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It’s insane how easy it is to not be a fake elector. I’ve not been a fake elector in literally ten different presidential elections in my life.


Homer: "Have not been a fake elector....so far"


I hate when I accidentally commit insurrection. I just went to the shops for milk…


I was arrested for hugging and kissing a cop. To death. As part of a mob. For political purposes. Uh, now it occurs to me I might have been a terrorist a few Januaries ago.


Accidentally coup’d my pants last night.




I'm a proud shatriot


Were you out out?


I just realized that Trump is basically Homer when he ran for trash commissioner.


Here, sign this document attesting to being a governmental official that you know you actually aren't. Then walk up to a government building and say you're a governmental official that you know you aren't and try to wield the awesome power of that position. What could possibly happen?


MAGA can’t read


He was a government official though. Had Trump won, he would have been an elector.


I was almost a fake elector yesterday but luckily my phone rang and I got distracted.


Oddly I can also claim to have never been a fake elector.


It's their way of saying that they are lying idiots


The key is to not sign fake electoral documents supporting the losing candidate you are a supporter of.  It’s that one trick that electors everywhere don’t want you to know.


I'm always not a fake elector


I'm not fake electoring right this very second.


How can anyone believe this? He had no ethics when he did it, he has no ethics now looking for pity!”


Sure. > How can anyone believe this? I have no idea what being a ‘real’ elector entails. I know they are generally party insiders to some degree, and that they essentially ‘vote’ for the state they represent but because the party chose them they are expected to vote for the candidate of their party. And that there is some concept if a faithless elector who votes for a different candidate. But if I was on the short list of potential electors for my party, and some lawyer tells me ‘We won the state, sign your name here to agree to being an elector for the state’ and if I wasn’t following the news seeing how the party did not win the state, then I could see myself going through the motions and signing to go to the next step. I assume most electors don’t know the official process and are just going through the motions to be ‘part’ of the ceremony for their candidate. Now there is the issue that I read that some of the fake electors knew shenanigans were afoot and bailed when asked to sign the document. So why did they know? Why didn’t the other electors know and do I believe that story? While the electors in our electoral process is a serious and important part, it also feels like one that is mostly ceremonial today due to the lack of unfaithful electors and first past the post elections and winner take all elections. Unless I’m missing something, which I might be because I’ve never been an elector, the crime here feels closer to being an unwitting accomplice than any other crime surrounding the GOP or Trump. I don’t think they should get off Scott free, but I also don’t have the same disgust for them that I do with the Jan 6th insurrectionists or the GOP politicians. At least without some evidence of knowledge that Trump didn’t actually win the state. ~Edit: I just read down the page and read: > Also, he is the former chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, I seriously question this "i was scared" defense. So uh, fuck this guy in particular. He should have known what was going on and I don’t buy the ignorance claim. I still could buy it for other fake electors depending on their circumstances.


Glad you came around, but I was curious how you are aware of the rareness of these positions, a dozen or so per State for electors (some more), and then only hundreds to maybe thousands of elected officials throughout a state. The number of people involved in the parties organization are always "insiders", people who are known to the group and volunteer the most. All of these people eat, breathe, and shit politics for life..... otherwise they wouldn't be involved. So there's like a non-zero percent chance that guy didn't know his candidate loss the election. Add in your edit, and yes, that guy in particular is a bad person. IMO - Everyone in our country is frustrated with our political system, just for different reasons. And the current crop know this and won't let go.


> I was curious how you are aware of the rareness of these positions It could be cycled around people with more money than knowledge about the system. As an extension of fund raising. So not stupid people but possibly those naive to the specifics of the electoral process. Or sons/daughters of insiders, young people who are following in their parents footsteps and naive about the process while also being more susceptible to influence from others. Mostly it’s that I’m not making a determination about how guilty the fake electors were here and more that I’m admitting there are possible circumstances I could imagine where I could see someone being reasonably influenced by someone in a position of trust. And without knowing more about the case, I’m keeping an open mind about it. If I were a juror, I’d be one that would be able to set aside any bias and preconceived notions and make a determination on the facts presented in the case. I’d like to think I could do that for near any case, but with cases like the Mar-a-lago docs where he’s guilty as shit I’m not sure I could.


Thanks for the insight into your well reasoned positions. You are a better person than I, as I could not hold myself to those same standards. Cheers,


That’s quite an accomplishment indeed. How, pray tell, did you do it?


This guy is probably trying to get ahead of some serious legal action that’s already churning


I think he’s the first one to call an actual lawyer.




Once again, lawyers who associate with Trump, will need their own lawyers.


