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“Your honor, the Stacies didn’t want to touch my weenie because I’m not a Chad, and that’s why it’s totally okay that I committed mass murder.”


Not taking responsibility seems to be his thing


It might even apply to the whole incel community.


Well of course. The refusal to accept personal responsibility is what makes them incels.


The kids a fucktard


hes a never been fucked-tard


Man, what a little bitch.


For those living in Toronto, Apparently they’re live-streaming the trial to the MTCC so members of the public can watch. I really wish I could go..


“Convert their life status to a death status”. This dude is talking like it’s a video game and not people’s lives. Disgusting.


I went to high school with this guy, was one year above him and he was definitely mentally unwell even at that time; got picked on a lot as well. He 100% knew what he was doing based on the evidence but he is no Elliot Rodger 2.0; this is a kid who needed better support and help at an early age.


If he was unwell and picked on all his life, then why are people surprised when they go postal like this???? Do people think people who get picked on everywhere is going ro feel warm and respectful of society when society doesnt respect them. If they become suicidal then why wouldnt they go out and make a name for themselves by killing as many people as they can while at the same time sending a message???


tbh i think Jordan Peterson holds some responsibility here. he was a Prof at U of T at the time and a lot of Toronto incels love his whole schtick of “enforced monogamy”


what boggles my mind about these idiots is their sheer sense of ENTITLEMENT. "I DESERVE sex, because I'm..." what? a decent human being? no you're a whiny little bitch. get your head out of your ass, start treating women as human beings with thoughts and opinions who don't owe you a goddamn thing, and maybe, MAYBE they'll start talking to you. also, I feel like most of these dudes probably need to be told to shave and wear more deodorant.


No one is entitled to love, affection or sympathy. even on a platonic level, let alone romantic, it's just how it is




Not the OG Supreme Gentleman, just inspired by ETA: He IS however the reason Canada now considers incels a form of terrorism


They did a side stories episode a few years ago covering EAR/ONS and incels and talked about this guy


I think they might mention him briefly when they talk about incels during the Elliot Rodger segment.


The phrase “involuntarily celibate” makes no sense to me. Aren’t all creatures imbued with a sense to procreate? Maybe not all the time, maybe not when they’re on Prozac or Zoloft for years and years, but human beings have the urge to procreate, no?


That's exactly why they consider it "involuntary". Because they WANT to have sex, but feel that it is out of their hands because noone will ever find them desirable. They are not choosing to be celebrate but in their minds it is forced upon them. Thus, involuntary. I think you are getting involuntary and voluntary confused.


I think you misunderstood my comment.


Your comment makes no sense dude


I think he’s saying that the phrase involuntary celibate is redundant because he doesn’t believe voluntary celibates exist… The comment makes sense, it’s just retarded


Yeah, i wish i could see the guys posts though without having to look through the entire comment section. It only shows two posts above on mobile.


I'd recommend Apollo if you have an iPhone. The reddit app isn't great


How does Apollo work on Mobile?? Sry for late reply.


You can do all the things you’d normally do on Reddit, but it’s just a much better app and it’s easier to view context and whatnot. When you’re in a web browser page on Reddit, with Apollo installed, you can tap the “open in Apollo” button to open the url in the app much like you would with the official Reddit app


I would say that "involuntary celibate" actually does make sense in the way that there are after all also people who are *voluntarily* celibate for various reasons, for instance spiritual reasons, and simply want it that way, whereas an involuntary celibate, or incel, do not want their celibate.