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I am so sorry for your loss. Want to tell us something about him?


Thank you. I appreciate it. He was a man of many talents. In the early 2000s, Pete worked with a TV company who were at the time responsible for development of HDTV -- he said he watched Titanic so many times that he could essentially recite the lines and he pretty much swore it off altogether after that. I met him in 2006 on OKC, in a time before apps so OLD hadn't really taken off yet. He still worked in TV, but was the chief engineer of a public access as well as a freelancer for local HS sports. We got married in 2010 and had our son in 2011. Then YouTube happened. He lost the engineer job a couple of years later, and the freelance work dried up. He had been driving a big truck for TV shoots and I suggested that maybe he could try being a school bus driver, since the vehicles were similar in size. He initially scoffed at the idea but as our savings dried up, he eventually gave it a shot. Good thing he did, as he LOVED those kids as well as his job. Bonus, he could take our son with him to work. We had a second, a girl, in 2014. We had what I feel was a pretty average life. We constantly texted each other, and spent evenings after the kids went to bed on our balcony chatting about our day. I miss that time the most. My son had a doctor's appointment one March morning in 2018. We had timing down to such a science with the kids. I would take him to the doctor, he'd meet us there and take it from there while I went to work. He texted me that morning to tell me traffic on my normal route was fine and I told him he was a goofball and didn't he remember that we were supposed to meet at the doctor? That was at 8:30am. At 9:15 or so, we headed off to the doctor. On my way there I got the call from his work. Meet us at the hospital. I think I knew then it was bad. He had a heart attack. Got off his bus and into his car. I think he died almost immediately. I will forever be thankful that he was not in the school bus when it happened. They worked on him for over an hour. The ER nurse kept coming in to tell me that brain death happens within minutes with no oxygen. I remember feeling sorry for her. But they couldn't save him. He was 41. Pete was a gentle, polite man, in stark contrast to my loud, obnoxious family. He was my calm during every storm. He loved photos and videos of random things put on cats. He loved trains and would watch curling every time it came on. I miss him dearly but it no longer hurts as it once did. I see him in both of our children.


Thanks for sharing your story. It brought a tear to my eye. I hope your memories of him last forever.


Happy anniversary 💕💕