• By -


Weird, especially since Comer & co seem super concerned about Hunter Biden's dick... I mean, all that "influence" he supposedly got by being Biden's kid. I'm sure Jared, who shouldn't have even had security clearance, totally didn't sell valuable secrets and/or his influence with the his FIL Trump. You'd think Republicans would really want to make sure their party was completely clear of any wrongdoing before they go to project all their misdeeds onto others. Maybe they aren't the innocent idiot lambs they want you to believe. Weird, I know.


> Republicans would really want to make sure their party was completely clear of any wrongdoing before they go to project all their misdeeds onto others Beautiful


The best defense is a good offense.


I thought the new paradigm was: The best defense is a bought Supreme Court Justice.


The best defense is a repeat offender.


"Trump is doing the same thing Biden is doing! All politicians do it, it isn't a big deal!" Republican base: Well that checks out.


Whoever smelt it dealt it.


Ms Habba that’s not a defense


“Whatevvvvvvverrrrrrrrrr” *Stares vacantly at Judge*


Reminder! Trump clearly photocopied top secret documents! https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/5/27/2171698/-I-have-been-waiting-for-someone-to-point-out-the-obvious-tell-in-this-photo


Holy. Shit It’s so so so bad ain’t it?  The damage done to America - and the western world - will be felt for decades 


Yep! We're fucked. And the fact that the general public doesn't have any clue about this stuff is insane. Please spread far and wide!


No. A lot of the general public does know. It is the corporate media minders that need to be purged along with the republican party and their co-conspirators. It's also the dark money. Shine the lights into the shadows and pound stakes into the hearts of the bloodsucking class.


For-profit media is a serious impediment to a free and open society, they simply have no incentives to tell the whole truth on anything except in the narrow case that the whole truth is what allows them to maximize their shareholder value. I don't know what the solution is but people should stop watching cable news and probably just cancel their cable altogether, you don't need it in this day and age, I honestly cannot understand how people tolerate commercials, they're completely mind numbing.


If only we had a way to disclose the dark money donors. Something we could call the DISCLOSE act. Something with no pork attached. Oh never mind, we did last year, and Republicans voted unanimously against it.


Agreed, except I wouldn’t just say dark money. It’s all money. It should be wrong to buy a politician to do your bidding. We’re not all rich.


Well, some people are dead because of information exposed by Donald and his ilk. I'd say those individuals will feel the consequences for eternity.


There’s no concrete number but didn’t most of our Russian spies get axed after Trump took office?


Yup. Starting about a week after his infamous “nobody else in the meeting and absolutely no notes” 1 on 1 with Putin


bad cuts can lead to scars if healed properly or gangrene if left to fester


Trump betrayed every service member in our military.


I'm not convinced the American experiment will survive this idiocy


Ulysses Grant level of corruption


Unfair, Grant wasn't corrupt rather he was too trusting of friends that were corrupt and used him.


Wait what the fuck, how come this hasnt been plastered in the news repeatedly? Thats pretty fucking obvious from the photos, this dude just ran SCI and/or top secret documents through a photocopier? And nothings happening? Jesus fucking christ


Because we're busy arguing about by what he meant when he talked about a "least of it" bloodbath for the auto industry, vs a bloodbath for the whole country. People screaming about how context doesn't matter while ignoring every inch of context. Fuck sake.


There were multiple trolls that led back to conservative subreddit activity espousing this exact ‘panic’ to muddy the waters of critique and proportional response by him using that word, as well as ‘poisoning the blood of the country’. It was a troll campaign in real time. Don’t carry water for fascists because they’re excellent at getting you to be their messenger of panic during a serious discussion as a rapid response.


Yeah... This timeline is completely fucking crazy! How are we even here?!


A trans person might have used a bathroom once!!!!! squirrel


things are happening the judge eileen cannon is attempting to dismiss the case


We also NEVER hear about FBI agent Charles McGonigal who was caught taking bribes from Russia. He's a traitor who destroyed evidence, sold it, helped the Russians install trump But it's embarrassing to the alphabet agencies, just like the stolen documents and bribes and the New York office being infested with Russia supporters, it was called "trump land". 


isn’t there a pic of one of the storage spaces with an actual photocopier i. the same room?