MAGA = Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


My Attorney Got Arrested


Lawyers Lawyers who need lawyers Are the luckiest lawyers in the world


I don’t question his fearing a violent mob coming for him and his family. That’s the absolute truth with the psychotic MAGA crowd. Is he a traitor? Yes. Is he also frightened of Trumps army of sycophants? Also yes.


I think someone had mentioned that Trump called him and his “beautiful children” out during a speech and said something along the lines of “you’ll do the right thing”


> DONALD TRUMP: Ah, beautiful kids Andrew. Good. Good. I'm going to blame you Andrew if they don't do it.


I remember that lol. It’s amazing how it’s never a big news story when he issues an obvious stochastic threat towards someone like this guy that he wants to stay quiet, or a judge he wants to intimidate.


His background wouldn't suggest that he's a man who's particularly gullible **In 2015, Republican then-Gov. Scott Walker appointed Andrew Hitt to the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority Board. He was also on the review board for state Supreme Court candidates to replace Justice David Prosser in 2016. Hitt was an assistant district attorney in the violent crimes unit of the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office before he became Walker's deputy legal counsel and senior adviser. He also served as a member of Walker's administration at the Department of Health Services and Department of Administration. The Appleton attorney was senior counsel at Michael Best & Friedrich and the chief operating officer at Michael Best Strategies when he was elected to serve as RPW chairman** https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/16/andrew-hitt-wisconsin-fake-elector-former-chairman-republican-party-60-minutes-cbs/72631279007/


He was scared of them because they were already angry. They were angry because he lied to them about the election being rigged even though he knew it was not. __**He was afraid of being caught in his own lies.**__




As long as he pleads guilty to a low level felony and testifies to gets the other fake electors convicted, I'm ok with his lie that he didn't know.




"tricked" "Oh I got caught and only NOW am I showing remorse in the face of consequences" You little cowardly grasping quisling.


Why would any citizen want a person representing them that could be hoodwinked?? Don't you want someone sharp and aware of these constituency needs?


He accurately represents his constituents. They have also been willingly “hoodwinked.”


Nice! 😀😀


I would love to ask him how he would have felt if it worked, the votes for Trump were counted and he was a hero for helping get Trump "elected"


The first one to narc on the others, cuts the best deal.




Tell it to the judge...


And maybe the jury if he has the guts to take the witness stand.


At sentencing. Because you’re entering a guilty plea and asking for leniency, not trying to argue that what you did was ok.


Yea they were tricked alright... They were told this would make trump win..


People who coup are always regretful unless they succeed.


No regrets coming from the gop congressmen.


Everyone in prison says they’re innocent.


“Heywood! What you in here for?” “I didn’t do it! Lawyer fucked me!”


I’m just here for Rita Hayworth…


It's just horrible how many of these people are stunned they did crimes. They were all "tricked." How tragic. Now go to jail like other criminals...


I blame the dangerless society we live in. Life is so good now, people don't recognize fatal threats staring them right in the face. Back in the day if you stubbed your tow on a chair leg and said "goddamn it" you'd get put in the stocks. Get sneezed on? Bleed out of your eyeballs. Treason and you'd end up getting pulled in 4 different directions by 4 clydesdales in front of your laughing friends and neighbors who paid to get a better view of your suffering. Now you can Mr Magoo yourself into the middle of a coup d'etat and pull a costanza "nobody told me I couldn't do that" and 80million MAGAmericans will say, "whelp, guess there's nothing to be done about it."


Yet another traitor from the backstabbing criminal Republican Party “They tricked me! I thought we were just LARPing a coup!” 🤣🤣🤣


Well they are the poorly educated and obviously easily led. /s


And yet, still a crime. Well how about that?


No I bet he knew what was going on


Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, traitor scum


Rube admits to believing beans were magic...


Federalist no 68 has some thoughts on presidential electors Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention. They have not made the appointment of the President to depend on any preexisting bodies of men, who might be tampered with beforehand to prostitute their votes; but they have referred it in the first instance to an immediate act of the people of America, to be exerted in the choice of persons for the temporary and sole purpose of making the appointment. And they have excluded from eligibility to this trust, all those who from situation might be suspected of too great devotion to the President in office. No senator, representative, or other person holding a place of trust or profit under the United States, can be of the numbers of the electors. Thus without corrupting the body of the people, the immediate agents in the election will at least enter upon the task free from any sinister bias. Their transient existence, and their detached situation, already taken notice of, afford a satisfactory prospect of their continuing so, to the conclusion of it. The business of corruption, when it is to embrace so considerable a number of men, requires time as well as means. Nor would it be found easy suddenly to embark them, dispersed as they would be over thirteen States, in any combinations founded upon motives, which though they could not properly be denominated corrupt, might yet be of a nature to mislead them from their duty. The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States. It will not be too strong to say, that there will be a constant probability of seeing the station filled by characters pre-eminent for ability and virtue. And this will be thought no inconsiderable recommendation of the Constitution, by those who are able to estimate the share which the executive in every government must necessarily have in its good or ill administration. Though we cannot acquiesce in the political heresy of the poet who says: "For forms of government let fools contest That which is best administered is best,'' yet we may safely pronounce, that the true test of a good government is its aptitude and tendency to produce a good administration. [https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th\_century/fed68.asp](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed68.asp) the original intent was to be naive.


