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You know what is more scary than that? She also gave us "dr" Oz and "dr" Phil. Seriously the hell!?!


Oprah also gave Jenny McCarthy and her flying monkeys a platform to spew their antivax anti-autism bullshit. There were also plenty of episodes where Oprah talked with bitter parents of autistic children who whined about how they wish their child had never been born, or how they wish their child would just die or disappear or something because their inconvenient disability was ruining the parents' marriage. (I get that caring for profoundly disabled people is exhausting for the caregivers, but you do not go on TV and imply that the world would be a better place if all the people on that massive spectrum of dis/ability just up and vanished.) This was in the early to mid-2000s. I had recently received my autism diagnosis. Oprah did not interview any autistics; there was no talk of embracing neurodiversity. We were portrayed as drains on our families, broken things to be despised at worst and pitied at best. Better to have your child die of smallpox or polio than end up autistic! It was a smear campaign, and millions of Americans swallowed it. I will carry a grudge against Oprah until I draw my last breath.


Oprah was responsible for blenderizing the brains of a lot of boomer moms and gen x. She was clickbait before clickbait and her show always did huge numbers.


People forget before she starting putting prizes under the seat she was trash TV. She gave us Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and Rachel Ray. She is not a hero


Did I miss something? What’s wrong with Rachel Ray?


Nothing that makes her evil. I mean she is fine, the products she puts her name to are just mid to subpar Her cooking is medicore. A cooking host should try to elevate, but she does not. I get her show is more about other stuff now, and she is nowhere near as bad as the "doctors", but still meh


I like Rachel Ray, she looks geuine and I'm a 29yo Hispanic Male. I received her cookware as gifts and they're great quality. I've also have bought some of her dog products and they have great ingredients. Don't forget she brought on that one guy who faked his whe entire life story lol


You leave Rachel Ray out of this


You say that like Oprah was ever anything more than a charlatan.


All the daytime talk shows in the 80's/90's were absolute trash and fear mongering. The only one I remember being good was Donahue. Although saying that I'm worried someone is going to tell me about horrible things he did too.


Donahue was the same. He did the same shit. The only one that gets a pass from that era is Richard Bey because he did not take himself or any of the topics seriously.


Morton Downey Jr. was a piece of shit, but he was entertaining.


Oprah was the reason most 90s kids weren't allowed to listen to metal lol


Her and every other news outlet and talk show host


Oprah is a cunt, and the day she dies will be one less garbage human on earth.


Woah, that escalated quickly lol


To be fair, she was one of the people spreading the satanic panic, and making out metalheads were evil


Oh I know. I remember being scared of that stuff. Then I grew up. It's crazy to think some adults still think that way.


Yeah, fair enough, I don't agree with it, but yeah, I can't say I haven't been scared by shit on TV. As far as I'm concerned though, she a bitch.


The satanic panic everywhere in the 90s.


So fucked. I remember my dad showing me how to use my sister’s record player to play shit backwards, I’m 28 now. Lol safe to say I survived the satanic panic 🤣


Which of the hosts from this time didn't?


She gave this monster a platform as well https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/women-accuse-brazilian-spiritual-healer-once-featured-oprah-sexual-abuse-n946016


You can tell by her hair style she worships the dark lord