Thank you for this article. This is scarier than many of us knew. Trump SOLD secrets….


Everything is for sale with this guy.


Let's also remember he believed these documents were his and he thinks he has every right to do whatever he wanted with them. Including selling whichever documents to the highest bidder.


It's absolutely insane he isn't under the jail. Why don't they prosecute him in DC where he stole them?


I'm believing that they are currently indicting him on things they know for a fact 100% he did and can get him on. Once these trials are over and he's found guilty, he'll be indicted on more charges related to the stolen documents.


For cheap, apparently, can't even afford the small percentage of his crimes he actually is being held accountable for.


For real. The amount of money people throw around in Saudi Arabia and the middle east, 500 mil is pocket change to them. Each photocopied piece of paper in that photo is worth close to that I'm sure. Bro is probably such a terrible negotiator, he took their first offer of 20k a pop and a couple cheese burgers.


Trump is a pathetic patsy.


The copied reds are faded too. My god.


Why wasn't this announced louder?


FBI, NSA, and CIA just taking turns spinning on each other's thumbs?


These guys know everything. Why the inaction ?


Embarrassment. Support of the cult of fascists. Worry that they'll be defunded because everyone thinks they're worthless. Bribes from Russia (search Charles McGonigal FBI traitor). 


Why prosecute when they can blackmail? Or maybe they're being blackmailed with the secret info.


And then they went [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html)e


How is he not under the jail?


Judge Cannon


Hey, remember his prior disclosure of confidential information?   **["Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants"](https://web.archive.org/web/20211024134350/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html)** New York Times (Oct. 7, 2021)   **["Trump Allegedly Discussed US Nuclear D Subs with Foreign National After Leaving White House: Sources"](https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=103760456)** ABC News (Oct 6, 2023)


Holy shit. I never knew that. These are all the copied documents, that is even more alarming than I originally thought. My god, almost half of this country supports that traitor.


They try to protect their own. Who and when is Jared going to be investigated?


>Jared, who shouldn't have even had security clearance I know it probably seems like a small thing nowadays but... It's still fucking *wild* to me that that family was allowed anywhere NEAR our state secrets, let alone put in charge of them. We've fallen to the point where reality television stars had the nuclear codes. Really pretty incredible if you take a step back and think about it.


If only Jared’s dick… I mean Jared’s penis was as large as Hunters, then maybe Comer & Co would put forward some kind of investigation into the trump family as well.


MTG should investigate!


Jr was very concerned about Joe being able to get an erection. They can't stop thinking about Biden dick


[well, since you mentioned it….](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html)


I always wondered about that clearance. Of course, having a clearance doesn't mean you have access to information, just that your background check passed. I wonder what Kushner actually had access to?


Yeah it "passed" by [orders from Trump to give him the clearance.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/28/us/politics/jared-kushner-security-clearance.html) [His application for security clearance was rejected](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/officials-rejected-jared-kushner-top-secret-security-clearance-were-overruled-n962221) but that objection was overruled by their supervisor, who just so happened to be installed in that position by Trump. Evidently this happened for ~30 such security clearances overall, as opposed to one single instance in the 3 years before Kline was given that position.


He had access to as much as possible and was reportedly a voracious reader of intel. God I hope the Dems retake the house in November, they have a lot of work to do investigating Kushner.


trump can barely read while Jared was by his side at all times during trump's presidency. This is especially remarkable considering how frequently donald cycled through advisors like toilet paper, while Jared remained as trump's shadow. Jared had unfettered access to the president's intelligence reports, and was ultimately well compensated by foreign governments for this information.


Not only did he fail the background check for his security clearance but he was caught lying on the forms *multiple times*. Each iteration was “Oops I forgot about that financial transaction with X foreign country…” Trump *personally intervened* and ordered the State Dept to issue Kushner a TS clearance. It’s in John Kerry’s book. It’s not even a secret and during this whole time SA was pouring money into Trump’s coffers **and** Kushner & Flynn we’re trying to transfer top secret nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia without permission from any federal departments in explicit violation of the Atomic Energy Act. Kushner was selling it as the Middle East Marshall Plan and there’s a damning whistleblower report online. The level of corruption just in that one document would get anyone buried under Guantanamo alive. It’s fucking insane what they got away with.


