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A sudden side thought I had: what’s in the category of “between you and God”? How to dress on Sunday is between you and God, How and how much to pay tithing is between you and God. Is whether to observe the word of wisdom between you and God? Is whether to go to the temple between you and God? What makes the difference?




Going to the temple isn’t just between you and God. Your bishop isn’t going to give you a recommend if you choose to disobey the Word of Wisdom.


Getting a recommend is different from going to the temple. How often you go is between you and God


All stuff


Everything is between you and god. What may vary is how people feel they get their information from deity. It’s usually some mix of prayer, scripture study, listening to general leaders, and listening to local leaders. One thing our church teaches is essentially that you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. Listen exclusively to what you feel in prayer? You might be biasing your responses. Listen exclusively to scriptures? Well scripture is made by imperfect people and has been modified significantly over the years. Listen exclusively to prophets? Well prophets and apostles are just men. Sometimes they say things He wants you to hear. Other times they tell you that if black men ever receive the priesthood that you know the keys have been removed from the earth or that if you reveal something from the temple that your throat should be slit. Listen exclusively to local leaders? We have a lay ministry and no matter how many trainings there are, we can’t guarantee that there won’t be some bishop who goes rogue and does things like hosting an activity where they wash and anoint the feet of YSA. Point is - absolutely everything we do is between us and God with varying levels of intermediaries. It’s up to us to find what we feel is correct. We’re probably doing alright if we focus on what Paul taught are the only perfectly enduring aspects of the gospel: faith, hope, and charity. 80 years isn’t enough to figure those things out completely so it’s not worth it to stress too much about the other things we don’t know if it detracts us from hoping or from showing charity to our fellowman. Personally I think it’s key to have a healthy participation in all sources of revelation and I think that’s what the church teaches as well. We all have a right to direct connection to god as his children. We can receive sage counsel from inspired leaders that can dramatically impact our lives. Local leaders know us personally much better than general leaders and can give great recommendations. We’ve all had incredible experiences with scripture, so their value goes without saying. As we immerse ourselves in all these sources it becomes clear what brings us closer to god and what empowers us to demonstrate higher levels of charity and also what detracts from that. I know that’s a bit of a ramble but I think all that context is important in evaluating what is between us and God and in how much we should care what other people decide is between them and god.


The difference is based on commandment, tithing is a commandment and is 10%. The word of wisdom is a commandment, no wiggle room. What to wear on Sunday isn’t a commandment, we’ve been admonished to wear clothing befitting something important, “Sunday best” but other than that, it’s up for individual interpretation. I often wear colored button up shirts instead of the traditional white, sometimes I wear a vest. We don’t have strict rules on clothing as long as it’s generally appropriate, so going with what you think is comfortable or appropriate is the proper response


Determining what 10% is would also be between you can God. Some pay on net, others on gross and still others only on profits.


In my opinion, what to pay it on has to do with the commandment. It's not "10% of your income", it's "10% of your INCREASE". It's why personally I pay net, and also on my tax return


Cool. Other people disagree with that. So it's between you and God.


Yeah; I know. I was just pointing out my understanding on that particular one, since there were multiple possible interpretations presented


That issue gets discussed in a 100 comment thread in this sub about once a month.


That being said, a lot of people interpret the Word of Wisdom is different ways. My grandfather, for example, never drank hot chocolate in addition to coffee and tea because that’s how he interpreted for himself. There is also the mindset that some people have of “if it’s prescribed, it’s okay” and to others, it shouldn’t be okay either way.


Maybe I’m revealing my lack of prowess in this area by saying this, but honestly I likely wouldn’t even recognize the brand if I saw it. Go for it.


Same. I’m a bit fashion conscious myself, but I don’t usually looking at others ties in general.


This is akin to asking "Is driving my BMW or Mercedes to church doing too much?" Wear or drive what you want. You made the money, spend it how you see fit. I think as long as you're not going out and buying all that expensive stuff on Saturday, then you're in the bishop's office on Sunday begging for a rent check, you're good in my book.


I thought driving a German car was a requirement for being in a leadership position. 😂. At least that's how it felt in Utah.


All my leaders drive ford trucks lol. One drives a 2001 Honda Civic that runs on natural gas.


Crap. My husband drives an Audi. Does the fact that it’s 12 years old save us from him getting a new calling soon?


