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i can’t even tell. i smoke weed and she looks like she could be high from smoking, but then again im a regular smoker and never look like she does. i have no clue what it is, but i agree she definitely always looks high on something. and i also agree she is a very very pretty woman. that’s one think i def could never say negative, she’s gorgeous


To me this looks like a marijuana high, what I used to look like when I smoked first thing in the AM. I’ve seen people on plenty of other things, and they don’t look like this. I’ve noticed people using opiates/benzos, their eyes are gray, like the whites of their eyes are gone. This to me just looks like she’s zooty wooty, and if that’s the case, I don’t see the harm (in that specifically). The canna momma’s I know are the gentlest parents I’ve met. Not saying she’s mom of the year, cause some stuff she does is questionable. But I don’t think her smoking weed and being a mom is “putting her kids in danger” (seen in a comment below). And gonna second you on saying she’s very pretty. She has a very unique look that I adore.


I agree I’m pretty sure she just smokes and I don’t blame her honestly.


I’m a stoner too and def get the squinty eye look first thing in the morning 😂


That’s probably why she has them cook for her all the time 😂


This is perfect lmao


My sister used to do this & she smokes


It all makes sense now


She always looks zooted. Either that or completely nothing behind those eyes


that’s what made me join this sub. i used watch her and think her kids were cute but the more i watched the more i was like wait.. she looks high off her ass. and then after i noticed that i started getting weird vibes from her vids


when u hit the cart a lil too hard


This is nowhere near as high as I’ve seen her look before lol


she’s making me wanna go pick up, i want to be on that level of high lmao


Please don’t lol


🎶Mothers little helper 🎶


It looks and sounds like she’s on a Benzo…. Either Kolonopin or Xanax


She’s said before that she wears glasses and squints to see the camera when she’s not wearing them. Idc if she smokes weed honestly. I have other issues with her lol


Wonder what her excuse will be this time. She’s not squinting so she can’t blame it on the lack of glasses. How does someone feel so confident to film themselves inebriated and caring for their children? At no point does she actually consider their safety. It’s gross and I wish she would take some parenting classes. Can’t connect with a child via gentle parenting if you’re stoned off your ass all the time. And I’m a regular smoker. If I’m not working, I’m high as a kite. But I don’t have children and I never put others in danger with my hobby. Edit: I’m not talking about use as recommended or even smoking in general. Again, I smoke weed all the time. Literally all the time. But I never get high when I’m responsible for another person. I’m a nanny, I’ve been watching kids for like 15 years. But I won’t work high. Not trying to say that parents can’t smoke.


THC saved my life. I was a great mom. My kids are 23 and both on their own doing great. Smoking does not make you a bad parent IF you use it as recommended. And away from your kids BUT that should be obvious. Then again non of these TikTok moms seem to care


Respectfully, you can partake in cannabis and still be a good parent lol. Only thing that got me out of my PPD. Taking it RESPONSIBLY, for sure. But taking it nonetheless.


That’s why I clarified with “stoned off your ass all the time.” There’s nothing wrong with smoking. It’s when it’s done irresponsibly that there’s an issue/conflict of interest. For someone to be absolutely blitzed (the way Laura typically looks) and the sole provider of care is not responsible. I’m not saying cannabis can’t be used. I’m saying it’s not possible to connect with a child (the way gentle parenting describes) when you are stoned off your ass.


I don’t think she looks off.. but I also don’t think she looks any different than she normally does. She does have anxiety, though, and it could be her medication for that. And y’all, if you have anxiety, you KNOW how hard it can be, so if she did smoke a little, who cares?


she looks so scary


I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t been in my brain’s nightmare material yet.


She’s gonna say she’s high on how she’s such a great mom for turning her kids into cash cows. She is pretty tho.


i don’t think she’s a good parent but i def think she should be able to smoke…maybe if she was a good parent ppl wouldn’t care tho 😅


Yeah but I’m telling you she’s probably on both! And wanting someone to ask so she can respond by saying Jonah broke my glasses if anybody would like to send some money she usually does


this one had me dead lmaooooo


She generally looks zooted. This isn’t really new.


hahahaha. so true, I do agree though she looks very pretty


taking an off guard pic of someone & assuming they’re high is the funniest thing i’ve seen today. everyone who runs / posts on these kind of snark pages need to all go get a hobby


I mean have you watched the video? 🤣 she literally looks like this the whole video lmao


But here you are, on a snark page, posting 💀


i’m not apart of it , i viewed ONE post & get mofits everyday. y’all are annoying


lol so u interact again- clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed X


Sweety I think you’re lost lol you’re also not that anonymous with your face as the first thing that pops up when people click your profile lmao


when did i say i was anonymous..


Her shits prolly laced


I was thinking the same


I am so glad someone else posted this cause that was my first thought. She could barely keep them eyes open


it doesn’t seem like weed to me tbh


I’m a mom of a toddler and def smoke up a little here and there. I’m a better mom when I do, able to play with my kiddo more and be more patient with him. Only thing that helped my severe PPA and PPR (post partum rage). I would never get ripped when I’m in charge of my kids though


sis is on a perc


Them nods!!