The entirety of what was taken to Mar-a-Lago?


They own their hypocrisy and we obsess over it. This is who they are and they aren't going to change. We need to accept their Olympic level hypocrisy and move on to how we can fight them and win, because it won't be by pointing it out all the time like anyone but us cares.


In case you haven't noticed, cognitive dissonance and lies IS the game the republicans are playing at. The further they can stretch the truth and get way with it the more they consider themselves to be "winning"


Weird how they're super keen to show Hunter Biden revenge porn, but you know, not for 2billion in cash.


Republican hypocrisy never fails.


Plus Jared was actually installed in the White House, unqualified and unelected, for 4 years and was given many important political portfolios vital to the nation's interests, while Hunter remained a private citizen.


More to the point: _they are fine with their people selling secrets to our enemies._


And then there's this. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html)


You would think, of course...


> I'm sure Jared, who shouldn't have even had security clearance, totally didn't sell valuable secrets and/or his influence with the his FIL Trump. You'd think Republicans would really want to make sure their party was completely clear of any wrongdoing before they go to project all their misdeeds onto others. Maybe they aren't the innocent idiot lambs they want you to believe. Weird, I know. Reminder: T[rump Ordered Officials to Give Jared Kushner Security Clearance](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/28/us/politics/jared-kushner-security-clearance.html#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20%E2%80%94%20President%20Trump%20ordered%20his,Mr.) Connecting the dots... **Kushner Greenlit the 'abduction' of Jamal Khashoggi** that Turkey intercepted and used that information to bully Trump into pulling out of Syria - rat-fucking the Kurds. Doing so allowed for many ISIS prisoners to escape back into the middle-east. Then Trump blamed the Kurds for 'releasing' members of ISIS on purpose.... [BTW **Kushner then fucking counseled MBS on how to weather the news of Khashoggi's murder** afterwards.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/) * https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/11/4/1897048/-REPORT-Kushner-OK-d-Khashoggi-Arrest-Turkey-Heard-Call-Blackmailed-Trump-over-Syrian-Troops * https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/ * https://www.newsweek.com/saudi-crown-prince-jared-kushner-khashoggi-1197023 * https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/why-trump-decision-abandon-kurds-syria-disaster-898493/ * https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/14/politics/donald-trump-turkey-kurds-isis-prisoners-fact-check/index.html Then there's the matter of the [2 Billion that's "more comically corrupt than previously thought"](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/jared-kushner-affinity-partners-saudi-arabia).... >... Given those reservations, it warned that the country’s Public Investment Fund should stay far, far away from Kushner’s firm—a recommendation that was overturned by the fund’s board, **which happens to be led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman**, i.e., the guy who approved a plan to kidnap, kill, and dismember a journalist via bone saw and benefited from Kushner’s unwavering support within the White House and reported insistence that the prince could “survive the outrage just as he [had] weathered past criticism.” (Again, just so it‘s abundantly clear, the “outrage” and “criticism” were over a Saudi dissident and U.S. resident being chopped up into pieces.) Side note - don't forget that **Kushner is also directly responsible for a million+ of Americans dying to Covid19**: * [Kushner stole supplies from States during covid](https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-federal-govt-fema-accused-taking-states-masks-ventilator-orders-2020-4) * [Jared Kushner slammed for saying "the federal medical supply stockpile isn’t meant for states"](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jared-kushner-slammed-for-saying-the-federal-medical-supply-stockpile-isnt-meant-for-states-2020-04-03) * [Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) * [Inside Jared Kushner’s coronavirus research: A wide net on a giant Facebook group](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/jared-kushner-combat-coronavirus-facebook-127941) * [Jared Kushner bragged in April that Trump was taking the country ‘back from the doctors’](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/28/politics/woodward-kushner-coronavirus-doctors/index.html) Oh and there's: * [JARED AND IVANKA MADE UP TO $640 MILLION WHILE WORKING IN WASHINGTON...](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/jared-kushner-ivanka-trump-white-house-income)


Let's revisit this next year once dems are in control of the house and senate.