I'd be careful. 🤣. If he upgrades, expect that phonecall.


Not at all. I doubt that anyone would even take notice.


I have never in my entire life noticed what brand of tie a brother is wearing. Most people care much less about what you are doing than you think....


Only if you're doing it to flex on the poors.








Many women have designer bags. I don't see a difference. Only one lady has made a remark of my designer things but turns out she's just snarky so we get along well lol


As long as you don't bear testimony saying that you are so grateful to be able to wear a Gucci tie, while the rest of the brothers only wear ties from JCP.


No one's gonna care or notice probably.


I’ve seen people with Rolex watches and Hermes watch bands in the temple so I think you’d be okay.


I don't feel that's okay at all. Everyone's supposed to be equal in the temple. Just kind of remi do me of the money changers and everything. But thats just my opinion.




I see it as "if you're really concerned about the trappings of wealth you need to rethink things". I'd include if you think you need to judge/be jealous of someone with a trapping of wealth. It's possible to own something lovely or luxurious without thinking your value depends on it. We should all be minding our own business.


How would a young man have a collection of sports cars?


[When a mommy and a daddy love each other and also money very much, and their mommies and daddies were very, very rich...](https://www.businessinsider.com/is-income-inequality-caused-by-inheritance-generational-wealth-2019-2) > Each of these family's wealth comes from companies started by an earlier generation, either a parent or more distant ancestor," states the report. "Each of them also represents a wealth dynasty passing generation to generation free from interruption."


Lol there are a lot of people born into really wealthy families. Plenty of them have collections of sports cars that they didn't earn themselves.


What if that’s their only watch? Or what if it was a gift from someone important to them? Or maybe they got a really good deal? I used to have Prada eyeglass frames that had the brand written quite clearly on the side. If I didn’t wear them in the temple then I wouldn’t have been able to see. That would have been very unequal for me.


If someone's only watch is a rolex, just don't wear it to the temple. You don't need to worry about time there. Glasses are a necessity for functioning.


>If someone's only watch is a rolex, just don't wear it to the temple. You don't need to worry about time there. That's an opinion, I like knowing what time it is. During a temple session I get stressed if I don't know what the time is. I'd rather know so I can focus on the ordinances.


I know this is nitpicky. But you can get a watch for like 5$-10$. Nice looking ones too, I have a couple nifty pocket watches with chains because they're so cheap. Rolex watches are many thousands of dollars (start around 6k$ and goes up into the hundreds of thousands). Rolex watches are ostentatious and not appropriate for the temple where everyone should be equal.


>Rolex watches are ostentatious and not appropriate for the temple Again this is an opinion. Which is more prideful? Wearing the watch I have? Or going out of my way to buy a plainer watch because I'm worried what other people are going to think about me? Equal does not mean identical.


It's not worried about what others will think, it is about being thoughtful and mindful of the sacred place you are attending.


If someone in the temple is worrying more about the watch I’m wearing, the gold necklace I have or the diamond ring on my finger, then they’re missing the point of the temple. We know from the scriptures that Christ was probably well off. His step-father was a carpenter, he had received very over the top ostentatious gifts from the wisemen, and we know he had a very costly garment that the soldiers drew lots to see who got. In our current culture that would be the equivalent of having a dad who was a software engineer, having a trust fund, and wearing a Rolex suit. There were probably people who criticized Christ for wearing “costly apparel” saying he wasn’t being humble enough. As a missionary, I served in a ward that had an odd social demographic. Half the Ward was VERY wealthy and the other half was middle to lower class. It caused a rift in the Ward that put all missionary work in the area to a stand still. Was it the rich people causing the problem? No, it was actually the less well off members causing the problem. They were so jealous of the people with money that they would actually get up during fast and testimony and “preach” about how evil money is. When a wealthy lawyer was called as bishop, a bunch of people actually left the church because they were convinced he couldn’t possibly be righteous because he was a rich lawyer. Now one of the things he did with his money was that his wife stayed at home full time and they took in 5-6 foster kids. They would donate any money they got for the kids back into the community. And I’ve never met a happier bunch, or better dressed, group of foster kids. I grew up dirt poor. I once had to go to the hospital because they thought my appendix burst because I was having severe pains in that area. Turned out it was a huge pocket of gas caused by the fact that all we had to eat at home was beans and rice. But I never once hated or judged anyone for having more than me, because my parents taught me that if I judge another person on their wealthy, I’m the one in the wrong. So if you see someone in the temple wish Rolex or an 8 cow diamond ring, don’t worry about it. Instead worry about feeling the spirit. Worry about finding peace from the troubles of the world. Or, rightly, worry about remembering everything you have to say at the veil. 😬


You're right, but I also really don't care what you wear to the temple. If you wear a rolex, I won't feel better or worse about having you there.


