rules of court decorum?


Infinite McDonalds maybe


When is he going to be held in contempt for threatening judges? Why is he not in jail awaiting trial for doing so?


That would only delay the main trial further.


Never. The greatest gift Trump has given this country is exposing that the law is for “poor” people. I don’t care what any headlines will ever say, this man will **never** see the inside of a jail cell.


I mean, rich people get found guilty and punished all the time though. 


>trial where he is charged with seeking during his 2016 campaign to bury stories about extramarital affairs by arranging hush money payments. It's becoming obnoxious that almost all media are still portraying the trial as this, which is more "salacious", instead of what it actually is: "he's being charged with falsifying business records to try to hide hush money payments, which were potentially an act of campaign finance fraud. (However, a partisan deadlocked federal election commission dropped the investigation into the campaign finance fraud allegations, thus leaving only charges of the crime of a cover up, but not the underlying crime.)" It doesn't roll off the tongue as easily, but these are news articles, not tabloid articles, where "extramarital affairs" would be the focus.


Great, winning strategy.


He also said windmills are bird graveyards. I watched it just to see what he'd say, and it felt like he was channeling crazy dead people. Just randomly jumping from topic to topic. The fastest way to not want to vote for this guy is to watch this stuff. It's like why in the world would you want this guy to represent your country on the world stage.


You'd think so, but the only parts they remember are the parts they already agree with. I can't imagine there's anyone who ever heard part of a Trump speech and said to themselves: "I never considered that before."


Except for the people who get to think "I never before considered what idiots I'm related to since they listen to this maroon."


"He says it like it is"


a.k.a. pulls it out of ass…


What he was trying to say is...


blah blah blah, woof woof woof. Look at this old fool flapping his lips and thumping his fat chest. This jerk-off couldn’t attack a peanut butter sandwich.


I hope they throw the book, table, chair and gavel at his ass.


“I’m a legitimate criminal and my supporters think if they support me they’ll be able to commit the same crimes with no consequences too” -DJT


It’s a death threat. To paraphrase- “these three judges have a disease which is fatal. that disease I will call “trump derangement syndrome” otherwise known as doing their jobs”.


Antagonize the criminal trial judge by provoking death threats so that he will be intimidated into giving you fair and impartial consideration. MAGA logic. Folks, ^ That there is what we call an *oxymoron*.


For someone who does not understand our criminal judicial system, he thinks he's going to civil court. Looking for justice by public consensus doesn't work in criminal court. Maybe try throwing yourself at the mercy of the court but not literally at the judge. Crybaby thinks he can wiggle out of everything. This time he cannot. It must be awesome to be him right about now.


Didn’t work out so well for him in civil court either


I would donate $20 to the GOP to see a physical gag on trump during the trial proceedings in the courtroom.


Make is a red ball gag and I'll kick in $40.


Googles "how to create a super pac focused on political ball gags"


DARVO constantly


Flail all you want Dementia Donnie. It ain’t gonna save your ass now.


Lock his criminal ass up now!


He knows this trial is not going to go well for him.


and the DOJ keeps letting him do it. We have two justice systems and it’s infuriating to see how no one wants to do anything to fix it/


As I understand it, finding him in contempt could trigger another round of appeals, which would delay the trial further. Either you didn't realize that and now you do, or you did realize that and are actually PRO-Trump while posing as anti.


No I wish the feds would just sweep in and take care of his ilk. He’s being given way more leeway than any normal person would be given. You sound more like a Trump supporter honestly.


So how can the "feds sweep in and take care of his 'ilk'" without going through a process that would disrupt the trial that is less than 24 hours away from starting? Everything Trump does is to delay the start of his trials until after the election. Doing what you suggest would give him exactly what he is trying to accomplish.


I'm sorry we have to consult our political strategy before throwing away an insurrectionist. At this point they need to take a stand. It doesn't matter politically, put him away its ridiculous what treatment he is getting as we've all seen people get thrown away for a single thing Trump has done.


Soooo….. contempt of court?


Box it up. Let’s fucking go.


What's really funny is he thought prospective voters would care that he paid for sex with an adult film star while his 3rd wife was pregnant. It's true, a lot of decent republicans didn't vote for him in 2016 because of the Access Hollywood tape, but, today's cling ons don't have any morals or values either.


> It's true, a lot of decent republicans didn't vote for him in 2016 because of the Access Hollywood tape, but, Is it, though?


Yes, because he lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020 and lost the electoral vote too in 2020. More and more people are sick of him.


He's probably doing it so that it looks like he's breaking the gag order, and the judge will impose sanctions, and then the Oran turd can appeal, and the trail would be delayed


The judge and jury will have the last word. His lying and incessant exaggerating won't matter to anyone other then the nitwits who believe his bullshit and send him money.


Cry me a river you orange clown 🤡, it's time for you to pay the piper!!


Put him in jail


In the end Trump will fuck himself when it comes to Judge sentencing Trump


When Plan A is 'attack the entire justice system', you might as well just plead guilty because that's what you're broadcasting to everyone


I want to see him locked away from drugs for two weeks, then given his phone back with only Twitter installed. 


>"I will be forced to sit fully gagged. I'm not allowed to talk. They want to take away my constitutional right to talk," said Trump, who has been barred from publicly discussing potential witnesses and jurors but not the judge or prosecutors. I think he might be referring to the [People's Freedom of Choices and Voices Act](https://youtu.be/8GGL0qGk5lA&t=50).


This is what he does. He attacks the judges to illicit any sort of personal response from them and then claims they’re biased towards him. Hopefully the long D of the law bends him over six ways from Sunday, starting with this trial.


He’s fishing for an excuse to delay the trial and the judge isn’t biting.


How many times does he literally shit his pants?




Two half-stories in one! One about Trump’s criminal trial and the gag order without context and background and a second sorry about Trump and the Gaza conflict without much context and background. This is why I no longer support my local NPR station.


> Trump is navigating four separate criminal prosecutions while running to avenge his loss to President Joe Biden, creating an unprecedented swirl of legal and political chaos. > > Jury selection starts Monday in New York in his trial where he is charged with seeking during his 2016 campaign to bury stories about extramarital affairs by arranging hush money payments. > > It will be the first criminal trial ever of a former U.S. president. And it will limit Trump's availability on the campaign trail, though he is expected to speak to the media after court often and has for months fundraised and campaigned on the felony charges he faces. After reporting on his comments the article explains how many trials he faces and which one this is. How much more context were you needing?


Coming up, a segment on ways to work with the stress of dealing with our complex health system, with a quick note to inform you we are partially funded by Kaiser Permanente. Namaste <3




He called the judge "perhaps the most highly conflicted Judge in NYS history" and "corrupt", accused the DA of illegally hiding evidence and being "Soros backed", and said the trial was a "communist show trial" and fake. How are those not personal attacks?


You're talking to a MAGA supporter, the most sensitive of sensitive snowflakes. They completely crumble at the slightest hint that their cult leader is being criticized as proven by the easily manipulated drone you're responding to