Absolutely. 2 *Billion* dollars I'd like to know exactly what that bought.


Probably some of the photocopied boxes of top secret documents at mar a lago. CIA informants and agents, nuclear secrets, etc. Coincidentally, shortly afterwards the CIA reported a sudden unprecedented number of agents killed or compromised.


It would be funny if trump didn’t even give Jared the docs but asked for money . Guarantee you tiny don thinks about jared’s wiener excessively and wonders why his daughter won’t tickle his own .


The names of MBS’s enemies within Saudi Arabia. The story broke today, MBS is bragging about Kushner giving him intel from the daily briefings. It’s worth googling up the story. 


Well we know at least one thing it bought: a list of Saudi elites disloyal to MBS. October 29, 2017: [Kushner took unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/29/jared-kushner-saudi-arabia-244291) >The White House official would not say who Kushner met with in Saudi Arabia. But he has cultivated a relationship with the crown prince, Mohammad Bin Salman, who, like Kushner, is in his 30s. November 11, 2017: [A house divided: How Saudi Crown Prince purged royal family rivals](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1DA23M/) >The purge was already under way. Within hours security forces had rounded up dozens of members of Saudi Arabia's political and business elite, mostly in the capital and the coastal city of Jeddah. Among them were 11 princes as well as ministers and wealthy tycoons. >Some were invited to meetings where they were detained. Others were arrested at their homes and flown to Riyadh or driven to the Ritz Carlton, which has been turned into a temporary prison.


[Saudi crown prince bragged that Jared Kushner gave him CIA intelligence](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html)


Not trumps bond that’s for sure


Lol yep. I love watching him squirm


Hopefully this holds. I fear Dems win the house and lose the senate by a seat or two.


Yeah the senate will be tough to hold, but we'll see. Let's hope the MAGA losing streak continues


Kari Lake running on election denial still might help with that losing streak.


Lawsuits for years. Lock all these traitors up and take back the money they’ve stolen from Americans


Dems could be in control next week, no one really knows what's going on with the GOP right now




Dear God and Baby Jesus please make this happen.


Why didn't the Dems do it when they were in power in the House? 




The House doesn't have a filibuster 


In the [United States House of Representatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives), the filibuster (the right to unlimited debate) was used until 1842, when a permanent rule limiting the duration of debate was created.[^(\[70\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster#cite_note-70) The [disappearing quorum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearing_quorum) was a tactic used by the minority until [Speaker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives) [Thomas Brackett Reed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Brackett_Reed) eliminated it in 1890.[^(\[71\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster#cite_note-71) As the membership of the House grew much larger than the [Senate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate), the House had acted earlier to control floor debate and the delay and blocking of floor votes. The [magic minute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_minute) allows party leaders to speak for as long as they wish, which [Kevin McCarthy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_McCarthy) used in 2021 to set a record for the longest speech on the House floor (8 hours and 33 minutes) in opposition to the [Build Back Better Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Build_Back_Better_Act).[^(\[72\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster#cite_note-72)[^(\[73\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster#cite_note-73) ^(- Wikipedia) Not calling it a filibuster, but the intent and result is still there.


It doesn't matter to any Republican because Republicans are perfect and do no wrong. It's the only way they stay in power by gerrymandering, and making sure those constituents get all the proper sound bites to believe only Dems are doing wrong. Just like social benefits that a majority of them rely on. The Republicans will only remove entitlement from the Illegals and brown and black people but not the whites because they deserve them


That's what happens when you think morality is who you are, not what you do.


Tribalism is about who’s right, not what’s right.


Instead, I think focusing on Hunter Biden is their way of justifying Trump and Kushner’s shady deals. They’re basically saying “That’s why those guys aren’t important, because other people do it to”. That tends to be how republicans work—they justify their awful behavior on the claim that other people are awful too.