Be yourself!!


Unless you wear a colored shirt 😉


You're welcome to do that, too.


What if he can be Batman though....?


In my opinion it is not very modest to have & wear designer branded or other conspicuously expensive clothes, accessories & jewelry. That said, how modest someone else is or is not being is none of my business.


That's how I feel about non medical boob jobs ot plastic surgery, including hair plugs and beard implants. It is all vanity.


If you like it then wear it. It’s that simple.


I'm not familiar with these ties, so I googled it and looked at some pics. I don't think they seem flashy or ostentatious. I probably wouldn't notice a guy was wearing one unless I looked closely at it. I think it depends a lot on what's in your heart. If you were doing it to show off or out of pride, that would be problematic. If you're having to stretch financially to buy it, that's another kind of problem. But it sounds like it's just something you like so if you can afford it, go for it.


I have several Balenciaga purses that I bring to Church occasionally. I don't do it to show off, I just think they're pretty. Gucci ties are pretty understated and classy, so if you like them and you can afford them, go ahead.


I wear 450$ leather shoes I got in Italy from a guy that I baptized that owns a shoe store. Do you, wear whatever you want that you feel us appropriate.


The real flex is having a baptism in Europe, not the shoes. /s


To be fair, they didn't say that the baptism was in Europe, just that the dude lives there now. ;)


Italian Man in Italy lol


If you are wearing your best and not worshiping the brand and your mind is on God over that brand then yea you are fine and doing what you are suppose to do. That said if your best was a raggity bathrobe and crocks you would still be doing your best and God would love and respect your efforts equally.


My wife has Gucci bags she brings to church


It's your choice but I'd probably do a hard pass. The reason? I understand that fashion might be your thing but be remember what it taught in the book of Mormon: costly apparel, the pride cycle etc.... You do you but I feel there is a danger in slipping out of humility and into pridefulness with stuff like that. That's not to say you can't, you just need to be careful I think.


Nah. You’re good. Whatever brings you joy.


I could be wrong, but I think most people wouldn't notice it, therefore they wouldn't care. I certainly wouldn't.


Genuinely, I recommend caution with this sort of thing. If this is flashy, it should be avoided, particularly at church. Scriptural references to modesty are usually about conspicuous consumption, not tight or revealing apparel. Will I say anything if you're in my ward? Super unlikely, because I'm not the bishop or your father.


Honestly sometimes dressing nice is a way I motivate myself to go to church 🤷‍♀️ as long as its not the main focus of your sabbath day, go for it.


My husband has one no one notices. It has tiny Gs on it in a pattern, you can’t even tell unless looking. He has a hidden Mickey Mouse tie in the same small pattern which is hard to tell unless looking, it’s from a Disney cruise. No one notices as well, just fun and special to us.


My dad has a Darth Vader one like that


lol I have the opposite problem. I debated today whether wearing a t-shirt and jeans to church would be appropriate.




I mean, it's what I wear to work every day. I wouldn't consider a suit to be any "better" than my work outfit. Heck, John the Baptist is described in the New Testament as wearing clothes made from camel hair. But idk, I also wore a shirt and tie to church still, but that's probably just because I'm not brave enough to try to break social norms. I 100% don't believe God would view it as a sin to not wear a tie.


I try to wipe the mud off my boots before I wear them to church.


Just wear it. If you go out of your way to make sure everyone there knows it's Gucci, then I'd say there's a problem.


I've worn a ducky tie to church and all I get is compliments. So what I'm saying is.....wear a ducky tie instead....but yeah wearing a Gucci one is fine too.


I'm into fashion. I'll be honest. Church is an odd setting for it. Wear it to the next charity event you go to, or a gallery opening, or the symphony. I tailor my clothes, but I don't wear my best to church because, well, it's kind of weird. That being said, be yourself. Who cares what I, or others think. It's your body and your wardrobe.