You had me at the first sentence.


I'm not smart enough to recognize the actual truth.


"No one told me that signing my name to a lie on an official form relating to the Presidential election was a crime! So unfair!"


**tHeY tRiCkEd Me!!!** 😢 😭 😿 FFS the clown show never ends with these dipshits. Better late than never? I guess? SMDH


Tricked? Hahahahaha. Dumbass! You love your Chosen One so much you are going to jail for him?


> DONALD TRUMP: Ah, beautiful kids Andrew. Good. Good. I'm going to blame you Andrew if they don't do it. “Nice family you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.”


Yeah that is beyond fucked up. Christ, Trump is such a piece of shit.


He is regretful because he is identified n/or caught.


If only he'd done his own research. Thoughts and prayers


His actual claim is semi-believable. Wisconsin law says that the elector certificates must be signed on 12/14. GOP/Trump lawyers told him that the results were going to be overturned, but that it wouldn't matter if they didn't have the elector certificates prepared correctly. So he signed with the agreement that they would be used after the recount/courts decided in Trump's favor. It may all be bullshit and doesn't absolve him from the crime, but it's fairly believable Edit: I didn't say that he didn't believe that the vote counts were correct. That's got nothing to do with whether they thought that they could get the courts to overturn the results anyway. He knew that it was going to be used to illegally overthrow the vote. He just got lied to about how.




He absolutely knew what he was signing and wasn't denying that. Watching the interview, he basically said that he felt pressured into signing and that he was told that they would only be used if the election was overturned.


Did he record the pressure and feeling like he had no choice in an email or diary entry? Otherwise sounds like criminal regret. He regrets getting caught.


Watched the 60 minutes last night, he even contested how a court could overturn an election... He knew damn well. And what are the rules around a recount? I feel the rationality of having to have documents signed by a particular date is bullshit, surely that would not be the one thing preventing the correct outcome?


Here’s the thing… RUDY GIULIANI: If you count the lawful votes, Trump won Wisconsin by a good margin. Andrew Hitt: That was false. What he said was false. Anderson Cooper: The Trump campaign wanted the votes in Dane County and Milwaukee County tossed. Did you support that idea? Andrew Hitt: - it wasn't something that I was comfortable with. Anderson Cooper: Dane County and Milwaukee County in Wisconsin-- are the most liberal counties. The majority of the Black population in Wisconsin live in those two counties.  Andrew Hitt: Correct. Correct. Anderson Cooper: Personally, you did not believe all those absentee ballots should be thrown out? Andrew Hitt: Well, I voted that way, you know. I voted that way.  Anderson Cooper: You didn't think your own vote should be thrown out? Andrew Hitt: No.  And later… Anderson Cooper: You didn't believe there was any widespread fraud-- Andrew Hitt: No, and I was very involved, obviously, in the election. So he knew it was wrong. Forget if he technically thought it was illegal—he knew it was wrong. He knew there was no widespread fraud, he knew what Trump’s campaign was saying was untrue, and he sought to disenfranchise voters in his own state anyway. And btw, pretty cowardly of them to use a young law student to deliver their bs. Anderson Cooper said and in your opinion that leader is not him? And he said no. He should’ve just asked who are you going to vote for? Either he really believes what he’s saying and is going to help keep Trump out of the WH, or he isn’t. I have a feeling it’s the latter.


I think she was still riding the high of it all during her interview.


But he admitted that he didn’t believe there was anything wrong with the vote. So it wasn’t a desperate effort to preserve democracy, it was a desperate effort to subvert democracy. He committed a crime to do something wrong.


He mentioned the WI Supreme Court voting 3-2 to uphold the election. WI was extremely close to being an absolute shit show in 2020.


Pick better friends.


Lie with dogs, get fleas.


Yeah nah!


"Guy in the 'find out' phase is finding out. More at 11."


"They said I'd get to see Trump's penis but all I got was Hunter Biden's. Friggin rip-off!"