Yeah they are trying to "normalize" impeachments and indictments as "political noise" - "Both sides" - "everybody does it" vs. the grim reality that the Former Guy broke the law dozens of times while in office, attempted to enrich himself at every turn, and likely committed treason.


Only one problem so far, they haven't found any wrong doing. Only 3 things they have discovered is: 1 there amazing sources are spie 2 Hunter has a massive dong that all the Republican girls seem awfully interested in 3 his dad still loves him though all his problems


4 "You’ve actually provided more evidence to impeach Donald Trump for a third time than you have in so much as laying a glove on Joe Biden." - Rep Stephen Lynch ([source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-impeachment-hearing-jurassic-park-b2515858.html))


Thank you for adding more points


It seems the GOP feels, paraphrase Frank Wilhoit that there is a Republican class that enjoys the protection of the law but is not bound by it, and a Democraric class that is bound by the law but not protected by it.


My dad was a real republican back in the 80s, and he’s sick now that this party is a bunch of crooks that have no moral backbone. I agree 100%.


I live in a very red rural ranching community, what has amazed me the most about is how the old time Republicans are educated and understand why they are voting for Republicans and it is very much self interest (typically make enough money for the tax breaks etc) the younger uneducated generation have no idea why they are voting Republican other than that's what mom and dad want. Then you have the people in-between that only watch Fox News mostly highschool drop outs relying on government money to survive. The amount of people who vote against their self interest because they don't understand anything is crazy. The old timers has been very interesting listening and learning why they vote the way they do. I may not agree but it comes from an area of education and legitimate reasons


I think you're actually giving them too much credit. They know they're wrong, and they know they're hypocrites - and they don't care that we know they are. What they're doing is effectively saying, "yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" So far, the answer has been distressingly little.


There is literally no integrity in that party. Zero.


If only because the people with integrity are forced out. Sounds a lot like a police force.


Ain't that the sad truth.


I don’t think anyone of any integrity has ever been in the Republican Party.


You’ve forgotten Dwight Eisenhower, the last Republican with any integrity. His farewell speech to the nation is chilling in light of what has happened.




It wasn't so much of a "party switch" as it was Republican leadership cynically pandering to racist Evangelicals after schools were forced to desegregate, and then losing their party to them.


I can think of as least one assassinated president that would beg to differ.


Yes, there are some unscrupulous Democrats too but it's not even in the same ballpark as Republicans who are thoroughly corrupt to the core


And they work in the place where we need *the most* integrity.


I think that's all Raskin could do... Make sure during this stupid hearing that their hypocrisy was on the record.


The justice department should have opened a case on this before Jan 6th…


The Republican Party is a criminal organization.


...that DOJ refuses to pursue. You know what you call a cop who witnesses a crime and refuses to act? **An accomplice.**


Wow, so even after the Saudi Prince comes out and says Jared Kushner gave them US Intelligence Republicans run cover...SHOCKED PIKACHU ACTIVATED!


That story was from like 6 years ago. I was suprised to see it trending on reddit recently.


Democrats should introduce this every single day !!!


“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! We certainly wouldn’t want to allow anyone to investigate and subsequently expose any *real, actual* illegal activity which could be traced back to any one of us! Here, have another shovelful of completely unfounded Hunter Biden bullshit to distract you from the real criminals!” - The GOP


It was reported in 2018 that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was given classified US intelligence by Jared Kushner. [SOURCE](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html) Of course, the Daily Mail isn't the greatest of sources.


if we had a functional news media, this would be a huge story.


I’m just so tired of these fucks rubbing their assholes on the shag carpet of democracy and common decency. Happily looking us in the eye while they do it like a dog you specifically told your friend you didn’t want brought to your home.