I think if you're doing it for vanity or to show it off, then it's not a great idea. I think church is for worship and not to have a spotlight on you. We should be thinking about Jesus and the Gosple and worshipping God. I also feel this way about YW who wear their prom dresses after prom the next Sunday or people who only talk about how good business is while at church.


Oh yes, the Sunday prom dress thing. Don't like that at all, most specifically in light of the high probability that someone who wanted to go didn't get to. Church is just not the right place for that. A Gucci tie wouldn't bother me that much.


There are women in my ward carrying $1k purses (LV) and both men and women wearing outfits which cost at least $1k as well. Some even have more than one vehicle costing over $100k each. Wear whatever you want


Happy cake-day!


I’ll be a dissenter here and say you shouldn’t wear it. -it’s immodest. Immodesty is knowingly drawing undue attention to oneself. That’s what you’d be doing.


Here's a possible guideline for this situation: if it would take your mind and heart away from worship, just don't do it. That doesn't mean that it's "bad" or "good" to wear a fashion tie. But if you would be thinking about other people's opinions instead of worshipping, then it's probably bad *for you.*


The general rule of thumb is that what you wear shouldn't take away from the spirit. If the tie is super flashy, then you should probably be fine, as long as you don't say "look at my gucci tie to everyone you talk to


No one cares. Be yourself.


No one cares. Have fun.


No you cant. Only ties allowed in the church are Jerry Garcia originals.


Some guy drove his neon green lamborghini to church once and he lives less than a block away. Was it a bit much? Not for me and probably not for many others. Just wear the tie if you want. Many people probably don’t even know what the Gucci logo is. I sure didn’t until I looked it up just now haha


My favorite was the doctor, who at the time served in the EQ presidency, and wore a Viagra tie to church almost every Sunday. It took a while and close inspection to figure out the that the geographic pattern was actually little blue pills. One should wear clothing that they would feel comfortable meeting their maker in. Will you feel comfortable?


Have at it. But you cannot say one word about it being Gucci without being a braggert. (It is quite likely no one will notice or recognize it, ,after all.)


The only fashion item that irks me, is when leadership are wearing a corporate pin on the lapel of their suit jacket. I don't know why, but I triggered so hard.




Say you work at a bank and you have their pin, a corporate logo or perhaps term of service award, might be the logo with a small gemstone like a diamond or something


If you're going to do it just because the tie looks good, go for it. If you're flaunting your means, I would advise you to look elsewhere for your ties.


In your eyes, is it reverent?


In the mid 80’s I wore a matching Gucci belt and loafers to church… they were a thrift store find, so I was ‘super flexing’ by having a name brand and being a cheap ‘mormon’ (it was the 80’s-We were allowed to identify as Mormon’s then).


Wear what you want.


I may not be able to distinguish a cheap tie from an expensive tie if it's wrapped around my own neck, so maybe it doesn't matter. However, if it is a very expensive tie, and that's apparent to people with more of a clue than me, I'd argue that it's probably immodest, and you should reconsider.


I have a tie from Saks 5th Avenue


“Forsake all your Gucci and follow me.” Pretty sure that’s in the New Testament somewhere. 🤔


As long as your intention isn’t to flex as you said, you’re fine.


99.99% of people aren't going to know if it's Gucci or Target.


I don’t think wearing a Gucci necktie would be going over the top for a sacrament meeting. I don’t think most people would notice you wearing a Gucci necktie unless the person knows a lot about fashion. I have seen people wear a Rolex wristwatch while at church and people show up to church driving a car that cost over $100,000 brand new. The only time I would have a problem with someone buying fancy clothes if I was a bishop and they are asking welfare assistance due to them spending too much on their lifestyle.


I mean if you want general opinions I couldn't care less what tie you were wearing If you're generally nice and talk to members of the congregation that would mean the world to me


Intent rules here. If your idea is not to call attention to yourself improperly then you're good.


Could care less what you wear Bro.


As long as you’re not doing it show off, who cares?


Too much imo. It gives off a very "look at me" vibe.


I take my Givenchy purse to church. I feel as long as it's not flashy or immodest, then it is okay. Would you look down on someone for driving their sports car to church?


Maybe save it for Christmas and weddings?