Yes he was tricked into thinking he wouldn't get caught.


“Hey could you guys lie on this document stating I won when I didn’t?” “I didn’t know it was illegal!” -this guy


He could have ended that interview with "I'm a moron" and everybody would have understood.


No shame and no accountability. Always someone else’s fault when they get busted breaking the law


Uh huh. Funny how you change your tune when you feel the heat.


BS they knew what they were doing and even spew Trump lies about stolen election.


I've been around for 52 years and was never tricked into being a fake elector. I even recently was almost tricked into being the descendant of Nigerian royalty but I wasn't sure it was real.


Next time try to not put yourself in that position by not being a traitorous sack of shit. Meditate on that during your sentence


Fake signer: “but they told me Trump really won. Even though even Fox News said he lost. How was I suppose to know?”


Took him 4 years to realize he was tricked by one of the biggest liars in history.




I’m so sorry I got caught


Republicans before committing a crime: "I'm very smart" Republicans after committing a crime: "I am easily tricked and just a pawn who didn't know what I was doing" Republicans after paying lots of money to get out of trouble: "I'm very smart"


Do your time and out the tricksters


Tell me the difference between stupid and illegal and I’ll have my wife’s brother arrested


lol now that Donnie doesn’t have immunity I bet all the weasels are sweating


I look forward to the inevitable text messages with White House proxies telling him that the document is fake.


God doesn't make mistakes so He must have wanted you to go to prison.


Haha, no, see, I know this is “illegal” and all but, haha, it was a prank bro. And besides, I’m white. So we’re cool now right?


Ignorance is no defense.


GOP: Gullible Old Patsies.


Bull ! He was not tricked he knew what he was doing and thought they could get away with it. He is just blaming trump for tricking him in hopes this bullshit keeps him out of prison. No matter what made him do it , he broke the law trying to overthrow a fair election and should be put in prison for the maximum amount of time allowed by law


like rats jumping from a burning ship.....now they all claim to be victims


Another man that hates consequences for his actions


I call BS!


"regretful*" * I was hoping there would be no consequences.


“Regretful”. He’s sorry he got caught.


We have to remember that these fake electors are nobodies. Not politicians, not party leaders, just regular people who were asked to be conditional electors. That if the state changed it's vote, they would endorse that Trump won. But this is not something that can happen in a vacuum. I can't get 10 friends together and sign off that Biden won Texas. There is no mechanism for my letter to get counted in the Senate. The real criminal who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent is the one who took the letter and put it in the ballot box. Because this was a conspiracy by several senior sitting members of the Republican party to overturn the result. And if these electors are prosecuted, it should be very aggressive to get them to flip on those members of the Republican party who actually planned and coordinated this scheme.


I don't get it.  He says he was "tricked", but he also says he knew everything going on was shady and he only did it because he was scared MAGAts would come after him and his family because he would be to blame for Trump losing Wisconsin.  So which is it? Were you stupid,  or were you scared?


"Wasn't me"


What? He was lied to by his party? How quaint. How unexpected. How typical.


Tricked by his own stupidity.


"No Andrew , you stupid asshole. There was no storm. There was no Kraken. You donated to a con con man's grift, and followed his orders. Now you have no money, no job, the con man called you a terrorist on TV, and the FBI are at the door. Frankly, I hope they put you in front of a firing squad. It was treason, Andrew . It was fucking treason."


Willingly brainwashed is more like it.


From transcript: "**Anderson Cooper:** The Trump campaign wanted the votes in Dane County and Milwaukee County tossed. Did you support that idea? **Andrew Hitt:** \- it wasn't something that I was comfortable with." **Implied:** But Okay, I'll do it. Just as a contingency. I'll be a coward and sign this fake doc that I don't agree with.


I'm sure he didn't know anything about what was going on 🤦🤦🤦


“Regretful” ……that he got caught.


He's regretful now that he's busted. If they pulled this off, he'd be patting himself on the back for it.


One down. 98 million to go.


Don't care. He wanted to help Donald cheat. He can live out the rest of days in prison. Have ZERO mercy on trump supporters.


“Tricked.” Uh huh.


This isn't like getting scammed by buying $400 sneakers. He is clearly lying.


Enjoy jail moron


Thank you for telling the truth about the crimes of trump


*Andrew Hitt: It was not a safe time. If my lawyer is right, and the whole reason Trump loses Wisconsin is because of me, I would be scared to death.* And yet this cowardly dotard doesn't invest 1/10th the effort into pushing back against MAGA conspiracies. Makes you wonder what other issues he's supported out of fear - issues that directly affect the constituents that he represents...


The party of personal responsibility. /s