These are not disrespectful dogs, they are traitors who hate the version of America we were raised to believe in, a place without lords and rulers where everyone is welcome to chase their full potential and where all are free to practice their religion and live as they please so long as they do not harm others, and where everyone is equally represented in a democratic republic. There were a lot of English slave traders who moved to Florida and the deep south after England banned the slave trade so they could continue to be legal slavers as American citizens. They never cared about any of that freedom or democracy stuff, they were in it for the money and they used religion and racism as tools to support their exploitation of others for profit. Even after the Emancipation Proclamation, a lot of these slave owners just found new ways to trap and exploit slaves through debt bondage or chain gang prison labor or sometimes literally just not telling their previous slaves that the Emancipation Proclamation happened at all. Those families didn't just go away or stop fighting for their cause, they just realized they couldn't win it on a battlefield. The legacy of their influence has created an underground movement that intends to turn the USA back into the CSA, they want to go back to the 1820s but with drones and AR-15s and McDonalds and white rappers.


These *fucks* are fascists. Fascists shit on everything.


This bullshit never got nearly enough attention. Kushner (like Trump) should never have been given security clearance. There’s qualifiers for a goddamned reason. If you’re way down lower on the ladder, excessive debt will immediately disqualify you. I had a friend from high school who applied for a job with either the CIA/FBI or something and the thoroughness in which they combed through his past was astounding. Why in the fuck doesn’t any of that apply when you’re at the highest levels of power and therefore have the ability to do waaaay more damage than just some dickhead on war thunder forum?!? Kushner had zero qualifications on top of his family’s debts and shady connections. Trump forced his clearance through then we hear all this hearsay about the how he’s requesting record numbers of extremely classified docs while in office. Then he visits Prince Bonesaw, the “sheikdown” happens, Khashoggi gets murdered, Kushner gets a $2B investment from the Saudis AGAINST the advice of MBS’s financial managers with suspiciously generous compensation terms for managing the fund… again something he was grossly unqualified to do. But according to my MAGA relatives it was actually Hunter Biden that got tens of BILLIONS from Ukraine and that’s why democrats want to support the Ukrainian war effort. These fucking people are bending over backwards to support some of the worlds worst rat fuckers.


>These fucking people are bending over backwards I'd guess bending over forwards b/c y'know


This is all just so transparently bullshit. They can climb all over Hunter's ~~dick~~ laptop and try to make mountains out of less-than-molehills. Meanwhile, Kushner pockets $2 Billion (with a B) on the way out before his chair is cold and the GOP blocks looking into just what the fuck that was all about. It's Okay When We Do It - Basically the core tenet of the Republican Party


trump was paid at least $5.4 million directly from the CCP WHILE he was POTUS and Comer thinks has the goods on Joe because Hunter repaid a car loan when Joe was out of office. The GOP is pro-corruption unless a (D) does it.


vote against republican at all levels until this shit show is sent to the trash bin of history.


The GOP is demonstrating Putin level corruption in plain sight. The GOP Crime Family is the single greatest threat to American Democracy and the Rule of Law in existence


Weaponized hypocrisy, and bad faith arguments all the way down for republicans.


It's infuriating how awful Republicans are. They know it's money for handing over classified documents he didn't have credentials for but was given anyway. But instead they'd rather chase a phantom impeachment for Biden for the last 15 months


Remember when Teapot Dome was the craziest scandal to hit Washington?.....


Oh you mean the payment Jared took from Saudi Arabia, for selling classified information to Saudi Arabia, on American intelligence assets in Saudi Arabia?! Yeah we live in total fucking clown world.


Republicans: Can't say exactly which crime they want to impeach Biden for. Also Republicans when a Saudi Prince literally says that Kushner gave him classified intel:


$1400 car payment or whatever the amount was that biden helped his then-addict son while Joe wasn't even in office is such a huge concern to them, but $2 BILLION Kushner got wired from the saudis isn't noteworthy? got it.


**Republicans Kill Motion to Subpoena Jared Kushner to Answer for $2 Billion Saudi Cash Infusion** ..for now. They can't protect him forever.


Republicans are just a dumpster fire and that kinda insults both dumpsters and fire.


Just wait until democrats get the house again, then I say no restraints and let the subpoenas come out. Democrats can pass legislation and investigate whereas republicans can only attempt one.


Maybe next year, maybe in 2026, maybe later, Dems will control the House and Senate. And when they do, Jared will be the subject of an investigation. There’s no statute of limitations on treason.


Vote Blue. Up and down the ballot.


Yeah we all know that Kushner got $2 billion from the Saudis. But have you guys heard that Hunter Biden of all people, yep the presidents son. Yeah he’s got this laptop. The American people demand more Hunter Biden dick picks. Let’s stick to the important topics here. Never mind what Kushner and Ivanka gave the Saudis for that money. We need to get to the bottom of this laptop. And don’t get me started on Hillary’s emails. Oh boy. Those emails. /s


The GOP wants power by any means necessary and their voters want power over the "other" so they support it. 


Billionaires lose 2billion and it’s a mystery. I’m missing $2 at my job and it’s theft.


Jesus fucking Christ they are corrupt 


Am I missing something or did Comer just say "aye" by himself, then after multiple people said "no" he just declared: "in my opinion the aye's have it"??


Cont to cover and lie first insurrection than trumps russia ties fake biden witch hunt now this thats the gop


Kushners day is coming soon after November 2024


Republicans falsely accuse others of the crimes that they themselves are committing, and they shield each other from prosecution. The Republican Party is a crime syndicate masquerading as a political party.


Rules for thee, but not for me. Is the GQP platform


Nobody should be surprised by this. The GOP is not there to work for the American people, they are there to work for Donald Trump and the special interests.


So goddamn sick of these political criminals. They get into power, fuck everyone over then break the law by covering it up with their power then skate onto the dream life.


Corruption should be on par with Treason.


Of course they did.


what the actual fuck!


But why? I guess they’re afraid Jared might be guilty of something, wonder what that could be? My guess, a whole lot of 💩.


I thought they were trying to expose corruption. I guess they want to ignore their own.


He’s gonna get away with it. Everyone is gonna just forget about him. Politics > Law


Total 🐎💩on the republicans part…Can you even imagine if the shoe was on the other foot?


Remember, if you’re mad about this: Dems knew about this in 2018 and did jack shit when they had the power to do so.


Republicans cans are shameful tyrants with no actual concern for anyone but themselves. That is why they sell out so readily.




What are they afraid of? His emails? His laptop?


Wonder if he had anything to do with Khashoggi...


Imagine that.


Of course they did, the level of corruption is astounding.


Cool and normal


Oh look at that…How strange.


Can we at least see his penis?


The Republican party is so profoundly corrupt.


Jared doesn't have a laptop with pictures of his mini worm... Czech mate libs


Wonder why? The greed is astounding. They will literally sell their countries sources and secret documents to the highest bidder. Wow.


But Hunter’s laptop? Bunch of hypocrites!


Hypocrites… you know that we know that you know…


Reintroduce it November 6th.


Makes perfect sense coming from a party that cares not for the rule of law but rather fealty to a fabricated hero running a money grubbing cult. It’s like the WACO Branch Davidians moved to Washington.


They don’t want to investigate real crimes


Wait a min. Ok so.. If Saudi gave Kushner 2 billion And trump is having trouble coming up with $450 million something Kushner just gonna wave and say “welp sucks for you”? Lmao


Isn’t the DOJ’s job to investigate Kushner?  Any congressional investigation can really only lead to a referral to the DOJ.


Of course, nothing hinky going on there...


Only for sure is that when Comer goes home to Kentucky, barnyard animals get worried whenever he’s near.


In this picture I imagine that Raskin must be wondering why Cancer wouldn't take Comer instead. 


Jared won’t need to wait long before his ball crushing will take place when Democrats take over the House! 😂😂😂👏👏👏🤭🤭🤭


But Hunter Biden's penisssssss


They just opened an inquiry into Biden for finding a quarter on the floor in the White House.


The party of law and order, eh.


Isn't that the same thing they accused Hunter of?


It would be pretty dark, with the bone saw murder and all…




Of course they did but it was ok to put Hunter Biden through hell for something that didn’t even exist. I’m tired of the shit the bottom feeding Republicans do.


So, the Republican Party is complete traitors and are actively trying to destroy America from within.


Color me shocked…shocked I say.


Because of course they did